Summary: - October 13-October 20, 2006
- Completed RC3 Testing - The key testing activities for RC3 has been completed. There are a few concerns with the software updates, and a decision is required on this before a "Go" for RC3 release can be given. Announced by Tim on Friday October 13, 2006.
- Help required designing new Home for Quality.Mozilla.Org - Talented Web Designers and/or Artists interested in helping the design for Quality.Mozilla.Org please read this posting. If your theme is chosen you will be placed on the hall of fame and will receive a gift from Mozilla. Posted by Jay Patel on October 18th, 2006.
- None for this week
- Upcoming Firefox Test Day - Testing will be emphasized on AJAX/Web 2.0, DHTML, and Plugin heavy sites! Meet in IRC chat room #testday on Friday October 20, 2006 7am-5pm Pacific Time. Posted by Jay Patel on October 18th, 2006.
- Mark D'Souza (mdsouza)
- Mohamed Attar (mojo)