This page tracks documentation status and work progress for SpiderMonkey documentation. Feel free to contribute!
Pages | No tags | Needs* tags | Missing tags | Editorial reviews | Technical reviews | Outdated pages | Dev-doc-needed bugs |
546 | 7 (2%) | 16 (3%) | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) | 205 (38%) | 480 (88%) | 56 (11%) |
See also localization status of this section.
No tags
Found 7 pages. Learn more about how to tag pages.
Needs* tags
Found 16 pages. Learn more about how to deal with meta-tags.
- JSAPI reference
- JS::Add*Root
- JSFunction
- JSRuntime
- JSString
- JS_CompileFileHandleForPrincipals
- JS_CompileFileHandleForPrincipalsVersion
- JS_CompileUCFunctionForPrincipalsVersion
- JS_DecompileScriptObject
- JS_FlushCaches
- JS_InitCTypesClass
- JS_ReportErrorNumber
- Shell global objects
- Garbage collection
- SpiderMonkey compartments
- NeedsUpdate
- NeedsExample
Technical reviews
Found 205 pages. Learn more about how to do a technical review.
- Future directions
- How to embed the JavaScript engine
- JIT Optimization Outcomes
- JSAPI User Guide
- JS::Add*Root
- JS::AutoIdArray
- JS::AutoSaveExceptionState
- JS::AutoValueArray
- JS::AutoVectorRooter
- JS::BooleanValue
- JS::CallArgs
- JS::CloneFunctionObject
- JS::Compile
- JS::CompileFunction
- JS::CompileOffThread
- JS::CompileOptions
- JS::Construct
- JS::CreateError
- JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull
- JS::DoubleNaNValue
- JS::DoubleValue
- JS::Evaluate
- JS::FalseValue
- JS::Float32Value
- JS::GetFirstArgumentAsTypeHint
- JS::GetSelfHostedFunction
- JS::Handle
- JS::HandleValueArray
- JS::IdentifyStandardInstance
- JS::Int32Value
- JS::IsCallable
- JS::MutableHandle
- JS::NewFunctionFromSpec
- JS::NullHandleValue
- JS::NullValue
- JS::NumberValue
- JS::ObjectOrNullValue
- JS::ObjectValue
- JS::OrdinaryToPrimitive
- JS::PersistentRooted
- JS::PropertySpecNameEqualsId
- JS::PropertySpecNameIsSymbol
- JS::PropertySpecNameToPermanentId
- JS::ProtoKeyToId
- JS::Remove*Root
- JS::Rooted
- JS::SetLargeAllocationFailureCallback
- JS::SetOutOfMemoryCallback
- JS::SourceBufferHolder
- JS::StringValue
- JS::SymbolValue
- JS::ToInt32
- JS::ToInt64
- JS::ToPrimitive
- JS::ToString
- JS::ToUint16
- JS::ToUint32
- JS::ToUint64
- JS::TrueHandleValue
- JS::TrueValue
- JS::UndefinedHandleValue
- JS::UndefinedValue
- JSAutoByteString
- JSAutoCompartment
- JSCheckAccessOp
- JSConvertOp
- JSDeletePropertyOp
- JSErrorFormatString
- JSExnType
- JSFinalizeOp
- JSFreeOp
- JSFunctionSpec
- JSHasInstanceOp
- JSIteratorOp
- JSMarkOp
- JSNewEnumerateOp
- JSPrincipals
- JSProperty
- JSPropertyDescriptor
- JSProtoKey
- JSReserveSlotsOp
- JSResolveOp
- JSSecurityCallbacks.contentSecurityPolicyAllows
- JSStringFinalizer
- JSTraceOp
- JSXDRObjectOp
