Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

HTML 문서화 현황


Pages Translated Translations up to date Translations technically reviewed Translations editorially reviewed Macros strings Translated macros strings
185 118 (63%) 17 (14%) 117 (99%) 114 (96%) 54 1 (1%)

All articles

Page Translated?
HTML Yes, but not up to date (209 days older). Edit.
Block-level elements Yes, but not up to date (801 days older). Edit.
CORS enabled image Not available. Translate now.
CORS settings attributes Not available. Translate now.
Controlling spell checking in HTML forms Not available. Translate now.
DASH Adaptive Streaming for HTML 5 Video Not available. Translate now.
Focus management in HTML Yes, but not up to date (542 days older). Edit.
Global attributes Yes, but not up to date (485 days older). Edit.
accesskey Yes, but not up to date (53 days older). Edit.
class Not available. Translate now.
contenteditable Not available. Translate now.
contextmenu Not available. Translate now.
data-* Not available. Translate now.
dir Not available. Translate now.
draggable Not available. Translate now.
dropzone Not available. Translate now.
hidden Not available. Translate now.
id Not available. Translate now.
itemid Not available. Translate now.
itemprop Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
itemref Not available. Translate now.
itemscope Not available. Translate now.
itemtype Not available. Translate now.
lang Not available. Translate now.
spellcheck Not available. Translate now.
style Not available. Translate now.
tabindex Not available. Translate now.
title Not available. Translate now.
translate Not available. Translate now.
HTML attribute reference Yes, but not up to date (303 days older). Edit.
HTML documentation index Not available. Translate now.
HTML element reference Yes, but not up to date (297 days older). Edit.
<a> Yes, but not up to date (57 days older). Edit.
<abbr> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<acronym> Not available. Translate now.
<address> Yes, but not up to date (229 days older). Edit.
<applet> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<area> Yes, but not up to date (434 days older). Edit.
<article> Yes, but not up to date (183 days older). Edit.
<aside> Yes, but not up to date (371 days older). Edit.
<audio> Yes, but not up to date (250 days older). Edit.
<b> Yes, but not up to date (383 days older). Edit.
<base> Yes, but not up to date (380 days older). Edit.
<basefont> Not available. Translate now.
<bdi> Yes, but not up to date (160 days older). Edit.
<bdo> Yes, but not up to date (374 days older). Edit.
<bgsound> Not available. Translate now.
<big> Not available. Translate now.
<blink> Yes, but not up to date (204 days older). Edit.
<blockquote> Yes, but not up to date (161 days older). Edit.
<body> Yes, but not up to date (172 days older). Edit.
<br> Yes, but not up to date (189 days older). Edit.
<button> Yes, but not up to date (25 days older). Edit.
<canvas> Yes, but not up to date (251 days older). Edit.
<caption> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<center> Yes, but not up to date (211 days older). Edit.
<cite> Yes, but not up to date (361 days older). Edit.
<code> Yes, but not up to date (212 days older). Edit.
<col> Yes, but not up to date (160 days older). Edit.
<colgroup> Yes, but not up to date (160 days older). Edit.
<command> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<content> Yes, but not up to date (344 days older). Edit.
<data> Yes, but not up to date (167 days older). Edit.
<datalist> Yes, but not up to date (341 days older). Edit.
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<del> Yes, but not up to date (167 days older). Edit.
<details> Yes, but not up to date (41 days older). Edit.
<dfn> Yes, but not up to date (330 days older). Edit.
<dialog> Not available. Translate now.
<dir> Not available. Translate now.
<div> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<dl> Yes, and up to date.
<dt> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<element> Yes, but not up to date (167 days older). Edit.
<em> Yes, but not up to date (183 days older). Edit.
<embed> Yes, but not up to date (166 days older). Edit.
<fieldset> Yes, but editorial review needed. Edit.
<figcaption> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<figure> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<font> Not available. Translate now.
<footer> Yes, but not up to date (180 days older). Edit.
<form> Yes, but not up to date (455 days older). Edit.
<frame> Yes, but editorial review needed. Edit.
<frameset> Yes, but editorial review needed. Edit.
<head> Yes, but not up to date (370 days older). Edit.
<header> Yes, but not up to date (483 days older). Edit.
<hgroup> Yes, but not up to date (115 days older). Edit.
<hr> Yes, but not up to date (188 days older). Edit.
<html> Yes, but not up to date (391 days older). Edit.
<i> Yes, but not up to date (167 days older). Edit.
<iframe> Yes, but not up to date (478 days older). Edit.
