This page tracks documentation status and work progress for Add-ons documentation. Feel free to contribute!
Pages | No tags | Needs* tags | Missing tags | Editorial reviews | Technical reviews | Outdated pages | Dev-doc-needed bugs | Documentation requests |
869 | 226 (27%) | 24 (3%) | 0 (0%) | 1 (1%) | 60 (7%) | 155 (18%) | 51 (6%) | 22 (3%) |
See also localization status of this section.
No tags
Found 226 pages. Learn more about how to tag pages.
- AMO Policies
- AMO Add-on Maintenance Policies
- AMO Contact Information
- AMO Featured Add-ons Policies
- AMO Review Policies
- AMO Submission Policies
- Firefox Add-on Distribution Agreement
- AddonType
- TypeListener
- Builder
- Communicating With Other Scripts
- Communicating using "port"
- Loading Content Scripts
- port
- self
- Contributor's Guide
- Private Properties
- Program ID
- SDK API Lifecycle
- SDK and XUL Comparison
- Two Types of Scripts
- Working with Events
- XUL Migration Guide
- Low-Level APIs
- /loader
- chrome
- console/plain-text
- console/traceback
- content/content
- content/loader
- content/mod
- content/symbiont
- content/worker
- core/heritage
- core/namespace
- core/promise
- dev/panel
- event/core
- event/target
- frame/hidden-frame
- frame/utils
- fs/path
- io/byte-streams
- io/file
- io/text-streams
- lang/functional
- lang/type
- loader/sandbox
- net/url
- net/xhr
- places/bookmarks
- places/favicon
- places/history
- platform/xpcom
- stylesheet/style
- stylesheet/utils
- system/child_process
- system/environment
- system/events
- system/runtime
- system/unload
- system/xul-app
- tabs/utils
- test/harness
- test/httpd
- test/runner
- test/utils
- ui/button/action
- ui/button/toggle
- ui/frame
- ui/id
- ui/sidebar
- ui/toolbar
- util/array
- util/collection
- util/deprecate
- util/list
- util/match-pattern
- util/object
- util/uuid
- window/utils
- Chrome Authority
- Creating Event Targets
- Getting started (cfx)
- Listening for Load and Unload
- Troubleshooting
- Customizing the download progress bar
- Examples and demos from articles
- IsDefaultNamespace
- LookupNamespaceURI
- LookupPrefix
- Modules
- Tabbox
- URI parsing
- View Source for XUL Applications
- XPath
- Comparing Extension Techniques
- Extensions for Firefox for Android
- Accounts.jsm
- addTab
- closeTab
- deck
- getBrowserForDocument
- getBrowserForWindow
- getTabForBrowser
- getTabForId
- getTabForWindow
- loadURI
- HelperApps.jsm
- Home.jsm
- HomeProvider.jsm
- HomeStorage
- JavaAddonManager.jsm
- NativeWindow
- remove
- Notifications.jsm
- PageActions.jsm
- Prompt.jsm
- RuntimePermissions.jsm
- Snackbars.jsm
- Sound.jsm
- Code snippets
- Creating a User Interface
- Firefox Hub Walkthrough
- Initialization and Cleanup
- Hotfix Extension
- Appendix: What you should know about open-source software licenses
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Extensions
- Chapter 2: Technologies used in developing extensions
- Chapter 4: Using XPCOM—Implementing advanced processes
- Chapter 6: Firefox extensions and XUL applications
- License and authors
- Adding sidebars
- Adding windows and dialogs
- Appendix B: Install and Uninstall Scripts
- Appendix C: Avoiding using eval in Add-ons
- Appendix E: DOM Building and Insertion (HTML & XUL)
- Appendix F: Monitoring DOM changes
- Connecting to Remote Content
- Custom XUL Elements with XBL
- Intercepting Page Loads
- Introduction
- Mozilla Documentation Roadmap
- Observer Notifications
- Setting Up a Development Environment
- The Box Model
- The Essentials of an Extension
- Useful Mozilla Community Sites
- User Notifications and Alerts
- XPCOM Objects
- Logging Multi-Process Plugins
- NPNVariable
- NPN_Enumerate
- NPN_GetAuthenticationInfo
- NPN_GetValueForURL
- NPN_SetValueForURL
- NPPVariable
- Supporting private browsing in plugins
- Signing and distributing your add-on
- Techniques
- Background Themes
- Frequently Asked Questions for Background Themes
- Create Your Own Firefox Background Theme
- Obsolete
- Theme changes in Firefox 3.5
- Adding items to the Folder Pane
- Adding views to the Folder Pane
- Building a Thunderbird extension 6: Adding JavaScript
- Demo Addon
- Styling the Folder Pane
- Activity Manager examples
- Add Toolbar Button
- Thunderbird developer reference docs
- customDBHeaders Preference
- Updates
- WebExtensions
- Add a button to the toolbar
- Add-on ID
- Browser support for JavaScript APIs
- Chrome incompatibilities
- Comparison with XUL/XPCOM extensions
- Comparison with the Add-on SDK
- Content Security Policy
- Content scripts
- Debugging
- Example WebExtensions
- Implement a settings page
- JavaScript APIs
- alarms
- commands
- notifications
- Match patterns
- Modify a web page
- Native messaging
- Porting a Google Chrome extension
- Porting a legacy Firefox add-on
- Prerequisites
- Publishing your WebExtension
- Temporary Installation in Firefox
- Tips and Tricks
- Using the JavaScript APIs
- WebExtensions and the Add-on ID
- What are WebExtensions?
