Found 2889 pages:
# | Page | Tags and summary |
1 | Web API Interfaces | API, Apps, JavaScript, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web, WebAPI |
When writing code for the Web using JavaScript, there are a great many APIs available. Below is a list of all the interfaces (that is, types of objects) that you may be able to use while developing your Web app or site. | ||
2 | AbstractWorker | API, AbstractWorker, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Workers |
The AbstractWorker interface of the Web Workers API abstracts properties and methods common to all kind of workers, being Worker or SharedWorker . |
3 | AbstractWorker.onerror | API, AbstractWorker, EventHandler, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Workers, Workers, onerror |
The AbstractWorker .onerror property of the AbstractWorker interface represents an EventHandler , that is a function to be called when the error event occurs and bubbles through the Worker . |
4 | Alarm API | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, alarm |
The Alarm API allows applications to schedule actions to be run in the future. For example, some applications like alarm-clock, calendar or auto-update might need to utilize the Alarm API to trigger particular device behaviors at specified time points. | ||
5 | AnalyserNode | API, AnalyserNode, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
The AnalyserNode interface represents a node able to provide real-time frequency and time-domain analysis information. It is an AudioNode that passes the audio stream unchanged from the input to the output, but allows you to take the generated data, process it, and create audio visualizations. |
6 | AnalyserNode.fftSize | API, AnalyserNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, fftSize |
The fftSize property of the AnalyserNode interface is an unsigned long value representing the size of the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) to be used to determine the frequency domain. |
7 | AnalyserNode.frequencyBinCount | API, AnalyserNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, frequencyBinCount |
The frequencyBinCount property of the AnalyserNode interface is an unsigned long value half that of the FFT size. This generally equates to the number of data values you will have to play with for the visualization. |
8 | AnalyserNode.getByteFrequencyData() | API, AnalyserNode, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, getByteFrequencyData |
A Uint8Array . |
9 | AnalyserNode.getByteTimeDomainData() | API, AnalyserNode, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, getByteTimeDomainData |
A Uint8Array . |
10 | AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData() | API, AnalyserNode, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, getFloatFrequencyData |
A Float32Array . |
11 | AnalyserNode.getFloatTimeDomainData() | API, AnalyserNode, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, getFloatTimeDomainData |
A Float32Array . |
12 | AnalyserNode.maxDecibels | API, AnalyserNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, maxDecibels |
The maxDecibels property of the AnalyserNode interface Is a double value representing the maximum power value in the scaling range for the FFT analysis data, for conversion to unsigned byte/float values — basically, this specifies the maximum value for the range of results when using getFloatFrequencyData() or getByteFrequencyData() . |
13 | AnalyserNode.minDecibels | API, AnalyserNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, minDecibels |
The minDecibels property of the AnalyserNode interface Is a double value representing the minimum power value in the scaling range for the FFT analysis data, for conversion to unsigned byte/float values — basically, this specifies the minimum value for the range of results when using getFloatFrequencyData() or getByteFrequencyData() . |
14 | AnalyserNode.smoothingTimeConstant | API, AnalyserNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, smoothingTimeConstant |
The smoothingTimeConstant property of the AnalyserNode interface is a double value representing the averaging constant with the last analysis frame. It's basically an averagebetween the current buffer and the last buffer the AnalyserNode processed, and results in a much smoother set of value changes over time. |
15 | Animation | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, NeedsContent, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Animations |
The Animation interface represents a single animation player and provides playback controls and a timeline for an animation node or source. |
16 | Animation.currentTime | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Animations |
The Animation .currentTime property returns or sets the current time of the animation if it is running, or null if the animation is paused. |
17 | Animation.finish() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Animations |
An InvalidState error is raised if the player's playback rate is 0 or the player's playback rate is greater than 0 and the end time of the animation is infinity. |
18 | Animation.pause() | Experimental, Expérimental, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI, method |
The following example shows | ||
19 | | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Animations |
The following example uses play() to toggle from a "before" image to an "after" image. This could be paired with similar code to do the opposite using reverse() . |
20 | Animation.playState | API, AnimationPlayer, Experimental, Expérimental, Property, Read-only, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Animations |
The Animation .playState read-only property is an enumerated value describing the playback state of an animation: |
21 | Animation.playbackRate | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Animations |
The Animation .playbackRate property returns or sets the playback rate of the animation. |
22 | Animation.reverse() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Animations |
The following example uses reverse() to toggle from an "after" image to a "before" image. This would be paired with similar code to do the opposite using play(). | ||
23 | Animation.startTime | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Animations |
The Animation .startTime property returns or sets the scheduled time when an animation's playback should begin. |
24 | AnimationEvent | API, CSS, CSS Animations, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The AnimationEvent interface represents events providing information related to animations. |
25 | AnimationEvent() | API, AnimationEvent, CSS Animations, CSSOM, Constructor, Experimental, Expérimental, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The AnimationEvent() constructor returns a newly created AnimationEvent , representing an event in relation with an animation. |
26 | AnimationEvent.animationName | API, AnimationEvent, CSS Animations, CSSOM, Experimental, Expérimental, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The AnimationEvent.animationName read-only property is a DOMString containing the value of the animation-name CSS property associated with the transition. |
27 | AnimationEvent.elapsedTime | API, AnimationEvent, CSS Animations, CSSOM, Experimental, Expérimental, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The AnimationEvent.elapsedTime read-only property is a float giving the amount of time the animation has been running, in seconds, when this event fired, excluding any time the animation was paused. For an "animationstart" event, elapsedTime is 0.0 unless there was a negative value for animation-delay , in which case the event will be fired with elapsedTime containing (-1 * delay) . |
28 | AnimationEvent.initAnimationEvent() | API, AnimationEvent, CSS Animations, CSSOM, Method, Non-standard, Obsolete |
The AnimationEvent.initAnimationEvent() method Initializes an animation event created using the deprecated Document.createEvent("AnimationEvent") method. |
29 | AnimationEvent.pseudoElement | API, AnimationEvent, CSS, CSS Animations, CSSOM, Experimental, Expérimental, Property, Reference, Référence |
The AnimationEvent.pseudoElement read-only property is a DOMString , starting with '::' , containing the name of the pseudo-element the animation runs on. If the animation doesn't run on a pseudo-element but on the element, an empty string: '' . |
30 | ArrayBufferView | API, Interface, JavaScript, Reference, Référence, Typed Arrays |
ArrayBufferView is a helper type representing any of the following JavaScript TypedArray types: |
31 | Attr | API, DOM |
This type represents a DOM element's attribute as an object. In most DOM methods, you will probably directly retrieve the attribute as a string (e.g., Element.getAttribute() , but certain functions (e.g., Element.getAttributeNode() ) or means of iterating give Attr types. |
32 | AudioBuffer | API, AudioBuffer, Interface, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
Objects of these types are designed to hold small audio snippets, typically less than 45 s. For longer sounds, objects implementing the MediaElementAudioSourceNode are more suitable. The buffer contains data in the following format: non-interleaved IEEE754 32-bit linear PCM with a nominal range between -1 and +1 , that is, 32bits floating point buffer, with each samples between -1.0 and 1.0. If the AudioBuffer has multiple channels, they are stored in separate buffer. |
33 | AudioBuffer.copyFromChannel() | API, AudioBuffer, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, copyFromChannel |
The copyFromChannel() method of the AudioBuffer interface copies the samples from the specified channel of the AudioBuffer to the destination array. |
34 | AudioBuffer.copyToChannel() | API, AudioBuffer, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, copyToChannel |
The copyToChannel() method of the AudioBuffer interface copies the samples to the specified channel of the AudioBuffer , from the source array. |
35 | AudioBuffer.duration | API, AudioBuffer, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, duration |
A double. | ||
36 | AudioBuffer.getChannelData() | API, AudioBuffer, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
A Float32Array . |
37 | AudioBuffer.length | API, AudioBuffer, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, length |
A float. | ||
38 | AudioBuffer.numberOfChannels | API, AudioBuffer, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, numberOfChannels |
An integer. | ||
39 | AudioBuffer.sampleRate | API, AudioBuffer, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, sampleRate |
A float. | ||
40 | AudioBufferSourceNode | API, Audio, AudioBufferSourceNode, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
The AudioBufferSourceNode interface represents an audio source consisting of in-memory audio data, stored in an AudioBuffer . It is an AudioNode that acts as an audio source. |
41 | AudioBufferSourceNode.buffer | API, Audio, AudioBufferSourceNode, Buffer, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
If the buffer property is set to the value NULL, it defines a single channel of silence. |
42 | AudioBufferSourceNode.detune | API, AudioBufferSourceNode, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, detune |
Technical review completed. Editorial review completed. | ||
43 | AudioBufferSourceNode.loop | API, AudioBufferSourceNode, Loop, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
The loop property's default value is false . |
44 | AudioBufferSourceNode.loopEnd | API, AudioBufferSourceNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, loopEnd |
The loopEnd property's default value is 0 . |
45 | AudioBufferSourceNode.loopStart | API, AudioBufferSourceNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, loopStart |
The loopStart property's default value is 0 . |
46 | AudioBufferSourceNode.onended | API, AudioBufferSourceNode, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, onended |
The onended event handler of the AudioBufferSourceNode contains the callback associated with the ended event: this allows you to run code in response to the audio track finishing playback. |
47 | AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate | API, AudioBufferSourceNode, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, playbackRate |
The default value is 1.0 . When set to another value, the AudioBufferSourceNode applies pitch correction to the modified audio before sending it to the output. |
48 | AudioBufferSourceNode.start() | API, AudioBufferSourceNode, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, start |
The most simple example just starts the audio buffer playing from the beginning — you don't need to specify any parameters in this case: | ||
49 | AudioBufferSourceNode.stop() | API, AudioBufferSourceNode, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, stop |
The most simple example just stops the audio buffer playing immediately — you don't need to specify any parameters in this case: | ||
50 | AudioChannelManager | API, AudioChannelManager, AudioChannels, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, audio |
The AudioChannelManager interface of the AudioChannels API includes features for managing your device's audio channels, including setting what channel's volume to affect when the volume buttons are pressed inside a particular app. |
51 | AudioChannelManager.headphones | API, AudioChannelManager, AudioChannels, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, audio, headphones |
The headphones read-only property of the AudioChannelManager interface returns a Boolean that indicates whether headphones are plugged into the device. A true value means that headphone are plugged in; false means they aren't. |
52 | AudioChannelManager.onheadphoneschange | API, AudioChannelManager, AudioChannels, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, audio, onheadphoneschange |
The onheadphoneschange event handler of the AudioChannelManager interface fires when the device's headphones are plugged in or unplugged. |
53 | AudioChannelManager.telephonySpeaker | API, AudioChannelManager, AudioChannels, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, audio, telephonySpeaker |
The telephonySpeaker property of the AudioChannelManager interface returns a Boolean that allows you to set whether the "telephony" audio channel should be played out of the device's speakers. |
54 | AudioChannelManager.volumeControlChannel | API, AudioChannelManager, AudioChannels, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, audio, volumeControlChannel |
The volumeControlChannel property of the AudioChannelManager interface returns a DOMString that allows you to set which audio channel should have its volume changed when you press the device's hardware volume controls. |
55 | AudioChannels API | API, AudioChannels, B2G, Firefox OS, Reference, Référence, audio |
The AudioChannels API is a currently-Firefox OS-only feature allowing you to place your app audio content into a hierarchy of importance, which dictates when the audio will be paused and resumed in response to other audio playing and actions occurring and allows you to control the volume of different types of audio independently from one another. | ||
56 | Using the AudioChannels API | API, AudioChannels, B2G, Firefox OS, Guide, Non-standard, audio |
The different audio channels are as follows: | ||
57 | AudioContext | API, Guide, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
An AudioContext can be a target of events, therefore it implements the EventTarget interface. |
58 | AudioContext.close() | API, AudioContext, Media, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, close |
The close() method of the AudioContext Interface closes the audio context, releasing any system audio resources that it uses. |
59 | AudioContext.createAnalyser() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createAnalyser |
An AnalyserNode . |
60 | AudioContext.createBiquadFilter() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createBiquadFilter |
A BiquadFilterNode . |
61 | AudioContext.createBuffer() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createBuffer |
An AudioBuffer . |
62 | AudioContext.createBufferSource() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createBufferSource |
An AudioBufferSourceNode . |
63 | AudioContext.createChannelMerger() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createChannelMerger |
A ChannelMergerNode . |
64 | AudioContext.createChannelSplitter() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createChannelSplitter |
A ChannelSplitterNode . |
65 | AudioContext.createConvolver() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createConvolver |
A ConvolverNode . |
66 | AudioContext.createDelay() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createDelay |
A DelayNode . |
67 | AudioContext.createDynamicsCompressor() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createDynamicsCompressor |
Compression lowers the volume of the loudest parts of the signal and raises the volume of the softest parts. Overall, a louder, richer, and fuller sound can be achieved. It is especially important in games and musical applications where large numbers of individual sounds are played simultaneously, where you want to control the overall signal level and help avoid clipping (distorting) of the audio output. | ||
68 | AudioContext.createGain() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createGain |
A GainNode . |
69 | AudioContext.createJavaScriptNode() | API, Method, Obsolete, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, createJavaScriptNode |
No summary! | ||
70 | AudioContext.createMediaElementSource() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createMediaElementSource |
For more details about media element audio source nodes, check out the MediaElementAudioSourceNode reference page. |
71 | AudioContext.createMediaStreamDestination() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createMediaStreamDestination |
The MediaStream is created when the node is created and is accessible via the MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode 's stream attribute. This stream can be used in a similar way as a MediaStream obtained via navigator.getUserMedia — it can, for example, be sent to a remote peer using the RTCPeerConnection addStream() method. |
72 | AudioContext.createMediaStreamSource() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createMediastreamSource |
For more details about media stream audio source nodes, check out the MediaStreamAudioSourceNode reference page. |
73 | AudioContext.createOscillator() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createOscillator |
An OscillatorNode . |
74 | AudioContext.createPanner() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createPanner |
The panner node is spatialized in relation to the AudioContext's AudioListener (defined by the AudioContext.listener attribute), which represents the position and orientation of the person listening to the audio. |
75 | AudioContext.createPeriodicWave() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createPeriodicWave |
A PeriodicWave . |
76 | AudioContext.createScriptProcessor() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createScriptProcessor |
A ScriptProcessorNode . |
77 | AudioContext.createStereoPanner() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createStereoPanner |
A StereoPannerNode . |
78 | AudioContext.createWaveShaper() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, createWaveShaper |
A WaveShaperNode . |
79 | AudioContext.createWaveTable() | API, Method, Obsolete, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API |
80 | AudioContext.currentTime | API, AudioContext, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, currentTime |
A double. | ||
81 | AudioContext.decodeAudioData() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, decodeAudioData |
This is the preferred method of creating an audio source for Web Audio API from an audio track. | ||
82 | AudioContext.destination | API, AudioContext, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, destination |
An AudioDestinationNode . |
83 | AudioContext.listener | API, AudioContext, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, listener, spatialization |
An AudioListener object. |
84 | AudioContext.mozAudioChannelType | API, AudioChannels, AudioContext, NeedsExample, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, mozAudioChannelType |
The readonly mozAudioChannelType property of the AudioContext interface can be used to set the audio channel that the sound playing in an audio context element will play in, on a Firefox OS device. |
85 | AudioContext.onstatechange | API, AudioContext, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, events, onstatechange |
Technical review completed. Editorial review completed. | ||
86 | AudioContext.resume() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, resume |
The resume() method of the AudioContext Interface resumes the progression of time in an audio context that has previously been suspended. |
87 | AudioContext.sampleRate | API, AudioContext, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, sampleRate |
A floating point number. | ||
88 | AudioContext.state | API, Audio, AudioContext, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, state |
A DOMString . Possible values are: |
89 | AudioContext.suspend() | API, AudioContext, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, suspend |
The suspend() method of the AudioContext Interface suspends the progression of time in the audio context, temporarily halting audio hardware access and reducing CPU/battery usage in the process — this is useful if you want an application to power down the audio hardware when it will not be using an audio context for a while. |
90 | AudioDestinationNode | API, AudioDestinationNode, Interface, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, WebAPI, audio |
AudioDestinationNode has no output (as it is the output, no more AudioNode can be linked after it in the audio graph) and one input. The amount of channels in the input must be between 0 and the maxChannelCount value or an exception is raised. |
91 | AudioDestinationNode.maxChannelCount | API, AudioDestinationNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, maxChannelCount |
An unsigned long . |
92 | AudioListener | API, AudioListener, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, WebAPI, audio |
It is important to note that there is only one listener per context and that it isn't an AudioNode . |
93 | AudioListener.dopplerFactor | API, AudioListener, Deprecated, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, dopplerFactor |
A double. | ||
94 | AudioListener.setOrientation() | API, AudioListener, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, setOrientation |
Void. | ||
95 | AudioListener.setPosition() | API, AudioListener, Deprecated, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, setPosition |
Void. | ||
96 | AudioListener.speedOfSound | API, AudioListener, Deprecated, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, speedOfSound |
The speedOfSound property of the AudioListener interface is a double value representing the speed of sound, in meters per second. |
97 | AudioNode | API, AudioNode, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, WebAPI, audio |
The AudioNode interface is a generic interface for representing an audio processing module like an audio source (e.g. an HTML <audio> or <video> element, an OscillatorNode , etc.), the audio destination, intermediate processing module (e.g. a filter like BiquadFilterNode or ConvolverNode ), or volume control (like GainNode ). |
98 | AudioNode.channelCount | API, AudioNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, channelCount |
channelCount 's usage and precise definition depend on the value of AudioNode.channelCountMode : |
99 | AudioNode.channelCountMode | API, AudioNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, channelCountMode |
The possible values of channelCountMode and their meanings are: |
100 | AudioNode.channelInterpretation | API, AudioNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, channelInterpretation |
When the amount of channels doesn't match between an input and an output, up- or down-mixing happens according the following rules. This can be somewhat controlled by setting the AudioNode.channelInterpretation property to speakers or discrete . |
101 | AudioNode.connect(AudioNode) | API, AudioNode, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, connect |
Void. | ||
102 | AudioNode.connect(AudioParam) | API, AudioNode, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, connect |
It is possible to connect an AudioNode output to more than one AudioParam , and more than one AudioNode output to a single AudioParam , with multiple calls to connect() . Fan-in and fan-out are therefore supported. |
103 | AudioNode.context | API, AudioNode, Context, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
An AudioContext object. |
104 | AudioNode.disconnect() | API, Audio, AudioNode, Disconnect, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, method |
Void. | ||
105 | AudioNode.numberOfInputs | API, AudioNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, numberOfInputs |
An integer. | ||
106 | AudioNode.numberOfOutputs | API, AudioNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, numberOfOutputs |
An integer. | ||
107 | AudioParam | API, AudioParam, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, WebAPI, audio |
There are two kinds of AudioParam , a-rate and k-rate parameters: |
108 | AudioParam.cancelScheduledValues() | API, AudioParam, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, cancelScheduledValues |
void. | ||
109 | AudioParam.defaultValue | API, AudioParam, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, defaultValue |
A float. | ||
110 | AudioParam.exponentialRampToValueAtTime() | API, AudioParam, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, exponentialRampToValueAtTime |
void. | ||
111 | AudioParam.linearRampToValueAtTime() | API, Audio, AudioParam, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, linearRampToValueAtTime |
NOTE: both the example and live example are incorrect, see | ||
112 | AudioParam.setTargetAtTime() | API, AudioParam, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, setTargetAtTime |
The change starts at the time specified in startTime and exponentially moves towards the value given by the target parameter. The exponential decay rate is defined by the timeConstant parameter. This is the time it takes a first-order linear continuous time-invariant system to reach the value 1 - 1/e (around 63.2%) given a step input response (transition from 0 to 1 value): basically, the larger it is, the slower the transition will be. This is useful for decay or release portions of envelopes. |
113 | AudioParam.setValueAtTime() | API, AudioParam, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, setValueAtTime |
void. | ||
114 | AudioParam.setValueCurveAtTime() | API, AudioParam, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, setValueCurveAtTime |
void. | ||
115 | AudioParam.value | API, AudioParam, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, value |
Though value can be set, any modifications happening while there are automation events scheduled — that is, events scheduled using the methods of the AudioParam — are ignored, without raising any exception. |
116 | AudioProcessingEvent | API, Deprecated, Interface, Internationalization, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, WebAPI, audio |
The list below includes the properties inherited from its parent, Event . |
117 | Battery Status API | API, Apps, Battery, Firefox OS, Guide, Mobile, WebAPI |
The Battery Status API, more often referred to as the Battery API, provides information about the system's battery charge level and lets you be notified by events that are sent when the battery level or charging status change. This can be used to adjust your app's resource usage to reduce battery drain when the battery is low, or to save changes before the battery runs out in order to prevent data loss. | ||
118 | BatteryManager | API, Battery API, Device API, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The BatteryManager interface provides ways to get information about the system's battery charge level. |
119 | BatteryManager.charging | API, Battery API, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
A Boolean value indicating whether or not the device's battery is currently being charged. | ||
120 | BatteryManager.chargingTime | API, Battery API, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
Indicates the amount of time, in seconds, that remain until the battery is fully charged. | ||
121 | BatteryManager.dischargingTime | API, Battery API, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
Indicates the amount of time, in seconds, that remains until the battery is fully discharged. | ||
122 | BatteryManager.level | API, Battery API, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
Indicates the current battery charge level as a value between 0.0 and 1.0 . |
123 | BatteryManager.onchargingchange | API, Battery API, Event Handler, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
Specifies an event listener to receive chargingchange events. These events occur when the battery charging state is updated. |
124 | BatteryManager.onchargingtimechange | API, Battery API, Event Handler, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
Specifies an event listener to receive chargingtimechange events. These events occur when the battery chargingTime is updated. |
125 | BatteryManager.ondischargingtimechange | API, Battery API, Event Handler, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
Specifies an event listener to receive dischargingtimechange events. These events occur when the battery dischargingTime is updated. |
126 | BatteryManager.onlevelchange | API, Battery API, Event Handler, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
Specifies an event listener to receive levelchange events. These events occur when the battery level is updated. |
127 | BeforeInstallPromptEvent | API, BeforeInstallPromptEvent, Event, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The BeforeInstallPromptEvent is passed into the onbeforeinstallprompt handler and displatched when a web manifest exists, but before a user is prompted to save a web site to a home screen on mobile. |
128 | BeforeUnloadEvent | API, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, events |
The beforeunload event is fired when the window, the document and its resources are about to be unloaded. |
129 | BiquadFilterNode | API, BiquadFilterNode, Interface, NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Audio API, WebAPI, audio |
The BiquadFilterNode interface represents a simple low-order filter, and is created using the AudioContext.createBiquadFilter() method. It is an AudioNode that can represent different kinds of filters, tone control devices, and graphic equalizers. |
130 | BiquadFilterNode.Q | API, BiquadFilterNode, Property, Q, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
An AudioParam . |
131 | BiquadFilterNode.detune | API, BiquadFilterNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, detune |
An a-rate AudioParam . |
132 | BiquadFilterNode.frequency | API, BiquadFilterNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, frequency |
An AudioParam . |
133 | BiquadFilterNode.gain | API, BiquadFilterNode, Gain, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
An AudioParam . |
134 | BiquadFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse() | API, BiquadFilterNode, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, getFrequencyResponse |
A BiquadFilterNode . |
135 | BiquadFilterNode.type | API, BiquadFilterNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Type, Web Audio API, audio |
A string (enum) representing a BiquadFilterType. | ||
136 | Blob | API, Files, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
A Blob object represents a file-like object of immutable, raw data. Blobs represent data that isn't necessarily in a JavaScript-native format. The File interface is based on Blob , inheriting blob functionality and expanding it to support files on the user's system. |
137 | Blob() | API, Blob, Constructor, Experimental, Expérimental, File API, Reference, Référence |
The Blob() constructor returns a new Blob object. The content of the blob consists of the concatenation of the values given in the parameter array. |
138 | Blob.size | API, Files, Property, Reference, Référence, Web API |
Returns the size of the file in bytes. | ||
139 | Blob.slice() | API, Files, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI, method |
The slice is used to create a new Blob object containing the data in the specified range of bytes of the source Blob . |
140 | Blob.type | API, DOM, File, Files, Property, Reference, Référence, file |
The type property of a Blob object provides the MIME type of the file. It returns an empty string if the type couldn't determined. |
141 | BlobBuilder | API, DOM, DOM Reference, File API, Obsolete, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The BlobBuilder interface provides an easy way to construct Blob objects. Just create a BlobBuilder and append chunks of data to it by calling the append() method. When you're done building your blob, call getBlob() to retrieve a Blob containing the data you sent into the blob builder. |
142 | BlobEvent | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Media, Media Stream Recording, Reference, Référence, audio |
The BlobEvent interface represents events associated with a Blob . These blobs are typically, but not necessarily, associated with media content. |
143 | BlobEvent() | API, BlobEvent, Constructor, DOM, DOM Reference, Experimental, Expérimental, Media Stream Encoding, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The BlobEvent() constructor returns a newly created BlobEvent object with an associated Blob . |
144 | | API, BlobEvent, DOM, DOM Reference, Experimental, Expérimental, Media Stream Recording, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The read-only property represents a Blob associated with the event. |
145 | BluetoothAdapter | API, B2G, BluetoothAdapter, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The BluetoothAdapter interface of the Web Bluetooth API is used to handle all the operations requested by Bluetooth networks. A Bluetooth adapter is the physical interface which is used to interact with local Bluetooth device. |
146 | BluetoothAdapter.address | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The address property value provides the address of the device's adapter on the Bluetooth micro-network. |
147 | BluetoothAdapter.answerWaitingCall() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The answerWaitingCall method is used to allow HFP devices to answer a pending incoming call on a CDMA network. |
148 | BluetoothAdapter.class | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The class property value provides the Bluetooth "Class of Device" number of the device's adapter. This number provides much information about the device's capabilities. See the Bluetooth specification 4.0, section 6.26 for further information about the meaning of that number. |
149 | BluetoothAdapter.confirmReceivingFile() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The confirmReceivingFile method is used to accept or reject the incoming file transfer request received from the remote device. |
150 | BluetoothAdapter.connect() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The connect method is used to connect the device's adapter to a specific service of a remote device. |
151 | BluetoothAdapter.connectSco() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The connectSco method is used to allow the device to enable the SCO connection to broadcast and listen to audio to/from the remote devices it is connected to. |
152 | BluetoothAdapter.devices | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The devices property gives direct access to all the Bluetooth devices discovered in the area surrounding the device's adapter. |
153 | BluetoothAdapter.disconnect() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The disconnect method is used to disconnect the device's adapter from a specific service of a remote device. |
154 | BluetoothAdapter.disconnectSco() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The disconnectSco method is used to allow the device to disable the SCO connection with the remote devices it is connected to. |
155 | BluetoothAdapter.discoverable | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The discoverable property indicates if the device is discoverable (true ) or not (false ) by other Bluetooth devices. |
156 | BluetoothAdapter.discoverableTimeout | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The discoverableTimeout property indicates how long (in seconds) the device remains discoverable. |
157 | BluetoothAdapter.discovering | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The discovering property indicates if the device is in the process of discovering (true ) or not (false ) surrounding Bluetooth devices. |
158 | BluetoothAdapter.getConnectedDevices() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The getConnectedDevices method is used to retrieve the full list of all devices connected with a specific service of local adapter. |
159 | BluetoothAdapter.getPairedDevices() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The getPairedDevices method is used to retrieve the full list of all devices paired with the device's adapter. |
160 | BluetoothAdapter.ignoreWaitingCall() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The ignoreWaitingCall method is used to allow HFP devices to dismiss a pending incoming call on a CDMA network. |
161 | BluetoothAdapter.isConnected() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The isConnected method is used to check if a device with a given Bluetooth profile is connected. |
162 | BluetoothAdapter.isScoConnected() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The isScoConnected method is used to allow to know if there is a SCO connection between local and the remote Bluetooth device. |
163 | | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The name property provides the human readable name of the device's adapter. |
164 | BluetoothAdapter.ona2dpstatuschanged | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive a2dpstatuschanged events. Those events occur when an A2DP connection status changes. |
165 | BluetoothAdapter.ondevicefound | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive devicefound events. Those events occur when a Bluetooth device is discovered in the surrounding area. |
166 | BluetoothAdapter.onhfpstatuschanged | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive hfpstatuschanged events. Those events occur when an HFP connection status changes. |
167 | BluetoothAdapter.onpairedstatuschanged | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive pairedstatuschanged events. Those events occur when a pairing process is completed. |
168 | BluetoothAdapter.onrequestmediaplaystatus | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive requestmediaplaystatus events. Those events occur when a remote Bluetooth device queries the current media play status. |
169 | BluetoothAdapter.onscostatuschanged | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive scostatuschanged events. Those events occur when a SCO connection status changes. |
170 | BluetoothAdapter.pair() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The pair method is used to start pairing a remote device with the device's adapter. |
171 | BluetoothAdapter.sendFile() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
Technical review completed. | ||
172 | BluetoothAdapter.sendMediaMetaData() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The sendMediaMetaData method is used to send metadata about media to remote devices connected with the AVRCP 1.3 profile. |
173 | BluetoothAdapter.sendMediaPlayStatus() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The sendMediaPlayStatus method is used to send the play status of the device to remote devices connected with the AVRCP 1.3 profile. |
174 | BluetoothAdapter.setDiscoverable() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The setDiscoverable method is used to change the value of the discoverable property for the device's adapter. |
175 | BluetoothAdapter.setDiscoverableTimeout() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The setDiscoverableTimeout method is used to change the value of the discoverableTimeout property for the device's adapter. |
176 | BluetoothAdapter.setName() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The setName method is used to change the value of the name property for the device's adapter. |
177 | BluetoothAdapter.setPairingConfirmation() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The setPairingConfirmation method is used to send back the pairing confirmation when the device's adapter tries to pair itself with a remote device. |
178 | BluetoothAdapter.setPasskey() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The setPasskey method is used to send back the requested Passkey code when the device's adapter tries to pair itself with a remote device. |
179 | BluetoothAdapter.setPinCode() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The setPinCode method is used to send back the requested PIN code when the device's adapter tries to pair itself with a remote device. |
180 | BluetoothAdapter.startDiscovery() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The startDiscovery method is used to have the device's adapter start seeking for remote devices. |
181 | BluetoothAdapter.stopDiscovery() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The stopDiscovery method is used to have the device's adapter stop seeking for remote devices. |
182 | BluetoothAdapter.stopSendingFile() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The stopSendingFile method is used to abort sending a file to a given remote device. |
183 | BluetoothAdapter.toggleCalls() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The toggleCalls method is used to allow HFP devices to switch from one call to another on a CDMA network. |
184 | BluetoothAdapter.unpair() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The unpair method is used to remove the paired device from the paired device list of the device's adapter. |
185 | BluetoothAdapter.uuids | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The uuids property provides the list of all Bluetooth services' UUIDs the device's adapter is able to provide. See the Bluetooth specification assigned numbers part for an exhaustive list of possible services' UUIDs. |
186 | BluetoothAdapterEvent | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothAdapterEvent, Certified, Events, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth, events |
The BluetoothAdapterEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to a BluetoothAdapter object and its address as the parameter of a adapteradded or adapterremoved event handler (see BluetoothManager.onadapteradded and BluetoothManager.onadapterremoved ), when fired. |
187 | BluetoothAttributeEvent | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothAttributeEvent, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothAttributeEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to changed attributes and their new values as the parameter of attributechanged event handlers (including BluetoothManager.onattributechanged , BluetoothAdapter.onattributechanged , and BluetoothDevice.onattributechanged ), when fired. |
188 | BluetoothClassOfDevice | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothClassOfDevice, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothClassOfDevice interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides identifying/classification information about a given remote Bluetooth device, available at discovery stage. |
189 | BluetoothDevice | API, BluetoothDevice, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothDevice interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides information regarding a given Bluetooth device. |
190 | BluetoothDevice.address | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The address property value provides the address of the device on the Bluetooth micro-network. |
191 | BluetoothDevice.class | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The class property value provides the Bluetooth "Class of Device" number of the device. This number provides much information about the device's capabilities. See the Bluetooth specification 4.0, section 6.26 for further information about the meaning of that number. |
192 | BluetoothDevice.connected | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The connected property indicates if the device is connected to the current device's adapter (true ) or not (false ). |
193 | BluetoothDevice.icon | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The icon property is a string indicating which kind of icon could be used to represent the device. |
194 | | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The name property provides the human readable name of the device. |
195 | BluetoothDevice.paired | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The paired property indicates if the device is paired to the current device's adapter (true ) or not (false ). |
196 | | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The services property provides a list of Bluetooth services the device is able to provide. For a full list of possible Bluetooth services see the Bluetooth specification. |
197 | BluetoothDevice.uuids | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The uuids property provides the list of UUIDs of each Bluetooth service the device is able to provide. For a full list of possible Bluetooth services see the Bluetooth specification. |
198 | BluetoothDeviceEvent | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothDeviceEvent, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The BluetoothDeviceEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to a found/paired device (BluetoothDevice ) object or the address or an unpaired device as the parameter of a devicefound , devicepaired or deviceunpaired event handler (see BluetoothDiscoveryHandle.ondevicefound , BluetoothAdapter.ondevicepaired , BluetoothAdapter.ondeviceunpaired ), when fired. |
199 | BluetoothDeviceEvent.device | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The device property gives access to the device bound to the event. |
200 | BluetoothDiscoveryHandle | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothDiscoveryHandle, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothDiscoveryHandle interface of the Web Bluetooth API is used to notify the current application about the discovery of a remote bluetooth device. |
201 | BluetoothGatt | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothGatt, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothGatt interface of the Web Bluetooth API handles initial communications and connections with Gatt services. |
202 | BluetoothGattCharacteristic | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothGattCharacteristic, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothGattCharacteristic interface of the Web Bluetooth API represents a GATT service characteristic, which includes characteristic definition, value, properties and configuration info, and a list of descriptors that provide related information. |
203 | BluetoothGattCharacteristicEvent | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothGattCharacteristicEvent, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothGattCharacteristicEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to an updated BluetoothGattCharacteristic object as the parameter of the BluetoothGatt.oncharacteristicchanged , handler, when the characteristicchanged event is fired. |
204 | BluetoothGattDescriptor | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothGattDescriptor, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothGattDescriptor interface of the Web Bluetooth API represents a GATT descriptor, which contains related information about a characteristic value. |
205 | BluetoothGattServer | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothGattServer, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothGattServer interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides Bluetooth GATT server functionality to allow creation of Bluetooth Smart/LE services and characteristics. |
206 | BluetoothGattService | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothGattService, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothGattService interface of the Web Bluetooth API represents a service provided by a GATT server, including the service definition, a list of referenced services, and a list of the characteristics of this service. |