<image> Not available. Translate now.
<img> Yes, but not up to date (456 days older). Edit.
<input> Yes, but not up to date (456 days older). Edit.
<input type="button"> Not available. Translate now.
<input type="checkbox"> Not available. Translate now.
<input type="color"> Not available. Translate now.
<input type="date"> Not available. Translate now.
<input type="datetime"> Not available. Translate now.
<input type="image"> Not available. Translate now.
<input type="password"> Not available. Translate now.
<ins> Yes, but not up to date (167 days older). Edit.
<isindex> Not available. Translate now.
<kbd> Yes, but not up to date (161 days older). Edit.
<keygen> Yes, but not up to date (287 days older). Edit.
<label> Yes, but not up to date (189 days older). Edit.
<legend> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<li> Yes, but not up to date (188 days older). Edit.
<link> Yes, but not up to date (421 days older). Edit.
<listing> Not available. Translate now.
<main> Yes, but editorial review needed. Edit.
<map> Yes, but not up to date (161 days older). Edit.
<mark> Yes, but not up to date (161 days older). Edit.
<marquee> Not available. Translate now.
<menu> Yes, but not up to date (185 days older). Edit.
<menuitem> Not available. Translate now.
<meta> Yes, but not up to date (7 days older). Edit.
<meter> Yes, but not up to date (456 days older). Edit.
<multicol> Not available. Translate now.
<nav> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<nobr> Not available. Translate now.
<noembed> Not available. Translate now.
<noframes> Not available. Translate now.
<noscript> Yes, but not up to date (166 days older). Edit.
<object> Yes, but not up to date (471 days older). Edit.
<ol> Yes, but not up to date (458 days older). Edit.
<optgroup> Yes, but not up to date (167 days older). Edit.
<option> Yes, but not up to date (428 days older). Edit.
<output> Yes, but not up to date (364 days older). Edit.
<p> Yes, but not up to date (266 days older). Edit.
<param> Yes, but not up to date (161 days older). Edit.
<picture> Not available. Translate now.
<plaintext> Not available. Translate now.
<pre> Yes, but not up to date (272 days older). Edit.
<progress> Yes, but not up to date (236 days older). Edit.
<q> Yes, but not up to date (320 days older). Edit.
<rp> Yes, but not up to date (369 days older). Edit.
<rt> Yes, but not up to date (398 days older). Edit.
<rtc> Not available. Translate now.
<ruby> Yes, but not up to date (167 days older). Edit.
<s> Not available. Translate now.
<samp> Not available. Translate now.
<script> Yes, but not up to date (345 days older). Edit.
<section> Yes, but not up to date (476 days older). Edit.
<select> Yes, but not up to date (40 days older). Edit.
<shadow> Yes, but not up to date (239 days older). Edit.
<small> Not available. Translate now.
<source> Yes, but not up to date (418 days older). Edit.
<spacer> Not available. Translate now.
<span> Not available. Translate now.
<strike> Not available. Translate now.
<strong> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<style> Yes, but not up to date (437 days older). Edit.
<sub> Yes, but translation in progress. Edit.
<summary> Yes, but not up to date (431 days older). Edit.
<sup> Not available. Translate now.
<table> Yes, but not up to date (483 days older). Edit.
<tbody> Yes, but not up to date (195 days older). Edit.
<td> Yes, but not up to date (362 days older). Edit.
<template> Yes, but not up to date (167 days older). Edit.
<textarea> Yes, but not up to date (321 days older). Edit.
<tfoot> Not available. Translate now.
<th> Yes, but not up to date (418 days older). Edit.
<thead> Yes, but not up to date (167 days older). Edit.
<time> Yes, but not up to date (320 days older). Edit.
<title> Yes, but not up to date (272 days older). Edit.
<tr> Yes, but not up to date (195 days older). Edit.
<track> Yes, but not up to date (478 days older). Edit.
<tt> Not available. Translate now.
<u> Yes, but not up to date (165 days older). Edit.
<ul> Yes, but not up to date (183 days older). Edit.
<var> Yes, but not up to date (377 days older). Edit.
<video> Yes, but not up to date (227 days older). Edit.
<wbr> Not available. Translate now.
<xmp> Not available. Translate now.
Heading elements Yes, but not up to date (423 days older). Edit.
nextid Not available. Translate now.
HTML reference Yes, but not up to date (111 days older). Edit.
Inline elements Yes, but not up to date (494 days older). Edit.
Link types Not available. Translate now.
Media formats supported by the HTML audio and video elements Not available. Translate now.
Microdata Not available. Translate now.
Microformats Not available. Translate now.
Optimizing your pages for speculative parsing Not available. Translate now.
Using the application cache Yes, but not up to date (544 days older). Edit.


Name Strings Translated
Common 17 1
CompatTable 37 0

문서 태그 및 공헌자

 이 페이지의 공헌자: Jeremie, nacyot, teoli
 최종 변경: Jeremie,