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# Page Tags and summary
XUL (XML User Interface Language) is Mozilla's XML-based language for building user interfaces of applications like Firefox.
2 A XUL Bestiary Add-ons, Extensions, NeedsTechnicalReview, XUL
This XULNote presents some of the key concepts and terms in the XUL development environment. The purpose of this article is not to describe these items in any great detail but to define what they are in simple terms. I selected items for this group because they seemed to be either shrouded in mystery, misused as concepts or terms, or underestimated according to their role in XUL and cross-platform development. In contrast to the Mozilla Jargon File, this article describes items of specific interest to the web or content developer looking to establish a context for understanding Mozilla's new technologies -- and in particular Mozilla's XML-based User Interface Language, XUL.
3 Accessibility/XUL Accessibility Reference Accessibility, XUL
This page has been flagged by editors or users as needing technical review. Until it is fully reviewed, it may contain inaccurate or incorrect information.
4 Attribute (XUL) XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
5 Flexgroup
"flexgroup" is used to group flexible elements together and should be set to an integer. Elements with a lower flexgroup are flexed first. When those elements have reached their maximum sizes, the elements with the next higher flexgroup are flexed. This process continues until there are no more elements remaining. The same process occurs when decreasing the size, except in the other direction.</font>
6 accelerated XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
7 acceltext XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
8 accessible XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
9 accesskey Reference, XUL, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference, accesskey
No summary!
10 activetitlebarcolor XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
11 afterselected XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
12 align Reference, Référence, XUL
Technical review completed.
13 allowevents XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
14 allownegativeassertions XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
15 alternatingbackground XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
16 alwaysopenpopup XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
17 attribute XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
18 autoFillAfterMatch XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
19 autocheck XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
20 autocompleteenabled XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
21 autocompletepopup XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
22 autocompletesearch XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
23 autocompletesearchparam XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
24 autofill XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
25 autoscroll XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
26 backdrag XUL, XUL Attribute
No summary!
27 beforeselected XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
28 bottom XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
29 browser.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
30 browserid XUL, XUL Reference
No summary!
31 button.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
32 buttonaccesskeyaccept XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
33 buttonaccesskeycancel XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
34 buttonaccesskeydisclosure XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
35 buttonaccesskeyextra1 XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
36 buttonaccesskeyextra2 XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
37 buttonaccesskeyhelp XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
38 buttonalign XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
39 buttondir XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
40 buttondisabledaccept XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
41 buttonlabelaccept XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
42 buttonlabelcancel XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
43 buttonlabeldisclosure XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
44 buttonlabelextra1 XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
45 buttonlabelextra2 XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
46 buttonlabelhelp XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
47 buttonorient XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
48 buttonpack XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
49 buttons XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
50 checkState XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
51 checkbox.src XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
52 checked XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
53 chromemargin XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
54 class XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
55 clicktoscroll
No summary!
56 close XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
57 closebutton XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
58 closemenu XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
59 coalesceduplicatearcs XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
60 collapse XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
61 collapsed XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
62 color XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
63 colorpicker.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
64 cols XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
65 command XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
66 commandupdater XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
67 completedefaultindex XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
68 completeselectedindex
No summary!
69 container XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
70 containment XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
71 contentcontextmenu XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
72 contenttooltip XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
73 context XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
74 contextmenu XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
75 control XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
76 crop XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
77 curpos XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
78 current XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
79 currentset NeedsHelp, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
80 customindex XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
81 customizable XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
82 cycler XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
83 datasources XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
84 datepicker.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
85 datepicker.value XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
86 decimalplaces XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
87 default XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
88 defaultButton XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
89 defaultset XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
90 description XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
91 dir XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
92 disableKeyNavigation XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
93 disableautocomplete XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
94 disableautoselect XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
95 disablechrome XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
96 disableclose XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
97 disabled XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
98 disablefastfind XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
99 disableglobalhistory
No summary!
100 disablehistory
No summary!
101 disablesecurity XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
102 dlgtype XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
103 dragging XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
104 drawintitlebar
No summary!
105 droppedLinkHandler XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
106 editable XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
107 editor.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
108 editortype XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
109 element XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
110 empty XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
111 emptytext XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
112 enableColumnDrag XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
113 enablehistory XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
114 equalsize XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
115 eventnode XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
116 events XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
117 expr XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
118 fadein XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
119 findnextaccesskey XUL, XUL Attributes
No summary!
120 findpreviousaccesskey
No summary!
121 first-tab XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
122 firstdayofweek XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
123 firstpage XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
124 fixed XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
125 flags XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
126 flex XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
127 focused XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
128 forcecomplete XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
129 fullscreenbutton XUL, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
130 grippyhidden XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
131 grippytooltiptext XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
132 group XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
133 handleCtrlPageUpDown XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
134 handleCtrlTab XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
135 height XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
136 helpURI XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
137 hidden XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
138 hidechrome XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
139 hidecolumnpicker XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
140 hideheader XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
141 hideseconds XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
142 hidespinbuttons XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
143 highlightaccesskey
No summary!
144 highlightnonmatches XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
145 homepage XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
146 href XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
147 icon XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
148 iconsize Toolbar, XUL, XUL Attribute
No summary!
149 id XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
150 iframe.transparent
No summary!
151 ignoreblurwhilesearching XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
152 ignorecase XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
153 ignoreincolumnpicker XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
154 ignorekeys XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
155 image XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
156 image.onload
No summary!