207 | BluetoothLeDeviceEvent | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothLeDeviceEvent, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothLeDeviceEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to an LE device BluetoothDevice object and its RSSI value and advertisement record, as the parameter of a devicefound event handler (see BluetoothDiscoveryHandle.ondevicefound ), when fired. |
208 | BluetoothManager | API, B2G, BluetoothManager, Certified, DOM, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The BluetoothManager interface of the Web Bluetooth API allows to access all Bluetooth adapters available on the device. Adapters are the connection interface to connect a Bluetooth device to that device. |
209 | BluetoothManager.enabled | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The enabled property value indicates whether the Bluetooth is turned on (true ) or off (false ). |
210 | BluetoothManager.getDefaultAdapter() | API, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The getDefaultAdapter method is used to retrieve the default adapter used to connect the device to third-party Bluetooth devices. |
211 | BluetoothManager.isConnected() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The isConnected method is used to check if a device with a given Bluetooth profile is connected. |
212 | BluetoothManager.onadapteradded | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive adapteradded events. Those events occur when a Bluetooth adapter is enabled on the device. Each time this event occurs, the BluetoothManager.getDefaultAdapter() method will be able to access the last enabled adapter. |
213 | BluetoothManager.ondisabled | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive disabled events. Those events occur when the device's Bluetooth is turned off. |
214 | BluetoothManager.onenabled | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive enabled events. Those events occur when the device's Bluetooth is turned on. |
215 | BluetoothPairingEvent | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothPairingEvent, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothPairingEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to a device's name and the BluetoothPairingHandle object required for pairing devices as the parameter of pairing-related handlers (for example including BluetoothPairingListener.ondisplaypasskeyreq and BluetoothPairingListener.onenterpincodereq ), when fired. |
216 | BluetoothPairingHandle | API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothPairingHandle, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothPairingHandle interface of the Web Bluetooth API contains the functionality required for completing a device pairing operation, including passkeys, and mechanisms to reply to user-entered pin codes and confirm passkeys. |
217 | BluetoothPairingListener | API, B2G, BluePairingListener, Bluetooth, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth |
The BluetoothPairingListener interface of the Web Bluetooth API defines event handlers triggered for different pairing operations. |
218 | BluetoothStatusChangedEvent | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The BluetoothStatusChangedEvent API provides access to information regarding any change to the status of a Bluetooth device. |
219 | BluetoothStatusChangedEvent.address | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The address property represents the address of the device for which the status has changed in the Bluetooth micro-network. |
220 | BluetoothStatusChangedEvent.status | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI |
The status property indicates if the connection is active (true ) or not (false ). |
221 | Body | API, BODY, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, request |
The Body mixin of the Fetch API represents the body of the response/request, allowing you to declare what its content type is and how it should be handled. |
222 | Body.arrayBuffer() | API, ArrayBuffer, BODY, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The arrayBuffer() method of the Body mixin takes a Response stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise that resolves with an ArrayBuffer . |
223 | Body.blob() | API, BODY, Blob, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The blob() method of the Body mixin takes a Response stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise that resolves with a Blob . |
224 | Body.bodyUsed | API, BODY, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, bodyUsed |
The bodyUsed read-only property of the Body mixin contains a Boolean that indicates whether the body has been read yet. |
225 | Body.formData() | API, BODY, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, FormData, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The formData() method of the Body mixin takes a Response stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise that resolves with a FormData object. |
226 | Body.json() | API, BODY, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, JSON, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The json() method of the Body mixin takes a Response stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise that resolves with an object literal containing the JSON data. |
227 | Body.text() | API, BODY, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Text |
The text() method of the Body mixin takes a Response stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise that resolves with a USVString object (text). |
228 | Broadcast Channel API | API, Broadcast Channel API, HTML API, Overview, Reference, Référence |
The HTML Broadcast Channel API allows simple communication between browsing contexts (that is windows, tabs, frames, or iframes) with the same origin (usually pages from the same site). | ||
229 | BroadcastChannel | API, Broadcast Channel API, Experimental, Expérimental, HTML API, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The BroadcastChannel interface represents a named channel that any browsing context of a given origin can subscribe to. It allows communication between different documents (in different windows, tabs, frames or iframes) of the same origin. Messages are broadcasted via a message event fired at all BroadcastChannel objects listening to the channel. |
230 | BroadcastChannel() | API, Broadcast Channel API, BroadcastChannel, Constructor, Experimental, Expérimental, HTML API, Reference, Référence |
The BroadcastChannel() constructor creates a new BroadcastChannel and connects it to the underlying channel. |
231 | BroadcastChannel.close() | API, Broadcast Channel API, BroadcastChannel, Experimental, Expérimental, HTML API, Method, Reference, Référence |
The BroadcastChannel.close() terminates the connection to the underlying channel, allowing the object to be garbage collected. This is a necessary step to perform as there is no other way for a browser to know that this channel is not needed anymore. |
232 | | Broadcast Channel API, BroadcastChannel, Experimental, Expérimental, HTML API, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The read-only property returns a DOMString , which uniquely identifies the given channel with its name. This name is passed to the BroadcastChannel() constructor at creation time and is therefore read-only. |
233 | BroadcastChannel.onmessage | API, Broadcast Channel API, BroadcastChannel, Event Handler, Experimental, Expérimental, HTML API, Property, Reference, Référence |
The BroadcastChannel.onmessage event handler is a property that specifies the function to execute when a message event, of type MessageEvent , is received by this BroadcastChannel . Such an event is sent by the browser with a message broadcasted to the channel. |
234 | BroadcastChannel.postMessage() | API, Broadcast Channel API, BroadcastChannel, Experimental, Expérimental, HTML API, Method, Reference, Référence |
The BroadcastChannel.postMessage() sends a message, which can be of any kind of Object , to each listener in any browser context with the same origin. The message is transmitted as a message event targeted at each BroadcastChannel bound to the channel. |
235 | ByteString | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Reference, Référence, String, WebAPI, WebIDL |
ByteString is a UTF-8 String that corresponds to the set of all possible sequences of bytes. ByteString maps to a String when returned in JavaScript; generally, it's only used when interfacing with protocols that use bytes and strings interchangably, such as HTTP. |
236 | CDATASection | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Deprecated, Gecko DOM Reference, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
A CDATA Section can be used within XML to include extended portions of unescaped text, such that the symbols < and & do not need escaping as they normally do within XML when used as text. | ||
237 | CSS | API, CSSOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The CSS interface holds useful CSS-related methods. No object with this interface are implemented: it contains only static methods and therefore is a utilitarian interface. |
238 | CSS.escape() | API, CSS, CSSOM, Method, Reference, Référence, Static |
The CSS.escape() static method returns a DOMString containing the escaped string passed as parameter, mostly for use as part of a CSS selector. |
239 | CSS.supports() | API, CSSOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CSS.supports() static methods returns a Boolean value indicating if the browser supports a given CSS feature, or not. |
240 | CSS Font Loading API | API, CSSFontLoading, NeedsContent, Reference, Référence |
The CSS Font Loading API provides events and interfaces for dynamically loading font resources. | ||
241 | CSS Object Model | API, CSSOM, Reference, Référence |
The CSS Object Model is a set of APIs allowing to manipulate CSS from JavaScript. It is the pendant of DOM and HTML APIs, but for CSS. It allows to read and modify CSS style dynamically. | ||
242 | Determining the dimensions of elements | CSSOM View, Client width, Guide, Intermediate, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsSpecTable, client height, offsetHeight, offsetWidth, size of displayed content |
There are several properties you can look at in order to determine the width and height of elements, and it can be tricky to determine which is the right one for your needs. This article is designed to help you make that decision. Note that all these properties are read-only. If you want to set the width and height of an element, use width and height; or, the overriding min-width and max-width , and min-height and max-height properties. |
243 | Managing screen orientation | Advanced, CSSOM View, Guide, Screen Orientation |
Screen orientation is something slightly different than device orientation. Even if a device doesn't have the capacity to detect its own orientation, a screen always has one. And if a device is able to know its orientation, it's good to have the ability to control the screen orientation in order to preserve or adapt the interface of a web application. | ||
244 | Using dynamic styling information | Beginner, CSSOM, NeedsBeginnerUpdate |
The CSS Object Model (CSSOM), part of the DOM, exposes specific interfaces allowing manipulation of a wide amount of information regarding CSS. Initially defined in the DOM Level 2 Style recommendation, these interfaces forms now a specification, CSS Object Model (CSSOM) which aims at superseding it. | ||
245 | CSSConditionRule | API, CSSOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
An object implementing the CSSConditionRule interface represents a single condition CSS at-rule, which consists of a condition and a statement block. It is a child of CSSGroupingRule . |
246 | CSSCounterStyleRule | API, Interface, NeedsContent, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
The CSSCounterStyleRule interface represents … |
247 | CSSGroupingRule | API, CSSOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
An object implementing the CSSGroupingRule interface represents any CSS at-rule that contains other rules nested in it. |
248 | CSSKeyframeRule | API, CSS Animations, CSSOM, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The CSSKeyframeRule interface describes an object representing a set of style for a given keyframe. It corresponds to the contains of a single keyframe of a @keyframes at-rule. It implements the CSSRule interface with a type value of 8 (CSSRule.KEYFRAME_RULE ). |
249 | CSSKeyframesRule | API, CSS Animations, CSSOM, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The CSSKeyframesRule interface describes an object representing a complete set of keyframes for a CSS animation. It corresponds to the contains of a whole @keyframes at-rule. It implements the CSSRule interface with a type value of 7 (CSSRule.KEYFRAMES_RULE ). |
250 | CSSMatrix | API, Non-standard, Reference, Référence |
A CSSMatrix represents a homogeneous 4x4 matrix to which 2D or 3D transforms can be applied. This class was allegedly part of CSS Transitions Module Level 3 at some point, but is not present in the current Working Draft. Use DOMMatrix instead. |
251 | CSSMediaRule | API, CSSOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The CSSMediaRule is an interface representing a single CSS @media rule. It implements the CSSConditionRule interface, and therefore the CSSGroupingRule and the CSSRule interface with a type value of 4 (CSSRule.MEDIA_RULE ). |
252 | CSSNamespaceRule | API, CSSOM, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The CSSNamespaceRule interface describes an object representing a single CSS @namespace at-rule. It implements the CSSRule interface, with a type value of 10 (CSSRule.NAMESPACE_RULE ). |
253 | CSSPageRule | API, CSSOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
CSSPageRule is an interface representing a single CSS @page rule. It implements the CSSRule interface with a type value of 6 (CSSRule.PAGE_RULE ). |
254 | CSSRule | API, CSSOM, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence |
An object implementing the CSSRule DOM interface represents a single CSS at-rule. References to a CSSRule -implementing object may be obtained by looking at a CSS style sheet's cssRules list. |
255 | CSSRule.cssText | API, CSSOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsSpecTable, NeedsWarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
cssText returns the actual text of the style rule. To be able to set a stylesheet rule dynamically, see Using dynamic styling information. | ||
256 | CSSRule.parentStyleSheet | API, CSSOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
parentStyleSheet returns the stylesheet object in which the current rule is defined. | ||
257 | CSSRuleList | API, CSSOM, Interface, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsCompatTable, Reference, Référence |
A CSSRuleList is an array-like object containing an ordered collection of CSSRule objects. |
258 | CSSStyleDeclaration | API, CSSOM, Interface, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
CSSStyleDeclaration represents a collection of CSS property-value pairs. It is used in a few APIs: |
259 | CSSStyleRule | API, CSSOM, Interface, NeedsCompatData, Reference, Référence |
CSSStyleRule represents a single CSS style rule. It implements the CSSRule interface with a type value of 1 (CSSRule.STYLE_RULE ). |
260 | CSSStyleRule.selectorText | API, CSSOM, CSSStyleRule, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The CSSRule.selectorText property gets the textual representation of the selector for the rule set. This is implemented in a readonly manner; to set stylesheet rules dynamically, see Using dynamic styling information. |
261 | | API, CSSOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The property is the CSSStyleDeclaration interface for the declaration block of the CSSRule . |
262 | CSSStyleSheet | API, CSSOM, Reference, Référence |
An object implementing the CSSStyleSheet interface represents a single CSS style sheet. |
263 | CSSStyleSheet.deleteRule() | API, CSSOM, CSSStyleSheet, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The CSSStyleSheet.deleteRule() method removes a style rule from the current style sheet object. |
264 | CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() | API, CSSOM, CSSStyleSheet, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() method inserts a new style rule into the current style sheet. |
265 | CSSSupportsRule | API, CSSOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The CSSSupportsRule interface describes an object representing a single CSS @supports at-rule. It implements the CSSConditionRule interface, and therefore the CSSRule and CSSGroupingRule interfaces with a type value of 12 (CSSRule.SUPPORTS_RULE ). |
266 | Cache | API, Cache, Draft, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Offline, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, Storage |
The Cache interface of the ServiceWorker API represents the storage for Request / Response object pairs that are cached as part of the ServiceWorker life cycle. |
267 | Cache.add() | API, Add, Cache, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker |
The add() method of the Cache interface takes a URL, retrieves it and adds the resulting response object to the given cache. The add() method is functionally equivalent to the following: |
268 | Cache.addAll() | API, Cache, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, Service workers, ServiceWorker, addAll |
The addAll() method of the Cache interface takes an array of URLS, retrieves them, and adds the resulting response objects to the given cache. The request objects created during retrieval become keys to the stored response operations. |
269 | Cache.delete() | API, Cache, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, NeedsContent, NeedsExample, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, delete |
The delete() method of the Cache interface finds the Cache entry whose key is the request, and if found, deletes the Cache entry and returns a Promise that resolves to true . If no Cache entry is found, it returns false . |
270 | Cache.keys() | API, Cache, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, keys |
The keys() method of the Cache interface returns a Promise that resolves to an array of Cache keys. |
271 | Cache.match() | API, Cache, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, match |
The match() method of the Cache interface returns a Promise that resolves to the Response associated with the first matching request in the Cache object. |
272 | Cache.matchAll() | API, Cache, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, matchAll |
The matchAll() method of the Cache interface returns a Promise that resolves to an array of all matching requests in the Cache object. |
273 | Cache.put() | API, Cache, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, put |
The put() method of the Cache interface allows key/value pairs to be added to the current Cache object. |
274 | CacheStorage | API, CacheStorage, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker |
The CacheStorage interface of the ServiceWorker API represents the storage for Cache objects. It provides a master directory of all the named caches that a ServiceWorker can access and maintains a mapping of string names to corresponding Cache objects. |
275 | CacheStorage.delete() | API, CacheStorage, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, delete |
The delete () method of the CacheStorage interface finds the Cache object matching the cacheName , and if found, deletes the Cache object and returns a Promise that resolves to true . If no Cache object is found, it returns false . |
276 | CacheStorage.has() | API, CacheStorage, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, has |
The has() method of the CacheStorage interface returns a Promise that resolves to true if a Cache object matches the cacheName . |
277 | CacheStorage.keys() | API, CacheStorage, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, keys |
The keys () method of the CacheStorage interface returns a Promise that will resolve with an array containing strings corresponding to all of the named Cache objects tracked by the CacheStorage object. Use this method to iterate over a list of all Cache objects. |
278 | CacheStorage.match() | API, CacheStorage, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, match |
The match() method of the CacheStorage interface checks if a given Request is a key in any of the Cache objects that the CacheStorage object tracks and returns a Promise that resolves to the matching Response . |
279 | | API, CacheStorage, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, open |
The open() method of the CacheStorage interface returns a Promise that resolves to the Cache object matching the cacheName . |
280 | CallEvent | API, B2G, CallEvent, Event, Firefox OS, Interface, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI, events |
The CallEvent interface of the Web Telephony API represents events related to telephone calls. |
281 | | API, B2G, Call, CallEvent, Event, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI |
The call read-only property of the CallEvent interface returns a TelephonyCall object indicating the call from which the event originated. |
282 | Camera API | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The Camera API allows applications to manage the camera of the device. It allows them to take photographs, record videos, and get information like the focus, the zoom, the white balance, the flash, … It is a priviledged API and can only be used by certified applications. | ||
283 | CameraCapabilities | API, B2G, Certified Only, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The CameraControl.capabilities property returns a CameraCapabilities object, which describes all the camera's capabilities. |
284 | CameraCapabilities.effects | API, B2G, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The effects property value is an Array identifying the effects (such as normal , sepia , mono , etc.) that the camera supports. |
285 | CameraCapabilities.fileFormats | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The fileFormats property is an Array identifying the file formats supported by the camera, such as jpeg , rgb565 , etc. |
286 | CameraCapabilities.flashModes | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The flashModes property is an Array of strings identifying each of the flash modes supported by the camera. Possible values are auto , off , on or torch . |
287 | CameraCapabilities.focusModes | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The focusModes property is an Array of strings identifying each of the focus modes supported by the camera such as auto , fixed , macro , etc. |
288 | CameraCapabilities.maxExposureCompensation | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The maxExposureCompensation property is a number that defines the maximum supported exposure compensation value. |
289 | CameraCapabilities.maxFocusAreas | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The maxFocusAreas property is a number that defines the maximum number of focus areas supported by the camera. |
290 | CameraCapabilities.maxMeteringAreas | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The maxMeteringAreas property is a number that defines the maximum number of metering areas supported by the camera. |
291 | CameraCapabilities.minExposureCompensation | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The minExposureCompensation property is a number that defines the minimum supported exposure compensation value. |
292 | CameraCapabilities.pictureSizes | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The pictureSizes property is an Array of objects containing the height and width properties supported for picture taking. |
293 | CameraCapabilities.previewSizes | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The previewSizes property is an Array of objects containing the height and width properties supported for the video preview stream. |
294 | CameraCapabilities.recorderProfiles | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The recorderProfiles property is an object with attributes for each of the supported recorder profiles, e.g., recorderProfiles.cif , recorderProfiles.qvga . |
295 | CameraCapabilities.sceneModes | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The sceneModes property is an Array identifying each of the scene modes supported by the camera such as auto , night , beach , etc. |
296 | CameraCapabilities.stepExposureCompensation | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The stepExposureCompensation property is a number that defines the exposure compensation minimum step size. |
297 | CameraCapabilities.videoSizes | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The videoSizes property is an Array of objects containing the height and width properties supported for video recording. |
298 | CameraCapabilities.whiteBalanceModes | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The whiteBalanceModes property is an Array of strings identifiers for each white balance mode supported by the camera such as auto , fluorecent , etc. |
299 | CameraCapabilities.zoomRatios | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The zoomRatios property is an Array of numbers representing all the supported zoom ratios. If the camera has no zoom capabilities, the value is null . |
300 | CameraControl | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
When you use the CameraManager.getCamera() method to get a reference to a camera, you specify a callback function to be invoked on success. That function receives as a parameter a CameraControl object. You can use its methods and properties to manage and make use of the camera. |
301 | CameraControl.autoFocus() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
This method attempts to focus the camera. If the camera is able to attempt to focus, a success callback is issued, regardless of whether or not the focusing attempt succeeds. If unable to attempt to focus, an error callback is performed instead. | ||
302 | CameraControl.capabilities | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The capabilities property return a CameraCapabilities object, which describes the capabilities of the camera. |
303 | CameraControl.effect | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The effect property is a string defining the effect to be used by the camera. When set, its value must be one of the values available in CameraCapabilities.effects . |
304 | CameraControl.exposureCompensation | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The exposureCompensation property value is a number used to compensate the camera exposure. |
305 | CameraControl.flashMode | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Flash, Graphics, JavaScript, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The flashMode property value is a string that defines how the flash, if any, is to be used. When set, its new value must be chosen from the list of options specified by CameraCapabilities.flashModes . |
306 | CameraControl.focalLength | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The focalLength property value is a read-only property that returns a number that expresses the camera's focal length in millimeters. |
307 | CameraControl.focusAreas | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The focusAreas property is an Array of one or more Area objects that define where the camera will perform auto-focusing.When set, if the array contains more objects than the number defined in CameraCapabilities.maxFocusAreas , extra objects will be ignored.If set to null , the camera will determine the auto-focus areas by itself. |
308 | CameraControl.focusDistanceFar | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The focusDistanceFar property value is a distance in meters used with CameraControl.focusDistanceNear to define the image's depth of field. The value for this property may be Infinity . |
309 | CameraControl.focusDistanceNear | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The focusDistanceNear property value is a distance in meters used with CameraControl.focusDistanceFar to define the image's depth of field. |
310 | CameraControl.focusDistanceOptimum | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The focusDistanceOptimum property value is the distance in meters where the subject appears sharpest. |
311 | CameraControl.focusMode | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The focusMode property value is a string that defines which kind of focus mode the camera should use. When set, its new value must be chosen from the list of options specified by CameraCapabilities.focusModes . |
312 | CameraControl.getPreviewStream() | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Gecko DOM Reference, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
This method is used to configure and access a MediaStream from the camera. The resulting stream is ready for you to use to capture still photos. |
313 | CameraControl.getPreviewStreamVideoMode() | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Gecko DOM Reference, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
This method is used to configure and access a MediaStream from the camera. You use the resulting MediaStream object to record video. |
314 | CameraControl.meteringAreas | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The meteringAreas property is an Array of one or more Area objects that define where the camera will perform light metering.If the array contains more objects than the number defined inside CameraCapabilities.maxMeteringAreas , extra objects will be ignored.If set to null , the camera will determine the light metering areas by itself. |
315 | CameraControl.onClosed | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The onClosed property is used to set an event handler that will track when a new CameraControl object in the same app takes over the camera. |
316 | CameraControl.onRecorderStateChange | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The onRecorderStateChange property is used to set an event handler to listen to the recorder state change. This can happen either because the recording process encountered an error, or because one of the recording limits set with CameraControl.startRecording() was reached. |
317 | CameraControl.onShutter | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The onShutter property is used to set an event handler for the camera's "shutter" event, to trigger a shutter sound and/or a visual shutter indicator. |
318 | CameraControl.release() | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Gecko DOM Reference, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
Releases the camera so that other applications can use it. You should call this whenever the camera is not actively being used by your application. | ||
319 | CameraControl.resumePreview() | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Gecko DOM Reference, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
This method is used to resume the preview stream. | ||
320 | CameraControl.sceneMode | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The sceneMode property value is a string that defines the quality of exposure to use while taking pictures. When set, its new value must be chosen from the list of options specified by CameraCapabilities.sceneModes . |
321 | CameraControl.setExposureCompensation() | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Gecko DOM Reference, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
This method is used to change the exposure compensation value. | ||
322 | CameraControl.startRecording() | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Gecko DOM Reference, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
This method is used to start recording a video file on the device; the video is stored as a 3gp file. | ||
323 | CameraControl.stopRecording() | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Gecko DOM Reference, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
Stops recording video on the device; you should call this at some point after calling CameraControl.startRecording() . |
324 | CameraControl.takePicture() | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Gecko DOM Reference, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
Captures a still image from the camera and passes it as a Blob to a success callback handler, which can manipulate the image as you wish (for example, by manipulating its pixel data or storing it). |
325 | CameraControl.whiteBalanceMode | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The whiteBalanceMode property value is a string that defines the white balance mode to use. When set, its new value must be chosen from the list of options specified by CameraCapabilities.whiteBalanceModes . |
326 | CameraControl.zoom | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The zoom property value is a number that defines the zoom factor that is to be used when taking photographs. When set, its new value must be chosen from the list of options specified by CameraCapabilities.zoomRatios . If the new value is not one of those possible values, the new value is rounded to the nearest supported value. |
327 | CameraManager | API, B2G, Certified Only, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
The CameraManager interface provides access to any cameras available on the device being used. |
328 | CameraManager.getCamera() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
This method is used to access to one of the cameras available on the device based on its identifier. You can get a list of the available cameras by calling the CameraManager.getListOfCameras() method. |
329 | CameraManager.getListOfCameras() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera |
This method is used to get an Array of identifiers of all the cameras available on the device. |
330 | Canvas API | API, Canvas, Overview, Reference, Réference, Référence |
Added in HTML5, the HTML <canvas> element can be used to draw graphics via scripting in JavaScript. For example, it can be used to draw graphs, make photo compositions, create animations, or even do real-time video processing or rendering. |
331 | A basic ray-caster | Advanced, Canvas, Example, Graphics, HTML, Web, animation |
332 | Canvas tutorial | Canvas, Graphics, Guide, HTML, HTML5, Intermediate, Web |
This tutorial describes how to use the <canvas> element to draw 2D graphics, starting with the basics. The examples provided should give you some clear ideas what you can do with canvas and will provide code snippets that may get you started in building your own content. |
333 | Advanced animations | Canvas, Graphics, Tutorial |
We are going to use a ball for our animation studies, so let's first draw that ball onto the canvas. The following code will set us up. | ||
334 | Applying styles and colors | Canvas, Graphics, HTML, HTML5, Intermediate, Tutorial |
Up until now we have only seen methods of the drawing context. If we want to apply colors to a shape, there are two important properties we can use: fillStyle and strokeStyle . |
335 | Basic animations | Canvas, Graphics, HTML, HTML5, Intermediate, Tutorial |
Probably the biggest limitation is, that once a shape gets drawn, it stays that way. If we need to move it we have to redraw it and everything that was drawn before it. It takes a lot of time to redraw complex frames and the performance depends highly on the speed of the computer it's running on. | ||
336 | Basic usage of canvas | Canvas, Graphics, HTML, Intermediate, Tutorial |
At first sight a <canvas> looks like the <img> element, with the only clear difference being that it doesn't have the src and alt attributes. Indeed, the <canvas> element has only two attributes, width and height . These are both optional and can also be set using DOM properties. When no width and height attributes are specified, the canvas will initially be 300 pixels wide and 150 pixels high. The element can be sized arbitrarily by CSS, but during rendering the image is scaled to fit its layout size: if the CSS sizing doesn't respect the ratio of the initial canvas, it will appear distorted. |
337 | Compositing and clipping | Canvas, Graphics, HTML, HTML5, Intermediate, Tutorial |
We can not only draw new shapes behind existing shapes but we can also use it to mask off certain areas, clear sections from the canvas (not limited to rectangles like the clearRect() method does) and more. |
338 | Compositing example | Canvas, Example, Graphics, HTML, HTML5, Tutorial |
This sample program demonstrates a number of compositing operations. The output looks like this: | ||
339 | Drawing shapes with canvas | Canvas, Graphics, HTML, HTML Canvas, HTML5, Intermediate, Tutorial |
Before we can start drawing, we need to talk about the canvas grid or coordinate space. Our HTML skeleton from the previous page had a canvas element 150 pixels wide and 150 pixels high. To the right, you see this canvas with the default grid overlayed. Normally 1 unit in the grid corresponds to 1 pixel on the canvas. The origin of this grid is positioned in the top left corner at coordinate (0,0). All elements are placed relative to this origin. So the position of the top left corner of the blue square becomes x pixels from the left and y pixels from the top, at coordinate (x,y). Later in this tutorial we'll see how we can translate the origin to a different position, rotate the grid and even scale it, but for now we'll stick to the default. | ||
340 | Drawing text | Canvas, Graphics, Intermediate, Tutorial |
The canvas rendering context provides two methods to render text: | ||
341 | Finale | Canvas, Graphics, Tutorial |
There are a variety of demos and further explanations about canvas on these sites: | ||
342 | Hit regions and accessibility | Canvas, Graphics, Tutorial |
The content inside the <canvas> ... </canvas> tags can be used as a fallback for browsers which don't support canvas rendering. It's also very useful for assistive technology users (like screen readers) which can read and interpret the sub DOM in it. A good example at demonstrates how this can be done: |
343 | Optimizing canvas | Advanced, Canvas, Graphics, HTML, HTML5, Tutorial |
This article aims to provide suggestions for optimizing your use of the canvas element, to ensure that your Web site or app performs well. | ||
344 | Pixel manipulation with canvas | Canvas, Graphics, Intermediate, Tutorial |
The ImageData object represents the underlying pixel data of an area of a canvas object. It contains the following read-only attributes: |
345 | Transformations | Canvas, Graphics, Guide, HTML, HTML5, Intermediate, Web, guide |
Before we look at the transformation methods, let's look at two other methods which are indispensable once you start generating ever more complex drawings. | ||
346 | Using images | Advanced, Canvas, Graphics, HTML, Tutorial |
Importing images into a canvas is basically a two step process: | ||
347 | Drawing DOM objects into a canvas | Canvas, DOM, Guide, HTML, Intermediate, SVG |
Although it's not trivial (for security reasons), it's possible to draw DOM content—such as HTML—into a canvas. This article, derived from this blog post by Robert O'Callahan, covers how you can do it securely, safely, and in accordance with the specification. | ||
348 | Manipulating video using canvas | Canvas, video |
View this live example. | ||
349 | CanvasCaptureMediaStream | Experimental, Interface, Media Capture, Media capture, Reference, Web |
The CanvasCaptureMediaStream interface represents a MediaStream capturing in real-time the surface of an HTMLCanvasElement . |
350 | CanvasCaptureMediaStream.canvas | CanvasCaptureMediaStream, Experimental, Property, Read-only, Reference, Web |
The CanvasCaptureMediaStream.canvas read-only property returns the HTMLCanvasElement associated with the stream. |
351 | CanvasCaptureMediaStream.requestFrame() | CanvasCaptureMediaStream, Experimental, Method, Reference, method |
The CanvasCaptureMediaStream.requestFrame() method forces a frame to be captured and sent to the stream. This allows to capture partially rendered frames. |
352 | CanvasGradient | API, Canvas, CanvasGradient, Gradients, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasGradient interface represents an opaque object describing a gradient. It is returned by the methods CanvasRenderingContext2D.createLinearGradient() or CanvasRenderingContext2D.createRadialGradient() . |
353 | CanvasGradient.addColorStop() | API, Canvas, CanvasGradient, Gradients, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasGradient .addColorStop() method adds a new stop, defined by an offset and a color , to the gradient. If the offset is not between 0 and 1 , an INDEX_SIZE_ERR is raised, if the color can't be parsed as a CSS <color> , a SYNTAX_ERR is raised. |
354 | CanvasImageSource | API, Canvas, Helper, Reference, Référence |
CanvasImageSource is a helper type representing any objects of one of the following types: HTMLImageElement , HTMLVideoElement , HTMLCanvasElement , CanvasRenderingContext2D , or ImageBitmap . |
355 | CanvasPattern | API, Canvas, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasPattern interface represents an opaque object describing a pattern, based on a image, a canvas or a video, created by the CanvasRenderingContext2D.createPattern() method. |
356 | CanvasPattern.setTransform() | API, Canvas, CanvasPattern, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasPattern .setTransform() method uses an SVGMatrix object as the pattern's transformation matrix and invokes it on the pattern. |
357 | CanvasRenderingContext2D | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Games, Graphics, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D interface provides the 2D rendering context for the drawing surface of a <canvas> element. |
358 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.addHitRegion() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .addHitRegion() method of the Canvas 2D API adds a hit region to the bitmap. This allows you to make hit detection easier, lets you route events to DOM elements, and makes it possible for users to explore the canvas without seeing it. |
359 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.arc() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .arc() method of the Canvas 2D API adds an arc to the path which is centered at (x, y) position with radius r starting at startAngle and ending at endAngle going in the given direction by anticlockwise (defaulting to clockwise). |
360 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.arcTo() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .arcTo() method of the Canvas 2D API adds an arc to the path with the given control points and radius, connected to the previous point by a straight line. |
361 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.asyncDrawXULElement() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence |
The non-standard and internal only CanvasRenderingContext2D .asyncDrawXULElement() method of the Canvas 2D API renders a region of a XUL element into the canvas . |
362 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.beginPath() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .beginPath() method of the Canvas 2D API starts a new path by emptying the list of sub-paths. Call this method when you want to create a new path. |
363 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.bezierCurveTo() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .bezierCurveTo() method of the Canvas 2D API adds a cubic Bézier curve to the path. It requires three points. The first two points are control points and the third one is the end point. The starting point is the last point in the current path, which can be changed using moveTo() before creating the Bézier curve. |
364 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.canvas | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D.canvas property is a read-only reference to the HTMLCanvasElement object that is associated with the context. It might be null if there is no association with an <canvas> element. |
365 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.clearHitRegions() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .clearHitRegions() method of the Canvas 2D API removes all hit regions from the canvas. |
366 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.clearRect() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .clearRect() method of the Canvas 2D API sets all pixels in the rectangle defined by starting point (x, y) and size (width, height) to transparent black, erasing any previously drawn content. |
367 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.clip() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .clip() method of the Canvas 2D API turns the path currently being built into the current clipping path. |
368 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.closePath() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .closePath() method of the Canvas 2D API causes the point of the pen to move back to the start of the current sub-path. It tries to add a straight line (but does not actually draw it) from the current point to the start. If the shape has already been closed or has only one point, this function does nothing. |
369 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.createImageData() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .createImageData() method of the Canvas 2D API creates a new, blank ImageData object with the specified dimensions. All of the pixels in the new object are transparent black. |
370 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.createLinearGradient() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Gradients, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .createLinearGradient() method of the Canvas 2D API creates a gradient along the line given by the coordinates represented by the parameters. This method returns a linear CanvasGradient . |
371 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.createPattern() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .createPattern() method of the Canvas 2D API creates a pattern using the specified image (a CanvasImageSource ). It repeats the source in the directions specified by the repetition argument. This method returns a CanvasPattern . |
372 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.createRadialGradient() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Gradients, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .createRadialGradient() method of the Canvas 2D API creates a radial gradient given by the coordinates of the two circles represented by the parameters. This method returns a CanvasGradient . |
373 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.currentTransform | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Experimental, Expérimental, Property |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .currentTransform property of the Canvas 2D API returns or sets an SVGMatrix object for the current transformation matrix. |
374 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.direction | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Experimental, Expérimental, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .direction property of the Canvas 2D API specifies the current text direction used when drawing text. |
375 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawFocusIfNeeded() | API, Accessibility, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .drawFocusIfNeeded() method of the Canvas 2D API draws a focus ring around the current path or given path, If a given element is focused. |
376 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .drawImage() method of the Canvas 2D API provides different ways to draw an image onto the canvas. |
377 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawWindow() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence |
The non-standard and internal only CanvasRenderingContext2D .drawWindow() method of the Canvas 2D API renders a region of a window into the canvas . The contents of the window's viewport are rendered, ignoring viewport clipping and scrolling. |
378 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.ellipse() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Experimental, Expérimental, Method |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .ellipse() method of the Canvas 2D API adds an ellipse to the path which is centered at (x, y) position with the radii radiusX and radiusY starting at startAngle and ending at endAngle going in the given direction by anticlockwise (defaulting to clockwise). |
379 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.fill() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .fill() method of the Canvas 2D API fills the current or given path with the current fill style using the non-zero or even-odd winding rule. |
380 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillRect() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .fillRect() method of the Canvas 2D API draws a filled rectangle at (x, y) position whose size is determined by width and height and whose style is determined by the fillStyle attribute. |
