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This page tries to track ongoing documentation work in the MDN SVG section. Feel free to contribute!
Pages | No tags | Needs* tags | Missing tags | Editorial reviews | Technical reviews | Outdated pages | Dev-doc-needed bugs | Documentation requests |
299 | 0 (0%) | 230 (77%) | 0 (0%) | 3 (2%) | 23 (8%) | 163 (55%) | 22 (8%) | 15 (6%) |
See also localization status of this section.
Needs* tags
Found 230 pages. Learn more about how to deal with meta-tags.
- NeedsTechnicalReview
- NeedsUpdate
- NeedsHelp
- Height
- Width
- accent-height
- accumulate
- additive
- alignment-baseline
- ascent
- attributeName
- attributeType
- azimuth
- baseFrequency
- baseline-shift
- begin
- bias
- calcMode
- clip
- clip-path
- clip-rule
- clipPathUnits
- color
- color-interpolation
- color-interpolation-filters
- color-profile
- color-rendering
- contentScriptType
- contentStyleType
- cx
- cy
- diffuseConstant
- direction
- display
- divisor
- dominant-baseline
- dur
- dx
- dy
- edgeMode
- elevation
- end
- externalResourcesRequired
- fill
- fill-opacity
- fill-rule
- filter
- filterRes
- filterUnits
- flood-color
- flood-opacity
- font-family
- font-size
- font-size-adjust
- font-stretch
- font-style
- font-variant
- font-weight
- from
- gradientTransform
- gradientUnits
- image-rendering
- in
- in2
- k1
- k2
- k3
- k4
- kernelMatrix
- kernelUnitLength
- kerning
- keySplines
- keyTimes
- letter-spacing
- lighting-color
- limitingConeAngle
- marker-end
- marker-mid
- marker-start
- markerHeight
- markerUnits
- markerWidth
- mask
- maskContentUnits
- maskUnits
- max
- min
- mode
- numOctaves
- opacity
- operator
- order
- overflow
- pathLength
- patternContentUnits
- patternUnits
- pointer-events
- points
- pointsAtX
- pointsAtY
- pointsAtZ
- preserveAlpha
- preserveAspectRatio
- primitiveUnits
- r
- radius
- repeatCount
- repeatDur
- requiredFeatures
- restart
- result
- rx
- ry
- scale
- shape-rendering
- specularConstant
- specularExponent
- stdDeviation
- stitchTiles
- stop-color
- stop-opacity
- stroke
- stroke-dasharray
- stroke-dashoffset
- stroke-linecap
- stroke-linejoin
- stroke-miterlimit
- stroke-opacity
- stroke-width
- style
- surfaceScale
- targetX
- targetY
- text-anchor
- text-decoration
- text-rendering
- to
- transform
- type
- values
- visibility
- word-spacing
- writing-mode
- x
- x1
- x2
- xChannelSelector
- xlink:href
- xlink:show
- xlink:title
- xml:space
- y
- y1
- y2
- yChannelSelector
- z
- class
- tabindex
- <altGlyphDef>
- <altGlyphItem>
- <animateColor>
- <animateMotion>
- <animateTransform>
- <discard>
- <feBlend>
- <feColorMatrix>
- <feComponentTransfer>
- <feComposite>
- <feConvolveMatrix>
- <feDiffuseLighting>
- <feDisplacementMap>
- <feDistantLight>
- <feDropShadow>
- <feFlood>
- <feFuncA>
- <feFuncB>
- <feFuncG>
- <feFuncR>
- <feGaussianBlur>
- <feImage>
- <feMerge>
- <feMergeNode>
- <feMorphology>
- <feOffset>
- <fePointLight>
- <feSpecularLighting>
- <feSpotLight>
- <feTile>
- <feTurbulence>
- <filter>
- <font-face-format>
- <font-face-name>
- <font-face-src>
- <font-face-uri>
- <font-face>
- <font>
- <glyph>
- <glyphRef>
- <hatch>
- <hatchpath>
- <hkern>
- <mask>
- <missing-glyph>
- <pattern>
- <set>
- <textPath>
- <tref>
- <view>
- <vkern>
- class
- display
- dominant-baseline
- dx
- dy
- fill-opacity
- fill-rule
- pointer-events
- seed
- specularConstant
- stitchTiles
- style
- <altGlyphDef>
- <altGlyphItem>
- <color-profile>
- <cursor>
- <desc>
- <discard>
- <feComposite>
- <feDistantLight>
- <feFuncA>
- <feFuncB>
- <feFuncG>
- <feFuncR>
- <feMergeNode>
- <font-face-format>
- <font-face-name>
- <font-face-src>
- <font-face-uri>
- <font-face>
- <font>
- <foreignObject>
- <glyphRef>
- <hkern>
- <metadata>
- <missing-glyph>
- <mpath>
- <set>
- <switch>
- <view>
- <vkern>
- NeedsBrowserCompatibility
- NeedsLiveSample
- NeedsContent
- NeedsMarkupWork
- NeedsBeginnerUpdate
Editorial reviews
Found 3 pages. Learn more about how to do an editorial review.