- JS_AddFinalizeCallback
- JS_BindCallable
- JS_BufferIsCompilableUnit
- JS_CheckForInterrupt
- JS_ClearContextThread
- JS_ClearDateCaches
- JS_ClearRegExpStatics
- JS_DecompileScript
- JS_DeepFreezeObject
- JS_DefineFunctions
- JS_DeleteProperty
- JS_DeleteProperty2
- JS_EncodeString
- JS_EncodeStringToBuffer
- JS_EnumerateDiagnosticMemoryRegions
- JS_EnumerateResolvedStandardClasses
- JS_EnumerateStandardClasses
- JS_ErrorFromException
- JS_FileEscapedString
- JS_FlattenString
- JS_ForwardGetPropertyTo
- JS_FreezeObject
- JS_GetClassObject
- JS_GetClassPrototype
- JS_GetDefaultFreeOp
- JS_GetEmptyString
- JS_GetErrorPrototype
- JS_GetExternalStringClosure
- JS_GetExternalStringFinalizer
- JS_GetFlatStringChars
- JS_GetFunctionScript
- JS_GetGlobalForCompartmentOrNull
- JS_GetLatin1FlatStringChars
- JS_GetLatin1InternedStringChars
- JS_GetLatin1StringCharsAndLength
- JS_GetLocaleCallbacks
- JS_GetObjectRuntime
- JS_GetOwnPropertyDescriptor
- JS_GetParentRuntime
- JS_GetProperty
- JS_GetPropertyDescriptor
- JS_GetPrototype
- JS_GetRegExpFlags
- JS_GetRegExpSource
- JS_GetStringCharAt
- JS_GetStringEncodingLength
- JS_GetTwoByteExternalStringChars
- JS_HasElement
- JS_HasInstance
- JS_HasOwnProperty
- JS_IdArrayGet
- JS_IdArrayLength
- JS_IdToProtoKey
- JS_IdToValue
- JS_InitCTypesClass
- JS_InstanceOf
- JS_InternJSString
- JS_IsArrayObject
- JS_IsAssigning
- JS_IsBuiltinEvalFunction
- JS_IsBuiltinFunctionConstructor
- JS_IsConstructing_PossiblyWithGivenThisObject
- JS_IsConstructor
- JS_IsExtensible
- JS_IsExternalString
- JS_IsGlobalObject
- JS_IsIdentifier
- JS_IsNative
- JS_IsNativeFunction
- JS_IsStopIteration
- JS_IterateCompartments
- JS_LinkConstructorAndPrototype
- JS_NewArrayObject
- JS_NewExternalString
- JS_NewFunction
- JS_NewRegExpObject
- JS_Now
- JS_ObjectIsRegExp
- JS_PutEscapedString
- JS_ResolveStandardClass
- JS_SameValue
- JS_SaveFrameChain
- JS_ScheduleGC
- JS_SetCompartmentNameCallback
- JS_SetDefaultLocale
- JS_SetDestroyCompartmentCallback
- JS_SetGCParametersBasedOnAvailableMemory
- JS_SetInterruptCallback
- JS_SetNativeStackQuota
- JS_SetProperty
- JS_SetRegExpInput
- JS_SetVersionForCompartment
- JS_StringEqualsAscii
- JS_StringHasBeenInterned
- JS_StringHasLatin1Chars
- JS_StringIsFlat
- JS_ValueToId
- JS_ValueToSource
- JS_freeop
- JS_updateMallocCounter
- Property attributes
- jsid
- Java SpiderMonkey - MDN
- Garbage collection
- SpiderMonkey compartments
- SpiderMonkey 31
- SpiderMonkey 45
Outdated pages
Found 480 pages. These pages haven't been updated in over a year. Outdated pages can have problems with both content and format. Look at these pages and consider: Is this page talking about the Web of today? Does it look consistent with newer pages in this topic area? If not, make any needed changes.