381 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillStyle | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .fillStyle property of the Canvas 2D API specifies the color or style to use inside shapes. The default is #000 (black). |
382 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillText() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .fillText() method of the Canvas 2D API fills a given text at the given (x, y) position. If the optional fourth parameter for a maximum width is provided, the text will be scaled to fit that width. |
383 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.filter | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Experimental, Expérimental, Property |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .filter property of the Canvas 2D API provides filter effects like blurring or gray-scaling. It is similar to the CSS filter property and accepts the same functions. |
384 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.font | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .font property of the Canvas 2D API specifies the current text style being used when drawing text. This string uses the same syntax as the CSS font specifier. The default font is 10px sans-serif. |
385 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.getImageData() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .getImageData() method of the Canvas 2D API returns an ImageData object representing the underlying pixel data for the area of the canvas denoted by the rectangle which starts at (sx, sy) and has an sw width and sh height. |
386 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.getLineDash() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .getLineDash() method of the Canvas 2D API gets the current line dash pattern. |
387 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.globalAlpha | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .globalAlpha property of the Canvas 2D API specifies the alpha value that is applied to shapes and images before they are drawn onto the canvas. The value is in the range from 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque). |
388 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.globalCompositeOperation | API, Blending, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Compositing, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .globalCompositeOperation property of the Canvas 2D API sets the type of compositing operation to apply when drawing new shapes, where type is a string identifying which of the compositing or blending mode operations to use. |
389 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.imageSmoothingEnabled | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Experimental, Expérimental, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .imageSmoothingEnabled property of the Canvas 2D API can be set to change if images are smoothed (true , default) or not (false ). On getting the imageSmoothingEnabled property, the last value it was set to, is returned. |
390 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.isPointInPath() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .isPointInPath() method of the Canvas 2D API reports whether or not the specified point is contained in the current path. |
391 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.isPointInStroke() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .isPointInStroke() method of the Canvas 2D API reports whether or not the specified point is inside the area contained by the stroking of a path. |
392 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineCap | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .lineCap property of the Canvas 2D API determines how the end points of every line are drawn. There are three possible values for this property and those are: butt , round and square . By default this property is set to butt . |
393 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineDashOffset | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .lineDashOffset property of the Canvas 2D API sets the line dash pattern offset or "phase" to achieve a "marching ants" effect, for example. |
394 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineJoin | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .lineJoin property of the Canvas 2D API determines how two connecting segments (of lines, arcs or curves) with non-zero lengths in a shape are joined together (degenerate segments with zero lengths, whose specified endpoints and control points are exactly at the same position, are skipped). |
395 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineTo() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .lineTo() method of the Canvas 2D API connects the last point in the sub-path to the x, y coordinates with a straight line (but does not actually draw it). |
396 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineWidth | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .lineWidth property of the Canvas 2D API sets the thickness of lines in space units. When getting, it returns the current value (1.0 by default). When setting, zero, negative, Infinity and NaN values are ignored; otherwise the current value is set to the new value. |
397 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.measureText() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .measureText() method returns a TextMetrics object that contains information about the measured text (such as its width for example). |
398 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.miterLimit | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D.miterLimit property of the Canvas 2D API sets the miter limit ratio in space units. When getting, it returns the current value (10.0 by default). When setting, zero, negative, Infinity and NaN values are ignored; otherwise the current value is set to the new value. |
399 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.moveTo() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .moveTo() method of the Canvas 2D API moves the starting point of a new sub-path to the (x, y) coordinates. |
400 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.putImageData() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .putImageData() method of the Canvas 2D API paints data from the given ImageData object onto the bitmap. If a dirty rectangle is provided, only the pixels from that rectangle are painted. |
401 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.quadraticCurveTo() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .quadraticCurveTo() method of the Canvas 2D API adds a quadratic Bézier curve to the path. It requires two points. The first point is a control point and the second one is the end point. The starting point is the last point in the current path, which can be changed using moveTo() before creating the quadratic Bézier curve. |
402 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.rect() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .rect() method of the Canvas 2D API creates a path for a rectangle at position (x, y) with a size that is determined by width and height. Those four points are connected by straight lines and the sub-path is marked as closed, so that you can fill or stroke this rectangle. |
403 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.removeHitRegion() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .removeHitRegion() method of the Canvas 2D API removes a given hit region from the canvas. |
404 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.resetTransform() | Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .resetTransform() method of the Canvas 2D API resets the current transform by the identity matrix. |
405 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.restore() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .restore() method of the Canvas 2D API restores the most recently saved canvas state by popping the top entry in the drawing state stack. If there is no saved state, this method does nothing. |
406 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.rotate() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .rotate() method of the Canvas 2D API adds a rotation to the transformation matrix. The angle argument represents a clockwise rotation angle and is expressed in radians. |
407 | | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .save() method of the Canvas 2D API saves the entire state of the canvas by pushing the current state onto a stack. |
408 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.scale() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .scale() method of the Canvas 2D API adds a scaling transformation to the canvas units by x horizontally and by y vertically. |
409 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.scrollPathIntoView() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .scrollPathIntoView() method of the Canvas 2D API scrolls the current or given path into the view. It is similar to Element.scrollIntoView() . |
410 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.setLineDash() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .setLineDash() method of the Canvas 2D API sets the line dash pattern. |
411 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.setTransform() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .setTransform() method of the Canvas 2D API resets (overrides) the current transformation to the identity matrix and then invokes a transformation described by the arguments of this method. |
412 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.shadowBlur | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .shadowBlur property of the Canvas 2D API specifies the level of the blurring effect; this value doesn't correspond to a number of pixels and is not affected by the current transformation matrix. The default value is 0. |
413 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.shadowColor | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .shadowColor property of the Canvas 2D API specifies the color of the shadow. |
414 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.shadowOffsetX | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .shadowOffsetX property of the Canvas 2D API specifies the distance that the shadow will be offset in horizontal distance. |
415 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.shadowOffsetY | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .shadowOffsetY property of the Canvas 2D API specifies the distance that the shadow will be offset in vertical distance. |
416 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.stroke() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .stroke() method of the Canvas 2D API strokes the current or given path with the current stroke style using the non-zero winding rule. |
417 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.strokeRect() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .strokeRect() method of the Canvas 2D API paints a rectangle which has a starting point at (x, y) and has a w width and an h height onto the canvas, using the current stroke style. |
418 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.strokeStyle | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .strokeStyle property of the Canvas 2D API specifies the color or style to use for the lines around shapes. The default is #000 (black). |
419 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.strokeText() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .strokeText() method of the Canvas 2D API strokes a given text at the given (x, y) position. If the optional fourth parameter for a maximum width is provided, the text will be scaled to fit that width. |
420 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.textAlign | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .textAlign property of the Canvas 2D API specifies the current text alignment being used when drawing text. Beware that the alignment is base on the x value of the CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillText method. So if textAlign="center", then the text would be drawn at x-50%*width. |
421 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.textBaseline | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Property, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .textBaseline property of the Canvas 2D API specifies the current text baseline being used when drawing text. |
422 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.transform() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .transform() method of the Canvas 2D API multiplies the current transformation with the matrix described by the arguments of this method. You are able to scale, rotate, move and skew the context. |
423 | CanvasRenderingContext2D.translate() | API, Canvas, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Method, Reference, Référence |
The CanvasRenderingContext2D .translate() method of the Canvas 2D API adds a translation transformation by moving the canvas and its origin x horizontally and y vertically on the grid. |
424 | CaretPosition | API, CSSOM View, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The CaretPosition interface represents the caret postion, an indicator for the text insertion point. You can get a CaretPosition using the document.caretPositionFromPoint method. |
425 | Channel Messaging API | API, Channel messaging, HTML API, Overview, Reference, Référence |
The Channel Messaging API allows two separate scripts running in different browsing contexts attached to the same document (e.g., two IFrames, or the main document and an IFrame, two documents via a SharedWorker , or two workers) to communicate directly, passing messages between one another through two-way channels (or pipes) with a port at each end. |
426 | Using channel messaging | API, Channel messaging, HTML5, MessageChannel, MessagePort, Tutorial |
The Channel Messaging API allows two separate scripts running in different browsing contexts attached to the same document (e.g., two IFrames, or the main document and an IFrame, or two documents via a SharedWorker ) to communicate directly, passing messages between one another through two-way channels (or pipes) with a port at each end. In this article we'll explore the basics of using this technology. |
427 | ChannelMergerNode | API, ChannelMergerNode, Interface, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
428 | ChannelSplitterNode | API, ChannelSplitterNode, Interface, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
429 | CharacterData | API, DOM |
The CharacterData abstract interface represents a Node object that contains characters. This is an abstract interface, meaning there aren't any object of type CharacterData : it is implemented by other interfaces, like Text , Comment , or ProcessingInstruction which aren't abstract. |
430 | ChildNode | API, DOM, Experimental, Expérimental |
The ChildNode interface contains methods that are particular to Node objects that can have a parent. |
431 | ChildNode.remove() | API, ChildNode, DOM, Experimental, Expérimental, Method |
No summary! | ||
432 | ChromeWorker | API, Add-ons, Extensions, Non-standard, Workers, js-ctypes |
If you're developing privileged code, and would like to create a worker that can use js-ctypes to perform calls to native code, you can do so by using ChromeWorker instead of the standard Worker object. It works exactly like a standard Worker , except that it has access to js-ctypes via a global ctypes object available in the global scope of the worker. Examples of ChromeWorker's using js-ctypes are availabe on Github and are linked to from the See Also section below. |
433 | Client | API, Client, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorkerClient, ServiceWorkers |
The Client interface of the ServiceWorker API represents the scope of a service worker client. A service worker client is either a document in a browser context or a SharedWorker , which is controlled by an active worker. A client object acts as a snapshot representation of its associated service worker client in the scope of a service worker. |
434 | Client.frameType | API, Client, Experimental, Expérimental, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, frameType |
The frameType read-only property of the Client interface indicates the type of browsing context of the current Client . This value can be one of auxiliary , top-level , nested , or none . |
435 | | API, Client, Experimental, Expérimental, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, id |
The id read-only property of the Client interface returns the id of the Client object. |
436 | Client.postMessage() | API, Client, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, Service workers, ServiceWorker, postMessage |
437 | Client.url | API, Client, Experimental, Expérimental, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, URL |
The url read-only property of the Client interface returns the URL of the current service worker client. |
438 | Clients | API, Clients, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, Workers |
The Clients interface of the Service Workers API represents a container for a list of Client objects. |
439 | Clients.claim() | API, Clients, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, Service workers, ServiceWorker, claim, method |
The claim() method of the of the Clients interface allows an active Service Worker to set itself as the active worker for a client page when the worker and the page are in the same scope. This triggers an oncontrollerchange event on any client pages within the Service Worker's scope. |
440 | Clients.matchAll() | API, Clients, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, Service workers, ServiceWorker |
The matchAll() method of the Clients interface returns a Promise for a list of service worker clients. Include the options parameter to return all service worker clients whose origin is the same as the associated service worker's origin. If options are not included, the method returns only the service worker clients controlled by the service worker. |
441 | Clients.openWindow() | API, Clients, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, openWindow |
The openWindow() method of the Clients interface opens a service worker WindowClient in a new browser window. |
442 | ClipboardEvent | API, Clipboard API, Event, Experimental, Expérimental |
The ClipboardEvent interface represents events providing information related to modification of the clipboard, that is cut , copy , and paste events. |
443 | ClipboardEvent() | API, Clipboard API, ClipboardEvent, Constructor, Experimental, Expérimental |
The ClipboardEvent() constructor returns a newly created ClipboardEvent , representing an event events providing information related to modification of the clipboard, that is cut , copy , and paste events. |
444 | ClipboardEvent.clipboardData | API, Clipboard API, ClipboardEvent, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Read-only |
The Clipboard.clipboardData read-only property is a DataTransfer object the data affected by the user-initialed cut , copy , or paste operation, along with its MIME type. |
445 | CloseEvent | API, Interface, Reference, Web, WebSocket, WebSockets |
A CloseEvent is sent to clients using WebSockets when the connection is closed. This is delivered to the listener indicated by the WebSocket object's onclose attribute. |
446 | CloseEvent() | API, CloseEvent, Constructor, Reference, Réference, Référence, events |
The CloseEvent() constructor creates a new CloseEvent . |
447 | Comment | API, DOM |
The Comment interface represents textual notations within markup; although it is generally not visually shown, such comments are available to be read in the source view. Comments are represented in HTML and XML as content between '<!-- ' and '--> '. In XML, the character sequence '-- ' cannot be used within a comment. |
448 | Comment() | API, Comment, Constructor, DOM |
The Comment() constructor returns a newly created Comment object with the optional DOMString given in parameter as its textual content. |
449 | CompositionEvent | API, DOM, Event, Gecko DOM Reference, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Reference, Référence, events |
The DOM CompositionEvent represents events that occur due to the user indirectly entering text. |
450 | Connection | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Network Information API, Reference, Référence |
The Connection interface represents the connectivity of the device on which the browser runs. |
451 | Connection.bandwidth | API, Connection, Experimental, Expérimental, NeedsExample, Network Information API, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Connection.bandwidth read-only property is a double representing the estimated download bandwidth (in megabytes per second) of the current connection. |
452 | Connection.metered | API, Connection, Experimental, Expérimental, NeedsExample, Network Information API, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Connection.metered read-only property is a Boolean flag indicating if the connection is metered (e.g. pay-per-use). |
453 | Connection.onchange | API, Connection, Experimental, Expérimental, NeedsExample, Network Information API, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Connection.onchange property represent an event listener for change events. These events occur when the connection information change. |
454 | Console | API, DOM, Debugging, Gecko DOM Reference, NeedsCompatTable, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, web console |
The console object provides access to the browser's debugging console (e.g., the Web Console in Firefox). The specifics of how it works vary from browser to browser, but there is a de facto set of features that are typically provided. |
455 | Console.assert() | API, DOM, Debugging, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Writes an error message to the console if the assertion is false. If the assertion is true, nothing will happen. | ||
456 | Console.count() | API, DOM, Debugging, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Logs the number of times that this particular call to count() has been called. This function takes an optional argument label . |
457 | Console.dir() | API, DOM, Debugging, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Displays an interactive list of the properties of the specified JavaScript object. The output is presented as a hierarchical listing with disclosure triangles that let you see the contents of child objects. | ||
458 | Console.error() | API, DOM, Debugging, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Outputs an error message to the Web Console. | ||
459 | | API, DOM, Debugging, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Creates a new inline group in the Web Console log. This indents all following output by an additional level, until console.groupEnd() is called. |
460 | Console.groupCollapsed() | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Debugging, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Development, WebAPI, console, web console |
Creates a new inline group in the Web Console. Unlike , however, the new group is created collapsed. The user will need to use the disclosure button next to it to expand it, revealing the entries created in the group. |
461 | Console.groupEnd() | API, DOM, Debugging, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Exits the current inline group in the Web Console. See Using groups in the console in the console documentation for details and examples. |
462 | | API, Debugging, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Outputs an informational message to the Web Console. In Firefox and Chrome, a small "i" icon is displayed next to these items in the Web Console's log. | ||
463 | Console.log() | API, DOM, Debugging, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Outputs a message to the Web Console. | ||
464 | Console.table() | API, DOM, Debugging, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Displays tabular data as a table. | ||
465 | Console.time() | API, DOM, Debugging, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Starts a timer you can use to track how long an operation takes. You give each timer a unique name, and may have up to 10,000 timers running on a given page. When you call console.timeEnd() with the same name, the browser will output the time, in milliseconds, that elapsed since the timer was started. |
466 | Console.timeEnd() | API, DOM, Debugging, Method, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Stops a timer that was previously started by calling console.time() . |
467 | Console.timeStamp() | API, DOM, Debugging, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Adds a single marker to the browser's Timeline or Waterfall tool. This lets you correlate a point in your code with the other events recorded in the timeline, such as layout and paint events. | ||
468 | Console.trace() | API, DOM, Debugging, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Outputs a stack trace to the Web Console. | ||
469 | Console.warn() | API, DOM, Debugging, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Web Development, console, web console |
Outputs a warning message to the Web Console. | ||
470 | profile | |
Starts recording a profile using the browser's built-in profiling tool (for example, the Firefox performance tool). | ||
471 | profileEnd | |
The profileEnd method stops recording a profile previously started with Console.profile() . |
472 | ContactManager | API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The ContactManager interface is used to access and manage the contact available on the device. |
473 | ContactManager.clear() | API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The clear method is used to remove ALL the contacts from the device's contact database. |
474 | ContactManager.find() | API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The find method is used to retrieve a limited list of contacts from the device's contact database. This method is best suited to access a small data set, where getAll() is better suited for a large data set. |
475 | ContactManager.getAll() | API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The getAll method is used to access a sorted list of contact from the device's contact database. This method is best suited to access a large data set, where find() is better suited for a small data set. |
476 | ContactManager.getCount() | API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The getCount method is used to retrieve the total number of contacts available inside the device's contact database. |
477 | ContactManager.getRevision() | API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The getRevision method is used to retrieve the revision number of the device's contact database. |
478 | ContactManager.oncontactchange | API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive contactchange events. These events occur when a contact is added, updated, or removed from the device's contact database. |
479 | ContactManager.remove() | API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The remove method is used to delete a contact from the device's contact database. |
480 | | API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The save method is used to store a contact inside the device's contact database. If the contact is already in the database (based on its id ), it is updated, otherwise it is created. |
481 | Contacts API | API, B2G, Contact, Contacts, Firefox OS, Guide, Non Standard, WebAPI |
The Contacts API provides a simple interface to manage a user's contacts stored in the system's address book. A typical use case for the Contacts API is the implementation of an application to manage an address book. | ||
482 | ConvolverNode | API, ConvolverNode, Interface, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
The ConvolverNode interface is an AudioNode that performs a Linear Convolution on a given AudioBuffer , often used to achieve a reverb effect. A ConvolverNode always has exactly one input and one output. |
483 | ConvolverNode.buffer | API, Buffer, ConvolverNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
An AudioBuffer . |
484 | ConvolverNode.normalize | API, ConvolverNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, parent |
A boolean. | ||
485 | Coordinates | API, Geolocation API |
The Coordinates interface represents the position and altitude of the device on Earth, as well as the accuracy with which these properties are calculated. |
486 | Coordinates.accuracy | API, Coordinates, Geolocation API, Property |
The Coordinates.accuracy read-only property is a strictly positive double representing the accuracy, with a 95% confidence level, of the Coordinates.latitude and Coordinates.longitude properties expressed in meters. |
487 | Coordinates.altitude | API, Coordinates, Geolocation API, Property |
The Coordinates.altitude read-only property is a double representing the altitude of the position in meters, relative to sea level. This value is null if the implementation cannot provide this data. |
488 | Coordinates.altitudeAccuracy | API, Coordinates, Geolocation API, Property |
The Coordinates.altitudeAccuracy read-only property is a strictly positive double representing the accuracy, with a 95% confidence level, of the altitude expressed in meters. This value is null if the implementation doesn't support measuring altitude. |
489 | Coordinates.heading | API, Coordinates, Geolocation API, Property |
The Coordinates.heading read-only property is a double representing the direction in which the device is traveling. This value, specified in degrees, indicates how far off from heading due north the device is. 0 degrees represents true true north, and the direction is determined clockwise (which means that east is 90 degrees and west is 270 degrees). If Coordinates.speed is 0 , heading is NaN . If the device is not able to provide heading information, this value is null . |
490 | Coordinates.latitude | API, Coordinates, Geolocation API, Property |
The Coordinates.latitude read-only property is a double representing the latitude of the position in decimal degrees. |
491 | Coordinates.longitude | API, Coordinates, Geolocation API, Property |
The Coordinates.longitude read-only property is a double representing the longitude of the position in decimal degrees. |
492 | Coordinates.speed | API, Coordinates, Geolocation API, Property |
The Coordinates.speed read-only property is a double representing the velocity of the device in meters per second. This value is null if the implementation is not able to measure it. |
493 | Crypto | API, Interface, Reference, Référence, Web Crypto API |
The Crypto interface represents basic cryptography features available in the current context. It allows access to a cryptographically strong random number generator and to cryptographic primitives. |
494 | Crypto.subtle | API, Cryptography, Property, Read-only, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Crypto API |
The Crypto.subtle read-only property returns a SubtleCrypto object allowing to perform cryptographical operations. |
495 | CryptoKey | API, Interface, Reference, Référence, Web Crypto API |
The CryptoKey interface represents a cryptographic key derived from a specific key algorithm. |
496 | CryptoKey.algorithm | API, CryptoKey, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, Web Crypto API |
The CryptoKey.algorithm read-only property is an opaque value containing all the information about the algorithm related to the key. |
497 | CryptoKey.extractable | API, CryptoKey, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, Web Crypto API |
The CryptoKey.extractable read-only property that indicates if the raw material key can be extracted, for example for archiving it. |
498 | CryptoKey.type | API, CryptoKey, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, Web Crypto API |
The CryptoKey.type read-only property that indicates the type of the key: if it is the key for a symmetric algorithm ("secret" ) or for an asymmetric algorithm ("public" or "private" , depending of its purpose). |
499 | CryptoKey.usages | API, CryptoKey, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, Web Crypto API |
The CryptoKey.usages read-only property is an array of enumerated that indicates the purposes of the key. |
500 | CustomEvent | API, DOM, Events, Interface, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsExample, Reference, Référence, events |
This interface inherits properties from its parent, Event . |
501 | CustomEvent() | API, Constructor, CustomEvent, Reference, Réference, Référence, events |
The CustomEvent() constructor creates a new CustomEvent . |
502 | CustomEvent.initCustomEvent() | API, CustomEvent, DOM, Deprecated, Events, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, deprecated, events, method |
The CustomEvent.initCustomEvent() method initializes a CustomEvent object. If the event has already been dispatched, this method does nothing. |
503 | DOMApplication | API, Apps, Apps API, JavaScript, Methods, Non-standard, manifest |
In the Open Web apps JavaScript API, an App object is a JavaScript object that represents an app that is or could be installed in the user's app repository. |
504 | DOMApplicationsManager | API, Apps, Apps API, B2G, DOMApplicationsManager, DomApplicationsManager, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard |
Provides support for managing, and Open Web apps in a browser. A manager can be accessed via Navigator.mozApps.mgmt |
505 | DOMApplicationsManager.getAll() | API, Apps, Apps API, B2G, DOMApplicationsManager, DomApplicationsManager, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, getAll |
The getAll() method of the DOMApplicationsManager interface lists all installed apps in the user's repository. |
506 | DOMApplicationsManager.onenabledstatechange | API, B2G, DOMApplicationsManager, DomApplicationsManager, Events, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, events, onenabledstatechange |
The onenabledstatechange property of the DOMApplicationsManager interface defines an event handler for the statechange event; this is received when an app is enabled or disabled using DOMApplicationsManager.setEnabled() . |
507 | DOMApplicationsManager.setEnabled() | API, B2G, DOMApplicationsManager, DomApplicationsManager, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, setEnabled |
The setEnabled() method of the DOMApplicationsManager interface sets an application to be enabled or disabled. |
508 | DOMApplicationsRegistry | API, Apps, Apps API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence |
Provides support for installing, managing, and controlling Open Web apps in a browser. Currently implemented as navigator.mozApps . |
509 | DOMApplicationsRegistry.checkInstalled() | API, Apps, Apps API, Method |
Gets information about the given app. This can be used to determine if the app is installed. | ||
510 | DOMApplicationsRegistry.getInstalled() | API, Apps, Apps API, Method |
Get a list of all installed apps from this origin. For example, if you call this on the Firefox Marketplace, you will get the list of apps installed by the Firefox Marketplace. | ||
511 | DOMApplicationsRegistry.getSelf() | API, Apps, Apps API, Method |
Returns information about the calling app, if any. You can use this to determine if an app is installed (i.e. if it is running in the browser, or in a separate app context.) | ||
512 | DOMApplicationsRegistry.install() | API, Apps, Apps API, Method |
Triggers the installation of an app. During the installation process, the app is validated and the user is prompted to approve the installation. | ||
513 | DOMApplicationsRegistry.installPackage | API, Apps, DOMApplicationsRegistry, Firefox OS, Method, NeedsContent |
Installs a packaged app. | ||
514 | DOMApplicationsRegistry.mgmt | API, Apps API, Non-standard, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The DOMApplicationsRegistry.mgmt read-only is an object implementing the DOMApplicationsManager interface that exposes functions that let dashboards manage and launch apps on a user's behalf. |
515 | DOMConfiguration | API, DOM, Obsolete, Reference, Référence |
Pre-defined parameters: "canonical-form", "cdata-sections", "check-character-normalization", "comments", "datatype-normalization", "element-content-whitespace", "entities", "error-handler", "infoset", "namespaces", "namespace-declarations", "normalize-characters","schema-location", "schema-type", "split-cdata-sections", "validate", "validate-if-schema", "well-formed" | ||
516 | DOMCursor | API, DOM, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence |
A DOMCursor object represents an ongoing operation over a list of results. It is an enhanced DOMRequest that allows to iterate through a list of results asynchronously. Each time its continue() method is called, the DOMCursor tries to reach the next result in the list and calls its result's success or error accordingly. |
517 | DOMCursor.continue() | API, DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The continue method is used to tell the cursor to move to the next result. The DOMCursor 's success or error is called with the DOMCursor 's result updated accordingly. |
518 | DOMCursor.done | API, DOM, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence |
The done property indicate if the DOMCursor has reach the last result. |
519 | DOMError | API, DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The DOMError interface describes an error object that contains an error name. |
520 | DOMErrorHandler | API, DOM, Obsolete, Reference, Référence |
Set as "error-handler" parameter in DOMConfiguration.setParameter . Implementation may provide a default handler. DOMError.relatedData will contain closest node to where error occurred or contain the Document node if it is unable to be determined. Document mutations from within the error handler result in implementation-dependent behavior. If there are to be multiple errors, the sequence and numbers of the errors passed to the error handler are also implementation dependent. The application using the DOM implementation implements this interface: |
521 | DOMException | API, DOM, DOMException, Exception, Reference, Référence |
The DOMException exception represents an abnormal event happening when a method or a property is used. |
522 | DOMHighResTimeStamp | API, High Resolution Time |
No specific property. | ||
523 | DOMImplementation | API, DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The DOMImplementation interface represent an object providing methods which are not dependent on any particular document. Such an object is returned by the Document.implementation property. |
524 | DOMImplementation.createDocument() | API, DOM, DOMImplementation, Method, Reference, Référence |
The DOMImplementation.createDocument() method creates and returns an XMLDocument . |
525 | DOMImplementation.createDocumentType() | API, DOM, DOMImplementation, Method, Reference, Référence |
The DOMImplementation.createDocumentType() method returns a DocumentType object which can either be used with DOMImplementation.createDocument upon document creation or can be put into the document via methods like Node.insertBefore() or Node.replaceChild() . |
526 | DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument() | API, DOM, DOM Reference, DOMImplementation, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Référence |
The DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument() method creates a new HTML Document . |
527 | DOMImplementation.hasFeature() | API, DOM, DOMImplementation, Method, Reference, Référence, method |
The DOMImplementation.hasFeature() method returns a Boolean flag indicating if a given feature is supported. |
528 | DOMImplementationList | API, DOM, Obsolete, Reference, Référence |
Returned by DOMImplementationSource.getDOMImplementationList() and DOMImplementationRegistry.getDOMImplementationList() . Can be iterated with 0-based index. |
529 | DOMImplementationRegistry | API, DOM, Obsolete, Reference, Référence |
This is a global variable used to get a single DOMImplementation or DOMImplementationList depending on the registered objects with the specified features. |
530 | DOMImplementationSource | API, DOM, Interface, Obsolete, Reference, Référence |
Can request a particular implementation based on needed features and versions (which can then be used to create a document, etc.). Called during DOMImplementationRegistry.getDOMImplementation() and DOMImplementationRegistry.getDOMImplementationList() . |
531 | DOMLocator | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Obsolete, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
Indicates a location such as where an error occurred. Returned by DOMError.location. | ||
532 | DOMMatrix | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Geomertry Interfaces, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The DOMMatrix interface represents 4x4 matrices, suitable for 2D and 3D operations. |
533 | DOMMatrixReadOnly | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry Interfaces, Interface, Reference, Référence, Web |
The DOMMatrixReadOnly interface represents 4x4 matrices, suitable for 2D and 3D operations. If this interface defines only read-only matrices, the DOMMatrix interface which inherits from it, add all the properties and the methods to allow to have modifiable matrices. |
534 | DOMObject | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Obsolete, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
No summary! | ||
535 | DOMParser | API, DOM, Experimental, Expérimental, HTML, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence, XML |
DOMParser can parse XML or HTML source stored in a string into a DOM Document. DOMParser is specified in DOM Parsing and Serialization. |
536 | DOMPoint | API, Coordinate, DOM, DOM Reference, DOMPoint, Experimental, Expérimental, Gecko DOM Reference, Geometry, Point, WebAPI |
A DOMPoint represents a 2D or 3D point in a coordinate system. |
537 | DOMPoint.DOMPoint() | API, Constructor, DOM, DOMPoint, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry, Point, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The DOMPoint() constructor creates a new DOMPoint object. |
538 | DOMPointReadOnly | API, Coordinate, DOM, DOM Reference, DOMPointReadOnly, Experimental, Expérimental, Gecko DOM Reference, Geometry, Point, WebAPI |
The DOMPointReadOnly interface specifies the standard properties used by DOMPoint to define a 2D or 3D point in a coordinate system. |
539 | DOMPoint.w | API, DOM, DOMPoint, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry, Point, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, w |
The w read-only property of the DOMPointReadOnly interface represents the perspective of a point. |
540 | DOMPoint.x | API, DOM, DOMPoint, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry, Point, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, x |
The x read-only property of the DOMPointReadOnly interface represents the x coordinate of a point. |
541 | DOMPoint.y | API, DOM, DOMPoint, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry, Point, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, y |
The y read-only property of the DOMPointReadOnly interface represents the y coordinate of a point. |
542 | DOMPoint.z | API, DOM, DOMPoint, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry, Point, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, z |
The z read-only property of the DOMPointReadOnly interface represents the z coordinate of a point. |
543 | DOMRect | API, DOM, DOM Reference, DOMRect, Experimental, Expérimental, Gecko DOM Reference, Geometry, Rectangle, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
A DOMRect represents a rectangle. |
544 | DOMRect.DOMRect() | API, Constructor, DOM Reference, DOMRect, Experimental, Expérimental, Gecko DOM Reference, Geometry, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
The DOMRect() constructor creates a new DOMRect object. |
545 | DOMRectReadOnly | API, DOM Reference, DOMRectReadOnly, Experimental, Expérimental, Gecko DOM Reference, Geometry, Rectangle, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
The DOMRectReadOnly interface specifies the standard properties used by DOMRect to define a rectangle. |
546 | DOMRectReadOnly.bottom | API, DOM, DOMRect, DOMRectReadOnly, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, bottom |
The bottom read-only property of the DOMRectReadOnly interface returns the bottom coordinate value of the DOMRect (has the same value as y + height , or y if height is negative.) |
547 | DOMRectReadOnly.height | API, DOM, DOMRect, DOMRectReadOnly, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, height |
The height read-only property of the DOMRectReadOnly interface represents the height of the DOMRect . |
548 | DOMRectReadOnly.left | API, DOM, DOMRect, DOMRectReadOnly, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, left |
The left read-only property of the DOMRectReadOnly interface returns the left coordinate value of the DOMRect (has the same value as x , or x + width if width is negative.) |
549 | DOMRectReadOnly.right | API, DOM, DOMRect, DOMRectReadOnly, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, right |
The right read-only property of the DOMRectReadOnly interface returns the right coordinate value of the DOMRect (has the same value as x + width , or x if width is negative.) |
550 | | API, DOM, DOMRect, DOMRectReadOnly, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, top |
The top read-only property of the DOMRectReadOnly interface returns the top coordinate value of the DOMRect (has the same value as y , or y + height if height is negative.) |
551 | DOMRectReadOnly.width | API, DOM, DOMRect, DOMRectReadOnly, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, width |
The width read-only property of the DOMRectReadOnly interface represents the width of the DOMRect . |
552 | DOMRectReadOnly.x | API, DOM, DOMRect, DOMRectReadOnly, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, x |
The x read-only property of the DOMRectReadOnly interface represents the x coordinate of the DOMRect 's origin. |
553 | DOMRectReadOnly.y | API, DOM, DOMRect, DOMRectReadOnly, Experimental, Expérimental, Geometry, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, y |
The y read-only property of the DOMRectReadOnly interface represents the y coordinate of the DOMRect 's origin. |
554 | DOMRequest | API, DOM, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence |
A DOMRequest object represents an ongoing operation. It provides callbacks that are called when the operation completes, as well as a reference to the operation's result. A DOM method that initiates an ongoing operation may return a DOMRequest object that you can use to monitor the progress of that operation. |
555 | DOMRequest.error | API, DOM, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence |
This property can contain error information in a DOMError object. |
556 | DOMRequest.onerror | API, DOM, Gecko DOM Reference, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence |
This property specifies a callback function to be run when a DOMRequest fails. |
557 | DOMRequest.onsuccess | API, DOM, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence |
This property specifies a callback function to be run when a DOMRequest completes successfully. |
558 | DOMRequest.readyState | API, DOM, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence |
This property is a string that indicates whether or not a DOMRequest operation has finished running. |
559 | DOMRequest.result | API, DOM, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence |
This property provides the result value from a DOMRequest operation. |
560 | DOMString | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Gecko DOM Reference, Reference, Réference, Référence, String, WebAPI |
DOMString is a UTF-16 String. As JavaScript already uses such strings, DOMString is mapped directly to a String . |
561 | Binary strings | DOM, JavaScript, JavaScript typed arrays, Reference, Référence, String |
As web applications become more and more powerful, adding features such as audio and video manipulation, access to raw data using WebSockets, and so forth, it has become clear that there are times when it would be helpful for JavaScript code to be able to quickly and easily manipulate raw binary data. In the past, this had to be simulated by treating the raw data as a string and using the charCodeAt() method to read the bytes from the data buffer. |
562 | DOMStringList | API, DOM, Reference, Référence |
A type returned by some APIs which contains a list of DOMString (strings). | ||
563 | DOMStringMap | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility, NeedsNewLayout, NeedsUpdate, Reference, Référence |
Used by the dataset HTML attribute to represent data for custom attributes added to elements. |
564 | DOMTimeStamp | API, DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The DOMTimeStamp type represents an absolute or relative amount of milliseconds, depending on the specification in which it appears. |
565 | DOMTokenList | API, DOM, Interface, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Reference, Référence |