- Your first WebExtension
- Your second WebExtension
- manifest.json
- applications
- browser_action
- commands
- content_scripts
- content_security_policy
- default_locale
- description
- homepage_url
- icons
- manifest_version
- name
- options_ui
- page action
- permissions
- version
- web_accessible_resources
- Why develop add-ons for Firefox
- Working with multiprocess Firefox
Needs* tags
Found 24 pages. Learn more about how to deal with meta-tags.
- NeedsContent
- NeedsUpdate
- NeedsBetterPlace
- NeedsHelp
- NeedsExample
- NeedsMigrationReview
- needsTags
Editorial reviews
Found 1 pages. Learn more about how to do an editorial review.
Technical reviews
Found 60 pages. Learn more about how to do a technical review.
- AddonListener
- AddonScreenshot
- AddonUpdateChecker
- InstallListener
- UpdateCheckListener
- UpdateInfo
- UpdateListener
- Private Properties
- system
- dev/panel
- net/xhr
- Creating Event Targets
- Using XPCOM without chrome
- File I/O
- Javascript Daemons Management
- Preferences
- Sidebar
- View Source for XUL Applications
- Windows
- Creating custom Firefox extensions with the Mozilla build system
- Extension Etiquette
- contextmenus
- add
- doorhanger
- menu
- remove
- update
- show
- Notifications.jsm
- Prompt.jsm
- Addons developer guide
- Installing extensions
- XUL School Tutorial
- Adding Toolbars and Toolbar Buttons
- Adding windows and dialogs
- Getting Started with Firefox Extensions
- Plugins
- Browser-side plug-in API
- NPAnyCallbackStruct
- NPN_DestroyStream
- NPN_MemFlush
- NPN_ReloadPlugins
- NPN_RequestRead
- NPN_Status
- NPN_UserAgent
- NPN_Version
- NPN_Write
- NPRegion
- NPSetWindowCallbackStruct
- Shipping a plugin as a Toolkit bundle
- Signing and distributing your add-on
- Create Your Own Firefox Background Theme
- Thunderbird extensions
- Building a Thunderbird extension 1: introduction
- Building a Thunderbird extension 3: install manifest
- Folders and message lists
- Updates
- Chrome incompatibilities
- Tips and Tricks
Outdated pages
Found 155 pages. These pages haven't been updated in over a year. Outdated pages can have problems with both content and format. Look at these pages and consider: Is this page talking about the Web of today? Does it look consistent with newer pages in this topic area? If not, make any needed changes.