- Creating JavaScript tests
685 days old - Future directions
434 days old - GC Rooting Guide
685 days old - Getting SpiderMonkey source code
643 days old - Index
405 days old - JSAPI Cookbook
625 days old - INT_FITS_IN_JSVAL
671 days old - JS::Add*Root
388 days old - JS::AutoIdArray
648 days old - JS::AutoSaveExceptionState
648 days old - JS::AutoValueArray
648 days old - JS::AutoVectorRooter
464 days old - JS::Call
617 days old - JS::CallArgs
628 days old - JS::CloneFunctionObject
648 days old - JS::Compile
580 days old - JS::CompileFunction
648 days old - JS::CompileOffThread
648 days old - JS::CompileOptions
648 days old - JS::Construct
648 days old - JS::CreateError
579 days old - JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull
648 days old - JS::Evaluate
580 days old - JS::Handle
636 days old - JS::HandleValueArray
648 days old - JS::IdentifyStandardInstance
648 days old - JS::IsCallable
618 days old - JS::MutableHandle
648 days old - JS::NullHandleValue
648 days old - JS::OrdinaryToPrimitive
648 days old - JS::PropertySpecNameEqualsId
648 days old - JS::PropertySpecNameIsSymbol
648 days old - JS::PropertySpecNameToPermanentId
648 days old - JS::ProtoKeyToId
648 days old - JS::Remove*Root
638 days old - JS::Rooted
648 days old - JS::SetLargeAllocationFailureCallback
648 days old - JS::SetOutOfMemoryCallback
648 days old - JS::SourceBufferHolder
648 days old - JS::ToBoolean
673 days old - JS::ToInt32
648 days old - JS::ToInt64
648 days old - JS::ToNumber
675 days old - JS::ToString
401 days old - JS::ToUint16
648 days old - JS::ToUint32
648 days old - JS::ToUint64
648 days old - JS::TrueHandleValue
648 days old - JS::UndefinedHandleValue
648 days old - JS::Value
467 days old - JSAutoByteString
648 days old - JSAutoCompartment
671 days old - JSBool
671 days old - JSCheckAccessOp
648 days old -
664 days old - JSClass.flags
664 days old - JSConstDoubleSpec
670 days old - JSConvertOp
648 days old - JSDeletePropertyOp
648 days old - JSEnumerateOp
664 days old - JSErrorFormatString
648 days old - JSErrorReport
670 days old - JSExceptionState
663 days old - JSExnType
648 days old - JSExtendedClass
663 days old - JSExtendedClass.outerObject
663 days old - JSFUN_BOUND_METHOD
663 days old - JSFUN_GLOBAL_PARENT
663 days old - JSFastNative
390 days old - JSFinalizeOp
648 days old - JSFreeOp
648 days old - JSFunction
676 days old - JSFunctionSpec
664 days old - JSGetObjectOps
664 days old - JSHasInstanceOp
648 days old - JSID_EMPTY
648 days old - JSID_IS_EMPTY
648 days old - JSID_IS_GCTHING
648 days old - JSID_IS_INT
648 days old - JSID_IS_STRING
648 days old - JSID_IS_SYMBOL
648 days old - JSID_IS_VOID
648 days old - JSID_IS_ZERO
648 days old - JSID_VOID
648 days old - JSIdArray
664 days old - JSIteratorOp
648 days old - JSMarkOp
648 days old - JSNative
664 days old - JSNewEnumerateOp
648 days old - JSNewResolveOp
664 days old - JSObject
669 days old - JSObjectOp
663 days old - JSObjectOps.defaultValue
663 days old - JSObjectOps.defineProperty
390 days old - JSObjectOps.destroyObjectMap
663 days old - JSObjectOps.dropProperty
663 days old - JSObjectOps.enumerate
663 days old - JSObjectOps.getAttributes
390 days old - JSObjectOps.getProperty
663 days old - JSObjectOps.getRequiredSlot
663 days old - JSObjectOps.lookupProperty
663 days old - JSObjectOps.newObjectMap
663 days old - JSObjectOps.setProto
663 days old - JSObjectPrincipalsFinder
663 days old - JSPRINCIPALS_HOLD
663 days old - JSPrincipals
648 days old - JSPrincipalsTranscoder
910 days old - JSProperty
663 days old - JSPropertyDescriptor
648 days old - JSPropertyOp
664 days old - JSPropertySpec
