Documents with no parent
Found 15677 documents
- Accessibility_AT-SPI_Support This FAQ explains how makers of Linux- or UNIX- based screen readers, voice dictation packages, ...
- Accessibility_LiveRegionDevGuide This page is currently under construction. This developer's guide lays out general guidelines ...
- Adding_preferences_to_an_extension This article takes the Creating a dynamic status bar extension sample to the next level, adding ...
- AJAX/Community If you know of useful mailing lists, newsgroups, forums, or other communities related to AJAX, ...
- AJAX/Getting_Started This article guides you through the AJAX basics and gives you two simple hands-on examples to ...
- AJAX/Other_Resources
- AJAX/WAI_ARIA_Live_Regions_API_Support Firefox 3 contains important improvements to the way the Mozilla engine exposes live changes in ...
- application_http-index-format_specification The application/http-index-format file format is an attempt to provide a generic, extensible ...
- Archive Here at MDN, we try to avoid outright deleting content that might be useful to people targeting ...
- Archive/Add-ons Archived add-ons documentation.
- Archive/Add-ons/bookmarks.export Exports bookmarks to an HTML bookmark file.
- Archive/Add-ons/bookmarks.import Imports bookmarks from an HTML bookmark file.
- Archive/Add-ons/Interaction_between_privileged_and_non-privileged_pages An easy way to send data from a web page to an extension is by using custom DOM events. In your ...
- Archive/Add-ons/Tabbed_browser Here you should find a set of useful code snippets to help you work with Firefox's tabbed ...
- Archive/An_Interview_With_Douglas_Bowman_of_Wired_News One of the Web's oldest news sites, Wired News draws between 20 and 25 million page views every ...
- Archive/Apps This page includes archived content for Apps, including obsolete web app content, Firefox OS ...
- Archive/Apps/App_validator Some checks that the validator performs include:
- Archive/Apps/Architecture Apps can be installed from the server that hosts them ("self-hosting") or from a store. Mozilla ...
- Archive/Apps/Design The items under this section apply generally to Web app design.
- Archive/Apps/Design/Design_guidelines Design guidelines to help create intuitive apps that work across platforms.
- Archive/Apps/Design/Design_patterns_and_assets Design pattern information, along with building blocks and assets to help with rapid prototyping ...
- Archive/Apps/Design/Facebook
- Archive/Apps/Design/Guidelines Some suggestions to help you build an app that’s attractive and easy to use.
- Archive/Apps/Design/Guidelines/Resources
- Archive/Apps/Design/Guidelines/Your_apps_elevator_pitch How would you describe your app to someone if the only time you had was the length of an ...
- Archive/Apps/Design/Patterns Patterns are methods of interaction with your app. Unlike the building blocks, which describe ...
- Archive/Apps/Design/Patterns/Drawer Drawers provide access to top-level navigation options that may be too numerous for a tabs or ...
- Archive/Apps/Design/Patterns/Drawer/Coding Here you can find examples of how to create a drawer on Firefox OS, as well as downloads for the ...
- Archive/Apps/Design/Patterns/Entry_sheet An entry sheet is used to edit a single setting or option in your app that either contains a ...
- Archive/Apps/Design/Patterns/Multi_select Multi-select mode is used to let the user perform "bulk actions;" that is, to select a number of ...
- Archive/Apps/Design/Patterns/Multi_select/Coding Here you can find examples of how to implement the multi-select mode (also known as "edit mode") ...
- Archive/Apps/Design/Patterns/Search A search bar lets users use keywords to locate content within an app, on the device, or online. ...
- Archive/Apps/Design/Planning
- Archive/Apps/Design/Planning/General_design_principles Be consistent in your language. Refer to an action or an item with the same term in your app, ...
- Archive/Apps/Design/Planning/Installed_app_considerations When designing an installable Open Web App, there are a number of considerations to keep in mind ...
- Archive/Apps/Design/Planning/Planning_your_app Once you have an idea for a Web app, you should carefully plan it before you start to do any ...
- Archive/Apps/Design/UI_layout_basics
- Archive/Apps/Design/UI_layout_basics/Responsive_design_versus_adaptive_design Both responsive and adaptive design attempt to optimize the user experience across different ...
- Archive/Apps/Graphics_and_UX When creating Open Web Apps, you need to give a lot of consideration to the look and feel, user ...
- Archive/Apps/Reference The following is a list of code-level reference documentation you'll likely need in developing a ...
- Archive/Apps/Reference/Drawing_and_animation For a modern app experience, use of animations and lightweight graphics is essential. The ...
- Archive/Apps/Reference/Firefox_Marketplace_services These documents and guides provide a reference to the APIs needed for publishing and managing ...
- Archive/Apps/Reference/Foundation_of_a_Firefox_OS_app A Firefox OS app is simply an Open Web App, but with some special considerations and features, ...
- Archive/Apps/Reference/General_Web_APIs Elements, events, network requests, storage and other standard Web APIs that provide useful ...
