« XUL Reference « 全部 XUL 元素 (按英文字母顺序排列) action arrowscrollbox assign bbox binding bindings box broadcaster broadcasterset button browser checkbox caption colorpicker column columns commandset command conditions content datepicker deck description dialog dialogheader dropmarker editor grid grippy groupbox hbox iframe image key keyset label listbox listcell listcol listcols listhead listheader listitem member menu menubar menuitem menulist menupopup menuseparator notification notificationbox observes overlay page panel param popupset preference preferences prefpane prefwindow progressmeter query queryset radio radiogroup resizer richlistbox richlistitem row rows rule scale script scrollbar scrollbox scrollcorner separator spacer spinbuttons splitter stack statusbar statusbarpanel stringbundle stringbundleset tab tabbrowser (Firefox 3/Gecko 1.9 开始只用于Firefox本身) tabbox tabpanel tabpanels tabs template textnode textbox textbox (Firefox autocomplete) textbox (Mozilla autocomplete) timepicker titlebar toolbar toolbarbutton toolbargrippy toolbaritem toolbarpalette toolbarseparator toolbarset toolbarspacer toolbarspring toolbox tooltip tree treecell treechildren treecol treecols treeitem treerow treeseparator triple vbox where window wizard wizardpage XUL 参考 « XUL Reference « XUL 要素 (按类别排序) WINDOWS dialog overlay page window wizard wizardpage preference preferences prefpane prefwindow WINDOW STRUCTURE browser tabbrowser editor iframe titlebar resizer statusbar statusbarpanel dialogheader notification notificationbox MENUS AND POPUPS menubar menu menuitem menuseparator menupopup panel tooltip popupset TOOLBARS toolbar toolbarbutton toolbargrippy toolbaritem toolbarpalette toolbarseparator toolbarset toolbarspacer toolbarspring toolbox TABS AND GROUPING tabbox tabs tab tabpanels tabpanel groupbox caption separator spacer CONTROLS button checkbox colorpicker datepicker menulist progressmeter radio radiogroup scale splitter textbox textbox (Firefox autocomplete) textbox (Mozilla autocomplete) timepicker TEXT AND IMAGES description label image LISTS listbox listitem listcell listcol listcols listhead listheader richlistbox richlistitem TREES tree treecell treechildren treecol treecols treeitem treerow treeseparator LAYOUT box hbox vbox bbox deck stack grid columns column rows row scrollbox TEMPLATES action assign binding bindings conditions content member param query queryset rule template textnode triple where SCRIPTING script commandset command broadcaster broadcasterset observes key keyset stringbundle stringbundleset HELPER ELEMENTS arrowscrollbox dropmarker grippy scrollbar scrollcorner spinbuttons 更多XUL相关列表 全部XUL属性 全部XUL特性 全部XUL方法 Attributes defined for all XUL elements Style Klassen Event handlers Deprecated/Defunct Markup