157 inactivetitlebarcolor XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
158 increment XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
159 index XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
160 inputtooltiptext XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
161 insertafter XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
162 insertbefore XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
163 instantApply XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
164 inverted XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
165 iscontainer XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
166 isempty XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
167 key XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
168 keycode XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
169 keytext XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
170 label XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
171 label.value XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
172 last-tab XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
173 lastSelected XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
174 lastpage XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
175 left XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
176 lightweightthemes Lightweight themes, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
177 lightweightthemesfooter
No summary!
178 linkedpanel XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
179 listcell.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
180 listitem.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
181 matchcaseaccesskey
No summary!
182 max XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
183 maxheight XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
184 maxlength XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
185 maxpos XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
186 maxrows XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
187 maxwidth XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
188 member XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
189 menu XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
190 menuactive XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
191 menuitem.key XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
192 XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
193 menuitem.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
More information on adding checkmarks to menus in the XUL tutorial
194 min XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
195 minheight XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
196 minresultsforpopup XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
197 minwidth XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
198 mode
No summary!
199 modifiers XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
200 mousethrough XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
201 movetoclick
No summary!
202 multiline XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
203 multiple XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
204 name XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
205 negate XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
206 newlines XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
207 next XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
208 noautofocus XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
209 noautohide XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
210 noinitialfocus XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
211 nomatch XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
212 norestorefocus
No summary!
213 notification.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
214 object XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
215 observes XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
216 onbeforeaccept XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
217 onbookmarkgroup XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
218 onchange NeedsHelp, Reference, Référence, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
An onchange attribute is an event listener to the object for the Event change. A change event is fired in different ways for different XUL Input Elements as listed below:
219 onclick XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
220 onclosetab XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
221 oncommand XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
222 oncommandupdate XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
223 ondialogaccept XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
224 ondialogcancel XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
225 ondialogdisclosure XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
226 ondialogextra1 XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
227 ondialogextra2 XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
228 ondialoghelp XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
229 onerror XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
230 onerrorcommand XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
231 onextra1 XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
232 onextra2 XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
233 oninput XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
234 onload XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
235 onnewtab XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
236 onpageadvanced XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
237 onpagehide XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
238 onpagerewound XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
239 onpageshow XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
240 onpaneload XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
241 onpopuphidden XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
242 onpopuphiding XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
243 onpopupshowing XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
244 onpopupshown XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
245 onsearchbegin XUL, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
246 onsearchcomplete XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
247 onselect
No summary!
248 ontextcommand XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
249 ontextentered XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
250 ontextrevert XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
251 ontextreverted XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
252 onunload XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
253 onwizardback XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
254 onwizardcancel XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
255 onwizardfinish XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
256 onwizardnext XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
257 open NeedsHelp, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference, needsattention
No summary!
258 ordinal XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
259 orient XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
260 pack XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
261 page
No summary!
262 pageid XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
263 pageincrement XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
264 pagestep XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
265 panel.consumeoutsideclicks
No summary!
266 panel.fade XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
267 panel.flip Reference, Référence, XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
268 panel.ignorekeys XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
269 panel.label XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
270 panel.level XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
271 panel.noautohide XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
272 panel.type Reference, Référence, XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
273 parent XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
274 parsetype XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
275 pending Reference, Référence, XUL, XUL Attributes
No summary!
276 persist XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
277 persistence XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
278 phase XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
279 pickertooltiptext XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
280 pinned XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
281 placeholder XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
282 popup XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
283 popup.left XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
284 popup.position XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
285 XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
286 popupalign
No summary!
287 popupanchor
No summary!
288 position XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
289 predicate XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
290 preference XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
291 preference-editable XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
292 XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
293 preference.type NeedsHelp, Reference, Référence, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
294 prefpane.selected XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
295 prefpane.src XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
296 prefwindow.onload
No summary!
297 prefwindow.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
298 primary XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
299 priority XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
300 progressmeter.max
No summary!
301 progressmeter.mode XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
302 progressmeter.value XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
303 properties XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
304 XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
305 query.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
306 querytype XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
307 readonly XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
308 ref XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
309 rel XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
310 remote Reference, Référence, XUL Reference
No summary!
311 removeelement XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
312 reserved DOM, Deprecated, Events, events
No summary!
313 resizeafter XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
314 resizebefore XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
315 resizer.dir XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
316 resizer.element XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
317 resizer.type XUL, XUL Attribute
No summary!
318 right
No summary!
319 rows NeedsHelp, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
320 screenX XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
321 screenY XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
322 script.src XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
323 script.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
324 searchSessions XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
325 searchbutton XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
326 searchlabel XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
327 selected XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
328 selectedIndex NeedsHelp, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
329 seltype XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
330 separator.orient XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
331 setfocus XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
332 showcaret XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
333 showcommentcolumn XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
334 showimagecolumn XUL, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference, popup
No summary!
335 showpopup XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
336 size XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
337 sizemode XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
This attribute is used to save and restore the state of a window (together with the persist attribute) and for CSS styles (e.g. to hide the resizer grippy on maximized windows).
338 sizetopopup XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
339 smoothscroll XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
340 sort XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
341 sortActive XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
342 sortDirection XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
343 sortResource XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
344 sortResource2 XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
345 spellcheck XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
346 src XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
347 state XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
348 statedatasource XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
349 statusbar XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
350 statustext Deprecated, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
351 stringbundle.src XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
352 style XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
353 subject XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
354 substate XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
355 suppressonselect XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
356 tab.selected XUL, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
357 tabindex XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
358 tabmodalPromptShowing XUL, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
359 tabs.onselect XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
360 tabscrolling XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
361 targets XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
362 template XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
363 template.container XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
364 textbox.autoFill
No summary!
365 textbox.crop XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
366 textbox.disableAutocomplete
No summary!
367 textbox.disablehistory XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
368 textbox.empty XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
369 textbox.forceComplete
No summary!
370 textbox.ignoreBlurWhileSearching
No summary!
371 textbox.label XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
372 textbox.min XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
373 textbox.minResultsForPopup
No summary!
374 textbox.onblur XUL, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
375 textbox.onchange XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
376 textbox.onfocus XUL, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
377 textbox.showCommentColumn
No summary!
378 textbox.tabScrolling
No summary!
379 textbox.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
380 textbox.value XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
381 textnode.value XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
382 timeout XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
383 timepicker.increment XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
384 timepicker.value XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
385 title XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
386 titlebar
No summary!
387 toolbar.mode XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
388 toolbarbutton.title
No summary!
389 toolbarbutton.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
390 toolbarname XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
391 tooltip XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
392 tooltiptext XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
393 tooltiptextnew XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
394 top XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
395 tree.editable XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
396 tree.onselect XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
397 treecell.editable XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
398 treecell.mode XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
399 treecell.src XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
400 treecol.editable XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
401 treecol.src XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
402 treecol.type XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
403 treecol.width XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
404 treeitem.label XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
405 treelines
No summary!
406 type
No summary!
407 unread XUL, XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
408 uri XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
409 userAction XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
410 validate XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
411 value XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
412 var XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
413 visuallyselected
No summary!
414 wait-cursor XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
415 where.subject XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
416 where.value XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
417 width XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
418 windowtype XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
419 wrap XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
420 wraparound XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
421 Building accessible custom components in XUL Accessibility, DHTML, XUL
DHTML Accessibility is a new technology which enables developers to construct accessible controls within (X)HTML pages. Developers have been doing this for some time, but the resulting controls were never as accessible as similar controls in desktop applications. Assistive technologies could only see the generic HTML markup used to build the control; they had no way of knowing that a particular collection of div and span elements should be treated as a single cohesive control (such as a tab bar or a treeview).
422 Deprecated and defunct markup Reference, Référence, XUL
{many elements on this page are wrongly marked as deprecated, this page needs review}
423 Dynamically modifying XUL-based user interface Add-ons, DOM, Extensions, XUL, add-ons
This article discusses manipulating XUL interfaces, using DOM and other APIs. It explains the concept of DOM documents, demonstrates a few simple examples of using DOM calls to perform basic manipulations on a document, and then demonstrates working with anonymous XBL content using Mozilla-specific methods.
424 How to Quit a XUL Application XUL, XULRunner
Script can attempt to quit a XUL application, or force the application to quit, using the nsIAppStartup interface.
425 How to implement a custom XUL query processor component
XUL supports templating to create a block of content from a datasource query. The XUL Template Guide has lots of detailed information on using XUL templates. XUL provides template query processors for RDF, XML and SQL (mozStorage). The templating system also supports building custom query processors. Custom query processors are XPCOM components, must implement the nsIXULTemplateQueryProcessor interface and follow some conventions for when registering the component.
426 Index
Found 1197 pages:
427 International characters in XUL JavaScript Guide, Internationalization, JavaScript
Gecko 1.8, as used in Firefox 1.5 and other applications, added support for non-ASCII characters in JavaScript files loaded from XUL files.
428 Introduction to XUL Guide, XUL
Mozilla has configurable, downloadable chrome, meaning that the arrangement and even presence or absence of controls in the main window is not hardwired into the application, but loaded from a separate UI description. In fact, most of Mozilla's windows (and dialogs) will be described using this mechanism. XUL (pronounced "zool," as if that spelling helped any, and short for "XML User Interface Language") is our name for the language in which these UI descriptions are built.
429 List of commands XUL
The following lists commands which might be usable by <command> or command dispatchers/controllers.
430 Menus Add-ons, Extensions, NeedsContent, Reference, Référence, XUL
An extension will often wish to attach a new command to a menu. To do this, the new menu will need to be overlaid over the existing menu that the item should be displayed upon. For more information about how to use an overlay to modify a menu, see Using Menus and Popups in Extensions
431 Methods XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
432 acceptDialog XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
433 addItemToSelection XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
434 addPane XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
435 addProgressListener XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
436 addSession XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
437 addTab Reference, Référence, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
438 addTabsProgressListener
No summary!
439 advance XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
440 advanceSelectedTab XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
441 appendCustomToolbar XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
442 appendGroup XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
443 appendItem XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
444 appendNotification XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
445 blur XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
446 cancel XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
447 cancelDialog XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
448 centerWindowOnScreen XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
449 checkAdjacentElement XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
450 clearResults NeedsContent, NeedsHelp, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
451 clearSelection XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
452 click XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
453 close XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
454 collapseToolbar XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
455 contains XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
456 decrease XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
457 decreasePage XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
458 doCommand XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
459 ensureElementIsVisible XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
460 ensureIndexIsVisible XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
461 ensureSelectedElementIsVisible XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
462 expandToolbar XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
463 extra1 XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
464 extra2 XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
465 focus XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
466 getBrowserAtIndex XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
467 getBrowserForDocument Method, Mozilla, Reference, Référence, XUL, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
468 getBrowserForTab XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
469 getBrowserIndexForDocument XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
470 getButton XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
471 getDefaultSession XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
472 getEditor XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
473 getElementsByAttribute XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
474 getElementsByAttributeNS XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
475 getFormattedString XUL Methods, XUL Reference
If you need to handle substitutions involving plurals, take a look at Localization and Plurals.
476 getHTMLEditor XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
477 getIcon XUL, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
478 getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
479 getIndexOfItem XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
480 getItemAtIndex XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
481 getNextItem XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
482 getNotificationBox XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
483 getNotificationWithValue XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
484 getNumberOfVisibleRows XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
485 getPageById XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
486 getPreviousItem XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
487 getResultAt XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
488 getResultCount NeedsHelp, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
489 getResultValueAt XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
490 getRowCount XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
491 getSearchAt XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
492 getSelectedItem XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
493 getSession XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
494 getSessionByName XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
495 getSessionResultAt XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
496 getSessionStatusAt XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
497 getSessionValueAt XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
498 getString XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
499 getTabForBrowser Method, Mozilla, Reference, Référence, XUL, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
Editorial review completed.
500 getTabModalPromptBox XUL, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
501 goBack XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
502 goBackGroup XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
503 goDown XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
504 goForward XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
505 goForwardGroup XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
506 goHome XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
507 goTo XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
508 goUp XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
509 gotoIndex XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
510 hasUserValue XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
511 hidePopup XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
512 increase XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
513 increasePage XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
514 insertItem XUL Methods, XUL Reference
The id should match an element in the toolbar's toolbarpalette. Some special ids may also be used to create special spacing items:
515 insertItemAt XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
516 invertSelection XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
517 loadGroup XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
518 loadOneTab XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
519 loadTabs XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
520 loadURI XUL Methods, XUL Reference
NOTE: This is the XUL method on <browser> / <tabbrowser>, not the global function in chrome://browser/content/browser.js. Please check which one you're documenting! (This one has no post data parameter, see loadURIWithFlags for a version that does)
521 loadURIWithFlags XUL Methods, XUL Reference
(See nsIWebNavigation.loadURI() for details on the referrer and postData parameters.)
522 makeEditable XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
523 menulist.appendItem XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
524 XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
525 moveByOffset XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
526 moveTabTo XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
527 moveTo XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
528 moveToAlertPosition XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
529 onFindAgainCommand
No summary!
530 onSearchComplete NeedsHelp, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
531 onTextEntered NeedsHelp, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
532 onTextReverted NeedsHelp, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
533 open
No summary!
534 openPopup XUL Methods, XUL Reference
Opens the popup relative to a specified node at a specific location.
535 openPopupAtScreen XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
536 openSubDialog XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
537 openWindow XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
538 pinTab XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
539 preferenceForElement XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
540 reload XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
541 reloadAllTabs XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
542 reloadTab XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
543 reloadWithFlags XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
544 removeAllItems XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
545 removeAllNotifications XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
546 removeAllTabsBut XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
547 removeCurrentNotification XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
548 removeCurrentTab XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
549 removeItemAt XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
550 removeItemFromSelection XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
551 removeNotification XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
552 removeProgressListener XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
553 removeSession NeedsHelp, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
554 removeTab XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
555 removeTabsProgressListener XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
556 removeTransientNotifications XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
557 replaceGroup XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
558 reset XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
559 rewind XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
560 scrollByIndex XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
561 scrollByPixels XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
562 scrollToIndex XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
563 select XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
564 selectAll XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
565 selectItem XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
566 selectItemRange XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
567 selectTabAtIndex Method, Reference, Référence, XUL, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
568 setConsumeRollupEvent
Controls whether or not the event that caused the popup to be automatically dismissed (or "rolled up") should be consumed or be dispatched as a normal event. If a non-default behavior is desired, this method should be called immediately prior to calling openPopup or openPopupAtScreen.
569 setIcon XUL, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
570 setSelectionRange XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
571 showOnlyTheseTabs Method, Reference, Référence, XUL
No summary!
572 showPane XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
573 showPopup NeedsHelp, NeedsRewrite, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
574 sizeTo XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
575 startEditing XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
576 startFind
No summary!
577 stop XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
578 stopEditing XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
579 swapDocShells XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
580 syncSessions NeedsHelp, XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
581 timedSelect XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
582 toggleHighlight
No summary!
583 toggleItemSelection XUL Methods, XUL Reference
No summary!
584 unpinTab XUL, XUL Attribute, XUL Reference
No summary!
585 Node
This is a scriptable interface corresponding to the nsIDOMNode XPCOM interface.
586 Other Resources XUL
No summary!
587 Popup Guide XUL, XUL Popup Guide
No summary!
588 ContextMenus XUL, XUL Popup Guide
No summary!
589 Extensions XUL, XUL Popup Guide
The main menu bar in Firefox has the id 'main-menubar'. To add a new menu onto the main application menubar, you will need to overlay this menubar. For instance:
590 Floating Panels
A floating panel is used for secondary popups such as tool palettes and property inspector panels. It will have a titlebar which the user may use to move the panel around on the screen. A floating panel can be created using the panel element with at least two additional attributes as in the following example:
591 MenuButtons XUL, XUL Popup Guide
No summary!
592 MenuItems XUL, XUL Popup Guide
No summary!
593 MenuModification XUL, XUL Popup Guide
No summary!
594 Menus XUL, XUL Popup Guide
No summary!
595 MoveResize XUL, XUL Popup Guide
No summary!
596 OpenClose XUL, XUL Popup Guide
Popups and menus may be opened and closed by a script.
597 Panels XUL, XUL Popup Guide
A panel is a popup which can support any type of content. It is used when supporting temporary popup displays for selecting or entering data.
598 PopupEvents XUL, XUL Popup Guide
There are several events related to popups and menus.
599 PopupKeys XUL, XUL Popup Guide
When using a menupopup element, a keyboard listener is attached to the window that will handle keypresses for the menu. This allows items within the menu to be navigated with the cursor keys. The following table lists the keys that are checked, and what the menu keyboard listener does in response:
600 Positioning XUL, XUL Popup Guide
No summary!
601 Special per-platform menu considerations Beginner, Guide, XUL, XUL Popup Guide
For many menu commands, convention dictates where these items will be placed. For instance, the Edit menu always starts with the Undo command if such a feature is available in the application, followed by Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, and so forth.
602 Tooltips XUL, XUL Popup Guide
No summary!
603 Printing from a XUL App Guide, NeedsContent, XUL
This document will talk about PrintUtils, and the ways that XUL applications can trigger print-related behaviors.
604 Property XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
605 accessKey XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
606 accessible XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
607 accessibleType XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
608 align XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
609 allNotifications XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
610 allowEvents XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
611 alwaysOpenPopup XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
612 amIndicator XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
613 anchorNode XUL, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
614 appLocale XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
615 autoCheck XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
616 autoFill XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
617 autoFillAfterMatch XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
618 boxObject XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
619 browser
No summary!
620 browser.preferences XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
621 browsers XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
622 builder XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
623 builderView XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
624 buttons XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
625 canAdvance XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
626 canGoBack XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
627 canGoForward XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
628 canRewind XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
629 checkState XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
630 checked XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
631 child XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
632 children XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
633 className XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
634 clickSelectsAll XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
635 collapsed XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
636 color NeedsContent, NeedsHelp, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
637 XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
638 columns XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
639 command XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
640 commandManager XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
641 completeDefaultIndex XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
642 container XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
643 contentDocument XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
644 contentPrincipal XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
645 contentTitle XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
646 contentView XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
647 contentViewerEdit XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
648 contentViewerFile XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
649 contentWindow XUL Reference
No summary!
650 contextMenu XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
651 control XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
652 controller XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
653 controllers XUL Properties, XUL Reference, commands, controllers
No summary!
654 crop XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
655 current XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
656 currentIndex XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
657 currentItem XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
658 currentNotification XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
659 currentPage XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
660 currentPane XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
661 currentSet NeedsHelp, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
662 currentURI XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
663 customToolbarCount NeedsHelp, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
664 database XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
665 datasources XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
666 date XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
667 dateLeadingZero XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
668 dateValue XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
669 XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
670 datepicker.value XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
671 decimalPlaces XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
672 decimalSymbol XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
673 deck.selectedPanel XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
674 defaultButton XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
675 defaultValue XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
676 description XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
677 dir XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
678 disableAutocomplete XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
679 disableKeyNavigation NeedsHelp, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
680 disableautoselect XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
681 disabled XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
682 dlgType XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
683 docShell XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
684 documentCharsetInfo XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
685 editable XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
686 editingColumn XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
687 editingRow XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
688 editingSession XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
689 editor XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
690 editortype XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
691 emptyText XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
692 enableColumnDrag XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
693 eventNode XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
694 externalToolbars Toolbars, XUL, XUL Reference
No summary!
695 findMode
No summary!
696 firstOrdinalColumn XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
697 firstPermanentChild XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
698 flex XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
699 flexGroup
No summary!
700 focused XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
701 focusedItem XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
702 forceComplete XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
703 group XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
704 handleCtrlPageUpDown XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
705 handleCtrlTab XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
706 hasUserValue
No summary!
707 height XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
708 hidden XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
709 hideSeconds XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
710 highlightNonMatches XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
711 homePage XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
712 hour XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
713 hourLeadingZero XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
714 id XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
715 ignoreBlurWhileSearching XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
716 image XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
717 increment XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
718 inputField XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
719 instantApply
No summary!
720 inverted XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
721 is24HourClock XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
722 isPM XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
723 isSearching XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
724 isWaiting XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
725 itemCount XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
726 label XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
727 labelElement XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
728 lastPermanentChild XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
729 lastSelected NeedsHelp, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
730 left XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
731 linkedPanel XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
732 listBoxObject XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
733 listbox.currentIndex XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
734 locked XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
735 markupDocumentViewer XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
736 max XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
737 maxHeight XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
738 maxLength XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
739 maxRows XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
740 maxWidth XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
741 menu XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
742 XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
743 menuBoxObject XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
744 menuitem.control XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
745 menulist.image XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
746 menulist.inputField XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
747 menupopup XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
748 messageManager XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
749 min XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
750 minHeight XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
751 minResultsForPopup XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
752 minWidth XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
753 minute XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
754 minuteLeadingZero XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
755 mode XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
756 month XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
757 monthLeadingZero XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
758 name Reference, Référence, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
Technical review completed.
759 next XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
760 noMatch XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
761 notificationsHidden XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
762 object XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
763 observes XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
764 onFirstPage XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
765 onLastPage XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
766 open XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
767 ordinal XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
768 orient XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
769 pack XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
770 pageCount XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
771 pageIncrement XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
772 pageIndex XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
773 pageStep XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
774 pageid XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
775 palette XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
776 parentContainer XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
777 persist XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
778 persistence XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
779 placeholder XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
780 pmIndicator XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
781 popup XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
782 popupBoxObject XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
783 popupOpen XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
784 position XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
785 predicate XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
786 preference.preferences XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
787 preferenceElements XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
788 preferencePanes XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
789 preferences XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
790 prefpane.preferences XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
791 priority XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
792 radio.control XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
793 radioGroup XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
794 readOnly XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
795 ref XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
796 resource XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
797 resultsPopup XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
798 richlistitem.label XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
799 scrollBoxObject XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
800 scrollIncrement XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
801 searchButton XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
802 searchCount XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
803 searchLabel XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
804 searchParam XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
805 searchSessions NeedsHelp, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
806 second XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
807 secondLeadingZero XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
808 securityUI XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
809 selType NeedsHelp, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
810 selected XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
811 selectedBrowser XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
812 selectedCount XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
813 selectedIndex XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
814 selectedItem XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
815 selectedItems XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
816 selectedPanel XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
817 selectedTab XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
818 selectionEnd XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
819 selectionStart XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
820 selstyle XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
821 sessionCount XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
822 sessionHistory XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
823 showCommentColumn XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
824 showImageColumn XUL, XUL Properties, XUL Reference, popup
No summary!
825 showPopup XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
826 size XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
827 smoothScroll XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
828 spinButtons XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
829 src XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
830 state XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
831 statusText XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
832 statusbar XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
833 stringBundle XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
834 strings XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
835 style XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
836 subject XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
837 suppressOnSelect XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
838 tab.control XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
839 tabContainer XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
840 tabIndex XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
841 tabScrolling XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
842 tabbox XUL, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
843 tabbox.tabs XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
844 tabbrowser.tabs XUL, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
845 tabpanels XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
846 tabs XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
847 tag XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
848 textLength XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
849 textValue XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
850 textbox.label XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
851 textbox.type XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
852 textbox.value XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
853 timeout XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
854 timepicker.value XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
855 title XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
856 toolbarName NeedsHelp, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
857 toolbarset XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
858 toolboxid Toolbars, XUL, XUL Reference
No summary!
859 tooltip XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
860 tooltipText XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
861 top XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
862 tree.inputField XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
863 treeBoxObject XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
864 triggerNode XUL, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
865 type XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
866 uri XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
867 userAction XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
868 value XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
869 valueNumber XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
870 view XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
871 visibleTabs Gecko 2.0, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
872 webBrowserFind XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
873 webNavigation NeedsHelp, XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
874 webProgress XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
875 width XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
876 wizardPages XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
877 wrapAround XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
878 year XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
879 yearLeadingZero XUL Properties, XUL Reference
No summary!
880 Providing Command-Line Options Add-ons, Command Line, Extensions, Guide, XULRunner, add-ons
Extensions and XUL applications can modify the way command line parameters are handled by writing a component that implements the nsICommandLineHandler interface and registering it in a category.
881 Notes
No summary!
882 Style classes XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
883 alert-icon XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
884 chromeclass-toolbar XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
885 error-icon XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
886 groove XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
887 groove-thin XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
888 header XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
889 indent XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
890 listcell-iconic XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
891 listitem-iconic XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
892 menu-iconic XUL, XUL Reference
No summary!
893 menuitem-iconic XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
894 menuitem-non-iconic XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
895 message-icon XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
896 monospace XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
897 plain XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
898 question-icon XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
899 small-margin XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
900 statusbarpanel-iconic XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
901 statusbarpanel-iconic-text XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
902 statusbarpanel-menu-iconic XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
903 text-link XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
904 thin XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
905 tree-splitter XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
906 treecol-image XUL Reference, XUL_Style_classes
No summary!
907 Template Guide XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
Basics of XUL Templates
908 Actions XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
The content to generate in a template is specified using the action element which should either be the next sibling of the query element (if no rules need be specified) or be a direct child of a rule element. The content to generate goes directly inside the action element. This content will be copied for each matching result (though see below for an exception) and inserted into the document. Let's look at a simple example first.
909 Additional Navigation XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
The triples used so far have all had variables in both the subject and object. However, a string value may be used instead. Since the subject of an RDF arc is always a resource, the subject may be a resource URI. The object attribute may be a resource URI or a literal value. Using a literal as the object of a triple is a common way to filter out specific items. For instance, if items were identified with a type, the data could be filtered to include only items of a particular type.
910 Additional Template Attributes XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
All the templates used so far have had the template placed inside the root element with the datasources attribute. However, you may use the template attribute to refer to a template located elsewhere within the document. This allows you to share the same template among two different parts of the user interface. To use this technique, place a template attribute on the root element set to the id of a template.
911 Attribute Substitution XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
The effect will be that the ?name part of the attribute will be replaced by the value of the variable ?name. For instance, if the value of ?name is 'Jake', then the attribute value will be 'My name is Jake'. You can include multiple variables in one attribute if desired:
912 Bindings XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
We can add more triples to the previous example to show more information. For example, a description could be added to a photo. To do this all we need to do is add the necessary data to the RDF datasource and add another <triple> element to the template's statements.</triple>
913 Building Hierarchical Trees XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
No summary!
914 Building Menus With Templates XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
Menus may be generated using a template in the same manner as other elements. However, unlike with other elements, the content of a menu is only generated once the menu has been opened. This means that a menu created with a template will not have any of the generated items until the user opens the menu, or a script opens the menu. This applies to menus on menubars, submenus, as well as menu-type buttons such as those with a type attribute set to menu. This allows for better performance as the entire content of a complex menu does not need to be created until the user needs to use the menu.
915 Building Trees XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
The most common element to use with a template is the tree.
916 Containment Properties
Let's look back at the very first example again. It doesn't have any containers, but we may want to iterate over the relatedItem predicate using the simple query syntax. We can add the containment attribute to do this.
917 Filtering XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
No summary!
918 Introduction XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
Each template retrieves its data from a datasource. Several types of datasources are supported by default, RDF, XML and SQLite databases, however, processors may be written to support other types of datasources. In XUL, the datasource is specified by placing the datasources attribute on an element. Typically, the value will be a URI that identifies the location of the data. For example, for an XML datasource, the URL of an XML file is specified. When the XUL parser sees an element with this attribute, it constructs a template builder for the element and attaches it to the element. It is expected that there will be a template inside the element. The template builder loads the datasource, performs a query on the datasource and generates content based on the results in combination with the template. The type of datasource is specified with the querytype attribute. The type affects how the datasource is used as well as the syntax for specifying queries.
919 Multiple Queries XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
No summary!
920 Multiple Rule Example XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
No summary!
921 Multiple Rules XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
No summary!
922 Namespaces
XML Namespaces can be used in XUL Templates by binding the namespace URI and prefix to the template element.  For example using the following XML document containing a list of people:
923 RDF Modifications XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
No summary!
924 RDF Query Syntax XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
Let's look at a simple query with two statements. Each statement is placed as a direct child of the <query> element within the template.</query>
925 Recursive Generation XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
After generating content, the template builder always repeats the generation for inner levels as far as it can go. Thus, the builder can be said to generate content from the graph recursively. After generating a result's content, the builder starts again using a new parent and starting point. Naturally, the parent will be the new result's content, rather than the outer containing element, and the starting point will be the endpoint of the previous iteration. For the top level generation the parent insertion point is the element with the datasources attribute, in this example a <vbox>. For nested results, the insertion point is the generated element. Here is the content that was generated after one iteration:</vbox>
926 Result Generation XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
In this section, we'll look at generating template output using RDF datasources. First, however, some background.
927 Rule Compilation XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
A XUL template is made up of a query and a series of rules. A query contains instructions for how to retrieve a set of data from the datasource. The exact syntax is dependent on the type of datasource used in the template. For instance, for an SQLite datasource, an SQL statement is used as the query. This will return a table of result records which are then used to generate output. For RDF and XML, the query contains a set of instructions for navigating through the RDF graph or XML document tree. A query is declared with the query tag (new to FF3; FF2 only worked with RDF datasources and had no query tag), which you would place directly inside the <template>. The job of the query is to generate a set of output results.
928 SQLite Templates XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
No summary!
929 Simple Example XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
No summary!
930 Simple Query Syntax XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
No summary!
931 Sorting Results XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
When results are generated from a query, content is generated in the same order as the results. For an XML datasource, generated content will be output in the order corresponding to the results of the XPath query expression. For an Sqlite datasource, the generated content corresponds to the order of results of the SQL query. For an RDF datasource, again, the results are in the order the query generates them, although except in the case of an RDF Seq, this order is arbitrary as RDF triples don't occur in any particular order. When the reference node is an RDF Seq container and the results are in that container, however, the template builder orders the results in the order the items appear in the Seq. For instance, the photos are listed in the same order in this example as they appear in the Seq in the datasource.
932 Special Condition Tests XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
There are several additional types of conditional tests that may be performed.
933 Static Content XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
No summary!
934 Template Builder Interface XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
When inserting an element into a XUL document, the element is checked to see if it has a datasources attribute. If so, a template builder will be created for the element and attached to the element. If the element is a <tree> element and has the flags attribute set to "dont-build-content", a tree builder will be created. Otherwise, a content builder will be created. Both types of builder share much of the same code except for how they generate output to be displayed. Both types of builders implement the nsIXULTemplateBuilder interface, while the tree builder also implements the nsIXULTreeBuilder interface.</tree>
935 Template Logging
Debugging problems with a template can be difficult as many problems are logic errors that are often not possible to determine automatically. For example, if you spell a value wrong, no data may be returned, but the template system won't know that that this was because of a spelling error, or simply that there shouldn't be any data anyway. Fortunately, some debugging and logging support is provided with templates that may help.
936 Template and Tree Listeners XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
There are several listeners (or observers) used during the template build process, each used for different purposes. These each implement a different XPCOM interface, as listed below:
937 Using Multiple Queries to Generate More Results XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
No summary!
938 Using Recursive Templates XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
You may recall that templates generate content recursively. After the data is generated, each result is used as the new reference point for a nested iteration of the template. This is usually used to generate content in a tree or menu. Both the RDF and XML datasource types support recursion. For example, using this XML datasource:
939 XML Assignments XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
No summary!
940 XML Templates XUL, XUL_Template_Guide
Mozilla also supports the use of XML datasources. An XML document will be loaded and XPath expressions may be used to take portions of the XML document and generate content from these. When an XML source is desired, specify a querytype attribute on the root node of the template to the value xml. This indicates to the template builder that an XML source is being used as that the queries use syntax that is specific to XML.
941 Textbox (XPFE autocomplete) XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element is created by setting the type attribute of a textbox to autocomplete. It is used to create a textbox with a popup containing a list of possible completions for what the user has started to type.
942 The Joy of XUL Guide, XUL
Technical review completed.
943 Things I've tried to do with XUL XUL
This is a grab-bag type of FAQ, with a list of things that should work (hopefully with bug numbers), things that don't work (hopefully with explanations), and workarounds for both of the above. Feel free to add your own XUL experiences here.
944 Toolbars
Toolbars, implemented using the XUL toolbar element, are containers for toolbar buttons and other user interface objects. The following articles provide details about implementing and working with toolbars.