Technical reviews
Found 23 pages. Learn more about how to do a technical review.
- SVG 2 support in Mozilla
- attributeName
- begin
- fill-rule
- from
- fy
- overline-position
- overline-thickness
- paint-order
- pathLength
- strikethrough-position
- strikethrough-thickness
- stroke-linejoin
- surfaceScale
- textLength
- to
- underline-position
- underline-thickness
- version
- xlink:show
- xml:lang
- Clipping and masking
- Texts
Outdated pages
Found 163 pages. These pages haven't been updated in over a year. Outdated pages can have problems with both content and format. Look at these pages and consider: Is this page talking about the Web of today? Does it look consistent with newer pages in this topic area? If not, make any needed changes.
- Compatibility sources
1131 days old - Frequently Asked Questions
1131 days old - Linking
1232 days old - Example
1232 days old - Other Resources
524 days old - Project
1131 days old - Replaced Element
1178 days old - accent-height
1232 days old - accumulate
1232 days old - additive
1232 days old - alignment-baseline
516 days old - ascent
1232 days old - attributeName
914 days old - attributeType
1232 days old - azimuth
1232 days old - baseFrequency
1232 days old - baseline-shift
558 days old - begin
1074 days old - bias
1232 days old - calcMode
1232 days old - clip
1232 days old - clip-path
810 days old - clipPathUnits
1232 days old - color
1232 days old - color-interpolation-filters
1232 days old - color-profile
1232 days old - color-rendering
1232 days old - contentScriptType
1232 days old - contentStyleType
496 days old - cursor
366 days old - cx
1232 days old - cy
1232 days old - diffuseConstant
1232 days old - direction
1232 days old - display
1093 days old - divisor
1232 days old - dominant-baseline
778 days old - dur
1232 days old - edgeMode
1232 days old - elevation
1232 days old - end
1232 days old - externalResourcesRequired
1232 days old - fill
513 days old - fill-opacity
1093 days old - filter
1232 days old - filterRes
471 days old - filterUnits
1232 days old - flood-color
1232 days old - flood-opacity
1232 days old - font-size
508 days old - font-size-adjust
1232 days old - font-stretch
1232 days old - font-style
1125 days old - font-variant
1232 days old - font-weight
1125 days old - from
914 days old - fy
611 days old - gradientTransform
1232 days old - gradientUnits
1232 days old - image-rendering
1232 days old - in
1232 days old - in2
1232 days old - k1
1232 days old - k2
1232 days old - k3
1232 days old - k4
1232 days old - kernelMatrix
1232 days old - kernelUnitLength
1232 days old - kerning
1232 days old - keySplines
1232 days old - keyTimes
810 days old - lighting-color
1232 days old - limitingConeAngle
1232 days old - local
366 days old - marker-end
1129 days old - marker-mid
1232 days old - marker-start
1232 days old - markerHeight
1232 days old - markerUnits
1232 days old - markerWidth
1232 days old - maskContentUnits
1232 days old - maskUnits
1232 days old - max
1232 days old - min
1232 days old - mode
1232 days old - numOctaves
1232 days old - opacity
1232 days old - operator
1232 days old - order
1232 days old - overflow
383 days old - overline-position
643 days old - overline-thickness
643 days old - pathLength
1073 days old - patternContentUnits
1232 days old - patternTransform
1232 days old - patternUnits
1232 days old - pointer-events
1093 days old - points
1232 days old - pointsAtX
1232 days old - pointsAtY
1232 days old - pointsAtZ
1232 days old - preserveAlpha
1232 days old - primitiveUnits
450 days old - r
1232 days old - radius
1232 days old - repeatCount
1232 days old - repeatDur
1232 days old - requiredFeatures
1232 days old - restart
1232 days old - result
1232 days old - rx
1232 days old - ry
1232 days old - scale
1232 days old - seed
398 days old - shape-rendering
951 days old - specularConstant
1180 days old - specularExponent
1232 days old - stdDeviation
1232 days old - stitchTiles
1178 days old - stop-color
1175 days old - stop-opacity
1232 days old - strikethrough-position
643 days old - strikethrough-thickness
643 days old - stroke-dasharray
812 days old - stroke-linecap
810 days old - stroke-linejoin
799 days old - stroke-miterlimit
1232 days old - stroke-opacity
1232 days old - stroke-width
1232 days old - surfaceScale
1232 days old - targetX
1232 days old - targetY
1232 days old - text-anchor
810 days old - text-decoration
581 days old - text-rendering
950 days old - to
914 days old - type
1232 days old - underline-position
643 days old - underline-thickness
643 days old - values
1232 days old - visibility
1232 days old - word-spacing
1232 days old - writing-mode
615 days old - x1
1232 days old - xChannelSelector
1232 days old - xlink:title
1232 days old - y1
1232 days old - y2
1232 days old - yChannelSelector
1232 days old - z
1232 days old - Getting Started
499 days old - Other content in SVG
812 days old - Patterns
812 days old - SVG Filters Tutorial
413 days old - SVG fonts
564 days old - SVG image element
499 days old - SVG animation with SMIL
436 days old - SVG documentation index
594 days old - Scripting
528 days old - Server Configuration
1131 days old - Sizing
1131 days old - Specification Deviations
1232 days old - mimeTypes.rdf corruption
1232 days old
Dev-doc-needed bugs
Found 22 bugs. Learn more about how to resolve a dev-doc-needed bug.