The DOMTokenList interface represents a set of space-separated tokens. Such a set is returned by Element.classList , HTMLLinkElement.relList , HTMLAnchorElement.relList or HTMLAreaElement.relList . It is indexed beginning with 0 as with JavaScript Array objects. DOMTokenList is always case-sensitive. |
566 | DOMUserData | API, DOM, Interface, NeedsCompatTable, Obsolete, Reference, Référence |
DOMUserData refers to application data. In JavaScript, it maps directly to Object . It is returned or used as an argument by Node.setUserData() , Node.getUserData() , used as the third argument to handle() on UserDataHandler , and is used or returned by various DOMConfiguration methods. |
567 | Data Store API | API, Certified, Data Store, Data Store API, Firefox OS, Interface, Overview, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, data |
The Data Store API was created to allow multiple Firefox OS apps, with potentially different data structures and storage mechanisms, to create, maintain and share the same data objects efficiently between one another. Each app can then import the data into its own local IndexedDB to index according to their specific query needs. This is not necessary however, and you can just write directly to the Data Store API data store. | ||
568 | Using the Data Store API | B2G, Data Store API, Database, Firefox OS, Guide, Storage, guide |
To explain the main functionality of Data Store, we have build two examples that work together (you can download these from Github using the code below, and experiment with them as you wish): | ||
569 | DataStore | API, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Storage |
The DataStore interface of the Data Store API represents a retrieved set of data, and includes standard properties for accessing the store's name, owner, etc., methods for reading, modifying and syncing data, and the onchange event handler for reacting to changes to the data. |
570 | DataStore.add() | API, Add, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage |
The add() method of the DataStore interface adds a new record to the data store; if the record you are attempting to add already exists, it will throw an exception. |
571 | DataStore.clear() | API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, clear |
The clear() method of the DataStore interface deletes all records from the data store, leaving it empty. |
572 | DataStore.get() | API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage |
The get() method of the DataStore interface retrieves one or more objects from the current data store. |
573 | DataStore.getLength() | API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage |
The getLength() method of the DataStore interface returns the number of records stored in the current data store. |
574 | | API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, name |
The name read-only property of the DataStore interface returns the name of the current data store. |
575 | DataStore.onchange | API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Events, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, events, onchange |
The onchange event handler of the DataStore interface fires when a change is made to the data store. Its main use is to synchronize different apps that are using the data store when a change is made. When fired, this event returns a DataStoreChangeEvent , which can be used to handle the change that was just made. Alternatively, when the event fires you could create a DataStoreCursor and iterate through all the records, if needed. |
576 | DataStore.owner | API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, owner |
The owner read-only property of the DataStore interface returns the name of the app that owns the current data store. |
577 | DataStore.put() | API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, put |
The put() method of the DataStore interface updates an existing record in the data store. |
578 | DataStore.readOnly | API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, readOnly |
The readOnly read-only property of the DataStore interface returns a boolean indicating whether the current data store is read-only. |
579 | DataStore.remove() | API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, remove |
The remove() method of the DataStore interface deletes one or more objects from the current data store. |
580 | DataStore.revisionId | API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, revisionId |
The revisionId read-only property of the DataStore interface returns the current data store's current revision ID. This ID can be tracked, allowing you to synchronize apps using the data store to this point in its history. |
581 | DataStore.sync() | API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, Sync, sync |
The sync() method of the DataStore interface opens a cursor that allows you to step through any changes that have taken place in the data store going back to a particular revision ID, and run code in response to different types of change. |
582 | DataStoreChangeEvent | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreChangeEvent, Database, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Storage |
The DataStoreChangeEvent interface of the Data Store API represents the event related to a record changed in the data store, i.e. this is returned once a change is made and the change event is fired (see DataStore.onchange for the handler). |
583 | | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreChangeEvent, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, id |
The id read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the identifier of the changed record in the data store. This must return null if the operation is cleared . |
584 | DataStoreChangeEvent.operation | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreChangeEvent, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, operation |
The operation read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the type of operation that represents the current change that has been made to the data store. |
585 | DataStoreChangeEvent.owner | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreChangeEvent, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, owner |
The owner read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the manifest URL of the application that made the change to the data store. |
586 | DataStoreChangeEvent.revisionId | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreChangeEvent, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, revisionId |
The revisionId read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the ID of the current revision of the data store, i.e. the current change that has been made to a data record. |
587 | DataStoreCursor | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreCursor, Database, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Storage |
The DataStoreCursor interface of the Data Store API represents a cursor that allows apps to iterate through a list of DataStoreTask objects representing the change history of the data store, for use when synchronizing the data. |
588 | DataStoreCursor.close() | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreCursor, Database, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, close |
The close() method of the DataStoreCursor interface makes a request to terminate the cursor. |
589 | | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreCursor, Database, Method, Next, Reference, Référence, Storage, next |
The next() method of the DataStoreCursor interface makes a request to retrieve information about the next operation that changes a record in the data store. Returns a promise of type DataStoreTask . |
590 | | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreCursor, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, Store |
A DataStore object. |
591 | DataStoreTask | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreTask, Database, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Storage |
The DataStoreTask interface of the Data Store API represents a record changed in the data store when a DataStoreCursor is used to iterate through the data store's change history. |
592 | | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreTask, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, data |
The data read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the data stored in the changed record in the data store. Must return null if the operation is clear or done . |
593 | | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreTask, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, id |
The id read-only property of the DataStoreTask interface returns the identifier of the changed record in the data store. This must return null if the operation is cleared or done. |
594 | DataStoreTask.operation | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreTask, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, operation |
The operation read-only property of the DataStoreTask interface returns the type of operation that represents the current change that has been made to the data store. |
595 | DataStoreTask.revisionId | API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreTask, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, revisionId |
The revisionId read-only property of the DataStoreTask interface returns the id of the current revision of the data store, i.e. the current change that has been made to a data record. |
596 | DataTransfer | API, NeedsMarkupWork, Web Development, drag and drop |
The DataTransfer object is used to hold the data that is being dragged during a drag and drop operation. It may hold one or more data items, each of one or more data types. For more information about drag and drop, see Drag and Drop. |
597 | DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope | API, DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope, Interface, Reference, Référence, Web Workers, Workers |
The DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope object (the Worker global scope) is accessible through the self keyword. Some additional global functions, namespaces objects, and constructors, not typically associated with the worker global scope, but available on it, are listed in the JavaScript Reference. See also: Functions available to workers. |
598 | DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.onmessage | API, DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Workers, events, onmessage |
The onmessage property of the DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope interface represents an EventHandler to be called when the message event occurs and bubbles through the Worker — i.e. when a message is sent to the worker using the Worker.postMessage method. |
599 | DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.postMessage() | API, DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope, Method, Reference, Référence, Web Workers, postMessage |
The postMessage() method of the DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope interface sends a message to the main thread that spawned it. This accepts a single parameter, which is the data to send to the worker. The data may be any value or JavaScript object handled by the structured clone algorithm, which includes cyclical references. |
600 | DelayNode | API, DelayNode, Interface, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
601 | DelayNode.delayTime | API, DelayNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, delayTime |
An AudioParam . |
602 | Detecting device orientation | API, B2G, Device Orientation, Firefox OS, Intermediate, Mobile, Motion, Orientation, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
Increasingly, web-enabled devices are capable of determining their orientation; that is, they can report data indicating changes to their orientation with relation to the pull of gravity. In particular, hand-held devices such as mobile phones can use this information to automatically rotate the display to remain upright, presenting a wide-screen view of the web content when the device is rotated so that its width is greater than its height. | ||
603 | Device Storage API | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
The Device Storage API is used to access the file system within a Web app. Accessing the file system can be highly sensitive, and for that reason this API is available for privileged apps only. | ||
604 | DeviceAcceleration | API, Device Orientation Events, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Reference, Référence |
A DeviceAcceleration object provides information about the amount of acceleration the device is experiencing along all three axes. |
605 | DeviceAcceleration.x | API, Property |
This read-only property indicates the amount of acceleration that occurred along the X axis in a DeviceAcceleration object. |
606 | DeviceAcceleration.y | API, Property |
This read-only property indicates the amount of acceleration that occurred along the Y axis in a DeviceAcceleration object. |
607 | DeviceAcceleration.z | API, Property |
This read-only property indicates the amount of acceleration that occurred along the Z axis in a DeviceAcceleration object. |
608 | DeviceLightEvent | API, Ambient Light Events, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsMarkupWork, events |
The DeviceLightEvent provides web developers with information from photo sensors or similiar detectors about ambient light levels near the device. For example this may be useful to adjust the screen's brightness based on the current ambient light level in order to save energy or provide better readability. |
609 | DeviceLightEvent.value | API, Ambient Light Events, Experimental, Expérimental, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, events |
The value property provides the current level of the ambient light. |
610 | Using Light Events | Ambient Light, WebAPI, events |
The ambient light events are a handy way to make a web page or an application aware of any change in the light intensity. It allows them to react to such a change, for example by changing the color contrast of the User Interface (UI) or by changing the exposure necessary to take a picture. | ||
611 | Using light sensors | API, HTML5, JavaScript |
Ambient Light Events make the web application capable to sense the environment around the user and may allow it to take action in the change of light intensity level. I was just on the moon when i first got to know about it. | ||
612 | DeviceMotionEvent | API, B2G, Device Orientation, Experimental, Expérimental, Firefox OS, Mobile, Motion, Orientation, WebAPI, events |
The DeviceMotionEvent provides web developers with information about the speed of changes for the device's position and orientation. |
613 | DeviceMotionEvent.acceleration | API, B2G, Device Orientation, Firefox OS, Mobile, Motion, NeedsExample, Orientation, Property, WebAPI |
The acceleration property returns the amount of acceleration recorded by the device, in meters per second squared (m/s2). |
614 | DeviceMotionEvent.accelerationIncludingGravity | API, B2G, Device Orientation, Firefox OS, Mobile, Motion, NeedsExample, Orientation, Property, WebAPI |
The accelerationIncludingGravity property returns the amount of acceleration recorded by the device, in meters per second squared (m/s2). Unlike DeviceMotionEvent.acceleration which does not compensate for the influence of gravity, its value is the sum of the acceleration of the device as induced by the user and the acceleration caused by gravity. |
615 | DeviceMotionEvent.interval | API, B2G, Device Orientation, Firefox OS, Mobile, Motion, NeedsExample, Orientation, Property, WebAPI |
Returns the interval, in milliseconds, at which data is obtained from the underlaying hardware. You can use this to determine the granularity of motion events. | ||
616 | DeviceMotionEvent.rotationRate | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Device Orientation, Firefox OS, Mobile, Motion, NeedsExample, Orientation, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
Returns the rate at which the device is rotating around each of its axes in degrees per second. | ||
617 | DeviceOrientationEvent | API, Device Orientation API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Reference, Référence, events |
The DeviceOrientationEvent provides web developers with information from the physical orientation of the device running the web page. |
618 | DeviceOrientationEvent.absolute | API, Device Orientation API, DeviceOrientationEvent, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence, events |
Indicates whether or not the device is providing orientation data absolutely (that is, in reference to the Earth's coordinate frame) or using some arbitrary frame determined by the device. See Orientation and motion data explained for details. | ||
619 | DeviceOrientationEvent.alpha | API, DeviceOrientation API, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the rotation of the device around the Z axis; that is, the number of degrees by which the device is being twisted around the center of the screen. See Orientation and motion data explained for details. | ||
620 | DeviceOrientationEvent.beta | API, Device Orientation API, DeviceOrientationEvent, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence, events |
Returns the rotation of the device around the X axis; that is, the number of degrees, ranged between -180 and 180, by which the device is tipped forward or backward. See Orientation and motion data explained for details. | ||
621 | DeviceOrientationEvent.gamma | API, Device Orientation API, DeviceOrientationEvent, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence, events |
Returns the rotation of the device around the Y axis; that is, the number of degrees, ranged between -90 and 90 , by which the device is turned left or right. See Orientation and motion data explained for details. |
622 | DeviceProximityEvent | API, Interface, Proximity Events, Reference, Référence, events |
The DeviceProximityEvent interface provides information about the distance of a nearby physical object using the proximity sensor of a device. |
623 | DeviceProximityEvent.max | API, DeviceProximityEvent, Experimental, Expérimental, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Proximity Events, Reference, Référence |
The max property provides the maximum sensing distance the sensor is able to report, in centimeters. |
624 | DeviceProximityEvent.min | API, DeviceProximityEvent, Experimental, Expérimental, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Proximity Events, Reference, Référence |
The min property provides the minimum distance the sensor can report, in centimeters. |
625 | DeviceProximityEvent.value | API, DeviceProximityEvent, Experimental, Expérimental, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Proximity Events, Reference, Référence |
The value property of DeviceProximityEvent objects provides the current distance between the device and the detected object, in centimeters. |
626 | DeviceRotationRate | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Experimental, Expérimental, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
A DeviceRotationRate object provides information about the rate at which the device is rotating around all three axes. |
627 | DeviceRotationRate.alpha | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
This property indicates the rate of rotation around the Z axis -- in degrees per second -- in a DeviceRotationRate object. |
628 | DeviceRotationRate.beta | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
This property indicates the rate of rotation around the X axis -- in degrees per second -- in a DeviceRotationRate object. |
629 | DeviceRotationRate.gamma | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
This property indicates the rate of rotation around the Y axis -- in degrees per second -- in a DeviceRotationRate object. |
630 | DeviceStorage | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The DeviceStorage interface is used to access files on a specific storage area available on the device. A storage area is, in essence, a file system repository even if it hides the reality of the underlying file system. |
631 | DeviceStorage.add() | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The add method is used to add a file inside a given storage area. |
632 | DeviceStorage.addNamed() | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The addNamed method is used to add a file inside a given storage area. |
633 | DeviceStorage.available() | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The available() method is used to check whether the storage area is available; this is an asynchronous operation that returns a DOMRequest object that will receive a callback when the operation is complete. |
634 | DeviceStorage.default | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The default property indicates if the storage area is the one which will be used by default for storing new files (true ) or not (false ). |
635 | DeviceStorage.delete() | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The delete method is used to remove a file from a given storage area. |
636 | DeviceStorage.enumerate() | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The enumerate method is used to iterate through the files of a given storage area. |
637 | DeviceStorage.enumerateEditable() | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The enumerateEditable method is used to iterate through the files of a given storage area. |
638 | DeviceStorage.freeSpace() | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The freeSpace method is used to get the amount of free space usable by the storage area. |
639 | DeviceStorage.get() | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The get method is used to retrieve a read-only file from a given storage area. |
640 | DeviceStorage.getEditable() | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The getEditable method is used to retrieve a file, which is editable, from a given storage area. |
641 | DeviceStorage.onchange | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The onchange property is used to specify an event handler to receive change events. Those events are triggered each time a file is created, modified, or deleted on the storage area. |
642 | DeviceStorage.storageName | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The storageName property indicates the name of the storage area. |
643 | DeviceStorage.usedSpace() | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The usedSpace method is used to get the total of space used by the storage (the amount of space filled by files). |
644 | DeviceStorageChangeEvent | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, events |
The DeviceStorageChangeEvent provides information about any change made to a file inside a given storage area. It extends the Event interface. |
645 | DeviceStorageChangeEvent.path | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The path property provides the full path to the file affected by the change. |
646 | DeviceStorageChangeEvent.reason | API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The reason property gives the nature of the change that occurred. |
647 | DirectoryEntry | API, File API, File System API, Non-standard, Offline, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI, filesystem |
The DirectoryEntry interface of the FileSystem API represents a directory in a file system. It includes methods for creating, reading, looking up, and recursively removing files in a directory. |
648 | DirectoryEntrySync | API, File API, File System API, Non-standard, Offline, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, filesystem |
The DirectoryEntrySync interface of the File System API represents a directory in a file system. It includes methods for creating, reading, looking up, and recursively removing files in a directory. |
649 | DirectoryReader | API, File API, File System API, Non-standard, Offline, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, filesystem |
The DirectoryReader interface of the File System API lets you read the entries in a directory. |
650 | DirectoryReaderSync | API, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The DirectoryReaderSync interface of the File System API lets you read the entries in a directory. |
651 | Document | API, DOM, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, MakeBrowserAgnostic, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
Each web page loaded in the browser has its own document object. The Document interface serves as an entry point into the web page's content (the DOM tree, including elements such as <body> and <table> ) and provides functionality which is global to the document (such as obtaining the page's URL and creating new elements in the document). |
652 | Document.URL | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupTable, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The URL read-only property of the Document interface returns the document location as a string. |
653 | Document.activeElement | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
Returns the currently focused element, that is, the element that will get keystroke events if the user types any. This attribute is read only. | ||
654 | Document.adoptNode() | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Method, NeedsExample, NeedsUpdate, Reference, Référence |
Adopts a node from an external document. The node and its subtree is removed from the document it's in (if any), and its ownerDocument is changed to the current document. The node can then be inserted into the current document. |
655 | Document.alinkColor | API, Deprecated, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns or sets the color of an active link in the document body. A link is active during the time between mousedown and mouseup events. |
656 | Document.anchors | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
anchors returns a list of all of the anchors in the document. |
657 | Document.applets | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
applets returns an ordered list of the applets within a document. |
658 | Document.async | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Deprecated, Document, Property, Reference, Référence |
document.async can be set to indicate whether a document.load call should be an asynchronous or synchronous request. true is the default value, indicating that documents should be loaded asynchronously. |
659 | Document.bgColor | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
bgColor gets/sets the background color of the current document. |
660 | Document.body | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the <body> or <frameset> node of the current document, or null if no such element exists. |
661 | Document.caretPositionFromPoint() | API, CSSOM View, Method, NeedsMarkupWork |
This method is used to retrieve the caret position in a document based on two coordinates. A CaretPosition is returned, containing the found DOM node and the character offset in that node. |
662 | Document.caretRangeFromPoint() | API, CSSOM View, DOM, Document, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The caretRangeFromPoint() method of the Document interface returns a Range object for the document fragment under the specified coordinates. |
663 | Document.characterSet | API, DOM, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
Returns the character encoding of the current document. | ||
664 | Document.clear() | API, Document, HTML DOM, Method, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
This method used to clear the whole specified document in early (pre-1.0) versions of Mozilla. | ||
665 | Document.close() | API, Document, HTML DOM, Method, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The document.close() method finishes writing to a document, opened with |
666 | Document.compatMode | API, DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
Indicates whether the document is rendered in Quirks mode or Standards mode. | ||
667 | Document.contentType | API, DOM, MIME, NeedsCompatTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the MIME type that the document is being rendered as. This may come from HTTP headers or other sources of MIME information, and might be affected by automatic type conversions performed by either the browser or extensions. | ||
668 | Document.cookie | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsLiveSample, NeedsMarkupWork, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage |
Get and set the cookies associated with the current document. For a general library, skip to the dedicated paragraph. | ||
669 | Document.createAttribute() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
createAttribute creates a new attribute node, and returns it. | ||
670 | Document.createCDATASection() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
createCDATASection() creates a new CDATA section node, and returns it. |
671 | Document.createComment() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
createComment() creates a new comment node, and returns it. |
672 | Document.createDocumentFragment() | API, DOM, Document, Method, Reference, Référence |
Creates a new empty DocumentFragment . |
673 | Document.createElement() | API, DOM, Document, Method, Reference, Référence |
In an HTML document, the Document.createElement() method creates the specified HTML element or an HTMLUnknownElement if the given element name isn't a known one. |
674 | Document.createElementNS() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
Creates an element with the specified namespace URI and qualified name. | ||
675 | Document.createEntityReference() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
Prior to Gecko 7.0 this method showed up as present, due to bug bug 9850, it always only returned null. The only workaround is to create a text node, CDATA section, attribute node value, etc. which has the value referred to by the entity, using Unicode escape sequences or fromCharCode() as necessary. | ||
676 | Document.createEvent() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
Creates an event of the type specified. The returned object should be first initialized and can then be passed to element.dispatchEvent. | ||
677 | Document.createExpression() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
This method compiles an XPathExpression which can then be used for (repeated) evaluations. |
678 | Document.createNSResolver() | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Method, Reference, Référence |
Creates an XPathNSResolver which resolves namespaces with respect to the definitions in scope for a specified node. |
679 | Document.createNodeIterator() | API, DOM, Document.createNodeIterator, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, MakeBrowserAgnostic, Method, NeedsCompatTable |
Returns a new NodeIterator object. |
680 | Document.createProcessingInstruction() | API, DOM, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsCompatTable, Reference, Référence |
createProcessingInstruction() creates a new processing instruction node, and returns it. |
681 | Document.createRange() | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Document, DocumentRange.createRange, Method, Range |
Returns a new Range object. |
682 | Document.createTextNode() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
Creates a new Text node. | ||
683 | Document.createTouch() | API, DOM, Method, Mobile, Obsolete, Reference, Référence, touch |
This method creates and returns a new Touch object. |
684 | Document.createTouchList() | API, DOM, DocumentTouch.createTouchList, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, Mobile, touch |
This method creates and returns a new TouchList object. |
685 | Document.createTreeWalker() | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Document, Document.createTreeWalker(), Method |
The Document.createTreeWalker() creator method returns a newly created TreeWalker object. |
686 | Document.currentScript | API, DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the <script> element whose script is currently being processed. |
687 | Document.defaultView | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, NeedsUpdate, Property, Reference, Référence |
In browsers returns the window object associated with the document or null if none available. |
688 | Document.designMode | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsContent, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, editor |
document.designMode controls whether the entire document is editable. Valid values are "on" and "off" . According to the specification, this property is meant to default to "off" . Firefox follows this standard. The earlier versions of Chrome and IE default to "inherit" . In IE6-10, the value is capitalized. |
689 | Document.dir | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Document.dir property is a DOMString representing the directionality of the text of the document, whether left to right (default) or right to left. Possible values are 'rtl' , right to left, and 'ltr' , left to right. |
690 | Document.doctype | API, DOM, Document, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the Document Type Declaration (DTD) associated with current document. The returned object implements the DocumentType interface. Use DOMImplementation.createDocumentType() to create a DocumentType . |
691 | Document.documentElement | API, DOM, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The Document.documentElement read-only property returns the Element that is the root element of the document (for example, the <html> element for HTML documents). |
692 | Document.documentURI | API, DOM, NeedsContent, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The documentURI property of the Document interface returns the document location as a string. |
693 | Document.documentURIObject | API, DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Document.documentURIObject read-only property returns an nsIURI object representing the URI of the document. |
694 | Document.domConfig | API, Property |
This should return the DOMConfiguration for the document. |
695 | Document.domain | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, NeedsUpdate, Property, Reference, Référence |
Gets/sets the domain portion of the origin of the current document, as used by the same origin policy. | ||
696 | Document.elementFromPoint() | API, CSSOM View, Method, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The elementFromPoint() method of the Document interface returns the topmost element at the specified coordinates. |
697 | Document.elementsFromPoint() | |
The elementsFromPoint() method of the Document interface returns an array of all elements at the specified coordinates. |
698 | Document.embeds | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsContent, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property |
embeds returns a list of the embedded OBJECTS within the current document. |
699 | Document.enableStyleSheetsForSet() | API, CSSOM, DOM, Method, NeedsBrowserAgnosticism, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
Enables the style sheets matching the specified name in the current style sheet set, and disables all other style sheets (except those without a title, which are always enabled). | ||
700 | Document.evaluate() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence, XPath |
Returns an XPathResult based on an XPath expression and other given parameters. |
701 | Document.execCommand() | API, DOM, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, Réference, Référence, editor |
No summary! | ||
702 | Document.exitPointerLock() | API, Method, Reference, Référence, mouse lock |
The exitPointerLock asynchronously releases a pointer lock previously requested through Element.requestPointerLock . |
703 | Document.fgColor | API, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
fgColor gets/sets the foreground color, or text color, of the current document. |
704 | Document.forms | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
forms returns a collection (an HTMLCollection ) of the <form> elements within the current document. |
705 | Document.getBoxObjectFor() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
Returns a boxObject (x, y, width, height) for a specified element. |
706 | Document.getElementById() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
Returns a reference to the element by its ID. | ||
707 | Document.getElementsByClassName() | API, DOM, DOM Element Methods, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, HTML5, Method, Reference, Référence |
Returns an array-like object of all child elements which have all of the given class names. When called on the document object, the complete document is searched, including the root node. You may also call getElementsByClassName() on any element; it will return only elements which are descendants of the specified root element with the given class names. |
708 | Document.getElementsByName() | API, Document, HTML DOM, Method, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
Returns a nodelist collection with a given name in the (X)HTML document. |
709 | Document.getElementsByTagName() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
Returns an HTMLCollection of elements with the given tag name. |
710 | Document.getElementsByTagNameNS() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
Returns a list of elements with the given tag name belonging to the given namespace. The complete document is searched, including the root node. | ||
711 | Document.getSelection() | API, DOM, Document, Method, Reference, Référence, Selection |
This method functions identically to the Window.getSelection() method; it returns a Selection object representing the text currently selected in the document. |
712 | Document.hasFocus() | API, DOM, Focus, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Reference, Référence |
false if the active element in the document has no focus; true if the active element in the document has focus. |
713 | Document.head | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the <head> element of the current document. If there are more than one <head> elements, the first one is returned. |
714 | Document.height | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsBrowserAgnosticism, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
Returns the height of the document object. In most cases, this is equal to the <body> element of the current document. |
715 | Document.images | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
document.images returns a collection of the images in the current HTML document. |
716 | Document.implementation | API, DOM, NeedsContent, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns a DOMImplementation object associated with the current document. |
717 | Document.importNode() | API, DOM, Document, Method, Node, Reference, Référence |
Creates a copy of a node from an external document that can be inserted into the current document. | ||
718 | Document.inputEncoding | API, DOM, Document, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns a string representing the encoding under which the document was parsed (e.g. ISO-8859-1 ). |
719 | Document.lastModified | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns a string containing the date and time on which the current document was last modified. | ||
720 | Document.lastStyleSheetSet | API, CSSOM, DOM, Property, Reference, Référence, Stylesheets |
Returns the last enabled style sheet set; this property's value changes whenever the document.selectedStyleSheetSet property is changed. |
721 | Document.linkColor | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
linkColor gets/sets the color of links within the document. |
722 | Document.links | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The links property returns a collection of all <area> elements and <a> elements in a document with a value for the href attribute. |
723 | Document.loadOverlay() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
Loads a XUL overlay and merges it with the current document, notifying an observer when the merge is complete. | ||
724 | Document.location | API, Document, HTML DOM, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The Document.location read-only property returns a Location object, which contains information about the URL of the document and provides methods for changing that URL and loading another URL. |
725 | Document.mozCancelFullScreen() | API, DOM, Full-screen, Method, Reference, Référence |
Takes the document out of full-screen mode; this is used to reverse the effects of a call to make an element in the document full-screen using its element.mozRequestFullScreen() method. |
726 | Document.mozFullScreen | API, DOM, Full-screen, Property, Reference, Référence |
Reports whether or not the document is currently displaying content in fullscreen mode. | ||
727 | Document.mozFullScreenElement | API, DOM, Full-screen, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the Element that is currently being presented in full-screen mode in this document, or null if full-screen mode is not currently in use. |
728 | Document.mozFullScreenEnabled | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Full-screen, Property, Reference, Référence |
Reports whether or not full-screen mode is available. Full screen mode is available only for a page that has no windowed plug-ins in any of its documents, and if all <iframe> elements which contain the document have their allowfullscreen attribute set. |
729 | Document.mozSetImageElement() | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
Changes the element being used as the CSS background for a background with a given background element ID. | ||
730 | Document.mozSyntheticDocument | API, DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
Indicates whether or not the document is a synthetic one; that is, a document representing a standalone image, video, audio, or the like. | ||
731 | Document.onafterscriptexecute | API, DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
Fired when a static <script> element finishes executing its script. Does not fire if the element is added dynamically, eg with appendChild(). |
732 | Document.onbeforescriptexecute | API, DOM, Gecko DOM Reference, Property, Reference, Référence, element.onbeforescriptexecute |
Fired when the code in a <script> element declared in an HTML document is about to start executing. Does not fire if the element is added dynamically, eg with appendChild(). |
733 | Document.onoffline | API, DOM, NeedsContent, Property, Reference, Référence, events |
This event handler is called when an offline is fired on body and bubbles up, when navigator.onLine property changes and becomes false . |
734 | Document.ononline | API, DOM, Document, Property, Reference, Référence, events |
"online " event is fired on the <body> of each page when the browser switches between online and offline mode. Additionally, the events bubble up from document.body , to document , ending at window . Both events are non-cancellable (you can't prevent the user from coming online, or going offline). |
735 | | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
The method opens a document for writing. |
736 | Document.origin | API, DOM, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Property, Read-only |
The Document.origin read-only property returns the document's origin. In most cases, this property is equivalent to document.defaultView.location.origin . |
737 | Document.plugins | API, Document, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns an HTMLCollection object containing one or more HTMLEmbedElement s or null which represent the <embed> elements in the current document. |
738 | Document.pointerLockElement | API, DOM, Property, Reference, Référence, mouse lock |
The pointerLockElement property provides the element set as the target for mouse events while the pointer is locked. It is null if lock is pending, pointer is unlocked, or the target is in another document. |
739 | Document.popupNode | API, DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
When a popup attached via the popup or context attributes is opened, the XUL document's popupNode property is set to the node that was clicked on. This will be the target of the mouse event that activated the popup. If the popup was opened via the keyboard, the popup node may be set to null. Typically, this property will be checked during a popupshowing event handler for a context menu to initialize the menu based on the context. |
740 | Document.preferredStyleSheetSet | API, CSSOM, DOM, Document, Property, Reference, Référence, Stylesheets |
Returns the preferred style sheet set as set by the page author. | ||
741 | Document.queryCommandState() | API, DOM, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsExample, NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility, Reference, Référence |
TBD | ||
742 | Document.queryCommandSupported() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, editor |
Reports whether or not the specified editor query command is supported by the browser. | ||
743 | Document.querySelector() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Selectors |
Returns the first element within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that matches the specified group of selectors. | ||
744 | Document.querySelectorAll() | API, DOM, Document, Document.querySelectorAll, Method, Selectors |
Returns a list of the elements within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that match the specified group of selectors. The object returned is a NodeList . |
745 | Document.readyState | API, HTML DOM, NeedsBrowserAgnosticism, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence, events |
Returns "loading" while the document is loading, "interactive" once it is finished parsing but still loading sub-resources, and "complete" once it has loaded. |
746 | Document.referrer | API, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the URI of the page that linked to this page. | ||
747 | Document.registerElement() | API, DOM, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Components |
The Document.registerElement() method registers a new custom element in the browser and returns a constructor for the new element. |
748 | Document.releaseCapture() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
Releases mouse capture if it's currently enabled on an element within this document. Enabling mouse capture on an element is done by calling element.setCapture() . |
749 | Document.scripts | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns a list of the <script> elements in the document. The returned object is an HTMLCollection . |
750 | Document.scrollingElement | API, Document, Experimental, Expérimental, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, scrollingElement |
The scrollingElement read-only property of the Document interface returns a reference to the Element that scrolls the document. |
751 | Document.selectedStyleSheetSet | API, CSSOM, DOM, Property, Reference, Référence, Stylesheets |
Indicates the name of the style sheet set that's currently in use. | ||
752 | Document.styleSheetSets | API, CSSOM, DOM, Property, Reference, Référence, Stylesheets |
Returns a live list of all of the currently-available style sheet sets. | ||
753 | Document.styleSheets | API, CSSOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Document.styleSheets read-only property returns a StyleSheetList of CSSStyleSheet objects for stylesheets explicitly linked into or embedded in a document. |
754 | Document.title | API, Command API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsBrowserAgnosticism, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
Gets or sets the title of the document. | ||
755 | Document.tooltipNode | API, DOM, Gecko DOM Reference, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the node which is the target of the current tooltip . |
756 | Document.vlinkColor | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
Gets/sets the color of links that the user has visited in the document. | ||
757 | Document.width | API, Document, HTML DOM, NeedsBrowserAgnosticism, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
Returns the width of the <body> element of the current document in pixels. |
758 | Document.write() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
Writes a string of text to a document stream opened by | ||
759 | Document.writeln() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
Writes a string of text followed by a newline character to a document. | ||
760 | Document.xmlEncoding | API, DOM, Document.xmlEncoding, Gecko DOM Reference, MakeBrowserAgnostic, NeedsCompatTable, Property |
Returns the encoding as determined by the XML declaration. Should be null if unspecified or unknown. |
761 | Document.xmlVersion | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Obsolete, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the version number as specified in the XML declaration (e.g., <?xml version="1.0"?> ) or "1.0" if the declaration is absent. |
