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Web sites and applications often need to present graphics. Static images can easily be displayed using the <img> element, or by setting the background of HTML elements using the background-image property. You can also construct graphics on-the-fly, or manipulate images after the fact. These articles provide insight into how you can accomplish this.

2D Graphics

The <canvas> element provides APIs to draw 2D graphics using JavaScript.
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) lets you use lines, curves, and other geometric shapes to render graphics. With vectors, you can create images that scale cleanly to any size.

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3D Graphics

A guide to getting started with WebGL, the 3D graphics API for the Web. This technology lets you use standard OpenGL ES in Web content.


Using HTML5 audio and video
Embedding video and/or audio in a web page and controlling its playback.
The RTC in WebRTC stands for Real-Time Communications, technology that enables audio/video streaming and data sharing between browser clients (peers).

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 Last updated by: Tigt,