664 days old - JSProtoKey
648 days old - JSReserveSlotsOp
648 days old - JSResolveOp
648 days old - JSRuntime
683 days old - JSSecurityCallbacks.contentSecurityPolicyAllows
910 days old - JSString
670 days old - JSStringFinalizer
648 days old - JSTraceOp
648 days old - JSType
675 days old - JSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN
675 days old - JSVAL_IS_DOUBLE
675 days old - JSVAL_IS_GCTHING
675 days old - JSVAL_IS_INT
675 days old - JSVAL_IS_NULL
675 days old - JSVAL_IS_NUMBER
675 days old - JSVAL_IS_OBJECT
675 days old - JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE
618 days old - JSVAL_IS_STRING
675 days old - JSVAL_IS_VOID
675 days old - JSVAL_LOCK
670 days old - JSVAL_NULL
421 days old - JSVAL_ONE
421 days old - JSVAL_TO_BOOLEAN
675 days old - JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE
675 days old - JSVAL_TO_GCTHING
675 days old - JSVAL_TO_INT
675 days old - JSVAL_TO_OBJECT
675 days old - JSVAL_TO_STRING
675 days old - JSVAL_TRUE
421 days old - JSVAL_UNLOCK
670 days old - JSVAL_VOID
421 days old - JSVAL_ZERO
421 days old - JSVersion
682 days old - JSXDRObjectOp
648 days old - JS_Add*Root
388 days old - JS_AddArgumentFormatter
675 days old - JS_AddExternalStringFinalizer
390 days old - JS_AddFinalizeCallback
648 days old - JS_AliasElement
662 days old - JS_AliasProperty
665 days old - JS_AlreadyHasOwnProperty
666 days old - JS_BeginRequest
907 days old - JS_BindCallable
648 days old - JS_BufferIsCompilableUnit
684 days old - JS_CStringsAreUTF8
670 days old - JS_CallFunction
662 days old - JS_ClearDateCaches
648 days old - JS_ClearNewbornRoots
673 days old - JS_ClearNonGlobalObject
665 days old - JS_ClearPendingException
675 days old - JS_ClearRegExpStatics
648 days old - JS_ClearScope
665 days old - JS_CloneFunctionObject
662 days old - JS_CompareStrings
670 days old - JS_CompileFileHandleForPrincipals
675 days old - JS_CompileFileHandleForPrincipalsVersion
675 days old - JS_CompileFunction
390 days old - JS_CompileFunctionForPrincipals
390 days old - JS_CompileScript
580 days old - JS_CompileUCFunctionForPrincipalsVersion
390 days old - JS_CompileUTF8File
676 days old - JS_CompileUTF8FileHandle
676 days old - JS_ConcatStrings
670 days old - JS_ConstructObject
390 days old - JS_ContextIterator
683 days old - JS_ConvertArguments
622 days old - JS_ConvertArgumentsVA
622 days old - JS_ConvertValue
622 days old - JS_DecompileFunction
676 days old - JS_DecompileFunctionBody
676 days old - JS_DecompileScript
648 days old - JS_DecompileScriptObject
390 days old - JS_DeepFreezeObject
648 days old - JS_DefineConstDoubles
670 days old - JS_DefineElement
662 days old - JS_DefineFunction
662 days old - JS_DefineFunctions
648 days old - JS_DefineObject
622 days old - JS_DefineOwnProperty
665 days old - JS_DefineProperties
666 days old - JS_DefineProperty
580 days old - JS_DefinePropertyWithTinyId
390 days old - JS_DeleteElement
580 days old - JS_DeleteElement2
580 days old - JS_DeleteProperty
580 days old - JS_DeleteProperty2
580 days old - JS_DestroyContext
679 days old - JS_DestroyIdArray
665 days old - JS_DestroyRuntime
683 days old - JS_DestroyScript
675 days old - JS_DoubleIsInt32
670 days old - JS_DoubleToInt32
638 days old - JS_DropExceptionState
675 days old - JS_DumpHeap
638 days old - JS_DumpNamedRoots
671 days old - JS_EncodeCharacters
670 days old - JS_EncodeString
648 days old - JS_EncodeStringToBuffer
648 days old - JS_EnterCompartment
638 days old - JS_EnterCrossCompartmentCall
678 days old - JS_EnterLocalRootScope
671 days old - JS_Enumerate
666 days old - JS_EnumerateDiagnosticMemoryRegions
648 days old - JS_EnumerateResolvedStandardClasses
