Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Estado de documentación HTML


Pages Translated Translations up to date Translations technically reviewed Translations editorially reviewed Macros strings Translated macros strings
185 159 (85%) 68 (42%) 158 (99%) 155 (97%) 54 49 (90%)

All articles

Page Translated?
HTML Yes, and up to date.
Block-level elements Yes, and up to date.
CORS enabled image Yes, but not up to date (177 dias older). Edit.
CORS settings attributes Yes, but not up to date (111 dias older). Edit.
Controlling spell checking in HTML forms Yes, and up to date.
DASH Adaptive Streaming for HTML 5 Video Yes, but not up to date (322 dias older). Edit.
Focus management in HTML Yes, but not up to date (542 dias older). Edit.
Global attributes Yes, but editorial review needed. Edit.
accesskey Yes, but editorial review needed. Edit.
class Yes, and up to date.
contenteditable Yes, but not up to date (151 dias older). Edit.
contextmenu Yes, but not up to date (240 dias older). Edit.
data-* Yes, but not up to date (7 dias older). Edit.
dir Yes, and up to date.
draggable Yes, but not up to date (183 dias older). Edit.
dropzone Yes, but not up to date (168 dias older). Edit.
hidden Yes, but not up to date (119 dias older). Edit.
id Yes, but not up to date (277 dias older). Edit.
itemid Yes, and up to date.
itemprop Yes, but not up to date (74 dias older). Edit.
itemref Yes, but not up to date (27 dias older). Edit.
itemscope Yes, but not up to date (74 dias older). Edit.
itemtype Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
lang Yes, but not up to date (169 dias older). Edit.
spellcheck Yes, and up to date.
style Yes, but not up to date (9 dias older). Edit.
tabindex Yes, but not up to date (30 dias older). Edit.
title Yes, but not up to date (98 dias older). Edit.
translate Yes, and up to date.
HTML attribute reference Yes, and up to date.
HTML documentation index Yes, and up to date.
HTML element reference Yes, and up to date.
<a> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<abbr> Yes, and up to date.
<acronym> Yes, but not up to date (66 dias older). Edit.
<address> Yes, and up to date.
<applet> Yes, and up to date.
<area> Yes, but not up to date (40 dias older). Edit.
<article> Yes, but not up to date (490 dias older). Edit.
<aside> Yes, but not up to date (678 dias older). Edit.
<audio> Yes, but not up to date (552 dias older). Edit.
<b> Yes, and up to date.
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<bdo> Yes, and up to date.
<bgsound> Yes, but not up to date (10 dias older). Edit.
<big> Yes, and up to date.
<blink> Yes, but not up to date (10 dias older). Edit.
<blockquote> Yes, and up to date.
<body> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
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<button> Yes, but not up to date (85 dias older). Edit.
<canvas> Yes, but not up to date (551 dias older). Edit.
<caption> Yes, and up to date.
<center> Yes, but not up to date (54 dias older). Edit.
<cite> Yes, and up to date.
<code> Yes, but not up to date (513 dias older). Edit.
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<command> Yes, and up to date.
<content> Yes, but not up to date (19 dias older). Edit.
<data> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
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<figure> Yes, but not up to date (648 dias older). Edit.
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<header> Yes, but not up to date (784 dias older). Edit.
<hgroup> Yes, but not up to date (686 dias older). Edit.
<hr> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<html> Yes, and up to date.
<i> Yes, but not up to date (468 dias older). Edit.
<iframe> Yes, but not up to date (752 dias older). Edit.
<image> Yes, but not up to date (9 dias older). Edit.
<img> Yes, but not up to date (243 dias older). Edit.
<input> Yes, but editorial review needed. Edit.
<input type="button"> Yes, but not up to date (8 dias older). Edit.
<input type="checkbox"> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<input type="color"> Yes, but not up to date (187 dias older). Edit.
<input type="date"> Not available. Translate now.
<input type="datetime"> Yes, and up to date.
<input type="image"> Not available. Translate now.
<input type="password"> Yes, and up to date.
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<link> Yes, but not up to date (22 dias older). Edit.
<listing> Not available. Translate now.
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<map> Yes, and up to date.
<mark> Yes, but not up to date (468 dias older). Edit.
<marquee> Yes, but editorial review needed. Edit.
<menu> Yes, but not up to date (757 dias older). Edit.
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<meta> Yes, and up to date.
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<nobr> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
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<object> Not available. Translate now.
<ol> Yes, but not up to date (765 dias older). Edit.
<optgroup> Not available. Translate now.
<option> Yes, but not up to date (105 dias older). Edit.
<output> Not available. Translate now.
<p> Yes, and up to date.
<param> Yes, and up to date.
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<plaintext> Not available. Translate now.
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<q> Yes, and up to date.
<rp> Not available. Translate now.
<rt> Not available. Translate now.
<rtc> Not available. Translate now.
<ruby> Not available. Translate now.
<s> Yes, but not up to date (697 dias older). Edit.
<samp> Yes, but not up to date (107 dias older). Edit.
<script> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<section> Yes, but not up to date (25 dias older). Edit.
<select> Yes, but not up to date (167 dias older). Edit.
<shadow> Not available. Translate now.
<small> Yes, but not up to date (198 dias older). Edit.
<source> Yes, but not up to date (725 dias older). Edit.
<spacer> Not available. Translate now.
<span> Yes, and up to date.
<strike> Yes, but not up to date (767 dias older). Edit.
<strong> Yes, and up to date.
<style> Yes, but not up to date (36 dias older). Edit.
<sub> Yes, and up to date.
<summary> Not available. Translate now.
<sup> Yes, and up to date.
<table> Yes, but not up to date (790 dias older). Edit.
<tbody> Not available. Translate now.
<td> Yes, but not up to date (75 dias older). Edit.
<template> Not available. Translate now.
<textarea> Yes, but not up to date (5 dias older). Edit.
<tfoot> Not available. Translate now.
<th> Not available. Translate now.
<thead> Not available. Translate now.
<time> Yes, but not up to date (725 dias older). Edit.
<title> Yes, but not up to date (573 dias older). Edit.
<tr> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<track> Not available. Translate now.
<tt> Yes, and up to date.
<u> Yes, but not up to date (741 dias older). Edit.
<ul> Yes, and up to date.
<var> Yes, but not up to date (684 dias older). Edit.
<video> Yes, but not up to date (48 dias older). Edit.
<wbr> Yes, and up to date.
<xmp> Yes, and up to date.
Heading elements Yes, but not up to date (725 dias older). Edit.
nextid Not available. Translate now.
HTML reference Yes, and up to date.
Inline elements Yes, but not up to date (29 dias older). Edit.
Link types Yes, but not up to date (246 dias older). Edit.
Media formats supported by the HTML audio and video elements Yes, but not up to date (322 dias older). Edit.
Microdata Not available. Translate now.
Microformats Yes, but not up to date (125 dias older). Edit.
Optimizing your pages for speculative parsing Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
Using the application cache Yes, but not up to date (10 dias older). Edit.


Name Strings Translated
Common 17 15
CompatTable 37 34

Etiquetas y colaboradores del documento

 Colaboradores en esta página: Jeremie, raecillacastellana, fscholz
 Última actualización por: Jeremie,