Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.



Provides an API for creating namespaces for objects, which effectively may be used for creating fields that are not part of objects public API.

  let { ns } = require('sdk/core/namespace');
  let aNamespace = ns();

  aNamespace(publicAPI).secret = secret;

One namespace may be used with multiple objects:

  let { ns } = require('sdk/core/namespace');
  let dom = ns();

  function View(element) {
    let view = Object.create(View.prototype);
    dom(view).element = element;
    // ....
  View.prototype.destroy = function destroy() {
    let { element } = dom(this);
    // ...
  // ...
  exports.View = View;
  // ...

Also, multiple namespaces can be used with one object:

  // ./widget.js

  let { Cu } = require('chrome');
  let { ns } = require('sdk/core/namespace');
  let { View } = require('./view');

  // Note this is completely independent from View's internal Namespace object.
  let sandboxes = ns();

  function Widget(options) {
    let { element, contentScript } = options;
    let widget = Object.create(Widget.prototype);, options.element);
    sandboxes(widget).sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(element.ownerDocument.defaultView);
    // ...
  Widget.prototype = Object.create(View.prototype);
  Widget.prototype.postMessage = function postMessage(message) {
    let { sandbox } = sandboxes(this);
  Widget.prototype.destroy = function destroy() {;
    // ...
    delete sandboxes(this).sandbox;
  exports.Widget = Widget;

In addition access to the namespace can be shared with other code by just handing them a namespace accessor function.

  let { dom } = require('./view');
  Widget.prototype.setInnerHTML = function setInnerHTML(html) {
    dom(this).element.innerHTML = String(html);

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: wbamberg
 Last updated by: wbamberg,