Bug | Summary | Release |
1293786 | Remove SVGDocument | mozilla52 |
736431 | Inline <svg> is given the CSS default height of 150px when the height is not explicitly specified | --- |
426447 | hasFeature broken for SVG 1.1 style SVG detection - regression. | --- |
1239128 | Implement LinkStyle for SVGStyleElement interface | mozilla46 |
1215484 | Figure out how high contrast / "ignore author colors" should apply to SVGs | mozilla44 |
1107584 | ship <marker orient="auto-start-reverse"> | mozilla37 |
886390 | Assigning to innerHTML on an SVG element should create elements in the SVG namespace | mozilla36 |
999964 | Implementation Proposal for 'clipped' option of SVG 2 getBBox method. | mozilla32 |
983528 | enable paint-order property by default | mozilla31 |
964200 | Implement Filter Effects Module feDropShadow filter | mozilla30 |
956513 | SVG text is drawn with wrong position | mozilla29 |
835048 | Figure out if SVGElement.ownerSVGElement should throw | mozilla26 |
798843 | change value names for -moz-objectFill to context-fill etc., and put them behind opentype SVG pref | mozilla26 |
879659 | implement <marker orient="auto-start-reverse"> from SVG 2 | mozilla25 |
569722 | Firefox SVG support does not implement the textLength and lengthAdjust attribute functionality of <text> elements | mozilla25 |
785606 | Consider implementing viewBox="none" from SVG 1.2 Tiny | mozilla22 |
619964 | Implement FillPaint and StrokePaint filter sources | mozilla17 |
512514 | Implement hyperlink targeting of animation elements | mozilla15 |
528332 | Feature Request: Implement non-scaling-stroke | mozilla15 |
759124 | Implement useCurrentView | mozilla15 |
721920 | Honor the 'lang' attribute on SVG as we do in HTML | mozilla13 |
589640 | (ietestcenter) HTML5 Foreign Content 14/24: <altGlyphDef> is not an SVGElement | mozilla11 |
Browse as bug list.
Documentation requests
Found 15 bugs. Documentation request bugs can contain various kinds work related to MDN pages. Read through the bug and ask questions in the bug if in doubt.
Bug | Summary |
602022 | Write full SVG documentation set |
658789 | Add quicklink/sidebar navigation to SVG attribute docs |
697714 | Document missing SVG attributes |
1003075 | Document the SVG name attribute |
1005726 | There's no page for the mousemove event of a svg tag |
1013688 | Document the SVG Path attribute |
1049391 | Documentation for svg `enable-background` is missing |
1126823 | Many of MDN's embedded SVG examples broken in Firefox |
1134259 | Document the SVGFEImageElement interface |
1212765 | Use .properties for the SVG attributes summary tables |
1230715 | Document SVGFEPointLightElement |
1278951 | svg example missing namespace |
1280301 | Page at url "" needs xmlns and version attribute to display on Firefox 47 on windows 10 |
1305034 | Finish filter effects tutorial |
1306694 | err message "Unable to find file line.svg" |
Browse as bug list.
Please help us to localize this documentation into different languages. Read more about how to translate.
Language | Pages | Translated | Translations up to date |
af | 294 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
bn-BD | 294 | 2 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
de | 294 | 11 (3%) | 3 (27%) |
es | 294 | 14 (4%) | 6 (42%) |
fa | 294 | 3 (1%) | 1 (33%) |
fr | 294 | 50 (17%) | 34 (68%) |
it | 294 | 2 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ja | 294 | 60 (20%) | 27 (45%) |
ko | 294 | 14 (4%) | 3 (21%) |
pl | 294 | 4 (1%) | 0 (0%) |
pt-BR | 294 | 60 (20%) | 32 (53%) |
pt-PT | 294 | 1 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ro | 294 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ru | 294 | 23 (7%) | 13 (56%) |
zh-CN | 294 | 148 (50%) | 87 (58%) |
zh-TW | 294 | 12 (4%) | 4 (33%) |
Tagging standard
Other tasks to do
Tutorial to-do list
Notes for translators
Any notes here? Where do we expect updates, so that localizers don't translate and update too often?
The following specifications are tracked by this status page: