This page tracks ongoing documentation work in the MDN Web Audio API section. Feel free to contribute!
Pages | Needs* tags | Missing tags | Editorial reviews | Technical reviews | Outdated pages | Missing pages | Dev-doc-needed bugs | Documentation requests |
167 | 5 (3%) | 0 (0%) | 6 (4%) | 56 (34%) | 88 (53%) | 0 (0%) | 7 (5%) | 5 (3%) |
See also localization status of this section.
Needs* tags
Found 5 pages. Learn more about how to deal with meta-tags.
- NeedsExample
- NeedsMobileBrowserCompatibility
Editorial reviews
Found 6 pages. Learn more about how to do an editorial review.
Technical reviews
Found 56 pages. Learn more about how to do a technical review.
- AudioBufferSourceNode
- AudioContext.createIIRFilter()
- AudioContext.createMediaStreamDestination()
- AudioContext.state
- AudioDestinationNode.maxChannelCount
- AudioListener.dopplerFactor
- AudioListener.setOrientation()
- AudioListener.setPosition()
- AudioListener.speedOfSound
- AudioNode.disconnect()
- maxValue
- minValue
- BiquadFilterNode.Q
- BiquadFilterNode.detune
- BiquadFilterNode.frequency
- BiquadFilterNode.gain
- BiquadFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse()
- BiquadFilterNode.type
- ConvolverNode.buffer
- ConvolverNode.normalize
- DynamicsCompressorNode.attack
- DynamicsCompressorNode.knee
- DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio
- DynamicsCompressorNode.reduction
- DynamicsCompressorNode.release
- DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold
- GainNode.gain
- IIRFilterNode
- IIRFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse()
- IIRFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse()
- OfflineAudioCompletionEvent
- OfflineAudioContext.oncomplete
- OfflineAudioContext.resume()
- OfflineAudioContext.startRendering (promise)
- OfflineAudioContext.startRendering()
- OfflineAudoContext.length
- suspend
- OscillatorNode
- OscillatorNode.detune
- OscillatorNode.frequency
- OscillatorNode.type
- PannerNode.coneInnerAngle
- PannerNode.coneOuterAngle
- PannerNode.distanceModel
- PannerNode.maxDistance
- PannerNode.panningModel
- PannerNode.refDistance
- PannerNode.rolloffFactor
- PannerNode.setOrientation()
- PannerNode.setPosition()
- PannerNode.setVelocity()
- ScriptProcessorNode.bufferSize
- ScriptProcessorNode.onaudioprocess
- WaveShaperNode.curve
- Web audio spatialization basics
Outdated pages
Found 88 pages. These pages haven't been updated in over a year. Outdated pages can have problems with both content and format. Look at these pages and consider: Is this page talking about the Web of today? Does it look consistent with newer pages in this topic area? If not, make any needed changes.
- AnalyserNode.fftSize
615 days old - AnalyserNode.frequencyBinCount
615 days old - AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData()
615 days old - AnalyserNode.getFloatTimeDomainData()
615 days old - AnalyserNode.minDecibels
615 days old - AnalyserNode.smoothingTimeConstant
615 days old - AudioBuffer.duration
615 days old - AudioBuffer.getChannelData()
615 days old - AudioBuffer.length
615 days old - AudioBuffer.numberOfChannels
615 days old - AudioBuffer.sampleRate
615 days old - AudioBufferSourceNode.buffer
465 days old - AudioBufferSourceNode.detune
409 days old - AudioBufferSourceNode.loop
564 days old - AudioBufferSourceNode.loopEnd
615 days old - AudioBufferSourceNode.loopStart
615 days old - AudioBufferSourceNode.onended
584 days old - AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate
406 days old - AudioBufferSourceNode.start()
527 days old - AudioContext.close()
508 days old - AudioContext.createAnalyser()
605 days old - AudioContext.createBiquadFilter()
515 days old - AudioContext.createBufferSource()
615 days old - AudioContext.createConvolver()
615 days old - AudioContext.createDelay()
615 days old - AudioContext.createDynamicsCompressor()
615 days old - AudioContext.createMediaElementSource()
518 days old - AudioContext.createMediaStreamSource()
470 days old - AudioContext.createOscillator()
615 days old - AudioContext.createScriptProcessor()
615 days old - AudioContext.createStereoPanner()
615 days old - AudioContext.createWaveShaper()
615 days old - AudioContext.createWaveTable()
615 days old - AudioContext.destination
615 days old - AudioContext.listener
615 days old - AudioContext.mozAudioChannelType
470 days old - AudioContext.onstatechange
510 days old - AudioContext.resume()
473 days old - AudioContext.sampleRate
615 days old - AudioContext.state
490 days old - AudioContext.suspend()
473 days old - AudioDestinationNode
386 days old - AudioDestinationNode.maxChannelCount
615 days old - AudioListener.dopplerFactor
561 days old - AudioListener.setOrientation()
615 days old - AudioListener.setPosition()
561 days old - AudioListener.speedOfSound
