Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.


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Pages Translated Translations up to date Translations technically reviewed Translations editorially reviewed Macros strings Translated macros strings
91 41 (45%) 14 (34%) 40 (97%) 37 (90%) 54 49 (90%)

All articles

Page Translated?
Web developer guides Yes, but editorial review needed. Edit.
CSS developer guide Yes, but not up to date (412 dias older). Edit.
Block formatting context Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
Getting started with CSS Yes, and up to date.
Boxes Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
Cascading and inheritance Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
Challenge solutions Not available. Translate now.
Color Yes, but not up to date (161 dias older). Edit.
Content Not available. Translate now.
How CSS works Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
JavaScript and CSS Not available. Translate now.
Layout Not available. Translate now.
Lists Not available. Translate now.
Media Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
Readable CSS Not available. Translate now.
SVG and CSS Not available. Translate now.
Selectors Yes, but editorial review needed. Edit.
Tables Not available. Translate now.
Text styles Yes, but not up to date (300 dias older). Edit.
What is CSS? Yes, but not up to date (214 dias older). Edit.
Why use CSS? Yes, but not up to date (558 dias older). Edit.
XML data Not available. Translate now.
XUL user interfaces Not available. Translate now.
Underscores in class and ID Names Not available. Translate now.
Visual formatting model Not available. Translate now.
Writing efficient CSS Yes, but not up to date (569 dias older). Edit.
Event developer guide Yes, but not up to date (835 dias older). Edit.
Creating and triggering events Yes, but not up to date (403 dias older). Edit.
DOM on-event handlers Not available. Translate now.
Media events Not available. Translate now.
Mouse gesture events Not available. Translate now.
Mutation events Not available. Translate now.
Orientation and motion data explained Yes, but not up to date (906 dias older). Edit.
Overview of Events and Handlers Not available. Translate now.
Touch events (Mozilla experimental) Yes, and up to date.
Using device orientation with 3D transforms Not available. Translate now.
Graphics on the Web Yes, but not up to date (158 dias older). Edit.
Guide to Web APIs Yes, and up to date.
HTML developer guide Yes, and up to date.
Content categories Yes, but technical review needed. Edit.
Drag Operations Not available. Translate now.
Dragging and Dropping Multiple Items Not available. Translate now.
Element Not available. Translate now.
Email links Not available. Translate now.
Event attributes Not available. Translate now.
Forms in HTML Yes, but not up to date (1812 dias older). Edit.
HTML forms guide Yes, but not up to date (3 dias older). Edit.
Advanced styling for HTML forms Not available. Translate now.
Data form validation Not available. Translate now.
HTML forms in legacy browsers Not available. Translate now.
How to build custom form widgets Not available. Translate now.
Example 1 Not available. Translate now.
Example 2 Not available. Translate now.
Example 3 Not available. Translate now.
Example 4 Not available. Translate now.
Example 5 Not available. Translate now.
How to structure an HTML form Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
Example Not available. Translate now.
My first HTML form Yes, but not up to date (218 dias older). Edit.
Example Not available. Translate now.
Sending form data Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
Sending forms through JavaScript Not available. Translate now.
Styling HTML forms Yes, but editorial review needed. Edit.
The native form widgets Not available. Translate now.
HTML5 Yes, but not up to date (20 dias older). Edit.
Constraint validation Not available. Translate now.
HTML5 Parser Yes, but not up to date (493 dias older). Edit.
Introduction to HTML5 Yes, but not up to date (777 dias older). Edit.
Hyperlink Not available. Translate now.
Introduction to HTML Yes, but not up to date (207 dias older). Edit.
Making content editable Not available. Translate now.
Obsolete practices to avoid Not available. Translate now.
Recommended Drag Types Yes, but not up to date (584 dias older). Edit.
The Importance of Correct HTML Commenting Yes, but not up to date (96 dias older). Edit.
Tips for authoring fast-loading HTML pages Yes, but not up to date (761 dias older). Edit.
Using HTML sections and outlines Yes, but not up to date (9 dias older). Edit.
Using HTML5 audio and video Yes, but editorial review needed. Edit.
Using data attributes Not available. Translate now.
Introduction to Web development Not available. Translate now.
Localizations and character encodings Not available. Translate now.
Mobile Web Development Yes, but not up to date (324 dias older). Edit.
A hybrid approach Not available. Translate now.
Mobile-friendliness Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
Separate sites for mobile and desktop Not available. Translate now.
Optimization and performance Yes, and up to date.
Parsing and serializing XML Not available. Translate now.
Printing Not available. Translate now.
Responsive design Yes, but not up to date (954 dias older). Edit.
SVG-in-OpenType Not available. Translate now.
The Web Open Font Format (WOFF) Not available. Translate now.
Writing forward-compatible websites Not available. Translate now.


Name Strings Translated
Common 17 15
CompatTable 37 34

Etiquetas y colaboradores del documento

 Colaboradores en esta página: Jeremie
 Última actualización por: Jeremie,