- Add-on Manager
729 days old - Addon
568 days old - AddonAuthor
514 days old - AddonInstall
517 days old - AddonListener
1069 days old - AddonScreenshot
636 days old - AddonType
1211 days old - AddonUpdateChecker
1069 days old - Code Samples
717 days old - InstallListener
1043 days old - TypeListener
1211 days old - UpdateCheckListener
1044 days old - UpdateInfo
1044 days old - UpdateListener
1044 days old - Add-on Repository
1211 days old - SearchCallback
1211 days old - Code snippets
498 days old - Alerts and Notifications
562 days old - Autocomplete
852 days old - Bookmarks
998 days old - Boxes
705 days old - Customizing the download progress bar
998 days old - Dialogs and Prompts
998 days old - Downloading Files
478 days old - Drag & Drop
998 days old - Embedding SVG
998 days old - Examples and demos from articles
719 days old - Finding window handles
483 days old - Forms related code snippets
998 days old - HTML in XUL for rich tooltips
998 days old - HTML to DOM
465 days old - IsDefaultNamespace
998 days old - JS XPCOM
562 days old - Javascript Daemons Management
677 days old - Label and description
998 days old - LookupNamespaceURI
998 days old - LookupPrefix
998 days old - Miscellaneous
498 days old - Modules
998 days old - On page load
907 days old - Page Loading
998 days old - Post data to window
998 days old - Preferences
815 days old - Progress Listeners
998 days old - QuerySelector
884 days old - Rosetta
624 days old - Running applications
998 days old - SVG Animation
998 days old - SVG General
998 days old - Scrollbar
998 days old - Tabbed browser
584 days old - Tabbox
998 days old - Toolbar
527 days old - Tree
998 days old - URI parsing
998 days old - XML-related code snippets
998 days old - xml:base support in old browsers
998 days old - XPath
998 days old - getAttributeNS
998 days old - Adobe Flash
705 days old - External resources for plugin creation
997 days old - Logging Multi-Process Plugins
997 days old - Monitoring plugins
997 days old - Multi-process plugin architecture
997 days old - NPAPI plugin developer guide
801 days old - NPAPI plugin reference
792 days old - Browser-side plug-in API
592 days old - NPAPI plug-in side API
788 days old - NPAnyCallbackStruct
1023 days old - NPByteRange
3763 days old - NPEmbedPrint
3783 days old - NPEvent
3315 days old - NPFullPrint
3783 days old - NPIdentifier
3495 days old - NPN NewStream
3712 days old - NPNVariable
1225 days old - NPN_CreateObject
3493 days old - NPN_DestroyStream
1023 days old - NPN_Evaluate
1499 days old - NPN_ForceRedraw
1935 days old - NPN_GetAuthenticationInfo
2411 days old - NPN_GetIntIdentifier
3493 days old - NPN_GetProperty
3493 days old - NPN_GetStringIdentifier
3493 days old - NPN_GetStringIdentifiers
2223 days old - NPN_GetURL
1023 days old - NPN_GetURLNotify
1399 days old - NPN_GetValue
1043 days old - NPN_GetValueForURL
2411 days old - NPN_HasMethod
2698 days old - NPN_HasProperty
3493 days old - NPN_IdentifierIsString
2955 days old - NPN_IntFromIdentifier
3493 days old - NPN_InvalidateRect
1977 days old - NPN_InvalidateRegion
1978 days old - NPN_Invoke
2481 days old - NPN_InvokeDefault
869 days old - NPN_MemAlloc
1223 days old - NPN_MemFlush
1023 days old - NPN_MemFree
1221 days old - NPN_PluginThreadAsyncCall
1479 days old - NPN_PostURL
1128 days old - NPN_PostURLNotify
1128 days old - NPN_ReleaseObject
3493 days old - NPN_ReleaseVariantValue
1121 days old - NPN_ReloadPlugins
1023 days old - NPN_RemoveProperty
1399 days old - NPN_RequestRead
1023 days old - NPN_RetainObject
1399 days old - NPN_SetException
3493 days old - NPN_SetProperty
3493 days old - NPN_SetValueForURL
2411 days old - NPN_Status
1023 days old - NPN_UTF8FromIdentifier
3005 days old - NPN_UserAgent
1023 days old - NPN_Version
1023 days old - NPN_Write
1023 days old - NPObject
1399 days old - NPP
1128 days old - NPPVariable
1225 days old - NPP_Destroy
3497 days old - NPP_DestroyStream
2529 days old - NPP_GetValue
1920 days old - NPP_HandleEvent
3315 days old - NPP_New
2344 days old - NPP_NewStream
2411 days old - NPP_Print
3493 days old - NPP_SetWindow
1291 days old - NPP_StreamAsFile
3489 days old - NPP_URLNotify
422 days old - NPP_Write
2536 days old - NPP_WriteReady
3325 days old - NPPrint
3783 days old - NPPrintCallbackStruct
3765 days old - NPRect
1977 days old - NPRegion
1023 days old - NPSavedData
1975 days old - NPSetWindowCallbackStruct
1023 days old - NPStream
3101 days old - NPString
3143 days old - NPUTF8
3493 days old - NPVariant
1214 days old - NPVariantType
3493 days old - NPWindow
2014 days old - NP_GetMIMEDescription
421 days old - NP_GetValue
3497 days old - NP_Initialize
2344 days old - NP_Port
3783 days old - NP_Shutdown
2344 days old - Samples and Test Cases
997 days old - Shipping a plugin as a Toolkit bundle
997 days old - Supporting private browsing in plugins
997 days old - The First Install Problem
997 days old - Writing a plugin for Mac OS X
571 days old - XEmbed Extension for Mozilla Plugins
997 days old
Dev-doc-needed bugs
Found 51 bugs. Learn more about how to resolve a dev-doc-needed bug.