648 days old - JS_EnumerateStandardClasses
648 days old - JS_ErrorFromException
648 days old - JS_EvaluateScript
390 days old - JS_EvaluateScriptForPrincipals
390 days old - JS_ExecuteRegExp
661 days old - JS_ExecuteScript
580 days old - JS_ExecuteScriptPart
675 days old - JS_ExecuteScriptVersion
648 days old - JS_FS
664 days old - JS_FileEscapedString
648 days old - JS_Finish
678 days old - JS_FlattenString
669 days old - JS_FlushCaches
683 days old - JS_ForgetLocalRoot
671 days old - JS_ForwardGetPropertyTo
648 days old - JS_FreezeObject
648 days old - JS_GET_CLASS
666 days old - JS_GetArrayLength
662 days old - JS_GetArrayPrototype
669 days old - JS_GetClass
666 days old - JS_GetClassObject
648 days old - JS_GetClassPrototype
648 days old - JS_GetCompartmentPrivate
638 days old - JS_GetConstructor
669 days old - JS_GetContextPrivate
683 days old - JS_GetContextThread
390 days old - JS_GetDefaultFreeOp
648 days old - JS_GetElement
662 days old - JS_GetEmptyString
670 days old - JS_GetEmptyStringValue
467 days old - JS_GetErrorPrototype
648 days old - JS_GetExternalStringClosure
669 days old - JS_GetExternalStringFinalizer
648 days old - JS_GetFlatStringChars
670 days old - JS_GetFunctionArity
662 days old - JS_GetFunctionCallback
670 days old - JS_GetFunctionFlags
390 days old - JS_GetFunctionId
662 days old - JS_GetFunctionName
662 days old - JS_GetFunctionObject
662 days old - JS_GetFunctionPrototype
669 days old - JS_GetFunctionScript
648 days old - JS_GetGCParameter
673 days old - JS_GetGlobalForCompartmentOrNull
648 days old - JS_GetGlobalForObject
669 days old - JS_GetGlobalForObject3
682 days old - JS_GetGlobalForScopeChain
678 days old - JS_GetGlobalObject
678 days old - JS_GetImplementationVersion
682 days old - JS_GetInstancePrivate
669 days old - JS_GetInternedStringChars
670 days old - JS_GetLatin1FlatStringChars
648 days old - JS_GetLatin1InternedStringChars
648 days old - JS_GetLatin1StringCharsAndLength
648 days old - JS_GetLocaleCallbacks
684 days old - JS_GetNaNValue
467 days old - JS_GetObjectPrototype
669 days old - JS_GetObjectRuntime
648 days old - JS_GetOptions
678 days old - JS_GetOwnPropertyDescriptor
580 days old - JS_GetParent
580 days old - JS_GetParentRuntime
648 days old - JS_GetPendingException
675 days old - JS_GetPositiveInfinityValue
467 days old - JS_GetPrivate
668 days old - JS_GetProperty
648 days old - JS_GetPropertyAttributes
390 days old - JS_GetPropertyAttrsGetterAndSetter
390 days old - JS_GetPropertyDefault
665 days old - JS_GetPropertyDescriptor
661 days old - JS_GetRegExpFlags
648 days old - JS_GetRegExpSource
648 days old - JS_GetReservedSlot
467 days old - JS_GetRuntime
683 days old - JS_GetRuntimePrivate
683 days old - JS_GetScopeChain
678 days old - JS_GetSecurityCallbacks
659 days old - JS_GetStringBytes
670 days old - JS_GetStringCharAt
648 days old - JS_GetStringChars
669 days old - JS_GetStringCharsAndLength
669 days old - JS_GetStringEncodingLength
648 days old - JS_GetStringLength
670 days old - JS_GetTwoByteExternalStringChars
648 days old - JS_GetTypeName
675 days old - JS_GetVersion
682 days old - JS_HasArrayLength
662 days old - JS_HasElement
648 days old - JS_HasInstance
657 days old - JS_HasProperty
666 days old - JS_IdArrayGet
648 days old - JS_IdArrayLength
648 days old - JS_IdToProtoKey
648 days old - JS_IdToValue
648 days old - JS_InitCTypesClass
906 days old - JS_InitClass
682 days old - JS_InitStandardClasses
682 days old - JS_InstanceOf
648 days old - JS_InternJSString
648 days old - JS_InternString
670 days old - JS_IsAssigning
648 days old - JS_IsBuiltinFunctionConstructor