762 | Document Object Model (DOM) | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Intermediate, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML, XML and SVG documents. It provides a structured representation of the document (a tree) and it defines a way that the structure can be accessed from programs so that they can change the document structure, style and content. The DOM provides a representation of the document as a structured group of nodes and objects that have properties and methods. Nodes can also have event handlers attached to them, and once that event is triggered the event handlers get executed. Essentially, it connects web pages to scripts or programming languages. | ||
763 | Events | DOM, Guide, events |
This chapter describes the DOM Event Model. The Event interface itself is described, as well as the interfaces for event registration on nodes in the DOM, and event listeners, and several longer examples that show how the various event interfaces relate to one another. | ||
764 | Examples | DOM, DOM Reference |
This chapter provides some longer examples of web and XML development using the DOM. Wherever possible, the examples use common APIs, tricks, and patterns in JavaScript for manipulating the document object. | ||
765 | Introduction | DOM, Guide, Reference, Réference, Référence |
This section provides a brief conceptual introduction to the DOM: what it is, how it provides structure for HTML and XML documents, how you can access it, and how this API presents the reference information and examples. | ||
766 | Locating DOM elements using selectors | Beginner, DOM, Firefox 3.5, NeedsBeginnerUpdate, beginner |
The Selectors API provides methods that make it quick and easy to retrieve Element nodes from the DOM by matching against a set of selectors. This is much faster than past techniques, wherein it was necessary to, for example, use a loop in JavaScript code to locate the specific items you needed to find. |
767 | DocumentFragment | API, DOM, DocumentFragment |
The DocumentFragment interface represents a minimal document object that has no parent. It is used as a light-weight version of Document to store well-formed or potentially non-well-formed fragments of XML. |
768 | DocumentFragment() | API, Constructor, DOM, DocumentFragment, DocumentFragment(), Experimental, Expérimental |
The DocumentFragment() constructor returns an empty newly created DocumentFragment object . |
769 | DocumentFragment.querySelector() | API, DOM, DocumentFragment, DocumentFragment.querySelector, Method |
The DocumentFragment.querySelector() method returns the first element, or null if no matches are found, within the DocumentFragment (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that matches the specified group of selectors. |
770 | DocumentFragment.querySelectorAll() | API, DOM, DocumentFragment, DocumentFragment.querySelectorAll, Method |
The DocumentFragment.querySelectorAll() method returns a NodeList of elements within the DocumentFragment (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that matches the specified group of selectors. |
771 | DocumentTouch | API, DOM, DocumentTouch, Mobile, touch |
The DocumentTouch interface used to provides convenience methods for creating Touch and TouchList objects, but has been removed. The methods live on the Document interface now. |
772 | DocumentType | API, DOM, DocumentType, Interface |
The DocumentType interface represents a Node containing a doctype. |
773 | Documentation status | API, Documentation status, WebAPI |
As documentation is moving forward, this page as been reorganized: APIs that are fully documented are pushed at the bottom of the page where ongoing documentation is put on top. | ||
774 | DragEvent | API, DragEvent, NeedsMarkupWork, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, events |
The drag event is fired when an element or text selection is being dragged (every few hundred milliseconds). |
775 | DynamicsCompressorNode | API, DynamicsCompressorNode, Interface, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
Inherits properties from its parent, AudioNode . |
776 | DynamicsCompressorNode.attack | API, Attack, DynamicsCompressorNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
An AudioParam . |
777 | DynamicsCompressorNode.knee | API, DynamicsCompressorNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, knee |
An AudioParam . |
778 | DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio | API, DynamicsCompressorNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, ratio |
An AudioParam . |
779 | DynamicsCompressorNode.reduction | API, DynamicsCompressorNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, reduction |
An AudioParam . |
780 | DynamicsCompressorNode.release | API, DynamicsCompressorNode, Property, Reference, Release, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
An AudioParam . |
781 | DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold | API, DynamicsCompressorNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, threshold |
An AudioParam . |
782 | Element | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Element, Elément, Élément |
The Element interface represents an object of a Document . This interface describes methods and properties common to all kinds of elements. Specific behaviors are described in interfaces which inherit from Element but add additional functionality. |
783 | Element.accessKey | API, NeedsContent, Property |
The Element.accessKey property sets the keystroke by which a user can press to jump to this element. | ||
784 | Element.attributes | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Property, Reference, Référence, Élément |
The Element.attributes property returns a live collection of all attribute nodes registered to the specified node. It is a NamedNodeMap , not an Array , so it has no Array methods and the Attr nodes' indexes may differ among browsers. To be more specific, attributes is a key/value pair of strings that represents any information regarding that attribute. |
785 | Element.classList | API, DOM, Element, Elément, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Élément |
classList returns a token list of the class attribute of the element. | ||
786 | Element.className | API, DOM, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, Property, Reference, Référence |
className gets and sets the value of the class attribute of the specified element. |
787 | Element.clientHeight | API, CSSOM View, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The Element.clientHeight read-only property returns the inner height of an element in pixels, including padding but not the horizontal scrollbar height, border, or margin. |
788 | Element.clientLeft | API, CSSOM View, NeedsAgnostify, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The width of the left border of an element in pixels. It includes the width of the vertical scrollbar if the text direction of the element is right–to–left and if there is an overflow causing a left vertical scrollbar to be rendered. clientLeft does not include the left margin or the left padding. clientLeft is read-only. |
789 | Element.clientTop | API, CSSOM View, NeedsAgnostify, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The width of the top border of an element in pixels. It does not include the top margin or padding. clientTop is read-only. |
790 | Element.clientWidth | API, CSSOM View, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The Element.clientWidth property is the inner width of an element in pixels. It includes padding but not the vertical scrollbar (if present, if rendered), border or margin. |
791 | Element.closest() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Élément |
The Element.closest() method returns the closest ancestor of the current element (or the current element itself) which matches the selectors given in parameter. If there isn't such an ancestor, it returns null . |
792 | Element.createShadowRoot() | |
Use Element.createShadowRoot to create an instance of shadow DOM. When shadow DOM is created, it is always attached to an existing element. After the shadow DOM is created, the element that it is attached to is called the shadow root. |
793 | Element.getAttribute() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
getAttribute() returns the value of a specified attribute on the element. |
794 | Element.getAttributeNS() | API, DOM, Gecko, Method, Reference, Référence |
getAttributeNS returns the string value of the attribute with the specified namespace and name. If the named attribute does not exist, the value returned will either be null or "" (the empty string); see Notes for details. |
795 | Element.getAttributeNode() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Référence, Élément |
Returns the specified attribute of the specified element, as an Attr node. |
796 | Element.getAttributeNodeNS() | API, DOM, Method, Reference, Référence |
Returns the Attr node for the attribute with the given namespace and name. |
797 | Element.getBoundingClientRect() | API, CSSOM View, Method, NeedsBrowserAgnostic, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Réference, Référence, method |
The Element.getBoundingClientRect() method returns the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport. |
798 | Element.getClientRects() | API, CSSOM View, Method, NeedsBrowserAgnostic, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The Element.getClientRects() method returns a collection of rectangles that indicate the bounding rectangles for each box in a client. |
799 | Element.getElementsByClassName() | API, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, method, Élément |
The Element.getElementsByClassName() method returns a live HTMLCollection containing all child elements which have all of the given class names. When called on the document object, the complete document is searched, including the root node. |
800 | Element.getElementsByTagName() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, method, Élément |
The Element.getElementsByTagName() method returns a live HTMLCollection of elements with the given tag name. The subtree underneath the specified element is searched, excluding the element itself. The returned list is live, meaning that it updates itself with the DOM tree automatically. Consequently, there is no need to call several times Element.getElementsByTagName() with the same element and arguments. |
801 | Element.getElementsByTagNameNS() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Référence, Élément |
The Element.getElementsByTagNameNS() method returns a live HTMLCollection of elements with the given tag name belonging to the given namespace. It is similar to Document.getElementsByTagNameNS , except that its search is restricted to descendants of the specified element. |
802 | Element.hasAttribute() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Élément |
The Element.hasAttribute() method returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified element has the specified attribute or not. |
803 | Element.hasAttributeNS() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Référence, Élément |
hasAttributeNS returns a boolean value indicating whether the current element has the specified attribute. |
804 | Element.hasAttributes() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Référence, method, Élément |
The Element .hasAttributes() method returns a Boolean value, true or false , indicating if the current element has any attributes or not. |
805 | | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Élément |
The property represents the element's identifier, reflecting the id global attribute. |
806 | Element.innerHTML | API, DOM, DOM_0, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Element.innerHTML property sets or gets the HTML syntax describing the element's descendants. |
807 | Element.insertAdjacentHTML() | API, DOM, DOM Element Methods, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, Reference, Référence |
insertAdjacentHTML() parses the specified text as HTML or XML and inserts the resulting nodes into the DOM tree at a specified position. It does not reparse the element it is being used on and thus it does not corrupt the existing elements inside the element. This, and avoiding the extra step of serialization make it much faster than direct innerHTML manipulation. |
808 | Element.matches() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Référence, Élément |
The Element.matches() method returns true if the element would be selected by the specified selector string; otherwise, returns false . |
809 | | API, DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
name gets or sets the name property of a DOM object; it only applies to the following elements: <a> , <applet> , <button> , <form> , <frame> , <iframe> , <img> , <input> , <map> , <meta> , <object> , <param> , <select> , and <textarea> . |
810 | Element.onwheel | API, DOM, Gecko, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, element.onwheel |
The onwheel property returns the onwheel event handler code on the current element. |
811 | Element.outerHTML | API, DOM, NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility, Property, Reference, Référence |
The outerHTML attribute of the element DOM interface gets the serialized HTML fragment describing the element including its descendants. It can be set to replace the element with nodes parsed from the given string. |
812 | Element.querySelector() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Élément |
Returns the first element that is a descendant of the element on which it is invoked that matches the specified group of selectors. | ||
813 | Element.querySelectorAll() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Élément |
Returns a non-live NodeList of all elements descended from the element on which it is invoked that match the specified group of CSS selectors. |
814 | Element.removeAttribute() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Référence, Élément |
removeAttribute removes an attribute from the specified element. |
815 | Element.removeAttributeNS() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Référence, Élément |
removeAttributeNS removes the specified attribute from an element. |
816 | Element.removeAttributeNode() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Référence, Élément |
removeAttributeNode removes the specified attribute from the current element. |
817 | Element.requestFullscreen() | API, DOM, Experimental, Expérimental, Full-screen, Method, Reference, Référence |
Asynchronously requests that the element be made full-screen. | ||
818 | Element.requestPointerLock() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, Reference, Référence, mouse lock |
The Element.requestPointerLock() method allows to asynchronously ask for the pointer to be locked on the given element. |
819 | Element.scrollHeight | API, CSSOM View, NeedsDHMTLRemovalInExample, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsNewCompatTable, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Element.scrollHeight read-only attribute is a measurement of the height of an element's content, including content not visible on the screen due to overflow. The scrollHeight value is equal to the minimum clientHeight the element would require in order to fit all the content in the viewpoint without using a vertical scrollbar. It includes the element padding but not its margin. |
820 | Element.scrollIntoView() | API, CSSOM Views, Experimental, Expérimental, Method, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The Element.scrollIntoView() method scrolls the current element into the visible area of the browser window. |
821 | Element.scrollLeft | API, CSSOM View, NeedSpecTable, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Element.scrollLeft property gets or sets the number of pixels that an element's content is scrolled to the left. |
822 | Element.scrollLeftMax | API, CSSOM View, Element, Elément, Non-standard, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, Élément |
The Element.scrollLeftMax read-only property returns a Number representing the maximum left scroll offset possible for the element. |
823 | Element.scrollTop | API, CSSOM View, NeedsArtUpdate, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Element.scrollTop property gets or sets the number of pixels that the content of an element is scrolled upward. An element's scrollTop is a measurement of the distance of an element's top to its topmost visible content. When an element content does not generate a vertical scrollbar, then its scrollTop value defaults to 0 . |
824 | Element.scrollTopMax | API, CSSOM View, Element, Elément, Non-standard, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, Élément |
The Element.scrollTopMax read-only property returns a Number representing the maximum top scroll offset possible for the element. |
825 | Element.scrollWidth | API, CSSOM View, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Element.scrollWidth read–only property returns either the width in pixels of the content of an element or the width of the element itself, whichever is greater. If the element is wider than its content area (for example, if there are scroll bars for scrolling through the content), the scrollWidth is larger than the clientWidth . |
826 | Element.setAttribute() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Référence, Élément |
Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an existing attribute on the specified element. | ||
827 | Element.setAttributeNS() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Référence, Élément |
setAttributeNS adds a new attribute or changes the value of an attribute with the given namespace and name. |
828 | Element.setAttributeNode() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Référence, Élément |
setAttributeNode() adds a new Attr node to the specified element. |
829 | Element.setAttributeNodeNS() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Reference, Référence, Élément |
setAttributeNodeNS adds a new namespaced attribute node to an element. |
830 | Element.setCapture() | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, events, Élément |
Call this method during the handling of a mousedown event to retarget all mouse events to this element until the mouse button is released or document.releaseCapture() is called. |
831 | Element.shadowRoot | |
The Element.shadowRoot read-only property represents the youngest shadow root that is hosted on the element. |
832 | Element.tabStop | API, DOM, Element, Elément, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, tabStop, Élément |
The tabStop property of the Element interface returns a Boolean indicating if the element can receive input focus via the tab key. If the specified element is a shadow host tab navigation is delegated to it's children. |
833 | Element.tagName | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
Returns the name of the element. | ||
834 | ElementTraversal | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Obsolete |
The ElementTraversal interface was defining methods allowing to access from one Node to another one in the document tree. |
835 | Encoding API | API, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
The Encoding API defines allows to deal with text encoded with different methods. It mainly allows to handle legacy content, encrypted with old methods, as it requires new content to be encoded using UTF-8. | ||
836 | EncryptedMediaExtensions API | API, Encrypted Media Extentions, NeedsContent, Reference, Référence, junk |
TBD | ||
837 | EncryptedMediaExtensions API | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, NeedsContent, Reference, Référence |
The EncryptedMediaExtenstions API provides interfaces for controlling the playback of protected content. | ||
838 | EncryptedMediaExtensions API | API, NeedsContent, Reference, Réference, Référence, junk |
TBD | ||
839 | Entity | API, DOM, Interface, Obsolete, Reference, Référence |
Read-only reference to a DTD entity. Also inherits the methods and properties of Node . |
840 | EntityReference | API, DOM, Interface, Obsolete |
Read-only reference to an entity reference in the DOM tree. Has no properties or methods of its own but inherits from Node . |
841 | Entry | API, File, File API, File System API, NeedsMarkupWork, Non-standard, Offline, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The Entry interface of the FileSystem API represents an entry in a file system. The entry can be a file or a directory. It includes methods for working with files—including copying, moving, removing, and reading files—as well as information about a file it points to—including the file name and its path from the root to the entry. |
842 | EntrySync | API, File API, File System API, Non-standard, Offline, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, filesystem |
The EntrySync interface of the FileSystem API represents an entry in a file system. The entry can be a FileEntrySync or a DirectoryEntry. It includes methods for working with files—including copying, moving, removing, and reading files—as well as information about the file it points to—including the file name and its path from the root to the entry. |
843 | ErrorEvent | API, Event, Worker API |
The ErrorEvent interface represents events providing information related to errors in scripts or in files. |
844 | Event | API, DOM, Event, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The Event interface represents any event of the DOM. It contains common properties and methods to any event. |
845 | Comparison of Event Targets | DOM, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, NeedsContent, NeedsExample, NeedsHelp |
It's easy to get confused about which target to examine when writing an event handler. This article should clarify the use of the target properties. | ||
846 | Event() | API, Constructor, DOM, Event, Reference, Réference, Référence, events |
The Event() constructor creates a new Event . |
847 | Event.bubbles | API, DOM, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
Indicates whether the given event bubbles up through the DOM or not. | ||
848 | Event.cancelable | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Property, Reference, Référence |
Indicates whether the event is cancelable or not. | ||
849 | Event.createEvent() | API, DOM, Event, Gecko DOM Reference, Method |
Creates a new event, which must then be initialized by calling its init() method. |
850 | Event.currentTarget | API, DOM, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Property |
Identifies the current target for the event, as the event traverses the DOM. It always refers to the element the event handler has been attached to as opposed to which identifies the element on which the event occurred. |
851 | Event.defaultPrevented | API, DOM, Event, Gecko DOM Reference, Property, events |
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not event.preventDefault() was called on the event. |
852 | Event.detail | API, DOM, Gecko, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns additional numerical information about the event, depending on the type of event. See the Notes section for details. | ||
853 | Event.eventPhase | API, DOM, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, NeedsLiveSample, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
Indicates which phase of the event flow is currently being evaluated. | ||
854 | Event.explicitOriginalTarget | API, DOM, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence |
The explicit original target of the event. (Mozilla-specific) | ||
855 | Event.initEvent() | API, DOM, Deprecated, Event, Method, Reference, Référence |
The Event.initEvent() method is used to initialize the value of an event created using Document.createEvent() . |
856 | Event.isTrusted | API, Event, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
A boolean value indicating whether the event is trusted. | ||
857 | Event.originalTarget | API, DOM, Gecko, NeedsExample, NeedsHelp, Non-standard, Property |
The original target of the event before any retargetings. (Mozilla-specific) | ||
858 | Event.preventDefault() | API, DOM, Event, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, WebAPI, preventDefault |
Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event. | ||
859 | Event.stopImmediatePropagation() | API, Event, Gecko DOM Reference, Level 3, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsCompatTable, Reference, Référence, stopImmediatePropagation |
Prevents other listeners of the same event from being called. | ||
860 | Event.stopPropagation() | API, DOM, Event, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, NeedsRewrite, Reference, Référence, stopPropagation |
Prevents further propagation of the current event. | ||
861 | | API, DOM, Event, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, Property, Reference, Référence, delegation, target |
A reference to the object that dispatched the event. It is different than event.currentTarget when the event handler is called during the bubbling or capturing phase of the event. |
862 | Event.timeStamp | API, DOM, Event, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, Property, Reference, Référence, timeStamp |
Returns the time (in milliseconds since the epoch) at which the event was created. | ||
863 | Event.type | API, DOM, Event, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, Property, Reference, Référence, events |
Returns a string containing the type of event. | ||
864 | EventListener | API, DOM, DOM Events, NeedsContent, NeedsMarkupWork, events |
This method is called whenever an event occurs of the type for which the EventListener interface was registered. |
865 | EventSource | API, NeedsMarkupWork, Reference, Référence, Server-sent events, Websockets API |
The EventSource interface is used to receive server-sent events. It connects to a server over HTTP and receives events in text/event-stream format without closing the connection. |
866 | EventTarget | API, DOM, DOM Events, Interface |
EventTarget is an interface implemented by objects that can receive events and may have listeners for them. |
867 | EventTarget.addEventListener() | API, DOM, EventTarget, MakeBrowserAgnostic, Method |
The EventTarget.addEventListener() method registers the specified listener on the EventTarget it's called on. The event target may be an Element in a document, the Document itself, a Window , or any other object that supports events (such as XMLHttpRequest ). |
868 | EventTarget.dispatchEvent() | API, DOM, DOM Element Methods, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, events |
Dispatches an Event at the specified EventTarget , invoking the affected EventListener s in the appropriate order. The normal event processing rules (including the capturing and optional bubbling phase) apply to events dispatched manually with dispatchEvent() . |
869 | EventTarget.removeEventListener() | API, DOM, DOM Element Methods, Gecko, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Reference, Référence, events |
Removes the event listener previously registered with EventTarget.addEventListener() . |
870 | ExtendableEvent | API, Experimental, Expérimental, ExtendableEvent, Interface, Offline, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, Workers |
The ExtendableEvent interface extends the lifetime of the install and activate events dispatched on the global scope as part of the service worker lifecycle. This ensures that any functional events (like FetchEvent ) are not dispatched until it upgrades database schemas and deletes the outdated cache entries. |
871 | ExtendableEvent.ExtendableEvent() | API, Constructor, Experimental, Expérimental, ExtendableEvent, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, WebAPI |
The ExtendableEvent() constructor creates a new ExtendableEvent object. |
872 | ExtendableEvent.waitUntil() | API, ExtendableEvent, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Worker, WebAPI, waitUntil |
The ExtendableEvent.waitUntil() method extends the lifetime of the event. When called in an EventHandler associated to the install event, it delays treating the installing worker as installed until the passed Promise resolves successfully. This is primarily used to ensure that a service worker is not considered installed until all of the core caches it depends on are populated. |
873 | FMRadio | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, WebFM |
The WebFM API provides access to the device FM radio. This interface lets you turn the FM radio on and off and tune it to different stations. It is accessible through the navigator.mozFMRadio property. |
874 | FMRadio.antennaAvailable | API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
The antennaAvailable property value indicates if an antenna is plugged and available. |
875 | FMRadio.cancelSeek() | API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
The cancelSeek method is used to tell the radio to stop seeking for frequencies. |
876 | FMRadio.channelWidth | API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
The channelWidth property value indicates the channel width of the ranges of frequency, in MHz. |
877 | FMRadio.disable() | API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
The disable method is used to turn off the radio. |
878 | FMRadio.enable() | API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
The enable method is used to turns on the radio on the given frequency. |
879 | FMRadio.enabled | API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
The enabled property value indicates whether the radio is playing (true ) or not (false ) |
880 | FMRadio.frequency | API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
The frequency property value returns the current radio frequency. |
881 | FMRadio.frequencyLowerBound | API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
The frequencyLowerBound property value indicates the minimum frequency down to which the seek method searches for radio stations. |
882 | FMRadio.frequencyUpperBound | API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
The frequencyUpperBound property value indicates the maximum frequency up to which the seek method searches for radio stations. |
883 | FMRadio.onantennaavailablechange | API, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
Specifies an event listener to receive antennaavailablechange events. Those events occur when an antenna is plugged or unplugged. |
884 | FMRadio.ondisabled | API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, WebFM |
Specifies an event listener to receive disabled events. Those events occur when the device's FM radio is turned off. |
885 | FMRadio.onenabled | API, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
Specifies an event listener to receive enabled events. Those events occur when the device's FM radio is turned on. |
886 | FMRadio.onfrequencychange | API, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
Specifies an event listener to receive frequencychange events. Those events occur whenever the radio frequency is changed |
887 | FMRadio.seekDown() | API, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
The seekDown method is used to tell the radio to seek down to the next radio channel. The search circles back to upper frequencies when the lowest frequency has been reached. |
888 | FMRadio.seekUp() | API, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
The seekUp method is used to tell the radio to seek up to the next radio channel. The search circles back to lower frequencies when the highest frequency has been reached. |
889 | FMRadio.setFrequency() | API, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebFM |
The setFrequency method is used to change the frequency listened to by the radio. |
890 | Fetch API | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Landing, Reference, Response, Réference, Référence, XMLHttpRequest, request |
The Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources (e.g., across the network.) It will seem familiar to anyone who has used XMLHttpRequest , but the new API provides a more powerful and flexible feature set. |
891 | Fetch basic concepts | API, Fetch, concepts, guard |
At the heart of Fetch are Interface abstractions of HTTP Request s, Response s, Headers , and Body payloads, along with a global fetch method for initiating asynchronous resource requests. Because the main components of HTTP are abstracted as JavaScript objects, it is easy for other APIs to make use of such functionality. |
892 | Using Fetch | API, BODY, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Guide, Promise, Response, guide, headers, request |
This kind of functionality was previously achieved using XMLHttpRequest ; Fetch provides a better alternative, which can easy be made use of by other technologies such as Service Workers as well as a single logical place to define other HTTP-related concepts such as CORS and extensions to HTTP. |
893 | FetchEvent | API, FetchEvent, Interface, Offline, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, Service workers, Workers |
The parameter passed into the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onfetch handler, FetchEvent represents a fetch action that is dispatched on the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope of a ServiceWorker . It contains information about the request and resulting response, and provides the FetchEvent.respondWith() method, which allows us to provide an arbitrary response back to the controlled page. |
894 | FetchEvent.FetchEvent() | API, Constructor, Experimental, Expérimental, FetchEvent, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, WebAPI |
The FetchEvent() constructor creates a new FetchEvent object. |
895 | FetchEvent.client | API, Client, Experimental, Expérimental, FetchEvent, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, Workers |
The FetchEvent.client read-only property returns the Client that the current service worker is controlling. |
896 | FetchEvent.isReload | API, Experimental, Expérimental, FetchEvent, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service, Service Workers, Workers, isReload |
The isReload read-only property of the FetchEvent interface returns true if the event was dispatched by the user attempting to reload the page, and false otherwise. Pressing the refresh button is a reload while clicking a link and pressing the back button is not. |
897 | FetchEvent.request | API, Experimental, Expérimental, FetchEvent, Offline, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, Workers, request |
The request read-only property of the FetchEvent interface returns the Request that triggered the event handler. |
898 | FetchEvent.respondWith() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, FetchEvent, Method, Offline, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, Workers, respondWith |
The respondWith() method of the FetchEvent interface is intended for containing code that generates custom responses to the requests coming from the controlled page. This code will resolve by returning a Response or a network error to Fetch . |
899 | File | API, DOM, Files, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The File interface provides information about files and allows to access their content. |
900 | File.fileName | API, DOM, File API, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the name of the file. For security reasons the path is excluded from this property. | ||
901 | File.fileSize | API, DOM, File API, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the size of a file in bytes. | ||
902 | File.getAsBinary() | API, File API, Files, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The getAsBinary method allows to access the file's data in raw binary format. |
903 | File.getAsDataURL() | API, File API, Files, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The getAsDataURL provides a data: URL that encodes the entire contents of the referenced file. |
904 | File.getAsText() | API, File API, Files, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The getAsText method provides the file's data interpreted as text using a given encoding. |
905 | File.lastModifiedDate | API, File API, Files, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the last modified date of the file. Files without a known last modified date use the current date instead. | ||
906 | File.mozFullPath | API, File API, Files, NeedsContent, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence |
No summary! | ||
907 | | API, File API, Files, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the name of the file. For security reasons, the path is excluded from this property. | ||
908 | File System API reference | API, File System API, Files, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The File System API simulates a local file system that web apps can navigate within. You can develop apps which read, write, and create files and/or directories in a virtual, sandboxed file system. | ||
909 | FileEntry | API, Append, File API, File System API, Non-standard, Offline, filesystem |
The FileEntry interface of the File System API represents a file in a file system. It lets you write content to a file. |
910 | FileEntrySync | API, File, File System API, Non-standard |
The FileEntrySync interface of the File System API represents a file in a file system. It lets you write content to a file. |
911 | FileError | API, File API, Files, Obsolete, Reference, Référence |
Represents an error that occurs while using the FileReader interface. |
912 | FileException | API, File API, File System API, Non-standard, Offline, filesystem |
In the File System API, a FileException object represents error conditions that you might encounter while accessing the file system using the synchronous API. It extends the FileException interface described in File Writer and adds several new error codes. |
913 | FileHandle | API, DOM, Files, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The FileHandle interface provides access in read or write mode to a file, dealing with all the necessary locks. |
914 | FileHandle.getFile() | API, Files, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The getFile method allows to retrieve a read-only snapshot of the handled file in the form of a File object. |
915 | | API, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
Provides the name of the file. | ||
916 | FileHandle.onabort | API, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive abort events. These events occur when the associated locked file has been aborted with the LockedFile.abort() method. |
917 | FileHandle.onerror | API, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive error events. These events occur when something goes wrong. |
918 | | API, Files, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The open method returns a LockedFile object that allows to safely write in the file. |
919 | FileHandle.type | API, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
Provides the mime type of the file. | ||
920 | FileHandle API | API, Files, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The FileHandle API allows for the manipulating of files, including creating files and modifying their content (unlike the File API). Because the files manipulated through that API can be physically stored on the device, the editing part uses a turn-based locking mechanism in order to avoid race issues. | ||
921 | FileList | API, File API, Files |
An object of this type is returned by the files property of the HTML <input> element; this lets you access the list of files selected with the <input type="file"> element. It's also used for a list of files dropped into web content when using the drag and drop API; see the DataTransfer object for details on this usage. |
922 | FileReader | API, DOM, File API, Files, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
The FileReader object lets web applications asynchronously read the contents of files (or raw data buffers) stored on the user's computer, using File or Blob objects to specify the file or data to read. |
923 | FileReader.abort() | API, File API, Files, Method, Reference, Référence |
The abort method is used to aborts the read operation. Upon return, the readyState will be DONE . |
924 | FileReader.error | API, File API, Files, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the error that occurred while reading the file. | ||
925 | FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer() | API, DOM, File API, Files, Method, Reference, Référence |
The readAsArrayBuffer method is used to start reading the contents of a specified Blob or File . When the read operation is finished, the readyState becomes DONE , and the loadend is triggered. At that time, the result attribute contains an ArrayBuffer representing the file's data. |
926 | FileReader.readAsBinaryString() | API, File API, Files, Method, Reference, Référence |
The readAsBinaryString method is used to start reading the contents of the specified Blob or File . When the read operation is finished, the readyState becomes DONE , and the loadend is triggered. At that time, the result attribute contains the raw binary data from the file. |
927 | FileReader.readAsDataURL() | API, File API, Files, Method, Reference, Référence |
The readAsDataURL method is used to read the contents of the specified Blob or File . When the read operation is finished, the readyState becomes DONE , and the loadend is triggered. At that time, the result attribute contains the data as a URL representing the file's data as a base64 encoded string. |
928 | FileReader.readAsText() | API, File API, Files, Method, Reference, Référence |
The readAsText method is used to read the contents of the specified Blob or File . When the read operation is complete, the readyState is changed to DONE , the loadend is triggered, and the result attribute contains the contents of the file as a text string. |
929 | FileReader.readyState | API, File API, Files, Property, Reference, Référence |
Provides the current state of the reading operation. | ||
930 | FileReader.result | API, File API, Files, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns the file's contents. This property is only valid after the read operation is complete, and the format of the data depends on which of the methods was used to initiate the read operation. | ||
931 | FileReaderSync | API, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork |
The FileReaderSync interface allows to read File or Blob objects in a synchronous way. |
932 | FileRequest | API, DOM, Files, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The FileRequest interface extends the DOMRequest interface to provide some extra properties necessary for the LockedFile objects. |
933 | FileRequest.lockedFile | API, DOM, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The lockedFile property represents the LockedFile object from which the request was started. |
934 | FileRequest.onprogress | API, DOM, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
This property specifies a callback function to be run repeatedly while the operation represented by a FileRequest object is in progress. |
935 | FileSystem | API, File API, File System API, Non-standard, Offline, filesystem |
In the File System API, a FileSystem object represents a file system. The object is the argument of a successful callback of requestFileSystem() . The FileSystem object has two properties. |
936 | FileSystemSync | API, File API, File System API, Files, Non-standard, Offline, filesystem |
In the File System API, a FileSystemSync object represents a file system. It has two properties. |
937 | FocusEvent | API, DOM, DOM Events, Event, Experimental, Expérimental, Reference, Référence |
The FocusEvent interface represents focus-related events like focus , blur , focusin , or focusout . |
938 | FocusEvent() | API, Constructor, Event, Experimental, Expérimental, FocusEvent, Reference, Référence |
The FocusEvent() constructor returns a newly created FocusEvent object with an optional EventTarget . When a change a focus has a source and a destination, the relatedTarget value must be set to the other target. |
939 | FocusEvent.relatedTarget | API, Event, Experimental, Expérimental, FocusEvent, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The FocusEvent.relatedTarget read-only property represents a secondary target for this event, which will depend of the event itself. As in some cases (like when tabbing in or out a page), this property may be set to null for security reasons. |
940 | FormData | API, FormData, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, XMLHttpRequest |
XMLHttpRequest Level 2 adds support for the new FormData interface. FormData objects provide a way to easily construct a set of key/value pairs representing form fields and their values, which can then be easily sent using the XMLHttpRequest send() method. |
941 | FormData() | API, Constructor, FormData, Reference, Réference, Référence, XHR, XMLHttpRequest |
The FormData() constructor creates a new FormData object. |
942 | FormData.append() | API, Append, FormData, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, XHR, XMLHttpRequest |
The append() method of the FormData interface appends a new value onto an existing key inside a FormData object, or adds the key if it does not already exist. |
943 | FormData.delete() | API, FormData, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, XHR, XMLHttpRequest, delete |
The delete() method of the FormData interface deletes a key/value pair from a FormData object. |
944 | FormData.get() | API, FormData, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, XHR, XMLHttpRequest |
The get() method of the FormData interface returns the first value associated with a given key from within a FormData object. |
945 | FormData.getAll() | API, FormData, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, XHR, XMLHttpRequest, method |
The getAll() method of the FormData interface returns the first value associated with a given key from within a FormData object. |
946 | FormData.has() | API, FormData, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, XHR, XMLHttpRequest, has |
The has() method of the FormData interface returns a boolean stating whether a FormData object contains a certain key/value pair. |
947 | FormData.set() | API, FormData, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, XHR, XMLHttpRequest, method, set |
The append() method of the FormData interface sets a new value for an existing key inside a FormData object, or adds the key/value if it does not already exist. |
948 | GainNode | API, GainNode, Interface, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, WebAPI, audio |
The gain is a unitless value, changing with time, that is multiplied to each corresponding sample of all input channels. If modified, the new gain is applied using a de-zippering algorithm in order to prevent unaesthetic 'clicks' from appearing in the resulting audio. | ||
949 | GainNode.gain | API, Gain, GainNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
An AudioParam . |
950 | Gamepad | API, Gamepad API, Games, Interface, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The Gamepad interface defines an individual gamepad or other controller, allowing access to information such as button presses, axis positions, and id. |
951 | Gamepad.axes | API, Gamepad API, Games, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Gamepad.axes property of the Gamepad interface returns an array representing the controls with axes present on the device (e.g. analog thumb sticks).- |
952 | Gamepad.buttons | API, Gamepad API, Games, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Gamepad.buttons property of the Gamepad interface returns an array of gamepadButton objects representing the buttons present on the device. |
953 | Gamepad.connected | API, Gamepad API, Games, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Gamepad.connected property of the Gamepad interface returns a boolean indicating whether the gamepad is still connected to the system. |
954 | | API, Gamepad API, Games, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsRealCompatTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The property of the Gamepad interface returns a string containing some information about the controller. |
955 | Gamepad.index | API, Gamepad API, Games, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsRealCompatTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Gamepad.index property of the Gamepad interface returns an integer that is auto-incremented to be unique for each device currently connected to the system. |
956 | Gamepad.mapping | API, Gamepad API, Games, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Gamepad.mapping property of the Gamepad interface returns a string indicating whether the browser has remapped the controls on the device to a known layout. |
957 | Gamepad.timestamp | API, Gamepad API, Games, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
The Gamepad.timestamp property of the Gamepad interface returns a DOMHighResTimeStamp representing the last time the data for this gamepad was updated. |
958 | Gamepad API | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Gamepad API, Games |