Bug | Summary | Release |
1171746 | Some panels stay open when switching or closing tabs | Firefox 51 |
934311 | Javascript modules don't share definition of Array (and probably all other standard classes like String etc.) | --- |
1198590 | Disable dom.ipc.plugins.asyncInit in Firefox 40.0.3 | --- |
648664 | Create an MDC page listing all known XPCOM interface changes from Firefox 4 to 5 | --- |
1160200 | Add image/apng MIME type so it can be used with `picture` type switching. | mozilla48 |
1014185 | Remove the about:customizing preloading hack | Firefox 47 |
1208715 | Impose size restriction on extension icons | Firefox 44 |
968923 | Implement some equivalent of Chrome's use counters (on top of telemetry?) | mozilla43 |
467729 | RFE: Add font autoinstallation support | Firefox 38 |
914596 | Support building with Visual C++ 2013 | mozilla36 |
714675 | Fullscreen API should restore sidebar if it was open before entering fullscreen | Firefox 36 |
1047738 | Make distribution code look for the distribution directory under Contents/Resources due to v2 signing requirements | Firefox 35 |
1050944 | Get Firefox to launch with the new .app bundle structure | Firefox 35 |
1032573 | Implement Element.getAnimationPlayers | mozilla33 |
998246 | Add document.timeline interface | mozilla32 |
947344 | Australis - Show shortcuts for all widgets | Firefox 32 |
987492 | CustomizableUI.jsm should provide convenience APIs around windows | Firefox 31 |
952568 | [australis-measuring] Determine if Australis Update experience tab is active | Firefox 30 |
970321 | UITour: Menu panel broken if tour tab is opened in new window | Firefox 30 |
949471 | Firefox v26 returns undefined when it should return null | mozilla29 |
942393 | Document CustomizableUI | Firefox 29 |
944947 | Label truncation is not fully supported in Australis menu widgets | Firefox 29 |
956162 | UITour: When highlighting app menu button, highlight is offset to the left (Implement @flip="none") | Firefox 29 |
819900 | Please add a File constructor | mozilla28 |
943683 | Annotate buttons when we migrate them from the add-on bar to the toolbar. | Firefox 28 |
752434 | Stop hiding toolbars for about:addons & Co. | Firefox 28 |
770135 | New PanelUI and toolbar customization (Milestone 1) | Firefox 28 |
927605 | Refactor keyboard-shortcut-to-text-string code into a JSM or otherwise reusable module | Firefox 27 |
602006 | Remove Error Console Menu Items | Firefox 24 |
650295 | Add support for speech input | mozilla22 |
844604 | Text is too small on hidpi displays | Firefox 22 |
822367 | Implement Mixed Content Blocker Doorhanger - Backend Changes | mozilla21 |
831428 | ContentChild's nsIConsoleListener should have threadsafe addref/release methods | mozilla21 |
815743 | Backout the UA changes in bug 588909 and its follow-ups from all branches | mozilla20 |
737153 | Enable mounting storage through USB from a host machine | mozilla15 |
641892 | Support showing multiple popup notification icons at the same time | Firefox 15 |
758812 | Break up browser.js into smaller pieces, Phase 1 | Firefox 15 |
736495 | Some scripts are importing modules with resource:///gre instead of resource:/// and vice-versa | Firefox 14 |
704400 | Implement --enable-dmd | mozilla11 |
706958 | Add ClearOnShutdown() function which will clear a smart pointer on shutdown | mozilla11 |
675553 | Switch from PRBool to bool | mozilla10 |
480735 | Startup timeline | mozilla1.9.3a5 |
627386 | Add more wildcards to match-pattern | 1.0 |
643156 | No mechanism to perform cross-domain HTTP HEAD request with add-on builder | --- |
773297 | widget ui doesn't get updated after customization of toolbar | --- |
1002229 | Add anonymous parameter to Request API | --- |
994280 | It would be nice to have ability to add badge over button | mozilla35 |
1026543 | expose the document.readyState property on tab instances (e10s) | mozilla33 |
892203 | Expose TextEncoder TextDecoder in SDK | mozilla26 |
852687 | nsIDOMWindowUtils should expose getInnerWindowWithId too | mozilla24 |
642447 | change default contentScriptWhen to new 'end' option that fires on 'load' event | 1.0b5 |
Browse as bug list.