- Archive/Apps/Reference/Layout_and_structure A series of articles to help you create the perfect structure for your Open Web App.
- Archive/Apps/Tools_and_frameworks
- Archive/Apps/Tools_and_frameworks/App_templates What you get:
- Archive/Apps/Tools_and_frameworks/App_templates/Mortar (placeholder page for mortar intro)
- Archive/Apps/Tools_and_frameworks/common_libraries_and_frameworks If you have developed a packaged app with AngularJS, you may run into this error message:
- Archive/Apps/Tools_and_frameworks/Cordova_Firefox_OS_plugin_reference This article provides a reference showing sample code and examples for many of the Cordova ...
- Archive/Apps/Tools_and_frameworks/Cordova_support_for_Firefox_OS The Apache Cordova project (which powers Adobe's Phonegap tool) is an industry standard solution ...
- Archive/Apps/Tools_and_frameworks/Custom_elements X-tags are custom HTML elements that give you a collection of building blocks (components) for ...
- Archive/Apps/Tools_and_frameworks/Web_components There is a problem with the Web as a platform for applications: HTML, the language that makes it ...
- Archive/Apps/Tools_and_frameworks/x-tags In the last few years we've witnessed an evolution in what 'app' means to both developers and ...
- Archive/Case_Sensitivity_in_class_and_id_Names Summary: Although CSS is itself case-insensitive, class and ID names are defined to be ...
- Archive/Creating_a_status_bar_extention Many of the concepts introduced here apply to any XUL-based application; however, to keep from ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS This page lists archived content for the Firefox OS product, and the open source project it is ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API This page lists obsolete Firefox OS/B2G OS APIs that have been removed from the platform.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/Alarm_API The Alarm API allows applications to schedule actions to be run in the future. For example, some ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore The DataStore interface of the Data Store API represents a retrieved set of data, and includes ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/add The add() method of the DataStore interface adds a new record to the data store; if the record ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/clear The clear() method of the DataStore interface deletes all records from the data store, leaving ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/get The get() method of the DataStore interface retrieves one or more objects from the current data ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/getLength The getLength() method of the DataStore interface returns the number of records stored in the ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/name The name read-only property of the DataStore interface returns the name of the current data store.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/onchange The onchange event handler of the DataStore interface fires when a change is made to the data ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/owner The owner read-only property of the DataStore interface returns the name of the app that owns ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/put The put() method of the DataStore interface updates an existing record in the data store.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/readOnly The readOnly read-only property of the DataStore interface returns a boolean indicating whether ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/remove The remove() method of the DataStore interface deletes one or more objects from the current data ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/revisionId The revisionId read-only property of the DataStore interface returns the current data store's ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStore/sync The sync() method of the DataStore interface opens a cursor that allows you to step through any ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreChangeEvent The DataStoreChangeEvent interface of the Data Store API represents the event related to a ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreChangeEvent/id The id read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the identifier of the ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreChangeEvent/operation The operation read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the type of ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreChangeEvent/owner The owner read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the manifest URL of ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreChangeEvent/revisionId The revisionId read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the ID of the ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreCursor The DataStoreCursor interface of the Data Store API represents a cursor that allows apps to ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreCursor/close The close() method of the DataStoreCursor interface makes a request to terminate the cursor.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreCursor/next The next() method of the DataStoreCursor interface makes a request to retrieve information about ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreCursor/store A DataStore object.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreTask The DataStoreTask interface of the Data Store API represents a record changed in the data store ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreTask/data The data read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the data stored in the ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreTask/id The id read-only property of the DataStoreTask interface returns the identifier of the changed ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreTask/operation The operation read-only property of the DataStoreTask interface returns the type of operation ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DataStoreTask/revisionId The revisionId read-only property of the DataStoreTask interface returns the id of the current ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/Data_Store_API The Data Store API was created to allow multiple Firefox OS apps, with potentially different ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/Data_Store_API/Using_the_Data_Store_API To explain the main functionality of Data Store, we have build two examples that work together ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DOMApplication In the Open Web apps JavaScript API, an App object is a JavaScript object that represents an app ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/DOMApplication/launch This method doesn't return anything.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivity The MozActivity interface allows apps to delegate an activity to another app.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityOptions The MozActivityOptions interface allows apps to declare the activity they want to create and ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityOptions/data The data property returns an arbitrary object representing any data passed with the activity.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityOptions/name The name property returns a string representing the name of the associated activity. See ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityRequestHandler The MozActivityRequestHandler interface allows apps that handle activities to access and ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityRequestHandler/postError The postError method is used to send back an error message to the app that made the activity ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityRequestHandler/postResult The postResult method is used to send back an answer to the app that made the activity request.
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozActivityRequestHandler/source The source property returns a MozActivityOptions object, which provides information about the ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/API/MozAlarmsManager The MozAlarmsManager API allows to schedule notifications or applications to be started at a ...