648 days old - JS_IsConstructing
678 days old - JS_IsConstructing_PossiblyWithGivenThisObject
390 days old - JS_IsConstructor
648 days old - JS_IsExceptionPending
675 days old - JS_IsExtensible
658 days old - JS_IsExternalString
670 days old - JS_IsGlobalObject
600 days old - JS_IsIdentifier
648 days old - JS_IsNative
648 days old - JS_IsNativeFunction
648 days old - JS_IsRunning
682 days old - JS_IsStopIteration
467 days old - JS_IterateCompartments
421 days old - JS_LeaveCompartment
638 days old - JS_LeaveCrossCompartmentCall
678 days old - JS_LeaveLocalRootScope
671 days old - JS_LeaveLocalRootScopeWithResult
671 days old - JS_LinkConstructorAndPrototype
648 days old - JS_Lock
906 days old - JS_LockGCThing
670 days old - JS_LookupElement
662 days old - JS_LookupProperty
665 days old - JS_LooselyEqual
675 days old - JS_MakeStringImmutable
669 days old - JS_MapGCRoots
390 days old - JS_New
669 days old - JS_NewArrayObject
648 days old - JS_NewCompartmentAndGlobalObject
678 days old - JS_NewContext
683 days old - JS_NewDateObject
666 days old - JS_NewDateObjectMsec
666 days old - JS_NewDependentString
670 days old - JS_NewDouble
670 days old - JS_NewDoubleValue
670 days old - JS_NewExternalString
390 days old - JS_NewFunction
385 days old - JS_NewNumberValue
670 days old - JS_NewObjectForConstructor
669 days old - JS_NewPlainObject
631 days old - JS_NewPropertyIterator
665 days old - JS_NewRegExpObject
648 days old - JS_NewScriptObject
675 days old - JS_NewStringCopyN
670 days old - JS_NewStringCopyZ
670 days old - JS_NewUCString
670 days old - JS_NextProperty
665 days old - JS_Now
648 days old - JS_NumberValue
467 days old - JS_ObjectIsDate
666 days old - JS_ObjectIsFunction
648 days old - JS_ObjectIsRegExp
648 days old - JS_ParseJSON
906 days old - JS_PopArguments
675 days old - JS_PreventExtensions
580 days old - JS_PropertyStub
580 days old - JS_PushArguments
675 days old - JS_PutEscapedString
648 days old - JS_Remove*Root
671 days old - JS_RemoveExternalStringFinalizer
390 days old - JS_RemoveRootRT
684 days old - JS_ReportError
675 days old - JS_ReportErrorNumber
659 days old - JS_ReportOutOfMemory
675 days old - JS_ReportPendingException
675 days old - JS_ResolveStandardClass
648 days old - JS_RestoreExceptionState
906 days old - JS_SameValue
580 days old - JS_SaveExceptionState
675 days old - JS_SaveFrameChain
684 days old - JS_ScheduleGC
648 days old - JS_SealObject
666 days old - JS_SetAllNonReservedSlotsToUndefined
664 days old - JS_SetArrayLength
662 days old - JS_SetCallReturnValue2
665 days old - JS_SetCheckObjectAccessCallback
906 days old - JS_SetCompartmentNameCallback
648 days old - JS_SetContextCallback
683 days old - JS_SetDefaultLocale
648 days old - JS_SetDestroyCompartmentCallback
648 days old - JS_SetElement
662 days old - JS_SetExtraGCRoots
906 days old - JS_SetFunctionCallback
670 days old - JS_SetGCCallback
670 days old - JS_SetGCParametersBasedOnAvailableMemory
648 days old - JS_SetGCZeal
671 days old - JS_SetGlobalObject
678 days old - JS_SetICUMemoryFunctions
682 days old - JS_SetInterruptCallback
534 days old - JS_SetNativeStackQuota
648 days old - JS_SetObjectPrincipalsFinder
906 days old - JS_SetOperationCallback
678 days old - JS_SetOptions
678 days old - JS_SetParent
580 days old - JS_SetPendingException
675 days old - JS_SetPrincipalsTranscoder
906 days old - JS_SetPrivate
668 days old - JS_SetProperty
648 days old - JS_SetPropertyAttributes
390 days old - JS_SetPrototype
657 days old - JS_SetRegExpInput
648 days old - JS_SetScriptStackQuota
678 days old - JS_SetThreadStackLimit
678 days old - JS_SetVersion
