Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

An element that displays only one of its children at a time. The selectedIndex attribute determines which child is displayed.

More information is available in the XUL tutorial.

selectedIndex, selectedPanel


<deck selectedIndex="2">
  <description value="This is the first page"/>
  <button label="This is the second page"/>
    <description value="This is the third page"/>
    <button label="This is also the third page"/>


Type: integer
Gets and sets the index of the currently selected panel. The first item is at index 0.


Inherited from XUL element
align, allowevents, allownegativeassertions, class, coalesceduplicatearcs, collapsed, container, containment, context, contextmenu, datasources, dir, empty, equalsize, flags, flex, height, hidden, id, insertafter, insertbefore, left, maxheight, maxwidth, menu, minheight, minwidth, mousethrough, observes, ordinal, orient, pack, persist, popup, position, preference-editable, querytype, ref, removeelement, sortDirection, sortResource, sortResource2, statustext, style, template, tooltip, tooltiptext, top, uri, wait-cursor, width


Type: integer
Returns the index of the currently selected item. You may select an item by assigning its index to this property. By assigning -1 to this property, all items will be deselected. Returns -1 if no items are selected
Do not hide panels; the deck element only understands visible panels.
Type: element
Holds a reference to the currently selected panel within a deck element. Assigning a value to this property will modify the selected panel.

Inherited Properties
align, attributes, allowEvents, baseURI, boxObject, builder, childElementCount, childNodes, children, className, clientHeight, clientLeft, clientTop, clientWidth, collapsed, contextMenu, controllers, database, datasources, dir, firstChild, firstElementChild, flex, height, hidden, id, lastChild, lastElementChild, left, localName, maxHeight, maxWidth, menu, minHeight, minWidth, namespaceURI, nextElementSibling, nextSibling, nodeName, nodeType, nodeValue, observes, ordinal, orient, ownerDocument, pack, parentNode, persist, prefix, previousElementSibling, previousSibling, ref, resource, scrollHeight, scrollLeft, scrollTop, scrollWidth, statusText, style, tagName,textContent, tooltip, tooltipText, top, width


Inherited Methods
addEventListener(), appendChild(), blur, click, cloneNode(), compareDocumentPosition, dispatchEvent(), doCommand, focus, getAttribute(), getAttributeNode(), getAttributeNodeNS(), getAttributeNS(), getBoundingClientRect(), getClientRects(), getElementsByAttribute, getElementsByAttributeNS, getElementsByClassName(), getElementsByTagName(), getElementsByTagNameNS(), getFeature, getUserData, hasAttribute(), hasAttributeNS(), hasAttributes(), hasChildNodes(), insertBefore(), isDefaultNamespace(), isEqualNode, isSameNode, isSupported(), lookupNamespaceURI, lookupPrefix, normalize(), querySelector(), querySelectorAll(), removeAttribute(), removeAttributeNode(), removeAttributeNS(), removeChild(), removeEventListener(), replaceChild(), setAttribute(), setAttributeNode(), setAttributeNodeNS(), setAttributeNS(), setUserData


Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sheppy, Laurel, Marsf, MarkFinkle, Pmash, Mgjbot, Ptak82, Dria
 Last updated by: Sheppy,