Documentation requests
Found 22 bugs. Documentation request bugs can contain various kinds work related to MDN pages. Read through the bug and ask questions in the bug if in doubt.
Bug | Summary |
384348 | should have documentation on how to sign an extension |
418299 | Document how to replace the Download Manager. |
500158 | Update the theme packaging document |
980987 | Australis extension developer documentation updates |
1024247 | Port the CustomizableUI guide to MDN |
1058477 | Broken links for BrowserApp getPreferences and setPreferences |
1133353 | Broken Theme Tutorial Page FR |
1162606 | Update add-on docs to cover AMO's automatic signing of extensions |
1189770 | document-element-inserted documentation is confusing at best |
1207849 | Add "deprecated" tags and markup to classic add-ons documents |
1245339 | explain the difference between dev-addons and dev-extensions mailing lists |
1256176 | typo in SDK-addon localization javascript code example |
1257261 | selected createProperties for tabs.create should be marked as deprecated |
1259260 | chrome.manifest is not registered until startup() |
1260240 | Write an API overview page for WebExtensions |
1275976 | Addon SDk documentation is not user friendly |
1279371 | chrome.webRequest events have not occur with service request, but it is not documented |
1280032 | Availability of options pages for webextensions on Firefox Mobile |
1287590 | Webpage can override WebExtension frames |
1289534 | Note which WebExtensions APIs can be used with promises |
1292539 | The SDK add-on localization documentation about options in preferences is not clear |
1296039 | Create a template repository in GitHub for GoFaster system add-ons |
Browse as bug list.
Please help us to localize this documentation into different languages. Read more about how to translate.
Language | Pages | Translated | Translations up to date |
af | 869 | 2 (0%) | 1 (50%) |
bn-BD | 869 | 13 (1%) | 0 (0%) |
de | 869 | 48 (5%) | 4 (8%) |
es | 869 | 73 (8%) | 3 (4%) |
fa | 869 | 5 (0%) | 1 (20%) |
fr | 869 | 42 (4%) | 17 (40%) |
it | 869 | 16 (1%) | 3 (18%) |
ja | 869 | 159 (18%) | 23 (14%) |
ko | 869 | 25 (2%) | 1 (4%) |
pl | 869 | 22 (2%) | 0 (0%) |
pt-BR | 869 | 49 (5%) | 5 (10%) |
pt-PT | 869 | 13 (1%) | 0 (0%) |
ro | 869 | 2 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ru | 869 | 58 (6%) | 7 (12%) |
zh-CN | 869 | 95 (10%) | 25 (26%) |
Tagging standard
Other tasks to do
Tutorial to-do list
Notes for translators
Any notes here? Where do we expect updates, so that localizers don't translate and update too often?
These macros are maintained and actively used in the MDN Add-ons area.
- AddonSidebar: the main sidebar used for all Add-ons pages
- WebExtAPISidebar: the piece of the main sidebar used in WebExtension API reference pages
- WebExtAPIRef: used for cross-references in WebExtension API reference pages
- WebExtChromeCompat: used to insert Chrome compatibility information into WebExtension API reference pages
- WebExtExamples: generates links of applicable examples in WebExtension API reference pages
- WebExtAPIEmbedType: used to insert the details of a WebExtension "type" into another page
- WebExtBrowserCompat: generates browser compatibility tables from JSON data
- WebExtBrowserCompatTable: generates a single compat table for a whole API or a single API item
- WebExtBrowserCompatSummaryTable: generates a summary compatibility table for a module from JSON data
- WebExtAllCompatTables: generate a list of all API compat tables
- WebExtAPIOverview: generates an overview page for WebExtension APIs