678 days old - JS_SetVersionForCompartment
648 days old - JS_ShutDown
683 days old - JS_StrictlyEqual
580 days old - JS_StringEqualsAscii
648 days old - JS_StringHasBeenInterned
648 days old - JS_StringHasLatin1Chars
648 days old - JS_StringIsFlat
648 days old - JS_StringToVersion
682 days old - JS_SuspendRequest
906 days old - JS_THREADSAFE
390 days old - JS_ThrowStopIteration
638 days old - JS_ToggleOptions
678 days old - JS_TracerInit
671 days old - JS_TypeOfValue
675 days old - JS_Unlock
906 days old - JS_ValueToBoolean
675 days old - JS_ValueToECMAInt32
675 days old - JS_ValueToFunction
673 days old - JS_ValueToId
648 days old - JS_ValueToNumber
675 days old - JS_ValueToObject
675 days old - JS_ValueToSource
648 days old - JS_ValueToString
675 days old - JS_VersionToString
682 days old - JS_YieldRequest
906 days old - JS_freeop
648 days old - JS_malloc
673 days old - JS_updateMallocCounter
648 days old - Property attributes
421 days old - Stored value
910 days old - jschar
663 days old - jsdouble
671 days old - jsid
648 days old - jsint
671 days old - JSDBGAPI
459 days old - Parser API
593 days old - Profiling SpiderMonkey
640 days old - Running Automated JavaScript Tests
685 days old - Running Parsemark
661 days old - Rebranding SpiderMonkey (1.8.5)
910 days old - 64-bit Compatibility
685 days old - Bytecodes
685 days old - Functions
685 days old - Garbage collection
608 days old - Invariants
685 days old - Property cache
685 days old - SpiderMonkey Internals: Thread Safety
685 days old - Tracing JIT
685 days old - SpiderMonkey compartments
910 days old - SpiderMonkey 1.8
685 days old - SpiderMonkey 1.8.5
685 days old - SpiderMonkey 1.8.7
685 days old - SpiderMonkey 1.8.8
685 days old - SpiderMonkey 17
685 days old - SpiderMonkey 24
685 days old - SpiderMonkey 38
406 days old - Split object
910 days old
Dev-doc-needed bugs
Found 56 bugs. Learn more about how to resolve a dev-doc-needed bug.
Bug | Summary | Release |
1122396 | Make %TypedArray%.of and %TypedArray%.from non-generic methods | mozilla52 |
1204024 | Duplicate __proto__ property in destructuring form throws SyntaxError | mozilla52 |
1232266 | Allow iterable in TypedArray constructor | mozilla52 |
1243858 | Exponentiation Operator precendence update (ES2016/ES7, Stage 4) | mozilla52 |
1302036 | StructuredClone should not require SAB in transfer map | mozilla52 |
1309861 | Enable SharedArrayBuffer and Atomics by default on Developer Edition | mozilla52 |
1130636 | Reimplement Array.prototype.toLocaleString as per ECMA-402 Edition 2.0 (Intl) | mozilla52 |
1243717 | Support destructuring for rest parameters | mozilla52 |
1272784 | |function f(a = 1) { "use strict"; }| should throw Early Error. | mozilla52 |
1303788 | ES2017: Implement trailing comma proposal | mozilla52 |
1041341 | Make `[,] = []` a SyntaxError | mozilla52 |
574924 | TM: implement remaining wrappers | --- |
879079 | Fix some static analysis warnings in js/src | --- |
1119779 | Implement ES6 well-known symbols | --- |
630209 | Unsafe usage of JS_Compile*/JS_ExecuteScript in shell and tests | --- |
867501 | Date.toLocaleFormat exposes OS locale (Tor 13019) | mozilla46 |
1204554 | Add environment variable to spew LCOV info into a file. | mozilla44 |
1163423 | Introduce JS_HasOwnProperty | mozilla41 |
1144366 | Switch SpiderMonkey style from T *t to T* t | mozilla40 |
805052 | Remove object parents | mozilla39 |
1088002 | Change JSAPI for defining accessors to assume JSNative accessors, not JSPropertyOP ones | mozilla36 |
1089026 | Stop allowing random objects on function scope chains | mozilla36 |
934450 | Add copy-on-write arrays | mozilla34 |
