Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 03 Nov 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Content categories

每一个HTML元素都必须遵循定义了它可以包含哪一类内容的规则。 这些规则被归类为几个常见的元素内容模型(content model)。每个HTML元素都属于0个、1 个或多个内容模型,每个模型都有一些规则使得元素中的内容必须遵循一个HTML规范文档( HTML-conformant document)。


  • 主内容类,描述了很多元素共享的内容规范;
  • 表单相关的内容类,描述了表单相关元素共有的内容规范;
  • 特殊内容类,描述了仅仅在某些特殊元素上才需要遵守的内容规范,通常这些元素都有特殊的上下文关系。

主内容类(Main content categories)

元数据内容(Metadata content)

此类元素 修改文档其余部分的陈述或者行为,建立与其他文档的链接,或者传达其他外带信息。

属于这一类的元素有:<base>, <command>, <link>, <meta>, <noscript>, <script>, <style> and <title>.

Flow content

此类元素通常包含 文本或植入的内容。此类元素有: <a>, <abbr>, <address>, <article>, <aside>, <audio>, <b>,<bdo>, <bdi>, <blockquote>, <br>, <button>, <canvas>, <cite>, <code>, <command>, <data>, <datalist>, <del>, <details>, <dfn>, <div>, <dl>, <em>, <embed>, <fieldset>, <figure>, <footer>, <form>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, <header>, <hgroup>, <hr>, <i>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <ins>, <kbd>, <keygen>, <label>, <main>, <map>, <mark>, <math>, <menu>, <meter>, <nav>, <noscript>, <object>, <ol>, <output>, <p>, <pre>, <progress>, <q>, <ruby>, <s>, <samp>, <script>, <section>, <select>, <small>, <span>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <svg>, <table>, <template>, <textarea>, <time>, <ul>, <var>, <video>, <wbr> and Text.


Sectioning content

隶属于分节内容模型的元素 在当前的大纲中创建一个分节,此分节将定义<header>元素、<footer> 元素和标题元素(heading content)的范围。

属于此类的元素有: <article>, <aside>, <nav> and <section>

注意:不要将本内容模型与sectioning root category 混淆,sectioning root category 的作用是把它的内容与常规的大纲隔离。

Heading content

标题内容 定义了分节的标题,而这个分节可能由一个明确的分节内容元素直接标记,也可能由标题本身隐式地定义。

属于此分类的元素有: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> and <hgroup>.


Phrasing content

Phrasing content 规定文本和它包含的标记. 而通过Phrasing content就构成了段落.

属于此类的元素有: <abbr>, <audio>, <b>, <bdo>, <br>, <button>, <canvas>, <cite>, <code>, <command>, <datalist>, <dfn>, <em>, <embed>, <i>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <kbd>, <keygen>, <label>, <mark>, <math>, <meter>, <noscript>, <object>, <output>, <progress>, <q>, <ruby>, <samp>, <script>, <select>, <small>, <span>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <svg>, <textarea>, <time>, <var>, <video>, <wbr> 和 plain text (仅当所包含的内容不完全为空字符的时候).


  • <a>, 当它仅包含 phrasing content 时
  • <area>, 当它为<map> 元素的子元素时
  • <del>, 当它仅包含 phrasing content 时
  • <ins>, 当它仅包含 phrasing content 时
  • <link>, 如果itemprop属性存在的情形
  • <map>, 当它仅包含 phrasing content 时
  • <meta>,如果itemprop属性存在的情形

Embedded content

Embedded content输入另一个资源或者将来自另一种标记语言或命名空间的内容插入到文档中。

属于此类的元素有:<audio>, <canvas>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <math>, <object>, <svg>, <video>.

Interactive content


属于此类的元素有:<a>, <button>, <details>, <embed>, <iframe>, <keygen>, <label>, <select>, and <textarea>.


Form-associated content

表单相关的内容 包含 拥有表单父节点(exposed by a form attribute)的元素,一个表单父节点可以是<form>元素,也可以是其id在表单属性中被指定了的元素。(Form-associated content comprises elements that have a form owner, exposed by a form attribute. A form owner is either the containing <form> element or the element whose id is specified in the form attribute.)


Elements that are listed in the form.elements and fieldset.elements IDL collections. Contains <button>, <fieldset>, <input>, <keygen>, <object>, <output>, <select>, and <textarea>.
Elements that can be associated with <label> elements. Contains <button>, <input>, <keygen>, <meter>, <output>, <progress>, <select>, and <textarea>.
Elements that can be used for constructing the form data set when the form is submitted. Contains <button>, <input>, <keygen>, <object>, <select>, and <textarea>.
Elements that can be affected when a form is reset. Contains <input>, <keygen>, <output>,<select>, and <textarea>.

Transparent content model

If an element has a transparent content model, then its contents must be structured such that they would be valid HTML 5, even if the transparent element were removed and replaced by the child elements.

For example, the <del> and <ins> elements are transparent:

<p>We hold these truths to be <del><em>sacred &amp; undeniable</em></del> <ins>self-evident</ins>.</p>

If those elements were removed, this fragment would still be valid HTML (if not correct English).

<p>We hold these truths to be <em>sacred &amp; undeniable</em> self-evident.</p>

Other content models

Sectioning root.


 此页面的贡献者: AllenYangFly, arya0822, kevinfszu, pantao, LuyaoWang, FredWe
 最后编辑者: AllenYangFly,