Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

MathML documentation status


Pages Translated Translations up to date Translations technically reviewed Translations editorially reviewed Macros strings Translated macros strings
40 6 (15%) 2 (33%) 6 (100%) 6 (100%) 54 49 (90%)

All articles

Page Translated?
MathML Yes, but not up to date (707 dias older). Edit.
Authoring MathML Yes, and up to date.
Examples Yes, but not up to date (1077 dias older). Edit.
MathML: Deriving the Quadratic Formula Not available. Translate now.
Proving the Pythagorean theorem Yes, but not up to date (1062 dias older). Edit.
MathML attribute reference Yes, but not up to date (944 dias older). Edit.
Values Not available. Translate now.
MathML documentation index Not available. Translate now.
MathML element reference Yes, and up to date.
<maction> Not available. Translate now.
<math> Not available. Translate now.
<menclose> Not available. Translate now.
<merror> Not available. Translate now.
<mfenced> Not available. Translate now.
<mfrac> Not available. Translate now.
<mglyph> Not available. Translate now.
<mi> Not available. Translate now.
<mlabeledtr> Not available. Translate now.
<mmultiscripts> Not available. Translate now.
<mn> Not available. Translate now.
<mo> Not available. Translate now.
<mover> Not available. Translate now.
<mpadded> Not available. Translate now.
<mphantom> Not available. Translate now.
<mroot> Not available. Translate now.
<mrow> Not available. Translate now.
<ms> Not available. Translate now.
<mspace> Not available. Translate now.
<msqrt> Not available. Translate now.
<mstyle> Not available. Translate now.
<msub> Not available. Translate now.
<msubsup> Not available. Translate now.
<msup> Not available. Translate now.
<mtable> Not available. Translate now.
<mtd> Not available. Translate now.
<mtext> Not available. Translate now.
<mtr> Not available. Translate now.
<munder> Not available. Translate now.
<munderover> Not available. Translate now.
<semantics> Not available. Translate now.


Name Strings Translated
Common 17 15
CompatTable 37 34

Etiquetas y colaboradores del documento

 Colaboradores en esta página: Jeremie, fscholz
 Última actualización por: Jeremie,