The Gamepad API is a way for developers to access and respond to signals from gamepads and other game controllers in a simple, consistent way. It contains three interfaces, two events and one specialist function, to respond to gamepads being connected and disconnected, and to access other information about the gamepads themselves, and what buttons and other controls are currently being pressed. | ||
959 | GamepadButton | API, Gamepad API, Games, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Reference, Référence |
The GamepadButton interface defines an individual button of a gamepad or other controller, allowing access to the current state of different types of buttons available on the control device. |
960 | GamepadButton.pressed | API, Gamepad API, Games, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
The GamepadButton.pressed property of the GamepadButton interface returns a boolean indicating whether the button is currently pressed (true ) or unpressed (false ). |
961 | GamepadButton.value | API, Gamepad API, Games, NeedsBetterSpecLink, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
The GamepadButton.value property of the GamepadButton interface returns a double value used to represent the current state of analog buttons on many modern gamepads, such as the triggers. |
962 | GamepadEvent | API, Gamepad API, Games, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Reference, Référence |
The GamepadEvent interface of the Gamepad API contains references to gamepads connected to the system, which is what the gamepad events Window.gamepadconnected and Window.gamepaddisconnected are fired in response to. |
963 | GamepadEvent.gamepad | API, Gamepad API, Property, Reference, Référence |
The GamepadEvent.gamepad property of the GamepadEvent interface returns a Gamepad object, providing access to the associated gamepad data for fired gamepadconnected and gamepaddisconnected events. |
964 | Geolocation | API, Advanced, Geolocation API, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The Geolocation interface represents an object able to programmatically obtain the position of the device. It gives Web content access to the location of the device. This allows a Web site or app to offer customized results based on the user's location. |
965 | Geolocation.clearWatch() | API, Geolocation, Geolocation API, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The Geolocation.clearWatch() method is used to unregister location/error monitoring handlers previously installed using Geolocation.watchPosition() . |
966 | Geolocation.getCurrentPosition() | API, Geolocation, Geolocation API, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, Référence |
The Geolocation.getCurrentPosition() method is used to get the current position of the device. |
967 | Geolocation.watchPosition() | API, Geolocation, Geolocation API, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
The Geolocation.watchPosition() method is used to register a handler function that will be called automatically each time the position of the device changes. You can also, optionally, specify an error handling callback function. |
968 | Using geolocation | Geolocation API, Guide, Intermediate, WebAPI |
The geolocation API allows the user to provide their location to web applications if they so desire. For privacy reasons, the user is asked for permission to report location information. | ||
969 | GlobalEventHandlers | API, DOM, HTML-DOM, Reference, Référence |
The GlobalEventHandlers interface describes the event handlers common to several interfaces like HTMLElement , Document , Window , or WorkerGlobalScope for Web Workers. Each of these interfaces can implement more event handlers. |
970 | GlobalEventHandlers.onabort | API, NeedsContent, NeedsHelp, NeedsUpdate, Property, Reference, Référence, Window |
An event handler for abort events sent to the window. (Not available with Firefox 2 or Safari) | ||
971 | GlobalEventHandlers.onblur | API, HTML DOM, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The onblur property returns the onBlur event handler code, if any, that exists on the current element. | ||
972 | GlobalEventHandlers.onchange | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
The onchange property sets and returns the event handler for the change event. |
973 | GlobalEventHandlers.onclick | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The onclick property returns the click event handler code on the current element. |
974 | GlobalEventHandlers.onclose | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
An event handler for close events sent to the window. (Not available with Firefox 2 or Safari) | ||
975 | GlobalEventHandlers.oncontextmenu | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
An event handler property for right-click events on the window. Unless the default behavior is prevented (see examples below on how to do this), the browser context menu will activate (though IE8 has a bug with this and will not activate the context menu if a contextmenu event handler is defined). Note that this event will occur with any non-disabled right-click event and does not depend on an element possessing the "contextmenu" attribute. | ||
976 | GlobalEventHandlers.ondblclick | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
The ondblclick property returns the onDblClick event handler code on the current element. | ||
977 | GlobalEventHandlers.onerror | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
An event handler for runtime script errors. | ||
978 | GlobalEventHandlers.onfocus | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
The onfocus property returns the onFocus event handler code on the current element. | ||
979 | GlobalEventHandlers.oninput | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence, events |
An event handler for the input event on the window. The input event is raised when an <input> element value changes. |
980 | GlobalEventHandlers.onkeydown | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence, events |
The onkeydown property returns the onKeyDown event handler code on the current element. |
981 | GlobalEventHandlers.onkeypress | API, HTML DOM, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
The onkeypress property sets and returns the onKeyPress event handler code for the current element. | ||
982 | GlobalEventHandlers.onkeyup | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
The onkeyup property returns the onKeyUp event handler code for the current element. | ||
983 | GlobalEventHandlers.onload | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
An event handler for the load event of a window . |
984 | GlobalEventHandlers.onmousedown | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
The onmousedown property returns the onmousedown event handler code on the current element. |
985 | GlobalEventHandlers.onmousemove | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
The onmousemove property returns the mousemove event handler code on the current element. |
986 | GlobalEventHandlers.onmouseout | API, HTML DOM, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, Référence |
The onmouseout property returns the onMouseOut event handler code on the current element. | ||
987 | GlobalEventHandlers.onmouseover | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
The onmouseover property returns the onMouseOver event handler code on the current element. | ||
988 | GlobalEventHandlers.onmouseup | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
The onmouseup property returns the onMouseUp event handler code on the current element. | ||
989 | GlobalEventHandlers.onreset | API, DOM, Property |
The GlobalEventHandlers.onreset property contains an EventHandler triggered when a reset event is received. |
990 | GlobalEventHandlers.onresize | API, DOM, Property |
The GlobalEventHandlers.onresize property contains an EventHandler triggered when a resize event is received. |
991 | GlobalEventHandlers.onscroll | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
An event handler for scroll events on element . |
992 | GlobalEventHandlers.onselect | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
An event handler for the select event on the window. | ||
993 | GlobalEventHandlers.onsubmit | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
An event handler for the submit event on the window. | ||
994 | GlobalFetch | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, GlobalFetch, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, request |
The GlobalFetch interface of the Fetch API contains the GlobalFetch.fetch method used to start the process of fetching a resource. |
995 | GlobalFetch.fetch() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, GlobalFetch, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, request |
The fetch() method of the GlobalFetch interface starts the process of fetching a resource. This returns a promise that resolves to the Response object representing the response to your request. |
996 | HMDVRDevice | API, Experimental, Expérimental, HMDVRDevice, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, VR, Virtual Reality, WebVR |
The HMDVRDevice interface of the WebVR API represents a head mounted display, providing access to information about each eye, and allowing us to modify the current field of view. |
997 | HMDVRDevice.getEyeParameters() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, HMDVRDevice, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, VR, Virtual Reality, WebVR, getEyeParameters |
The getEyeParameters() method of the HMDVRDevice interface returns current parameters for the eye specified as its argument ("left" or "right") — stored in a VREyeParameters object. |
998 | HMDVRDevice.setFieldOfView() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, HMDVRDevice, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, VR, Virtual Reality, WebVR |
The setFieldOfView() method of the HMDVRDevice interface can be used to set the field of view for one eye, or both eyes simultaneously. |
999 | HTMLAnchorElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLAnchorElement interface represents hyperlink elements and provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement object interface they also have available to them by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of such elements. |
1000 | HTMLAnchorElement.rel | API, HTML DOM, HTMLAnchorElement, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLAnchorElement.rel property reflects the rel attribute. It is a DOMString containing a space-separated list of link types indicating the relationship between the resource represented by the <a> element and the current document. |
1001 | HTMLAnchorElement.relList | API, HTML DOM, HTMLAnchorElement, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLAnchorElement.relList read-only property reflects the rel attribute. It is a live DOMTokenList containing the set of link types indicating the relationship between the resource represented by the <a> element and the current document. |
1002 | HTMLAreaElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLAreaElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the regular object HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of area elements. |
1003 | HTMLAreaElement.rel | API, HTML DOM, HTMLAreaElement, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLAreaElement.rel property reflects the rel attribute. It is a DOMString containing a space-separated list of link types indicating the relationship between the resource represented by the <a> element and the current document. |
1004 | HTMLAreaElement.relList | API, HTML DOM, HTMLAreaElement, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLAreaElement.relList read-only property reflects the rel attribute. It is a live DOMTokenList containing the set of link types indicating the relationship between the resource represented by the <area> element and the current document. |
1005 | HTMLAudioElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLAudioElement interface provides access to the properties of <audio> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. It derives from the HTMLMediaElement interface. |
1006 | HTMLBRElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLBRElement interface represents a HTML line break element (<br> ). It inherits from HTMLElement . |
1007 | HTMLBaseElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLBaseElement interface contains the base URI for a document. This object inherits all of the properties and methods as described in the HTMLElement interface. |
1008 | HTMLBaseFontElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Obsolete, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLBaseFontElement interface provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <basefont> elements. |
1009 | HTMLBodyElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLBodyElement interface provides special properties (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement interface they also inherit) for manipulating body elements. |
1010 | HTMLButtonElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLButtonElement interface provides properties and methods (beyond the <button> object interface it also has available to them by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of button elements. |
1011 | HTMLCanvasElement | API, Canvas, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLCanvasElement interface provides properties and methods for manipulating the layout and presentation of canvas elements. The HTMLCanvasElement interface also inherits the properties and methods of the HTMLElement interface. |
1012 | HTMLCanvasElement.captureStream() | Experimental, HTMLCanvasElement, Media Stream, Method, Reference, Web, method |
The HTMLCanvasElement .captureStream() method returns a CanvasCaptureMediaStream that is a real-time video capture of the surface of the canvas. |
1013 | HTMLCanvasElement.getContext() | API, Canvas, HTMLCanvasElement, Method, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLCanvasElement.getContext() method returns a drawing context on the canvas, or null if the context identifier is not supported. |
1014 | HTMLCanvasElement.height | API, Canvas, HTMLCanvasElement, Property |
The HTMLCanvasElement.height property is a positive integer reflecting the height HTML attribute of the <canvas> element interpreted in CSS pixels. When the attribute is not specified, or if it is set to an invalid value, like a negative, the default value of 150 is used. |
1015 | HTMLCanvasElement.mozFetchAsStream() | API, Canvas, HTMLCanvasElement, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLCanvasElement.mozFetchAsStream() method creates a new input stream that, when ready, will provide the contents of the canvas as image data. When the new stream is ready, the specified callback's nsIInputStreamCallback.onInputStreamReady() method is called. If type is not specified, the image type is image/png. |
1016 | HTMLCanvasElement.mozGetAsFile() | API, Canvas, HTMLCanvasElement, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLCanvasElement.mozGetAsFille() method returns a File object representing the image contained in the canvas; this file is a memory-based file, with the specified name . If type is not specified, the image type is image/png . |
1017 | HTMLCanvasElement.mozOpaque | API, Canvas, HTMLCanvasElement, Non-standard, Property |
The HTMLCanvasElement.mozOpaque property is a Boolean reflecting the moz-opaque HTML attribute of the <canvas> element. It lets the canvas know whether or not translucency will be a factor. If the canvas knows there's no translucency, painting performance can be optimized. |
1018 | HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob() | API, Canvas, HTMLCanvasElement, Method, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob() method creates a Blob object representing the image contained in the canvas; this file may be cached on the disk or stored in memory at the discretion of the user agent. If type is not specified, the image type is image/png . The created image is in a resolution of 96dpi.The third argument is used with image/jpeg images to specify the quality of the output. |
1019 | HTMLCanvasElement.toDataURL() | API, Canvas, HTMLCanvasElement, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLCanvasElement.toDataURL() method returns a data URIs containing a representation of the image in the format specified by the type parameter (defaults to PNG). The returned image is in a resolution of 96 dpi. |
1020 | HTMLCanvasElement.width | API, Canvas, HTMLCanvasElement, Property |
The HTMLCanvasElement.width property is a positive integer reflecting the width HTML attribute of the <canvas> element interpreted in CSS pixels. When the attribute is not specified, or if it is set to an invalid value, like a negative, the default value of 300 is used. |
1021 | HTMLCollection | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
The HTMLCollection interface represents a generic collection (array-like object) of elements (in document order) and offers methods and properties for selecting from the list. |
1022 | HTMLCollection.item | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
HTMLCollection.item( ) gets an element by position. |
1023 | HTMLContentElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence, Web Components |
The HTMLContentElement interface represents a <content> HTML Element, which is used in Shadow DOM. |
1024 | HTMLContentElement.getDistributedNodes() | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Components |
The HTMLContentElement.getDistributedNodes() method returns a static NodeList of the distributed nodes associated with this <content> element. |
1025 | | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Components |
The property reflects the select attribute. It is a DOMString containing a space-separated list of CSS selectors that select the content to insert in place of the <content> element. |
1026 | HTMLDListElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLDListElement interface provides special properties (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating definition list elements. |
1027 | HTMLDataElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLDataElement interface provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <data> elements. |
1028 | HTMLDataListElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLDataListElement interface provides special properties (beyond the HTMLElement object interface it also has available to it by inheritance) to manipulate <datalist> elements and their content. |
1029 | HTMLDialogElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLDialogElement interface provides methods to manipulate <dialog> elements. It inherits properties and methods from the HTMLElement interface. |
1030 | HTMLDivElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLDivElement interface provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating div elements. |
1031 | HTMLDocument | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
HTMLDocument is an abstract interface of the DOM which provides access to special properties and methods not present by default on a regular (XML) document. |
1032 | HTMLElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLElement interface represents any HTML element. Some elements directly implement this interface, others implement it via an interface that inherits it. |
1033 | HTMLElement.blur() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLElement, Method, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsExample, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLElement.blur() method removes keyboard focus from the current element. |
1034 | | API, HTML DOM, HTMLElement, Method, NeedsBrowserAgnosticism, NeedsExample, NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility, Reference, Référence |
The method simulates a mouse click on an element. |
1035 | HTMLElement.contentEditable | API, HTML DOM, HTMLElement, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLElement.contentEditable property is used to indicate whether or not the element is editable. This enumerated attribute can have the following values: |
1036 | HTMLElement.dataset | API, HTML DOM, HTMLElement, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLElement.dataset read-only property allows access, both in reading and writing mode, to all the custom data attributes (data-*) set on the element. It is a map of DOMString, one entry for each custom data attribute. |
1037 | HTMLElement.dir | API, HTML DOM, HTMLElement, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLElement.dir property gets or sets the text writing directionality of the content of the current element. |
1038 | HTMLElement.focus() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLElement, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsExample, Reference, Référence, method |
The HTMLElement.focus() method sets focus on the specified element, if it can be focused. |
1039 | HTMLElement.forceSpellCheck() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, HTML DOM, HTMLElement, Method |
Forces a spelling and grammar check on HTML elements, even if the user has not focused on the elements. This method overrides user agent behavior. The user interface of the check, for example whether red underlining appears, is determined by the user agent. | ||
1040 | HTMLElement.isContentEditable | API, Editing, HTML DOM, HTMLElement, NeedsExample, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLElement.isContentEditable read-only property returns a Boolean that is true if the contents of the element are editable; otherwise it returns false . |
1041 | HTMLElement.lang | API, HTML DOM, HTMLElement, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLElement.lang property gets or sets the base language of an element's attribute values and text content. |
1042 | HTMLElement.offsetHeight | API, CSSOM View, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsNonDHMLImage, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLElement.offsetHeight read-only property is the height of the element including vertical padding and borders, in pixels, as an integer. |
1043 | HTMLElement.offsetLeft | API, CSSOM View, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Read-only, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLElement.offsetLeft read-only method returns the number of pixels that the upper left corner of the current element is offset to the left within the HTMLElement.offsetParent node. |
1044 | HTMLElement.offsetParent | API, CSSOM View, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLElement.offsetParent read-only property returns a reference to the object which is the closest (nearest in the containment hierarchy) positioned containing element. If the element is non-positioned, the nearest table cell or root element (html in standards compliant mode; body in quirks rendering mode) is the offsetParent . offsetParent returns null when the element has style.display set to "none". The offsetParent is useful because offsetTop and offsetLeft are relative to its padding edge. |
1045 | HTMLElement.offsetTop | API, CSSOM View, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLElement.offsetTop read-only property returns the distance of the current element relative to the top of the offsetParent node. |
1046 | HTMLElement.offsetWidth | API, CSSOM View, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Read-only, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLElement.offsetWidth read-only property returns the layout width of an element. Typically, an element's offsetWidth is a measurement which includes the element borders, the element horizontal padding, the element vertical scrollbar (if present, if rendered) and the element CSS width. |
1047 | HTMLElement.oncopy | API, Event Handler, HTMLElement, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence |
The oncopy property returns the onCopy event handler code on the current element. | ||
1048 | HTMLElement.oncut | API, Event Handler, HTMLElement, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence |
The oncut property returns the onCut event handler code on the current element. | ||
1049 | HTMLElement.onpaste | API, Event Handler, HTMLElement, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence |
The onpaste property returns the onPaste event handler code on the current element. | ||
1050 | | API, HTML DOM, HTMLElement, NeedsBrowserAgnosticism, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The property returns a CSSStyleDeclaration object that represents the element's style attribute. See the CSS Properties Reference for a list of the CSS properties accessible via style . |
1051 | HTMLElement.tabIndex | API, HTML DOM, HTMLElement, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLElement.tabIndex property represents the tab order of the current element. |
1052 | HTMLElement.title | API, HTML DOM, HTMLElement, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLElement.title property represents the title of the element, the text usually displayed in a 'tool tip' popup when the mouse is over the displayed node. |
1053 | HTMLEmbedElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLEmbedElement interface, which provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <embed> elements. |
1054 | HTMLFieldSetElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLFieldSetElement interface has special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLelement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of field-set elements. |
1055 | HTMLFormControlsCollection | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsHTML5Update, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLFormControlsCollection interface represents a collection of HTML form control elements. It replaces one method of HTMLCollection . |
1056 | HTMLFormControlsCollection.namedItem() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLFormControlsCollection, Method, Reference, Référence |
Note that this version of namedItem() hide the one inherited from HTMLCollection . Like that one, in JavaScript, using the array bracket syntax with a String , like collection["value"] is equivalent to collection.namedItem("value") . |
1057 | HTMLFormElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLFormElement interface provides methods to create and modify <form> elements; it inherits from properties and methods of the HTMLElement interface. |
1058 | HTMLFormElement.acceptCharset | API, HTML DOM, HTMLFormElement, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLFormElement.acceptCharset property represents a list of the supported character encodings for the given FORM element. This list can be comma- or space-separated. |
1059 | HTMLFormElement.action | API, Forms, HTML DOM, HTMLFormElement, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, NeedsUpdate, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLFormElement.action property represents the action of the <form> element. |
1060 | HTMLFormElement.elements | API, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLFormElement.elements property returns an HTMLFormControlsCollection (HTML 4 HTMLCollection ) of all the form controls contained in the FORM element, with the exception of input elements which have a type attribute of image . |
1061 | HTMLFormElement.encoding | API, HTML DOM, HTMLFormElement, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsContent, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLFormElement.encoding property is an alternative name for the enctype element on the DOM HTMLFormElement object. |
1062 | HTMLFormElement.enctype | API, HTML DOM, HTMLFormElement, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLFormElement.enctype property represents the content type of the <form> element. |
1063 | HTMLFormElement.length | API, HTML DOM, HTMLFormElement, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLFormElement.length read-only property returns the number of controls in the <form> element. |
1064 | HTMLFormElement.method | API, HTML DOM, HTMLFormElement, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLFormElement.method represents the HTTP method used to submit the form. |
1065 | | API, HTML DOM, HTMLFormElement, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The property represents the name of the current form element as a string. |
1066 | HTMLFormElement.reportValidity() | HTML, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
The HTMLFormElement.reportValidity() method returns true if the element's child controls satisfy their validation constraints. When false is returned, cancelable invalid events are fired for each invalid child and validation problems are reported to the user. |
1067 | HTMLFormElement.reset() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLFormElement, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLFormElement.reset() method restores a form element's default values. This method does the same thing as clicking the form's reset button. |
1068 | HTMLFormElement.submit() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLFormElement, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLFormElement.submit() method submits the form. This method does something similar to activating a submit button of the form. |
1069 | | API, HTML DOM, HTMLFormElement, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The property represents the target of the action (i.e., the frame to render its output in). |
1070 | HTMLFrameSetElement | API, HTML-DOM, HTMLFrameSetElement, Interface, Obsolete, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The HTMLFrameSetElement interface provides special properties (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement interface they also inherit) for manipulating <frameset> elements. |
1071 | HTMLHRElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLHRElement interface provides special properties (beyond those of the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <hr> elements. |
1072 | HTMLHeadElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLHeadElement interface contains the descriptive information, or metadata, for a document. This object inherits all of the properties and methods described in the HTMLElement interface. |
1073 | HTMLHeadingElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLHeadingElement interface represents the different heading elements. It inherits methods and properties from the HTMLElement interface. |
1074 | HTMLHtmlElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLHtmlElement interface serves as the root node for a given HTML document. This object inherits the properties and methods described in the HTMLElement interface. |
1075 | HTMLHtmlElement.version | API, HTML DOM, NeedsContent, NeedsLayout, Property, Reference, Référence |
Returns version information about the document type definition (DTD) of a document. While this property is recognized by Mozilla, the return value for this property is always an empty string. | ||
1076 | HTMLIFrameElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLIFrameElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of inline frame elements. |
1077 | HTMLIFrameElement.addNextPaintListener() | API, B2G, Browser, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The addNextPaintListener method is used to define a handler to listen the next MozAfterPaint event coming from the browser <iframe> . |
1078 | HTMLIFrameElement.contentWindow | HTML DOM, Property, Read-only, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The contentWindow property returns the Window object by an iFrame element (through the Window object, you can access the document object and then any one of the document's elements). This DOM attribute is read-only. | ||
1079 | HTMLIFrameElement.getCanGoBack() | API, B2G, Browser, Firefox OS, HTML DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The getCanGoBack method is used to know if it's possible to go back in the navigation history of the browser <iframe> . |
1080 | HTMLIFrameElement.getCanGoForward() | API, Browser, Firefox OS, HTML DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The getCanGoForward method is used to know if it's possible to go forward in the navigation history of the browser <iframe> . |
1081 | HTMLIFrameElement.getScreenshot() | API, Browser, Firefox OS, HTML DOM, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence |
The getScreenshot() method lets you request a screenshot of an <iframe> , scaled to fit within a specified maximum width and height; the image may be cropped if necessary but will not be squished vertically or horizontally.. |
1082 | HTMLIFrameElement.getVisible() | API, Browser, Firefox OS, HTML DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The getVisible method is used to request the current visible state of the browser <iframe> . |
1083 | HTMLIFrameElement.goBack() | API, Browser, Firefox OS, HTML DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The goBack method is used to navigate backwards in the browser <iframe> 's history. |
1084 | HTMLIFrameElement.goForward() | API, Browser, Firefox OS, HTML DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The goForward method is used to navigate forward in the browser <iframe> 's history. |
1085 | HTMLIFrameElement.purgeHistory() | API, Browser, Firefox OS, HTML DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The purgeHistory method is used to clear the browsing history associated with the browser <iframe> . It doesn't delete cookies or anything like that; just the history data. |
1086 | HTMLIFrameElement.reload() | API, Browser, Firefox OS, HTML DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The reload method is used to reload the content of the <iframe> . |
1087 | HTMLIFrameElement.sendMouseEvent() | API, Browser, Firefox OS, HTML DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The sendMouseEvent method allows to fake a mouse event and send it to the browser <iframe> 's content. |
1088 | HTMLIFrameElement.sendTouchEvent() | API, Browser, Firefox OS, HTML DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The sendTouchEvent method allows to fake a touch event and send it to the browser <iframe> 's content. |
1089 | HTMLIFrameElement.setNfcFocus() | API, B2G, Browser API, Firefox OS, HTMLIFrame, Method, Reference, iframe, privileged, setNfcFocus |
The setNfcFocus() method of the HTMLIFrameElement interface is part of the Firefox OS Browser API, and sets whether an <iframe> can receive an NFC event. |
1090 | HTMLIFrameElement.setVisible() | API, Browser, Firefox OS, HTML DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The setVisible method is used to change the visibility state of the browser <iframe> . |
1091 | HTMLIFrameElement.stop() | API, Browser, Firefox OS, HTML DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The stop method is used to stop loading the content of the <iframe> . |
1092 | HTMLIframeElement.removeNextPaintListener() | API, Browser, Firefox OS, HTML DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence |
The removeNextPaintListener method is used to remove a handler previously set with the addNextPaintListener method. |
1093 | HTMLImageElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLImageElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <img> elements. |
1094 | Image() | API, Constructor, HTML DOM, HTMLImageElement, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsContent, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Réference, Référence |
Accepts two optional parameters: Image([unsigned long width, unsigned long height]) | ||
1095 | HTMLInputElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLInputElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of input elements. |
1096 | HTMLInputElement.mozGetFileNameArray() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLInputElement, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLInputElement.mozGetFileNameArray() method returns an array of the names of the files that were selected by the user on an HTML input element. |
1097 | HTMLInputElement.mozSetFileNameArray() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLInputElement, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, Non-standard, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLInputElement.mozSetFileNameArray() sets the names of the files that selected on an HTML input element. |
1098 | HTMLInputElement.multiple | API, HTML DOM, HTMLInputElement, NeedsBrowserAgnosticism, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLInputElement.multiple property indicates if an input can have more than one value. Firefox currently only supports multiple for <input type="file"> . |
1099 | | API, HTML DOM, HTMLInputElement, Method, NeedsCompatTable, Reference, Référence |
The method focuses an element and selects all the text in it. For instance: |
1100 | HTMLInputElement.setSelectionRange() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLInputElement, Method, NeedsCompatTable, Reference, Text Field Selection API |
The HTMLInputElement.setSelectionRange() method sets the start and end positions of the current text selection in an <input> element. |
1101 | HTMLIsIndexElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Obsolete, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLIsIndexElement interface provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <isindex> elements. |
1102 | HTMLKeygenElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsBrowserAgnosticism, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The <keygen> elements expose the HTMLKeygenElement interface, which provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular element object interface they also have available to them by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of keygen elements. |
1103 | HTMLLIElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLLIElement interface expose specific properties and methods (beyond those defined by regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating list elements. |
1104 | HTMLLabelElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLLabelElement interface gives access to properties specific to <label> elements. It inherits from HTMLElement . |
1105 | HTMLLegendElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLLegendElement is an interface allowing to access properties of the <legend> elements. It inherits properties and methods from the HTMLElement interface. |
1106 | HTMLLinkElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLLinkElement interface represents reference information for external resources and the relationship of those resources to a document and vice-versa. This object inherits all of the properties and methods of the HTMLElement interface. |
1107 | HTMLLinkElement.rel | API, HTML DOM, HTMLLInkElement, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLLinkElement.rel property reflects the rel attribute. It is a DOMString containing a space-separated list of link types indicating the relationship between the resource represented by the <link> element and the current document. |
1108 | HTMLLinkElement.relList | API, HTML DOM, HTMLLInkElement, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLLinkElement.relList read-only property reflects the rel attribute. It is a live DOMTokenList containing the set of link types indicating the relationship between the resource represented by the <link> element and the current document. |
1109 | HTMLMapElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLMapElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the regular object HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of map elements. |
1110 | HTMLMediaElement | API, DOM, HTML, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLMediaElement interface adds to HTMLElement the properties and methods needed to support basic media-related functionality that's common to both audio and video. The HTMLVideoElement and HTMLAudioElement elements inherit this interface. special properties and methods (beyond the properties and methods available for all children of HTMLElement ), that are common to all media-related objects. |
1111 | HTMLMediaElement.mozAudioChannelType | API, AudioChannels, Firefox OS, HTMLMediaElement, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, audio |
The mozAudioChannelType property of the HTMLMediaElement interface can be used to set the audio channel that the sound coming from an <audio> or <video> element will play in, on a Firefox OS device. |
1112 | HTMLMetaElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLMetaElement interface contains descriptive metadata about a document. It inherits all of the properties and methods described in the HTMLElement interface. |
1113 | HTMLMeterElement | API, HTML DOM, HTMLMeterElement, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTML <meter> elements expose the HTMLMeterElement interface, which provides special properties and methods (beyond the HTMLElement object interface they also have available to them by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <meter> elements. |
1114 | HTMLModElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLModElement interface provides special properties (beyond the regular methods and properties available through the HTMLElement interface they also have available to them by inheritance) for manipulating modification elements, that is <del> and <ins> . |
1115 | HTMLOListElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLOListElement interface provides special properties (beyond those defined on the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating ordered list elements. |
1116 | HTMLObjectElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLObjectElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond those on the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <object> element, representing external resources. |
1117 | HTMLObjectElement.typeMustMatch | API, HTML DOM, HTMLObjectElement, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLObjectElement.typeMustMatch property is a Boolean reflects the typemustmatch attribute of the <object> element and indicates if the resouce linked by it must match the MIME type given by HTMLObjectElement.type in order for this resource to be used. |
1118 | HTMLOptGroupElement | API, Forms, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLOptGroupElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement object interface they also have available to them by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <optgroup> elements. |
1119 | HTMLOptionElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLOptionElement interface represents <option> elements and inherits all classes and methods of the HTMLElement interface. |
1120 | Option() | API, Constructor, HTML DOM, HTMLOptionElement, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsContent, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable |
Constructor for creating an HTMLOptionElement. The Option constructor is from the very early days of DOM scripting and has non–standard syntax, but has ubiquitous support in browsers. | ||
1121 | HTMLOptionsCollection | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsExample, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
HTMLOptionsCollection is an interface representing a collection of HTML option elements (in document order) and offers methods and properties for traversing the list as well as optionally altering its items. This type is returned solely by the "options" property of select. |
1122 | HTMLOutputElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLOutputElement interface provides properties and methods (beyond those inherited from HTMLElement ) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <output> elements. |
1123 | HTMLParagraphElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLParagraphElement interface provides special properties (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement object interface it inherits) for manipulating <p> elements. |
1124 | HTMLParamElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLParamElement interface provides special properties (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement object interface it inherits) for manipulating <param> elements, representing a pair of a key and a value that acts as a parameter for an <object> element. |
1125 | HTMLPictureElement | API, Experimental, Expérimental, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLPictureElement interface represents a <picture> HTML element. It doesn't implement specific properties or methods. |
1126 | HTMLPreElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLPreElement interface expose specific properties and methods (beyond those defined by regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating block of preformatted text. |
1127 | HTMLProgressElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLProgressElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <progress> elements. |
1128 | HTMLQuoteElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLQuoteElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating quoting elements, like <blockquote> and <q> , but not the <cite> element. |
1129 | HTMLScriptElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
HTML script elements expose the HTMLScriptElement interface, which provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement object interface they also have available to them by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <script> elements. |
1130 | HTMLSelectElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLSelectElement interface represents a <select> HTML Element. These elements also share all of the properties and methods of other HTML elements via the HTMLElement interface. |
1131 | HTMLSelectElement.add() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLSelectElement, Method, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLSelectElement.add() method adds an element to the collection of option elements for this select element. |
1132 | HTMLSelectElement.checkValidity() | API, Constraint Validation API, HTML DOM, HTMLSelectElement, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLSelectElement.checkValidity() method checks whether the element has any constraints and whether it satisfies them. If the element fails its constraints, the browser fires a cancelable invalid event at the element, and then returns false . |
1133 | HTMLSelectElement.item() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLSelectElement, Method, Reference, Référence, getter |
The HTMLSelectElement.item() method returns the Element corresponding to the HTMLOptionElement whose position in the options list corresponds to the index given in parameter, or null if there are none. |
1134 | HTMLSelectElement.namedItem() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLSelectElement, Method, Reference, Référence, getter |
The HTMLSelectElement.namedItem() method returns the HTMLOptionElement corresponding to the HTMLOptionElement whose name or id match the specified name, or null if no option matches. |
1135 | HTMLSelectElement.remove() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLSelectElement, Method, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLSelectElement.remove() method removes the element at the specified index from the options collection for this select element. |
1136 | HTMLSelectElement.setCustomValidity() | API, Constrain Validation API, HTML DOM, HTMLSelectElement, Method, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLSelectElement.setCustomValidity() method sets the custom validity message for the selection element to the specified message. Use the empty string to indicate that the element does not have a custom validity error. |
1137 | HTMLSelectElement.type | API, HTML DOM, HTMLSelectElement, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLSelectElement.type read-only property returns the form control's type. The possible values are: |
1138 | HTMLShadowElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web Components |
The HTMLShadowElement interface represents a <shadow> HTML Element, which is used in Shadow DOM. |
1139 | HTMLShadowElement.getDistributedNodes() | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Components |
The HTMLShadowElement.getDistributedNodes() method returns a static NodeList of the distributed nodes associated with this <shadow> element. |
1140 | HTMLSourceElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLSourceElement interface provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement object interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <source> elements. |
1141 | HTMLSpanElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLSpanElement interface represents a <span> element and derives from the HTMLElement interface, but without implementing any additional properties or methods. |
1142 | HTMLStyleElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLStyleElement interface represents a <style> element. It inherits properties and methods from its parent, HTMLElement , and from LinkStyle . |