1036136 | Implement structured clone for Map and Set | mozilla33 |
1014993 | Make it easy to distinguish CPOWs from normal objects | mozilla32 |
845478 | JS shell should use JS::CallArgs instead of manual argc/vp+JS_SET_RVAL/JS_ARGV/etc. | mozilla31 |
977287 | Rename the operation callback | mozilla30 |
880330 | Refactor ContextOptions from a bitfield into a proper struct | mozilla27 |
916993 | GC: Handlify public string methods | mozilla27 |
918373 | GC: Handlify various public APIs | mozilla27 |
917295 | GC: Handlify public date APIs | mozilla27 |
903352 | Handlify remaining PropertyDescriptor APIs | mozilla26 |
893186 | remove JS_GetPropertyAttributes and many of its friends | mozilla26 |
910517 | Remove memory uni-reporters | mozilla26 |
890238 | Memory reporter for ICU | mozilla25 |
884410 | GC: Handlify the JSAPI | mozilla24 |
861281 | GC: Root the wrap object API | mozilla23 |
858108 | GC: Root the Locale interface | mozilla23 |
792108 | Use a class flag to allow objects of that class to act like |undefined| in the == and ToBoolean contexts, and remove JSRESOLVE_DETECTING | mozilla20 |
823283 | Remove JSRESOLVE_QUALIFIED | mozilla20 |
720949 | Need API for "transferring" ArrayBuffer data between runtimes (via shared memory) | mozilla18 |
796523 | Periodically expire JS timezone cache | mozilla18 |
650353 | have one global object per compartment | mozilla15 |
750733 | Use handles in API object hooks where possible | mozilla15 |
711843 | Fix uses of typedarray outside the engine | mozilla14 |
725595 | Drop native object checks from JS_(Get|Set)ReservedSlot | mozilla13 |
724310 | Drop cx argument from JSObject field and fixed slots infallible API | mozilla13 |
722348 | remove JSRuntime::requestCount | mozilla12 |
675078 | rm JSThreadData and JSThread | mozilla12 |
707049 | Dynamic analysis for identifying moving GC hazards | mozilla12 |
687679 | JS_CompileFile* should handle UTF-8 (xpconnect doesn't convert non-ascii wchars correctly) | mozilla11 |
708754 | Use IDL for jsdIDebuggerService::WrapValue and remove WrapJSValue | mozilla11 |
687134 | Expose pccount to chrome code | mozilla11 |
650411 | assert that JSRuntime is only used in a single-threaded manner | mozilla10 |
451729 | Allow runtime's security callbacks to be overridden by a context | mozilla1.9.1 |
482381 | Add a JS_GetPropertyDescriptorById | mozilla1.9.1b4 |
Browse as bug list.
Please help us to localize this documentation into different languages. Read more about how to translate.
Language | Pages | Translated | Translations up to date |
af | 546 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
bn-BD | 546 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
de | 546 | 1 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
es | 546 | 3 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
fa | 546 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
fr | 546 | 5 (0%) | 2 (40%) |
it | 546 | 1 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ja | 546 | 32 (5%) | 2 (6%) |
ko | 546 | 3 (0%) | 1 (33%) |
pl | 546 | 2 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
pt-BR | 546 | 2 (0%) | 1 (50%) |
pt-PT | 546 | 2 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ro | 546 | 2 (0%) | 1 (50%) |
ru | 546 | 1 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
zh-CN | 546 | 19 (3%) | 1 (5%) |
zh-TW | 546 | 1 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
Tagging standard
- SpiderMonkey
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Tutorial to-do list
Notes for translators
Any notes here? Where do we expect updates, so that localizers don't translate and update too often?