561 days old - AudioNode.channelCount
613 days old - AudioNode.channelCountMode
613 days old - AudioNode.numberOfInputs
613 days old - AudioNode.numberOfOutputs
613 days old - AudioParam.defaultValue
615 days old - AudioParam.value
615 days old - AudioProcessingEvent
413 days old - BiquadFilterNode.Q
615 days old - BiquadFilterNode.gain
615 days old - BiquadFilterNode.type
615 days old - ChannelMergerNode
386 days old - ConvolverNode
386 days old - ConvolverNode.buffer
615 days old - ConvolverNode.normalize
615 days old - DynamicsCompressorNode.attack
615 days old - DynamicsCompressorNode.knee
615 days old - DynamicsCompressorNode.ratio
615 days old - DynamicsCompressorNode.release
615 days old - DynamicsCompressorNode.threshold
615 days old -
614 days old - MediaStreamAudioSourceNode
386 days old - OfflineAudioCompletionEvent
614 days old - OfflineAudioContext.oncomplete
614 days old - PannerNode.coneInnerAngle
614 days old - PannerNode.coneOuterAngle
614 days old - PannerNode.distanceModel
614 days old - PannerNode.maxDistance
614 days old - PannerNode.panningModel
614 days old - PannerNode.refDistance
614 days old - PannerNode.rolloffFactor
614 days old - PannerNode.setOrientation()
614 days old - PannerNode.setPosition()
614 days old - PeriodicWave
614 days old - ScriptProcessorNode
386 days old - ScriptProcessorNode.bufferSize
613 days old - ScriptProcessorNode.onaudioprocess
613 days old - WaveShaperNode
381 days old - WaveShaperNode.curve
613 days old - WaveShaperNode.oversample
613 days old - Porting webkitAudioContext code to standards based AudioContext
820 days old - Web audio spatialization basics
601 days old
Dev-doc-needed bugs
Found 7 bugs. Learn more about how to resolve a dev-doc-needed bug.
Bug | Summary | Release |
1130010 | Implement the new AudioNode.disconnect methods | mozilla52 |
1308432 | Implement ConstantSourceNode | mozilla52 |
1007778 | Add a devtools API for disabling effect processing AudioNodes | mozilla34 |
924870 | AudioContext.mozAudioChannel attribute | mozilla27 |
885505 | Pref on Web Audio for Firefox 25 | mozilla26 |
871201 | Implement ArrayBufferSourceNode.gain | mozilla24 |
886165 | Hide the alternate names in the spec behind prefs which are turned off by default | mozilla24 |
Browse as bug list.
Documentation requests
Found 5 bugs. Documentation request bugs can contain various kinds work related to MDN pages. Read through the bug and ask questions in the bug if in doubt.
Bug | Summary |
1247573 | Incorrect compat table content for Chrome |
1249129 | HTMLMediaElement.audioTracks documentation is missing syntax, examples, and detailed information |
1263521 | Browser Compatibility : Promise-based startRendering() will now work in safari , safari does not suppots ths feature. |
1267598 | Math inconsistency on the definition of linear independency, and other doc inconsistencies in Web Audio. |
1311079 | AudioListener and PannerNode example section is out-of-date |
Browse as bug list.
Please help us to localize this documentation into different languages. Read more about how to translate.
Language | Pages | Translated | Translations up to date |
af | 166 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
bn-BD | 166 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
de | 166 | 6 (3%) | 5 (83%) |
es | 166 | 4 (2%) | 2 (50%) |
fa | 166 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
fr | 167 | 38 (22%) | 37 (97%) |
it | 166 | 1 (0%) | 1 (100%) |
ja | 166 | 53 (31%) | 30 (56%) |
ko | 166 | 8 (4%) | 1 (12%) |
pl | 166 | 2 (1%) | 1 (50%) |
pt-BR | 166 | 4 (2%) | 0 (0%) |
pt-PT | 166 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ro | 166 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ru | 166 | 7 (4%) | 3 (42%) |
zh-CN | 166 | 22 (13%) | 15 (68%) |
zh-TW | 166 | 3 (1%) | 0 (0%) |
Writing team
- chrisdavidmills
- Primary writer.
Other MDN contributors may of course participate as well!
Currently in progress
chrisdavidmills not currently working on anything, but will start DynamicsCompressorNode
Tagging standard
- Grouping tag is: "Web Audio API"
Other tasks to do
The currently-supported interfaces have all been documented! It would be great to have getting these tech reviewed though.
We also have the AudioWorkerNode/AudioWorkerGlobalScope/createAudioWorker stuff to do soon, when it is implemented. It was added to the spec as of 29/08/2014.
Tutorial to-do list
- Manipulating audio params
- Offline audio processing
- Using script processor nodes
Notes for translators
Any notes here? Where do we expect updates, so that localizers don't translate and update too often?
The interfaces defined in the following specifications are tracked by this status page:
Specification | Status | Comment |
Web Audio API | Working Draft |