1143 | | API, HTML DOM, HTMLStyleElement, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, Property, Reference, Référence |
The property specifies the intended destination medium for style information. |
1144 | HTMLStyleElement.scoped | API, HTML DOM, HTMLStyleElement, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLStyleElement.scoped property is a Boolean value indicating if the element applies to the whole document (false ) or only to the parent's sub-tree (true ). |
1145 | HTMLStyleElement.type | API, HTML DOM, HTMLStyleElement, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Read-only |
The HTMLStyleElement.type read-only property returns the type of the current style. |
1146 | HTMLTableCaptionElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableCaptionElement interface special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating table caption elements. |
1147 | HTMLTableCellElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableCellElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of table cells, either header or data cells, in an HTML document. |
1148 | HTMLTableColElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableColElement interface provides special properties (beyond the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it inheritance) for manipulating single or grouped table column elements. |
1149 | HTMLTableDataCellElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableDataCellElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLTableCellElement and HTMLElement interfaces it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of table data cells in an HTML document. |
1150 | HTMLTableElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement object interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of tables in an HTML document. |
1151 | HTMLTableElement.align | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.align property represents the alignment of the table. |
1152 | HTMLTableElement.bgColor | API, Deprecated, HTML DOM, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.bgcolor property represents the background color of the table. |
1153 | HTMLTableElement.border | API, Deprecated, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.border property represents the border width of the table element. |
1154 | HTMLTableElement.caption | API, HTML DOM, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.caption property represents the table caption. If no caption element is associated with the table, it can be null . |
1155 | HTMLTableElement.cellPadding | API, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.cellPadding property represents the padding around the individual cells of the table. |
1156 | HTMLTableElement.cellSpacing | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.cellSpacing represents the spacing around the individual cells of the table. |
1157 | HTMLTableElement.createCaption() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.createCaption() method returns the caption for the table. If no caption element exists on the table, this method creates it, then returns it. |
1158 | HTMLTableElement.createTFoot() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.createTFoot() method returns the <tfoot> element associated with the table, of type HTMLTableSectionElement . If there is no footer for this table, this methods creates it, then returns it. |
1159 | HTMLTableElement.createTHead() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.createTHead() method returns the <thead> element association with the table, of type HTMLTableSectionElement . If there is no such element associated to the thable, this method creates it, then returns it. |
1160 | HTMLTableElement.deleteCaption() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.deleteCaption() method removes the caption from the table. If there is no caption associated with the table, this method does nothing. |
1161 | HTMLTableElement.deleteRow() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.deleteRow() method removes a row from the table. If the amount of rows to delete, specified by the parameter, is greater or equal to the number of available rows, or if it is negative and not equal to the special index -1 , representing the last row of the table, the exception INDEX_SIZE_ERR is thrown. |
1162 | HTMLTableElement.deleteTFoot() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.deleteTFoot() method removes a <tfoot> element from the table. |
1163 | HTMLTableElement.deleteTHead() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.deleteTHead() removes a <thead> element from the table. |
1164 | HTMLTableElement.frame | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.frame property represents which external table borders to render. |
1165 | HTMLTableElement.insertRow() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, Method, NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.insertRow() method inserts a new row in the table. |
1166 | HTMLTableElement.rows | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.rows read-only property returns a live HTMLCollection of all the rows in the table. The rows included in the associated <thead> , <tfoot> and <tbody> elements. |
1167 | HTMLTableElement.rules | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.rules property represents which cell borders to render in the table. |
1168 | HTMLTableElement.summary | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.summary property represents the table description. |
1169 | HTMLTableElement.tBodies | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, NeedsBrowserCompatibilitySpecificati, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.tBodies read-only property returns a live HTMLCollection of the table bodies. |
1170 | HTMLTableElement.tFoot | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.tFoot property represents the table's <tfoot> element. Its value can be null if there is no such element. |
1171 | HTMLTableElement.tHead | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableElement.tHead represents the table's <thead> element. Its value can be null if there is no such element. |
1172 | HTMLTableElement.width | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableElement, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, Property, Reference, Référence |
Where width is a string representing the width in number of pixels or as a percentage value. |
1173 | HTMLTableHeaderCellElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableHeaderCellElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLTableCellElement and HTMLElement interfaces it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of table header cells in an HTML document. |
1174 | HTMLTableRowElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableRowElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of rows in an HTML table. |
1175 | HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell() | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTableRowElement, Method, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell() method inserts a new cell into a table row and returns a reference to the cell. |
1176 | HTMLTableRowElement.rowIndex | API, HTML DOM, NeedsCompatTable, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, NeedsSyntaxBox, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableRowElement.rowIndex property represents the position of a row in relation to the whole table. |
1177 | HTMLTableSectionElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTableSectionElement interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of sections, that is headers, footers and bodies, in an HTML table. |
1178 | HTMLTextAreaElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The HTMLTextAreaElement interface, which provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <textarea> elements. |
1179 | HTMLTimeElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTimeElement interface provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <time> elements. |
1180 | HTMLTimeElement.dateTime | API, HTML DOM, HTMLTimeElement, Property, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTimeElement .dateTime property is a DOMString that reflects the datetime HTML attribute, containing a machine-readable form of the element's date and time value. |
1181 | HTMLTitleElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTitleElement interface contains the title for a document. This element inherits all of the properties and methods of the HTMLElement interface. |
1182 | HTMLTrackElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, NeedsNewLayout, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLTrackElement interface provides access to the properties of <track> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. |
1183 | HTMLUListElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLUListElement interface provides special properties (beyond those defined on the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating unordered list elements. |
1184 | HTMLUnknownElement | API, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLUnknownElement interface represents an invalid HTML element and derives from the HTMLElement interface, but without implementing any additional properties or methods. |
1185 | HTMLVideoElement | API, DOM, HTML DOM, Interface, Reference, Référence, video |
The HTMLVideoElement interface provides special properties and methods for manipulating video objects. It also inherits properties and methods of HTMLMediaElement and HTMLElement . |
1186 | HTMLVideoElement.getVideoPlaybackQuality() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, HTML DOM, HTMLVideoElement, Method, Reference, Référence |
The HTMLVideoElement.getVideoPlaybackQuality() creates and returns a VideoPlaybackQuality object containing metrics about the current quality of the video restitution. |
1187 | HashChangeEvent | API, HTML5, HashChange, NeedsMarkupWork, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, events |
The hashchange event is fired when the fragment identifier of the URL has changed (the part of the URL that follows the # symbol, including the # symbol). |
1188 | Headers | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, headers |
The Headers interface of the Fetch API allows you to perform various actions on HTTP request and response headers. These actions include retrieving, setting, adding to, and removing. A Headers object has an associated header list, which is initially empty and consists of zero or more name and value pairs. You can add to this using methods like append() (see Examples.) In all methods of this interface, header names are matched by case-insensitive byte sequence. |
1189 | Headers() | API, Constructor, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Reference, Réference, Référence, headers |
The Headers() constructor creates a new Headers object. |
1190 | Headers.append() | API, Append, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, headers |
The append() method of the Headers interface appends a new value onto an existing header inside a Headers object, or adds the header if it does not already exist. |
1191 | Headers.delete() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, delete, headers |
The delete() method of the Headers interface deletes a header from the current Headers object. |
1192 | Headers.get() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, get, headers |
The get() method of the Headers interface returns the first value of a given header from within a Headers object. If the requested header doesn't exist in the Headers object, the call returns null . |
1193 | Headers.getAll() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, getAll, headers |
The getAll() method of the Headers interface returns an array of all the values of a header within a Headers object with a given name. If the requested header doesn't exist in the Headers object, it returns an empty array. |
1194 | Headers.has() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, has, headers |
The has() method of the Headers interface returns a boolean stating whether a Headers object contains a certain header. |
1195 | Headers.set() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Fetch, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, headers, set |
The set() method of the Headers interface sets a new value for an existing header inside a Headers object, or adds the header if it does not already exist. |
1196 | History | API, HTML-DOM, History API |
The History interface allows to manipulate the browser session history, that is the pages visited in the tab or frame that the current page is loaded in. |
1197 | History.length | API, HTML, History API, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, history |
The History .length read-only property returns an Integer representing the number of elements in the session history, including the currently loaded page. For example, for a page loaded in a new tab this property returns 1 . |
1198 | IDBCursor | API, Database, IDBCursor, Interface, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
The IDBCursor interface of the IndexedDB API represents a cursor for traversing or iterating over multiple records in a database. |
1199 | IDBCursor.advance() | API, Database, IDBCursor, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, advance, indexeddb |
The advance() method of the IDBCursor interface sets the number times a cursor should move its position forward. |
1200 | IDBCursor.continue() | API, Database, IDBCursor, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, continue, indexeddb |
This method may raise a DOMException with a DOMError of one of the following types: |
1201 | IDBCursor.delete() | API, Database, IDBCursor, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, delete, indexeddb |
An IDBRequest object on which subsequent events related to this operation are fired. The result attribute is set to undefined. |
1202 | IDBCursor.direction | API, Database, IDBCursor, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, direction, indexeddb |
A string (defined by the IDBCursorDirection enum) indicating the direction in which the cursor is traversing the data. Possible values are: |
1203 | IDBCursor.key | API, Database, IDBCursor, Key, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
The value can be of any type. | ||
1204 | IDBCursor.primaryKey | API, Database, IDBCursor, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, primaryKey |
A value, of any data type. | ||
1205 | IDBCursor.source | API, Database, IDBCursor, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, source |
The IDBObjectStore or IDBIndex that the cursor is iterating over. |
1206 | IDBCursor.update() | API, Database, IDBCursor, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, Update, indexeddb |
An IDBRequest object on which subsequent events related to this operation are fired. |
1207 | IDBCursorSync | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, NeedsMarkupWork, Obsolete, Reference, Réference, Référence, indexeddb |
The IDBCursorSync interface of the IndexedDB API represents a cursor for iterating over multiple records in a database. You can have only one instance of IDBCursorSync representing a cursor, but you can have an unlimited number of cursors at the same time. Operations are performed on the underlying index or object store. It enables an application to synchronously process all the records in the cursor's range. |
1208 | IDBCursorWithValue | API, DOM Reference, Database, IDBCursorWithValue, Interface, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
1209 | IDBCursorWithValue.value | API, Database, IDBCursorWithValue, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, value |
The value of the current cursor. | ||
1210 | IDBDatabase | API, DOM Reference, Database, IDBDatabase, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage, accessing data, asynchronous access, indexeddb, transactions |
Inherits from: EventTarget | ||
1211 | IDBDatabase.close() | API, Database, IDBDatabase, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, close, indexeddb |
The connection is not actually closed until all transactions created using this connection are complete. No new transactions can be created for this connection once this method is called. Methods that create transactions throw an exception if a closing operation is pending. | ||
1212 | IDBDatabase.createObjectStore() | API, Database, IDBDatabase, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage, createObjectStore, indexeddb |
The method takes the name of the store as well as a parameter object that lets you define important optional properties. You can use the property to uniquely identify individual objects in the store. As the property is an identifier, it should be unique to every object, and every object should have that property. | ||
1213 | IDBDatabase.deleteObjectStore() | API, Database, IDBDatabase, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage, deleteObjectStore, indexeddb |
As with IDBDatabase.createObjectStore , this method can be called only within a versionchange transaction. So for WebKit browsers you must call the IDBVersionChangeRequest.setVersion method first before you can remove any object store or index. |
1214 | | API, Database, IDBDatabase, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, name |
A DOMString containing the name of the connected database. |
1215 | IDBDatabase.objectStoreNames | API, Database, IDBDatabase, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, objectStoreNames |
A DOMStringList containing a list of the names of the object stores currently in the connected database. |
1216 | IDBDatabase.onabort | API, Database, IDBDatabase, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, onabort |
This example shows an IDBOpenDBRequest.onupgradeneeded block that creates a new object store; it also includes onerror and onabort functions to handle non-success cases. |
1217 | IDBDatabase.onerror | API, Database, IDBDatabase, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, onerror |
This example shows an IDBOpenDBRequest.onupgradeneeded block that creates a new object store; it also includes onerror and onabort functions to handle non-success cases. |
1218 | IDBDatabase.onversionchange | API, Database, IDBDatabase, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, onversionchange |
This example shows an IDBOpenDBRequest.onupgradeneeded block that creates a new object store; it also includes onerror and onabort functions to handle non-success cases, and an onversionchange function to notify when a database structure change has occurred. |
1219 | IDBDatabase.transaction() | API, Database, IDBDatabase, IndexedDB, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, transaction |
An IDBTransaction object. |
1220 | IDBDatabase.version | API, Database, IDBDatabase, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, version |
An integer containing the version of the connected database. | ||
1221 | IDBDatabaseException | API, Obsolete, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, indexeddb |
In the IndexedDB API, an IDBDatabaseException object represents exception conditions that can be encountered while performing database operations. |
1222 | IDBDatabaseSync | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Obsolete, Reference, Réference, Référence, indexeddb |
The DatabaseSync interface in the IndexedDB API represents a synchronous connection to a database. |
1223 | IDBEnvironment | API, DOM Reference, IDBEnvironment, Interface, Reference, Référence, Storage, asynchronous access, client-side database, indexeddb |
The following code creates a request for a database to be opened asychronously, after which the database is opened when the request's onsuccess handler is fired: |
1224 | IDBEnvironment.indexedDB | API, Database, IDBEnvironment, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
An IDBFactory object. |
1225 | IDBEnvironmentSync | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Obsolete, Reference, Réference, Référence, indexeddb |
The Unimplemented IDBEnvironmentSync interface of the IndexedDB API will be implemented by worker objects. |
1226 | IDBFactory | API, HTTP, Interface, Offline, Reference, Référence, Storage, WebAPI, indexeddb |
In the following code snippet, we make a request to open a database, and include handlers for the success and error cases. For a full working example, see our To-do Notifications app (view example live.) | ||
1227 | IDBFactory.cmp() | API, Database, IDBFactory, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, cmp, indexeddb |
An integer that indicates the result of the comparison; the table below lists the possible values and their meanings: | ||
1228 | IDBFactory.deleteDatabase() | API, Database, IDBFactory, IndexedDB, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, deleteDatabase, indexeddb, method |
If the database is successfully deleted, then a success event is fired on the request object returned from this method, with its result set to null . If an error occurs while the database is being deleted, then an error event is fired on the request object that is returned from this method. |
1229 | | API, Database, IDBFactory, IndexedDB, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, open |
If an error occurs while the database connection is being opened, then an error event is fired on the request object returned from this method. | ||
1230 | | API, Method, Obsolete, Reference, Référence, indexeddb |
If an error occurs while the database connection is being opened, then an error event is fired on the request object returned from this method. | ||
1231 | IDBFactorySync | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Obsolete, Reference, Réference, Référence, indexeddb |
The IDBFactorySync interface of the IndexedDB API provide a synchronous means of accessing the capabilities of indexed databases. |
1232 | IDBIndex | API, Database, IDBIndex, Interface, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
You can retrieve records in an object store through the primary key or by using an index. An index lets you look up records in an object store using properties of the values in the object stores records other than the primary key | ||
1233 | IDBIndex.count() | API, Database, IDBIndex, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, count, indexeddb |
A IDBRequest object on which subsequent events related to this operation are fired. |
1234 | IDBIndex.get() | API, Database, IDBIndex, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, get, indexeddb |
If a value is successfully found, then a structured clone of it is created and set as the result of the request object: this returns the record the key is associated with. |
1235 | IDBIndex.getAll() | API, Database, IDBIndex, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, getAll, indexeddb |
There is a performance cost associated with looking at the value property of a cursor, because the object is created lazily. To use a feature like getAll() , Gecko would have to create all the objects at once. If you were just interested in looking at each of the keys, for instance, it would be much more efficient to use a cursor. If you were trying to get an array of all the objects in an object store, though, you could use getAll() . |
1236 | IDBIndex.getAllKeys() | API, Method, Reference, Référence, indexeddb |
An IDBRequest object on which subsequent events related to this operation are fired. |
1237 | IDBIndex.getKey() | API, Database, IDBIndex, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, getKey, indexeddb |
If a key is successfully found it is set as the result of the request object: this returns the primary key of the record the key is associated with, not the whole record as IDBIndex.get does. |
1238 | IDBIndex.keyPath | API, Database, IDBIndex, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, keyPath |
Any data type that can be used as a key path. | ||
1239 | IDBIndex.multiEntry | API, Database, IDBIndex, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, multiEntry |
A Boolean : |
1240 | | API, Database, IDBIndex, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, name |
A DOMString . |
1241 | IDBIndex.objectStore | API, Database, IDBIndex, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, objectStore |
An IDBObjectStore . |
1242 | IDBIndex.openCursor() | API, Database, IDBIndex, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, openCursor |
The method sets the position of the cursor to the appropriate record, based on the specified direction. | ||
1243 | IDBIndex.openKeyCursor() | API, Database, IDBIndex, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, openKeyCursor |
The method sets the position of the cursor to the appropriate key, based on the specified direction. | ||
1244 | IDBIndex.unique | API, Database, IDBIndex, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, unique |
A Boolean : |
1245 | IDBIndexSync | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Obsolete, Reference, Réference, Référence, indexeddb |
The IDBIndexSync interface of the IndexedDB API provides synchronous access to an index in a database. |
1246 | IDBKeyRange | API, Database, IDBKeyRange, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
A key range can be a single value or a range with upper and lower bounds or endpoints. If the key range has both upper and lower bounds, then it is bounded; if it has no bounds, it is unbounded. A bounded key range can either be open (the endpoints are excluded) or closed (the endpoints are included). To retrieve all keys within a certain range, you can use the following code constructs: | ||
1247 | IDBKeyRange.bound() | API, Database, IDBKeyRange, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, bound, indexeddb |
The bounds can be open (that is, the bounds exclude the endpoint values) or closed (that is, the bounds include the endpoint values). By default, the bounds are closed. | ||
1248 | IDBKeyRange.lower | API, Database, IDBKeyRange, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, lower |
The lower bound of the key range (can be any type.) | ||
1249 | IDBKeyRange.lowerBound() | API, Database, IDBKeyRange, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, lowerBound |
By default, it includes the lower endpoint value and is closed. | ||
1250 | IDBKeyRange.lowerOpen | API, Database, IDBKeyRange, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, lowerOpen |
A boolean : |
1251 | IDBKeyRange.only() | API, Database, IDBKeyRange, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, only |
IDBKeyRange : The newly created key range. |
1252 | IDBKeyRange.upper | API, Database, IDBKeyRange, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, upper |
The upper bound of the key range (can be any type.) | ||
1253 | IDBKeyRange.upperBound() | API, Database, IDBKeyRange, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, upperBound |
By default, it includes the upper endpoint value and is closed. | ||
1254 | IDBKeyRange.upperOpen | API, Database, IDBKeyRange, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, upperOpen |
A boolean : |
1255 | IDBObjectStore | API, DOM Reference, IDBObjectStore, Interface, Reference, Référence, indexeddb |
This example shows a variety of different uses of ObjectStores, from updating the data structure with IDBObjectStore.createIndex inside an onupgradeneeded function, to adding a new item to our object store with IDBObjectStore.add . For a full working example, see our To-do Notifications app (view example live.) |
1256 | IDBObjectStore.add() | API, Add, Database, IDBObjectStore, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
To determine if the add operation has completed successfully, listen for the transaction’s complete event in addition to the IDBObjectStore.add request’s success event, because the transaction may still fail after the success event fires. In other words, the success event is only triggered when the transaction has been successfully queued. |
1257 | IDBObjectStore.autoIncrement | API, Database, IDBObjectStore, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, autoIncrement, indexeddb |
A Boolean : |
1258 | IDBObjectStore.clear() | API, Database, IDBObjectStore, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, clear, indexeddb |
Clearing an object store consists of removing all records from the object store and removing all records in indexes that reference the object store. | ||
1259 | IDBObjectStore.count() | API, Database, IDBObjectStore, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, count, data, indexeddb |
An IDBRequest object on which subsequent events related to this operation are fired. |
1260 | IDBObjectStore.createIndex() | API, Database, IDBObjectStore, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, createIndex, indexeddb |
Note that this method must be called only from a VersionChange transaction mode callback. |
1261 | IDBObjectStore.delete() | API, Method, Reference, Référence, indexeddb |
An IDBRequest object on which subsequent events related to this operation are fired. The request.result attribute is set to undefined. |
1262 | IDBObjectStore.deleteIndex() | API, Database, IDBObjectStore, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, deleteIndex, indexeddb |
Note that this method must be called only from a VersionChange transaction mode callback. Note that this method synchronously modifies the IDBObjectStore.indexNames property. |
1263 | IDBObjectStore.get() | API, Database, IDBObjectStore, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, get, indexeddb |
If a value is successfully found, then a structured clone of it is created and set as the result of the request object. |
1264 | IDBObjectStore.index() | API, Database, IDBObjectStore, Index, IndexedDB, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, method |
An IDBIndex object for accessing the index. |
1265 | IDBObjectStore.indexNames | API, Database, IDBObjectStore, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexNames, indexeddb |
A DOMStringList . |
1266 | IDBObjectStore.keyPath | API, Database, IDBObjectStore, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, keyPath |
If this property is null, the application must provide a key for each modification operation. | ||
1267 | | API, Database, IDBObjectStore, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, name |
A DOMString . |
1268 | IDBObjectStore.openCursor() | API, Database, IDBObjectStore, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, openCursor |
To determine if the add operation has completed successfully, listen for the results’s success event. |
1269 | IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor() | API, Database, IDBObjectStore, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage, openKeyCursor |
To determine if the add operation has completed successfully, listen for the results’s success event. |
1270 | IDBObjectStore.put() | API, Database, IDBObjectStore, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, put |
If the record is successfully stored, then a success event is fired on the returned request object with the result set to the key for the stored record, and the transaction set to the transaction in which this object store is opened. |
1271 | IDBObjectStore.transaction | API, Database, IDBObjectStorage, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, transaction |
An IDBTransaction object. |
1272 | IDBObjectStoreSync | API, Interface, Obsolete, Reference, Réference, Référence, indexeddb |
The IDBObjectStoreSync interface of the IndexedDB API provides synchronous access to an object store of a database. |
1273 | IDBOpenDBRequest | API, DOM Reference, Database, IDBOpenDBRequest, Interface, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
Inherits from: IDBRequest |
1274 | IDBOpenDBRequest.onblocked | API, Database, IDBOpenDBRequest, IndexedDB, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, onblocked |
The IDBOpenDBRequest.onblocked event handler is the event handler for the blocked event. This event is triggered when the upgradeneeded should be triggered because of a version change but the database is still in use (that is, not closed) somewhere, even after the versionchange event was sent. |
1275 | IDBOpenDBRequest.onupgradeneeded | API, Database, IDBOpenDBRequest, IndexedDB, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, onupgradeneeded |
In the following example you can see the onupgradeneeded handler being used to update the database structure if a database with a higher version number is loaded. For a full working example, see our To-do Notifications app (view example live.) | ||
1276 | IDBRequest | API, Database, IDBRequest, Interface, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
The request object does not initially contain any information about the result of the operation, but once information becomes available, an event is fired on the request, and the information becomes available through the properties of the IDBRequest instance. |
1277 | IDBRequest.error | API, Database, Error, IDBRequest, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
A DOMError containing the relevant error. The following error codes are returned under certain conditions: |
1278 | IDBRequest.onerror | API, Database, IDBRequest, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, onerror |
The following example requests a given record title, onsuccess gets the associated record from the IDBObjectStore (made available as objectStoreTitleRequest.result ), updates one property of the record, and then puts the updated record back into the object store. Also included at the bottom is an onerror function that reports what the error was if the request fails. For a full working example, see our To-do Notifications app (view example live.) |
1279 | IDBRequest.onsuccess | API, Database, IDBRequest, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, onsuccess |
The following example requests a given record title, onsuccess gets the associated record from the IDBObjectStore (made available as objectStoreTitleRequest.result ), updates one property of the record, and then puts the updated record back into the object store. For a full working example, see our To-do Notifications app (view example live.) |
1280 | IDBRequest.readyState | API, Database, IDBRequest, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, readyState |
The IDBRequestReadyState of the request, which takes one of the following two values: |
1281 | IDBRequest.result | API, Database, IDBRequest, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, result |
An IDBObjectStore containing the result of the request. |
1282 | IDBRequest.source | API, Database, IDBRequest, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, source |
An object representing the source of the request, such as an IDBIndex , IDBObjectStore or IDBCursor . |
1283 | IDBRequest.transaction | API, Database, IDBRequest, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, transaction |
An IDBTransaction . |
1284 | IDBTransaction | API, Database, IDBTransaction, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
Inherits from: EventTarget |
1285 | IDBTransaction.abort() | API, Database, IDBTransaction, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, abort, indexeddb |
All pending IDBRequest objects created during this transaction have their IDBRequest.error attribute set to AbortError . |
1286 | IDBTransaction.db | API, Database, IDBTransaction, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, db, indexeddb |
An IDBDatabase object. |
1287 | IDBTransaction.error | API, Database, Error, IDBTransaction, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
This is null if the transaction is not finished, is finished and successfully committed, or was aborted with the IDBTransaction.abort method. Otherwise, it returns the same DOMError as the request object that caused the transaction to be aborted due to a failed request, or a DOMError for the transaction failure if it is not due to a failed request (for example QuotaExceededError or UnknownError ). |
1288 | IDBTransaction.mode | API, Database, IDBTransaction, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, mode |
An IDBTransactionMode object defining the mode for isolating access to data in the current object stores: |
1289 | IDBTransaction.objectStore() | API, Database, IDBTransaction, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, objectStore |
Every call to this method on the same transaction object, with the same name, returns the same IDBObjectStore instance. If this method is called on a different transaction object, a different IDBObjectStore instance is returned. |
1290 | IDBTransaction.onabort | API, Database, IDBTransaction, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, events, indexeddb, onabort |
In the following code snippet, we open a read/write transaction on our database and add some data to an object store. Note also the functions attached to transaction event handlers to report on the outcome of the transaction opening in the event of success or failure. Note the transaction.onabort = function(event) { }; block, reporting when the transaction has been aborted. For a full working example, see our To-do Notifications app (view example live.) |
1291 | IDBTransaction.oncomplete | API, Database, Events, IDBTransaction, IndexedDB, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage, events, indexeddb, oncomplete |
The oncomplete event handler of the IDBTransaction interface handles the complete event, fired when the transaction successfully completes. |
1292 | IDBTransaction.onerror | API, Database, IDBTransaction, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, events, indexeddb, onerror |
In the following code snippet, we open a read/write transaction on our database and add some data to an object store. Note also the functions attached to transaction event handlers to report on the outcome of the transaction opening in the event of success or failure. Note the transaction.onerror = function(event) { }; block, making use of transaction.error to help in reporting what went wrong when the transaction was unsuccessful. For a full working example, see our To-do Notifications app (view example live.) |
1293 | IDBTransactionSync | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Obsolete, Reference, Réference, Référence, indexeddb |
The IDBTransactionSync interface of the IndexedDB API provides a synchronous transaction on a database. When an application creates an IDBTransactionSync object, it blocks until the browser is able to reserve the require database objects. |
1294 | IDBVersionChangeEvent | API, DOM Reference, Database, IDBVersionChangeEvent, Interface, JavaScript, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
The IDBVersionChangeEvent interface of the IndexedDB API indicates that the version of the database has changed, as the result of an IDBOpenDBRequest.onupgradeneeded event handler function. |
1295 | IDBVersionChangeEvent.newVersion | API, Database, IDBVersionChangeEvent, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, newVersion |
In the following code snippet, we make a request to open a database, and include handlers for the success and error cases. These events are fired via the custom IDBVersionChangeEvent interface. For a full working example, see our To-do Notifications app (view example live.) |
1296 | IDBVersionChangeEvent.oldVersion | API, Database, IDBVersionChangeEvent, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb, oldVersion |
In the following code snippet, we make a request to open a database, and include handlers for the success and error cases. These events are fired via the custom IDBVersionChangeEvent interface. For a full working example, see our To-do Notifications app (view example live.) |
1297 | IDBVersionChangeEvent.version | API, Deprecated, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, Référence, indexeddb |
A 64-bit integer. | ||
1298 | IDBVersionChangeRequest | API, Interface, Obsolete, Reference, Réference, Référence, indexeddb |
The IDBVersionChangeRequest interface the IndexedDB API represents a request to change the version of a database. It is used only by the setVersion() method of IDBDatabase . |
1299 | IDBVersionChangeRequest.setVersion() | API, Method, NeedsExample, Obsolete, Reference, Référence, indexeddb |
For older WebKit browsers, call this method before creating or deleting an object store. | ||
1300 | IdentityManager | API, Interface, Non-standard, Persona, Reference, Référence |
The IdentityManager of the BrowserID protocol exposes the BrowserID API, via . This API has gone through several significant revisions. Each generation is listed separately below. |
1301 | IdentityManager.get() | API, BrowserID, DOM, DOM Reference, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, NeedsExample, Non Standard, Persona, Reference, Référence, Security, WebAPI |
This function enables a web site to use BrowserID to authenticate its users. Call it in the click handler to your "log in with Persona" button with a callback function as a parameter. | ||
1302 | IdentityManager.getVerifiedEmail() | API, BrowserID, DOM, DOM Reference, Deprecated, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, NeedsExample, Non Standard, Persona, Reference, Référence, Security, WebAPI |
This function enables a web site to use BrowserID to authenticate its users. Call it in the click handler to your "log in with BrowserID" button with a callback function as a parameter. | ||
1303 | IdentityManager.logout() | API, BrowserID, DOM, DOM Reference, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, Non Standard, Persona, Reference, Référence, Security, WebAPI |
This function is used in Persona to cause the browser to reset the automatic / persistent login flag for a website. After being called, the user will need to explicitly log back into your site instead of being signed in automatically. | ||
1304 | IdentityManager.request() | API, BrowserID, DOM, DOM Reference, Gecko DOM Reference, Method, Non Standard, Persona, Reference, Référence, Security, WebAPI |
This function enables a web site to use Persona to authenticate its users. It must be invoked from within a click handler. For example, you should call it when a user clicks your "log in with Persona" button. | ||
1305 | | API, BrowserID, DOM, DOM Reference, Method, NeedsExample, Non Standard, Persona, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
This function registers callbacks that respond to a Persona user logging in or out. | ||
1306 | Idle API | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Idle, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The Idle API is used to notify an app when the user is idle. This lets an app take action when the user is doing nothing with his device. The most common use case is to save battery power; in this case, it is commonly used in conjuction with the Power Management API. | ||
1307 | ImageData | API, Canvas, ImageData, Images |
The ImageData interface represents the underlying pixel data of an area of a <canvas> element. It is created using the ImageData() constructor or creator methods on the CanvasRenderingContext2D object associated with a canvas: createImageData() and getImageData() . It can also be used to set a part of the canvas by using putImageData() . |
1308 | ImageData() | API, Canvas, Constructor, Experimental, Expérimental, ImageData, Reference, Référence |
The ImageData() constructor returns a newly instantiated ImageData object build from the typed array given and having the specified width and height. |
1309 | | API, Canvas, ImageData, Property, Reference, Référence |
The readonly property returns a Uint8ClampedArray representing a one-dimensional array containing the data in the RGBA order, with integer values between 0 and 255 (included). |
1310 | ImageData.height | API, Canvas, ImageData, Property, Reference, Référence |
The readonly ImageData.height property returns the number of rows in the image data object. |
1311 | ImageData.width | API, Canvas, ImageData, Property, Reference, Référence |
The readonly ImageData.width property returns the number of pixels per row in the image data object. |
1312 | Index | API, Landing, WebAPI |
Found 2597 pages: | ||
1313 | IndexedDB | API, Advanced, Database, IndexedDB, Landing, Reference, Réference, Référence, Storage, indexeddb |
IndexedDB is a transactional database system, like a SQL-based RDBMS; however whereas the latter uses tables with fixed columns, IndexedDB is a JavaScript-based object-oriented database. IndexedDB lets you store and retrieve objects that are indexed with a key; any objects supported by the structured clone algorithm can be stored. You need to specify the database schema, open a connection to your database, and then retrieve and update data within a series of transactions. | ||
1314 | Basic concepts | Advanced, IndexedDB, concepts, indexeddb |
This introduction discusses essential concepts and terminology in IndexedDB. It gives you the big picture and explains key concepts. | ||
1315 | Browser storage limits and eviction criteria | Database, IndexedDB, LRU, client-side, eviction, indexeddb, storage limit |
There are a number of web technologies that store data of one kind or another on the client-side (i.e. on your local disk.) The process by which the browser works out how much space to allocate to web data storage and what to delete when that limit is reached is not simple, and differs between browsers. This article attempts to explain how this all works. | ||
1316 | Using IndexedDB | API, Advanced, Database, Storage, Tutorial, indexeddb |
This tutorial walks you through using the asynchronous API of IndexedDB. If you are not familiar with IndexedDB, you should first read Basic Concepts About IndexedDB. | ||
1317 | Using IndexedDB in chrome | |
IndexedDB is typically used to store data in the user's browser from content JavaScript. (See Using IndexedDB for an overview.) But the APIs can be also be accessed from chrome via the initWindowless method of the IndexedDB manager service. |
1318 | Using JavaScript Generators in Firefox | |
Generators can be used to simplify asynchronous code in Firefox by opting in to using JavaScript version 1.7 or later. You can opt in in HTML as follows: | ||
1319 | InputEvent | API, DOM, Interface, events |
The InputEvent interface represents an event notifying of editable content change. |
1320 | InputEvent() | API, Constructor, DOM, InputEvent, Reference, Référence |
The InputEvent() constructor creates a new InputEvent . |
1321 | InputEvent.isComposing | API, InputEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, events |
The InputEvent.isComposing read-only property returns a Boolean value indicating if the event is fired after compositionstart and before compositionend . |
1322 | InstallEvent | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Offline, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, Workers, junk |
The InstallEvent interface represents an install action that is dispatched on the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope of a ServiceWorker . As a child of ExtendableEvent it ensures that functional events (like FetchEvent ) are not dispatched during installation. |
1323 | InstallEvent | API, InstallEvent, Interface, Offline, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, Service workers, ServiceWorker, Workers |
The parameter passed into the oninstall handler, the InstallEvent interface represents an install action that is dispatched on the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope of a ServiceWorker . As a child of ExtendableEvent , it ensures that functional events such as FetchEvent are not dispatched during installation. |
1324 | InstallEvent.InstallEvent() | API, Constructor, Experimental, Expérimental, InstallEvent, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, WebAPI |
The InstallEvent() constructor creates a new InstallEvent object. |
1325 | InstallEvent.activeWorker | API, InstallEvent, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Service Workers, ServiceWorker, WebAPI, activeWorker |
The activeWorker read-only property of the InstallEvent interface returns the ServiceWorker that is currently actively controlling the page. |
1326 | KeyboardEvent | API, DOM, Event, Interface, Reference, Référence |
KeyboardEvent objects describe a user interaction with the keyboard. Each event describes a key; the event type (keydown , keypress , or keyup ) identifies what kind of activity was performed. |
1327 | KeyboardEvent() | API, Constructor, DOM, KeyboardEvent, Reference, Réference, Référence, events |
The KeyboardEvent() constructor creates a new KeyboardEvent . |
1328 | KeyboardEvent.altKey | API, DOM, KeyboardEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The KeyboardEvent.altKey read-only property is a Boolean indicates if the alt key was pressed (true ) or not (false ) when the event occured. |
1329 | KeyboardEvent.charCode | API, DOM, Deprecated, Gecko DOM Reference, KeyboardEvent, Property, Reference, Référence |
The KeyboardEvent.charCode read-only property returns the Unicode value of a character key pressed during a keypress event. |
1330 | KeyboardEvent.code | API, Property, Read-only, Reference, Réference, Référence, events |
The KeyboardEvent. code property represents a physical key, that is value not changed neither by the modifier state, nor by keyboard layout. |
1331 | KeyboardEvent.ctrlKey | API, DOM, KeyboardEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, events |
The KeyboardEvent.ctrlKey read-only property returns a Boolean that indicates if the control key was pressed (true ) or not (false ) when the event occured. |
1332 | KeyboardEvent.getModifierState() | API, DOM, KeyboardEvent, Method, Reference, Référence, events |
The KeyboardEvent.getModifierState() method returns the current state of the specified modifier key, true if the modifier is active (that is the modifier key is pressed or locked), otherwise, false . |
1333 | KeyboardEvent.initKeyEvent() | API, DOM, Deprecated, KeyboardEvent, Method, Reference, Référence |
The KeyboardEvent.initKeyEvent method is used to initialize the value of an event created using document.createEvent ("KeyboardEvent") . Events initialized in this way must have been created with the document.createEvent ("KeyboardEvent") method. initKeyEvent must be called to set the event before it is dispatched. |
1334 | KeyboardEvent.initKeyboardEvent() | API, Deprecated, KeyboardEvent, Method, Reference, Référence |
The KeyboardEvent.initKeyboardEvent() initializes the attributes of a keyboard event object. This method was introduced in draft of DOM Level 3 Events, but deprecated in newer draft. Gecko won't support this feature since implementing this method as experimental broke existing web apps (see bug 999645). Web applications should use constructor instead of this if it's available. |
1335 | KeyboardEvent.isComposing | API, DOM, KeyboardEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, events |
The KeyboardEvent.isComposing read-only property returns a Boolean value indicating if the event is fired after compositionstart and before compositionend . |
1336 | KeyboardEvent.key | API, DOM, KeyboardEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The KeyboardEvent.key read-only property returns the value of a key or keys pressed by the user. It will be one of the following values: |
1337 | KeyboardEvent.keyCode | API, DOM, Deprecated, KeyboardEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, events |
The KeyboardEvent.keyCode read-only property represents a system and implementation dependent numerical code identifying the unmodified value of the pressed key. This is usually the decimal ASCII (RFC 20) or Windows 1252 code corresponding to the key. If the key can't be identified, this value is 0 . |
1338 | KeyboardEvent.location | API, DOM, KeyboardEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, events |
The KeyboardEvent.location read-only property returns an unsigned long representing the location of the key on the keyboard or other input device |
1339 | KeyboardEvent.metaKey | API, DOM, Events, MouseEvent, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsLiveSample, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, events |
The KeyboardEvent.metaKey read-only property returning a Boolean that indicates if the Meta key was pressed (true ) or not (false ) when the event occured. |
1340 | KeyboardEvent.shiftKey | API, DOM, KeyboardEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, events |
The KeyboardEvent.shiftKey read-only property indicates if the shift key was pressed (true ) or not (false ) when the event occurred. |
1341 | KeyboardEvent.which | API, DOM, Deprecated, KeyboardEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The KeyboardEvent.which read-only property returns the numeric keyCode of the key pressed, or the character code (charCode ) for an alphanumeric key pressed. |
1342 | L10n API | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Localization, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, l10n |
The L10n API provides access to localization resources (e.g. translated strings) and localization events, as well as information about the current language. It is accessible through the navigator.mozL10n property. | ||
1343 | L10n.formatValue | API, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
formatValue is used to retrieve translations from the localization resources, optionally interpolating them with additional variable data. If the translation is not found in the first supported locale, the L10n context will try the next locale in the fallback chain (asynchronously) until it finds an available translation. |
1344 | L10n.get | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Localization, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, l10n |
The get method is used to retrieve translations from the localization resources, optionally interpolating them with additional variable data. If the translation is not found in the first supported locale, the L10n context will try the next locale in the fallback chain (synchronously!) until it finds an available translation. |
1345 | L10n.language.code | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Localization, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, l10n |
The language.code property returns the code of the currently active language and allows to change the language by setting the value to a new code. |
1346 | L10n.language.direction | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Localization, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, l10n |
The language.direction property returns the direction (ltr or rtl ) of the currently active language. |
1347 | L10n.once | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Localization, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, l10n |
The once method is used to register a callback that will execute exactly once. If the L10n context is ready when L10n.once() is called, the callback will be invoked immediately on the next tick of the event loop. If the L10n context is not ready when L10n.once() is called (because the localization resources are still downloading), the callback will be invoked when the ready event of the L10n context fires. |
1348 | L10n.ready | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Localization, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, l10n |
The ready method is used to register a callback that will execute at least once. The callback is registered as a listener to the ready event of the L10n context. Additionally, if the L10n context is ready when L10n.ready() is called, the callback will be invoked immediately on the next tick of the event loop. |
1349 | L10n.readyState | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Localization, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, l10n |
The readyState property returns either loading or complete — depending on the current state of the L10n context. |
1350 | L10n.setAttributes | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Localization, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, l10n |
The setAttributes method may be used to set the data-l10n-id and data-l10n-args attributes on DOM elements. |
1351 | LinkStyle | API, CSSOM, Interface, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Reference, Référence |
The LinkStyle interface allows to access the associated CSS style sheet of a node. |
1352 | LocalFileSystem | API, File API, File System API, Non-standard, Offline, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI, filesystem |
The LocalFileSystem interface of the File System API gives you access to a sandboxed file system. The methods are implemented by window and worker objects. |
1353 | LocalFileSystemSync | API, File API, File System API, Non-standard, Offline, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, filesystem |
The LocalFileSystemSync interface of the File System API gives you access to a sandboxed file system. It is intended to be used with WebWorkers. The methods are implemented by worker objects. |
1354 | LocalMediaStream | API, DOM, DOM Reference, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Reference, Référence, WebRTC |
The LocalMediaStream interface represents a stream of media content fetched from a local data source. This is the interface returned by getUserMedia() . |
1355 | Location | API, Interface, Location |
The Location interface represents the location of the object it is linked to. Changes done on it are reflected on the object it relates to. Both the Document and Window interface have such a linked Location , accessible via Document.location and Window.location respectively. |
1356 | Location.assign() | API, HTML-DOM, Location, Method, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The Location .assign() method causes the window to load and display the document at the URL specified. |
1357 | Location.reload() | API, HTML-DOM, Location, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
The Location.reload() method reloads the resource from the current URL. Its optional unique parameter is a Boolean , which, when it is true , causes the page to always be reloaded from the server. If it is false or not specified, the browser may reload the page from its cache. |
1358 | Location.replace() | API, HTML-DOM, Location, Method, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The Location .replace() method replaces the current resource with the one at the provided URL. The difference from the assign() method is that after using replace() the current page will not be saved in session History , meaning the user won't be able to use the back button to navigate to it. |
1359 | LockedFile | API, Files, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The LockedFile interface provides tools to deal with a given file with all the necessary locks. |
1360 | LockedFile.abort() | API, Files, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The abort method is used to release the lock on the LockedFile object, making it inactive: its active property is set to false and all ongoing operations are canceled. |
1361 | | API, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The active property allows to know if the LockedFile object is still usable (true ) or not (false ). If the object is inactive then it is impossible to perform any read or write operation with it. Typically, a LockedFile object becomes inactive when the LockedFile.abort() method is called or if an error occurs. |
1362 | LockedFile.append() | API, Files, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The append method is used to write some data at the end of the file. |
1363 | LockedFile.fileHandle | API, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The fileHandle property gives access to the FileHandle object that produced the LockedFile object. |
1364 | LockedFile.flush() | API, Files, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The flush method is used to ensure any change made to a file is properly written on disk. |
1365 | LockedFile.getMetadata() | API, Files, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The getMetadata method allows to retrieve some metadata about the locked file. |
1366 | LockedFile.location | API, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The location property is a zero-based index representing the position of the read/write pointer within the file. Its value indicates at which bytes within the file any write or read operation will start. |
1367 | LockedFile.mode | API, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The mode property provides the read/write status of the LockedFile file. |
1368 | LockedFile.onabort | API, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive abort events. These events occur when the locked file has been aborted with the LockedFile.abort() method. |
1369 | LockedFile.oncomplete | API, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive complete events. These events occur each time a read or write operation is successful. |
1370 | LockedFile.onerror | API, Files, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
Specifies an event listener to receive error events. These events occur when something goes wrong. |
1371 | LockedFile.readAsArrayBuffer() | API, Files, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The readAsArrayBuffer method is used to read the content of the LockedFile object and provide the result of that reading as an ArrayBuffer . In many ways, it performs like the FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer() method. |
1372 | LockedFile.readAsText() | API, Files, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The readAsText method is used to read the content of the LockedFile object and provide the result of that reading as a string. In many ways, it performs like the FileReader.readAsText() method. |
1373 | LockedFile.truncate() | API, Files, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The truncate method is used to remove some data within the file. |
1374 | LockedFile.write() | API, Files, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The write method is used to write some data within the file. |
1375 | MIDIAccess | API, Draft, Interface, MIDIAccess, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web MIDI API |
The MIDIAccess interface of the Web MIDI API provides methods for listing MIDI input and output devices, and obtaining access to those devices. |
1376 | MIDIConnectionEvent | API, Draft, Interface, MIDIConnectionEvent, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web MIDI API |
The MIDIConnectionEvent interface of the Web MIDI API is the event passed to the onstatechange event of the MIDIAccess interface and the onstatechange event of the MIDIPorts interface. This occurs any time a new port becomes available, or when a previously available port becomes unavailable. For example, this event is fired whenever a MIDI device is either plugged in to or unplugged from a computer. |
1377 | MIDIInput | API, Draft, Interface, MIDIInput, Reference, Réference, Référence, Web MIDI API |
The MIDIInput interface of the Web MIDI API provides access to a MIDI input port and the messages passed on it. |
1378 | MIDIInputMap | |
The MIDIInputMap read-only interface of the Web MIDI API provides a Map -like interface to the currently available MIDI input ports. Though it works generally like a map, because it is read-only it does not contain clear() , delete() , or set() functions. |
1379 | MIDIOutputMap | |
The MIDIOutputMap read-only interface of the Web MIDI API provides a Map -like interface to the currently available MIDI output ports. Though it works generally like a map, because it is read-only it does not contain clear() , delete() , or set() functions. |
1380 | MediaDevices | Experimental, Expérimental, Interface |
The MediaDevices interface provides access to connected media input devices like cameras and microphones, as well as screensharing. |
1381 | MediaDevices.enumerateDevices() | API, Experimental, Expérimental, MediaDevices, Method |
The MediaDevices.enumeratedDevices() method collects information about the media input and output devices available on the system. |
1382 | MediaDevices.getUserMedia() | Experimental, Expérimental, MediaDevices, Method |
The MediaDevices.getUserMedia() method prompts the user for permission to use one video and/or one audio input device such as a camera or screensharing and/or a microphone. If the user provides permission, then the returned Promise is resolved with the resulting MediaStream object. If the user denies permission, or media is not available, then the promise is rejected with PermissionDeniedError or NotFoundError respectively. Note that it is possible for the returned promise to neither resolve nor reject, as the user is not required to make a choice. |
1383 | getUserMedia | |
The constraints parameter is a MediaStreamConstraints object with two members: video and audio , describing the media types requested. Either or both must be specified. If the browser cannot find all media tracks with the specified types that meet the constraints given, then the returned promise is rejected with NotFoundError . |
1384 | MediaElementAudioSourceNode | API, Interface, MediaElementAudioSourceNode, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
A MediaElementSourceNode has no inputs and exactly one output, and is created using the AudioContext.createMediaElementSource method. The amount of channels in the output equals the number of channels of the audio referenced by the HTMLMediaElement used in the creation of the node, or is 1 if the HTMLMediaElement has no audio. |
1385 | MediaKeyMessageEvent | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Events, MediaKeyMessageEvent, NeedsContent, NeedsExample, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI, events |
The MediaKeyMessageEvent interface of the EncryptedMediaExtensions API contains the content and related data when the content decryption module generates a message for the session. |
1386 | message | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, Expérimental, MediaKeyMessageEvent, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, message |
The MediaKeyMessageEvent.message read-only property returns an ArrayBuffer with a message from the content decryption module. Messages vary by key system. |
1387 | messageType | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, Expérimental, MediaKeyMessageEvent, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, messageType |
The MediaKeyMessageEvent.messageType read-only property indicates the type of message. It may be one of license-request , license-renewal , license-renewal , or individualization-request . |
1388 | MediaKeySession | API, Audio, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Interface, Media, MediaKeySession, NeedsExample, Reference, Réference, Référence, Video, WebAPI, audio, video |
The MediaKeySession interface of the EncryptedMediaExtensions API represents a context for message exchange with a content decryption module (CDM). |
1389 | close() | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, MediaKeySession, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, close |
The MediaKeySession.close() method returns a Promise after notifying the current media session is no longer needed and that the content decryption module should release any resources associated with this object and close it. |
1390 | closed | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, MediaKeySession, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, closed |
The MediaKeySession.closed read-only property returns a Promise signaling when a MediaKeySession closes. This promise can only be fulfilled and is never rejected. Closing a session means that licenses and keys associated with it are no longer valid for decrypting media data. |
1391 | expiration | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, MediaKeySession, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, expiration |
The MediaKeySession.expiration read-only property returns the time after which the keys in the current session can no longer be used to decrypt media data, or NaN if no such time exists. This value is determined by the CDM and measured in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, UTC. This value may change during a session lifetime, such as when an action triggers the start of a window. |
1392 | generateRequest() | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, MediaKeySession, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, generateRequest |
The MediaKeySession.generateRequest() method returns a Promise after generating a media request based on initialization data. |
1393 | keyStatuses | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, MediaKeySession, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, keyStatuses |
The MediaKeySession.keyStatuses read-only property returns a reference to a read-only MediaKeyStatusMap of the current session's keys and their statuses. |
1394 | load() | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, MediaKeySession, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, load |
The MediaKeySession.load() method returns a Promise that resolves to a boolean value after loading data for a specified session object. |
1395 | remove() | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, MediaKeySession, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, remove |
The MediaKeySession.remove() method returns a Promise after removing any session data associated with the current object. |
1396 | sessionId | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, Expérimental, MediaKeySession, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, sessionId |
The MediaKeySession.sessionId read-only property contains a unique string generated by the CDM for the current media object and its associated keys or licenses. |
1397 | update() | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, MediaKeySession, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, Update, update |
The MediaKeySession.update() method returns a Promise after loading messages and licenses to the CDM. |
1398 | MediaKeyStatusMap | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, MediaKeyStatusMap, NeedsContent, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
The MediaKeyStatusMap interface of the EncryptedMediaExtensions API is a read-only map of media key statuses by key IDs. |
1399 | MediaKeySystemAccess | API, Audio, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Interface, Media, MediaKeySystemAccess, NeedsExample, Reference, Réference, Référence, Video, WebAPI, audio, video |
1400 | createMediaKeys() | API, Audio, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Media, MediaKeySystemAccess, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, Video, audio, createMediaKeys, video |
The MediaKeySystemAccess.createMediaKeys() method returns a Promise that resolves to a new MediaKeys object. |
1401 | getConfiguration() | API, Audio, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Media, MediaKeySystemAccess, Method, NeedsExample, Reference, Video, audio, getConfiguration, video |
The MediaKeySystemAccess.getConfiguration() method returns a MediaKeySystemConfiguration object with the supported combination of configuration options. |
1402 | keySystem | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, MediaKeySystemAccess, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, keySystem |
The MediaKeySystemAccess.keySystem read-only property returns a DOMString identifying the key system being used. |
1403 | MediaKeySystemConfiguration | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, MediaKeySystemConfiguration, NeedsContent, NeedsExample, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebAPI |
The MediaKeySystemConfiguration interface EncryptedMediaExtensions API provides configuration information about the media key system. |
1404 | audioCapabilities | API, Audio, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Media, MediaKeySystemConfiguration, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, audio, initDataTypes |
The MediaKeySystemConfiguration.audioCapabilities read-only property returns an array of supported audio type and capability pairs. |
1405 | distinctiveIdentifier | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Media, MediaKeySystemConfiguration, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, Video, distinctiveIdentifier, video |
The MediaKeySystemConfiguration.distinctiveIdentifier read-only property indicates whether a persistent distinctive identifier is required. |
1406 | initDataTypes | API, Audio, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Media, MediaKeySystemConfiguration, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, Video, audio, initDataTypes, video |
The MediaKeySystemConfiguration.initDataTypes read-only property returns a list of supported initialization data type names. An initialization data type is a string indicating the format of the initialization data. |
1407 | persistentState | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Media, MediaKeySystemConfiguration, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, Video, persistentState, video |
The MediaKeySystemConfiguration.persistentState read-only property indicates whether the ability to persist state is required. |
1408 | videoCapabilities | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Media, MediaKeySystemConfiguration, NeedsExample, Property, Reference, Video, initDataTypes, video |
The MediaKeySystemConfiguration.videoCapabilities read-only property returns an array of supported video type and capability pairs. |
1409 | MediaKeys | API, Audio, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Interface, Media, MediaKeys, NeedsExample, Reference, Réference, Référence, Video, audio, video |
1410 | createSession() | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, Expérimental, Media, MediaKeys, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, createSession |
The MediaKeys.createSession() method returns a new MediaKeySession object, which represents a context for message exchange with a content decryption module (CDM). |
1411 | setServerCertificate() | API, EncryptedMediaExtensions, Experimental, Expérimental, Media, MediaKeys, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, setServerCertificate |
The MediaKeys.setServerCertificate() method a Promise to a server certificate to be used to encrypt messages to the license server. |
1412 | MediaQueryList | API, CSSOM View, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsSpecTable, NeedsSplit, Reference, Référence, needsmobilecompatibility |
A MediaQueryList object maintains a list of media queries on a document , and handles sending notifications to listeners when the media queries on the document change. |
1413 | MediaQueryListListener | API, CSSOM View, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, NeedsMarkupWork, NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility, NeedsSpecTable, NeedsSplit, Reference, Référence |
A MediaQueryList object maintains a list of media queries on a document , and handles sending notifications to listeners when the media queries on the document change. |
1414 | MediaRecorder | API, Interface, Media Recorder API, Media capture, MediaRecorder, Reference, Réference, Référence, audio, video |
The MediaRecorder interface of the MediaRecorder API provides functionality to easily capture media. It is created by the invocation of the MediaRecorder() constructor. |
1415 | MediaRecorder.ondataavailable | API, Media Recorder API, Media capture, MediaRecorder, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, audio, ondataavailable, video |
The MediaRecorder.ondataavailable event handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the dataavailable event, allowing you to run code in response to Blob data being made available for use. |
1416 | MediaRecorder.onerror | API, Media Recorder API, Media capture, MediaRecorder, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, audio, onerror, video |
The MediaRecorder.onerror event handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the event, allowing you to run code in response to fatal errors occurring that prevent media capture. |
1417 | MediaRecorder.onpause | API, Media Recorder API, Media capture, MediaRecorder, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, audio, onpause, video |
The MediaRecorder.onpause event handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the pause event, allowing you to run code in response to the media recording being paused. |
1418 | MediaRecorder.onresume | API, Media Recorder API, Media capture, MediaRecorder, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, audio, onresume, video |
The MediaRecorder.onresume event handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the resume event, allowing you to run code in response to the media recording being resumed after pausing. |
1419 | MediaRecorder.onstart | API, Media Recorder API, Media capture, MediaRecorder, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, audio, onstart, video |
The MediaRecorder.onstart event handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the start event, allowing you to run code in response to media recording being started by a MediaRecorder . |
1420 | MediaRecorder.onstop | API, Media Recorder API, Media capture, MediaRecorder, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, audio, onstop, video |
The MediaRecorder.onstop event handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the stop event, allowing you to run code in response to media recording via a MediaRecorder being stopped. |
1421 | MediaRecorder.onwarning | API, Media Recorder API, Media capture, MediaRecorder, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, audio, onwarning, video |
The MediaRecorder.onwarning event handler (part of the MediaRecorder API) handles the recordingwarning event, allowing you to run code in response to non-fatal errors being thrown during media recording via a MediaRecorder , which don't halt recording. |
1422 | MediaRecorder.pause() | API, Media Recorder API, Media capture, MediaRecorder, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, pause |
The Media.pause() method (part of the MediaRecorder API) is used to pause recording of media streams. |
1423 | MediaRecorder.requestData() | API, Media Recorder API, Media capture, MediaRecorder, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, requestData |
The Media.requestData() method (part of the MediaRecorder API) is used to raise a dataavailable event containing a Blob object of the captured media as it was when the method was called. |
1424 | MediaRecorder.resume() | API, Media Recorder API, Media capture, MediaRecorder, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, resume |
The Media.resume() method (part of the MediaRecorder API) is used to resume media recording when it has been previously paused. |
1425 | MediaRecorder.start() | API, Media Recorder API, Media capture, MediaRecorder, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, start |
The Media.start() method (part of the MediaRecorder API) is used to start capturing media into a Blob . |
1426 | MediaRecorder.state | API, Media Recorder API, MediaRecording, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, state |
The MediaRecorder.state property (part of the MediaRecorder API) returns the current state of the current MediaRecorder object. |
1427 | MediaRecorder.stop() | API, Media Recorder API, Media capture, MediaRecorder, Method, Reference, Réference, Référence, stop |
The Media.stop() method (part of the MediaRecorder API) is used to stop media capture. |
1428 | | API, Media Recorder API, MediaRecorder, Property, Reference, Référence, stream |
The property (part of the MediaRecorder API) returns the stream that was passed into the MediaRecorder() constructor when the MediaRecorder was created. |
1429 | MediaRecorder API | API, Media Recorder API, Media capture, Reference, Réference, Référence, audio, video |
The MediaRecorder API (MediaStream Recording) aims to provide a really simple mechanism by which developers can record media streams from the user's input devices and instantly use them in web apps, rather than having to perform manual encoding operations on raw PCM data, etc., which would be required when using Navigator.getUserMedia() alone. |
1430 | Using the MediaRecorder API | API, Guide, JavaScript, Media capture, MediaRecorder API, getusermedia |
The MediaRecorder API is a simple construct, used inside Navigator.getUserMedia() , which provides an easy way of recording media streams from the user's input devices and instantly using them in web apps, rather than having to perform manual encoding operations on raw PCM data, etc., which would be required when using getUserMedia() alone. This article aims to provide a basic guide on how to use MediaRecorder. |
1431 | MediaSource | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Media Source Extensions |
The MediaSource interface represents the source of media data for an HTMLMediaElement object. A MediaSource object can be attached to a HTMLMediaElement to be played in the user agent. |
1432 | MediaStream | API, Media Streams API, Reference, Réference, Référence, WebRTC |
The MediaStream interface represents a stream of media content. A stream consists of several tracks, like video or audio tracks. |
1433 | | MediaStream, Property, Read-only, Reference, Web |
The read-only property is a DOMString containing 36 characters denoting a unique identifier (GUID) for the object. |
1434 | MediaStream API | API, Advanced, NeedsUpdate, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
The MediaStream Processing API, often called the Media Stream API or the Stream API, is the part of WebRTC describing a stream of audio or video data, the methods for working with them, the constraints associated with the type of data, the success and error callbacks when using the data asynchronously, and the events that are fired during the process. | ||
1435 | MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode | API, Interface, MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
Inherits properties from its parent, AudioNode . |
1436 | | API, MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio, stream |
A MediaStream . |
1437 | MediaStreamAudioSourceNode | API, Interface, MediaStreamAudioSourceNode, Reference, Référence, Web Audio API, audio |
A MediaElementSourceNode has no inputs and exactly one output, and is created using the AudioContext.createMediaStreamSource method. The amount of channels in the output equals the number of channels in AudioMediaStreamTrack . If there is no valid media stream, then the number of output channels will be one silent channel. |
1438 | MediaStreamEvent | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Interface, Reference, Référence, WebRTC |
The MediaStreamEvent interface represents events that occurs in relation to a MediaStream . Two events of this type can be thrown: addstream and removestream . |
1439 | MediaStreamEvent() | Constructor, Experimental, Expérimental, MediaStreamEvent, Reference, Référence, WebRTC |
The MediaStreamEvent() constructor creates a new MediaStreamEvent . |
1440 | | Experimental, Expérimental, MediaStreamEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, WebRTC |
The read-only property returns the MediaStream associated with the event. |
1441 | MediaStreamTrack | API, Experimental, Expérimental, Reference, Référence, WebRTC |
The MediaStream interface represents a stream of media content. A stream consists of several tracks, like video or audio tracks. |
1442 | MediaStreamTrack.enabled | MediaStreamTrack, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, WebRTC |
The read-only property MediaStreamTrack.enabled returns a Boolean with a value of true if the track is enabled, that is allowed to render the media source stream; or false if it is disabled, that is not rendering the media source stream but silence and blackness. If the track has been disconnected, this value can be changed but has no more effect. |
1443 | | MediaStreamTrack, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, WebRTC |
The read-only property returns a DOMString containing a unique identifier (GUID) for the track; it is generated by the browser. |
1444 | MediaStreamTrack.kind | MediaStreamTrack, Property, Read-only, WebRTC |
The read-only property MediaStreamTrack.kind returns a DOMString set to "audio" if the track is an audio track and to "video" , if it is a video track. It doesn't change if the track is deassociated from its source. |
1445 | MediaStreamTrack.label | MediaStreamTrack, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, WebRTC |
The read-only property MediaStreamTrack.label returns a DOMString containing a user agent-assigned label that identifies the track source, as in "internal microphone" . The string may be left empty and is empty as long as no source has been connected. When the track is deassociated from its source, the label is not changed. |
1446 | MediaStreamTrack.onmute | Event Handler, MediaStreamTrack, Property, Reference, Référence, WebRTC |
The MediaStreamTrack.onmute event handler is a property called when the mute event is received. Such an event is sent when the track is temporarily not able to send data. |
1447 | MediaStreamTrack.onoverconstrained | API, Event Handler, Property, Reference, Référence, WebRTC |
The MediaStreamTrack.onoverconstrained event handler is a property called when the overconstrained event is received. Such an event is sent when the track is again able to send data. |
1448 | MediaStreamTrack.onunmute | API, Event Handler, MediaStreamTrack, Property, Reference, Référence, WebRTC |
The MediaStreamTrack.onunmute event handler is a property called when the unmute event is received. Such an event is sent when the track is again able to send data. |
1449 | MediaStreamTrack.readyState | MediaStreamTrack, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, WebRTC |
The read-only property MediaStreamTrack.readyState returns an enumerated value giving the status of the track. |
1450 | MediaStreamTrack.stop() | Media Stream API, MediaStreamTrack, Method, Reference, Référence, WebRTC |
The MediaStreamTrack.stop() method stops playing the source associated to the track, both the source and the track are deassociated. The track state is set to ended . |
1451 | MessageChannel | API, Channel Messaging API, Interface, MessageChannel, Reference, Référence, web messaging |
The MessageChannel interface of the Channel Messaging API allows us to create a new message channel and send data through it via its two MessagePort properties. |
1452 | MessageChannel() | API, Channel messaging, Constructor, MessageChannel, Reference, Référence |
The MessageChannel() constructor of the MessageChannel interface returns a new MessageChannel object with two new MessagePort objects. |
1453 | MessageChannel.port1 | API, Channel messaging, HTML5, Message Channel API, MessageChannel, Property, Reference, Référence |
The port1 read-only property of the MessageChannel interface returns the first port of the message channel, the port attached to the context that originated the channel. |
1454 | MessageChannel.port2 | API, Channel messaging, HTML5, MessageChannel, Property, Reference, Référence, port2 |
The port2 read-only property of the MessageChannel interface returns second port of the message channel, the port attached to the context at the other end of the channel, which the message is initially sent to. |
1455 | MessageEvent | API, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, WebSocket, WebSockets |
A MessageEvent is the interface representing a message received by a target, being a WebSocket or a WebRTC RTCDataChannel |
1456 | MessagePort | API, Channel messaging, HTML5, Interface, MessagePort, Reference, Référence |
The MessagePort interface of the Channel Messaging API represents one of the two ports of a MessageChannel , allowing sending of messages from one port and listening out for them arriving at the other. |
1457 | MessagePort.close() | API, Channel messaging, MessagePort, Method, Reference, Référence, close, method |
The close() method of the MessagePort interface disconnects the port, so it is no longer active. This stops the flow of messages to that port. |
1458 | MessagePort.onmessage | API, Channel messaging, Events, MessagePort, Property, Reference, Référence, events, onmessage |
The onmessage event handler of the MessagePort interface is an EventListener , called whenever an MessageEvent of type message is fired on the port — that is, when the port receives a message. |
1459 | MessagePort.postMessage() | API, Channel messaging, MessagePort, Method, Reference, Référence, method, postMessage |
The postMessage() method of the MessagePort interface sends a message from the port, and optionally, transfers ownership of objects to other browsing contexts. |
1460 | MessagePort.start() | API, Channel messaging, MessagePort, Method, Reference, Référence, method, start |
The start() method of the MessagePort interface starts the sending of messages queued on the port. This method is only needed when using EventTarget.addEventListener ; it is implied when using MessageChannel.onmessage . |
1461 | Mobile Connection | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI |
This API has 2 purposes: | ||
1462 | MouseEvent | API, DOM, DOM Events, Interface, Reference, Réference, Référence, events |
The MouseEvent interface represents events that occur due to the user interacting with a pointing device (such as a mouse). Common events using this interface include click , dblclick , mouseup , mousedown . |
1463 | Mouse.offsetY | API, Experimental, Expérimental, MouseEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.offsetY read-only property provides the offset in the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the padding edge of the target node. |
1464 | MouseEvent() | API, Constructor, DOM Events, MouseEvent, Reference, Réference, Référence, events |
The MouseEvent() constructor creates a new MouseEvent . |
1465 | MouseEvent.altKey | API, DOM, DOM Events, MouseEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.altKey read-only property is a Boolean indicates if the alt key was pressed (true ) or not (false ) when the event occured. |
1466 | MouseEvent.button | API, DOM, DOM Events, MouseEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.button read-only property indicates which button was pressed on the mouse to trigger the event. |
1467 | MouseEvent.buttons | API, DOM, DOM Events, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, UIEvent |
The MouseEvent.buttons read-only property indicates which buttons were pressed on the mouse to trigger the event. |
1468 | MouseEvent.clientX | API, CSSOM View, DOM, DOM Events, MouseEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.clientX read-only property provides the horizontal coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred (as opposed to the coordinates within the page). For example, clicking in the top-left corner of the client area will always result in a mouse event with a clientX value of 0, regardless of whether the page is scrolled horizontally. |
1469 | MouseEvent.clientY | API, CSSOM View, DOM Events, MouseEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.clientY read-only property returns the vertical coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred (as opposed to the coordinates within the page). For example, clicking in the top-left corner of the client area will always result in a mouse event with a clientY value of 0, regardless of whether the page is scrolled vertically. |
1470 | MouseEvent.ctrlKey | API, DOM, DOM Events, MouseEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.ctrlKey read-only property returns a Boolean that indicates if the control key was pressed (true ) or not (false ) when the event occured. |
1471 | MouseEvent.getModifierState() | API, DOM, DOM Events, Method, MouseEvent, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.getModifierState() method returns the current state of the specified modifier key: true if the modifier is active (i.e., the modifier key is pressed or locked), otherwise, false . |
1472 | MouseEvent.initMouseEvent() | API, DOM, DOM Events, Deprecated, Event, Method, NeedsLiveSample, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.initMouseEvent() method initializes the value of a mouse event once it's been created (normally using the Document.createEvent() method). |
1473 | MouseEvent.metaKey | API, DOM, DOM Events, Property, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.metaKey read-only property returning a Boolean that indicates if the Meta key was pressed (true ) or not (false ) when the event occured. |
1474 | MouseEvent.movementX | API, DOM, DOM Events, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, mouse lock |
The MouseEvent.movementX read-only property provides the shift in the X coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the previous mousemove event. In other words, the value of that property is computed that way : currentEvent.movementX = currentEvent.screenX - previousEvent.screenX . |
1475 | MouseEvent.movementY | API, DOM, DOM Events, MouseEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence, mouse lock |
The MouseEvent.movementY read-only property provides the shift in the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the previous mousemove event. In other words, the value of that property is computed that way : currentEvent.movementY = currentEvent.screenY - previousEvent.screenY . |
1476 | MouseEvent.offsetX | API, Experimental, Expérimental, MouseEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Réference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.offsetX read-only property provides the offset in the X coordinate of the mouse pointer between that event and the padding edge of the target node. |
1477 | MouseEvent.region | API, Canvas, DOM Events, MouseEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.region read-only property returns the id of the canvas hit region affected by the event. If no hit region is affected, null is returned. |
1478 | MouseEvent.relatedTarget | API, DOM, DOM Events, MouseEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.relatedTarget read-only property is the secondary target for the event, if there is one. That is: |
1479 | MouseEvent.screenX | API, CSSOM View, DOM Events, MouseEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.screenX read-only property provides the horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer in global (screen) coordinates. |
1480 | MouseEvent.screenY | API, DOM Events, MouseEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.screenY read-only property provides the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer in global (screen) coordinates. |
1481 | MouseEvent.shiftKey | API, DOM, DOM Events, MouseEvent, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.shiftKey read-only property indicates if the shift key was pressed (true ) or not (false ) when the event occurred. |
1482 | MouseEvent.which | API, DOM Events, MouseEvent, Non-standard, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence |
The MouseEvent.which read-only property indicates which button was pressed on the mouse to trigger the event. |
1483 | MouseScrollEvent | API, DOM, DOM Events, Deprecated, Event, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, events |
The MouseScrollEvent interface represents events that occur due to the user moving a mouse wheel or similar input device. |
1484 | MouseWheelEvent | API, DOM, Deprecated, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, events |
The MouseWheelEvent interface represents events that occur due to the user turning a mouse wheel. |
1485 | MozActivity | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Web Activities, WebAPI |
The MozActivity interface allows apps to delegate an activity to another app. |
1486 | MozActivityOptions | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Activities, WebAPI |
The MozActivityOptions interface allows apps to declare the activity they want to create and also to access information of activities they want to handle. |
1487 | | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Activities, WebAPI |
The data property returns an arbitrary object representing any data passed with the activity. |
1488 | | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Activities, WebAPI |
The name property returns a string representing the name of the associated activity. See MozActivityOptions to read in which context MozActivityOptions is being used. |
1489 | MozActivityRequestHandler | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Activities, WebAPI |
The MozActivityRequestHandler interface allows apps that handle activities to access and interact with the request made by a third party app that tries to delegate an activity. |
1490 | MozActivityRequestHandler.postError() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Activities, WebAPI |
The postError method is used to send back an error message to the app that made the activity request. |
1491 | MozActivityRequestHandler.postResult() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Activities, WebAPI |
The postResult method is used to send back an answer to the app that made the activity request. |
1492 | MozActivityRequestHandler.source | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Activities, WebAPI |
The source property returns a MozActivityOptions object, which provides information about the activity request. |
1493 | MozAlarmsManager | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, alarm |
The MozAlarmsManager API allows to schedule notifications or applications to be started at a specific time. |
1494 | MozAlarmsManager.add() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, WebAPI, alarm |
The add method is used to retrieve a list of pending alarms. |
1495 | MozAlarmsManager.getAll() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, alarm |
The getAll method is used to retrieve a list of pending alarms. |
1496 | MozAlarmsManager.remove() | API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, alarm |
The remove method is used to retrieve a list of pending alarms. |