945 Creating toolbar buttons (Customize Toolbar Window) Add-ons, Extensions, Firefox 3, Toolbars, XUL, add-ons
This article explains how to add a toolbar button to a Toolkit application (such as Firefox, Thunderbird, or Kompozer) using overlays. Its intended audience is extension developers with a basic knowledge of XUL and CSS.
946 Custom toolbar button Add-ons, Extensions, SeaMonkey, Toolbars, XUL, add-ons, thunderbird
This page tells you step-by-step how to make a custom toolbar button in Firefox, SeaMonkey 2.0, Thunderbird or Sunbird. (For SeaMonkey 1.x, see the page Custom Toolbar Button:SeaMonkey.)
947 Code Samples Add-ons, Extensions
This page contains sample code that you can use with the Custom Toolbar Button tutorial.
948 Complete
Editorial review completed.
949 SeaMonkey - making custom toolbar (SM ver. 1.x) Add-ons, Extensions, SeaMonkey
This page tells you step-by-step how to make a custom toolbar button in SeaMonkey 1.x. (For SeaMonkey 2, Firefox, Thunderbird and Sunbird, see the page: Custom Toolbar Button)
950 Toolbar customization events Toolbars, XUL
When toolbars are customized, events are sent to their parent window. You can use window.addEventListener() to listen for these events in order to keep abreast of changes to toolbars.
951 Urlbar-icons XUL Reference, XUL_Element
The location of UI elements like the bookmarks, feed and go buttons. Create new image or button child elements to add your own items.
952 Using Remote XUL XUL
XUL (pronounced like "zool"), which is short for XML-based User Interface Language, is an XML-based language for describing application interfaces. It contains elements for all common UI widgets (menus, buttons, toolbars, etc.) and many sophisticated ones (trees, browsers, color pickers).
953 Using Visual Studio as your XUL IDE
Compared to a simple text-editor, Visual Studio gives you some special features when writing XUL:
954 Using multiple DTDs Internationalization, Localization, XUL
No summary!
955 Using nsIXULAppInfo Add-ons, Extensions, add-ons
No summary!
956 Using spell checking in XUL Add-ons, Extensions, add-ons
Technical review completed.
957 Using the Editor from XUL XUL
Technical review completed.
958 Using the standard theme Add-ons, Extensions, Themes, add-ons
No summary!
959 Widget Cheatsheet
See the Periodic Table of XUL for more examples.
960 Window icons Add-ons, Extensions, Toolkit API, XPInstall, XUL, add-ons
No summary!
961 Writing Skinnable XUL and CSS CSS, XUL
No summary!
No summary!
963 XUL Accesskey FAQ and Policies XUL
An accesskey is an underlined letter in a web page, menu or dialog that indicates to a user a quick, keyboard method of simulating a click on that element. For example, an Apply button may have the letter A underlined. On Windows and UNIX, pressing ALT+A is a convenient way to push that button. On Macintosh, accesskeys are available only in HTML not in XUL, and they are activated using CTRL+letter instead of ALT.
964 XUL Changes for Firefox 1.5 XUL
No summary!
965 XUL Coding Style Guidelines XUL
No summary!
966 XUL Event Propagation DOM, XUL
No summary!
967 XUL Events XUL_Events
The following tables describe the event handler that are valid for most XUL elements. The events listeners can be attached using addEventListener and removed using removeEventListener.
968 close
The close event is executed when a request has been made to close the window when the user presses the close button.
No summary!
970 XUL Overlays Add-ons, Extensions, Guide, Mozilla, NeedsUpdate, Overlays, XUL, add-ons
Technical review completed.
971 XUL Parser in Python/source
Source code for the XUL Parser in Python.
972 XUL Questions and Answers
Return to mozilla-dev-tech-xul summaries
973 XUL Reference XUL, XUL Reference
No summary!
974 XUL element attributes XUL Attributes, XUL Reference
No summary!
975 XULBrowserWindow NeedsContent, XUL
The XULBrowserWindow object provides methods and properties that let the browser update the user interface of the enclosing XUL window. In order to do so it implements the following interfaces:
976 XUL Template Primer - Bindings Outdated_articles, XUL
This document expands on the [template-primer.html XUL Template Primer] by introducing the <bindings> element in the extended XUL template syntax.
977 XUL Tutorial Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This tutorial describes XUL, the XML User-interface Language. This language was created for the Mozilla application and is used to describe its user interface.
978 Accesskey display rules Localization
Each controls of XUL can have an accesskey which is specified by accesskey attribute or accessKey property (See accesskey attribute document for the detail). XUL elements display their accesskeys in their label automatically if it's necessary. This document describes the rules of generating a label text.
979 Adding Buttons Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
In this section, we will look at how to add some simple buttons to a window.
980 Adding Event Handlers Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
The find files dialog so far looks quite good. We haven't cleaned it up much but we have created a simple user interface easily. Next, we will show how to add scripts to it.
981 Adding Event Handlers to XBL-defined Elements Tutorials, XBL, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
Next, we'll find out how to add event handlers to XBL-defined elements.
982 Adding HTML Elements Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
Now that we've added some buttons, let's add some other elements.
983 Adding Labels and Images Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section describes a way to add labels and images to a window. In addition, we look at how to include elements into groups.
984 Adding Methods to XBL-defined Elements Tutorials, XBL, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
Next, we'll find out how to add custom methods to XBL-defined elements.
985 Adding Properties to XBL-defined Elements Tutorials, XBL, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
Next, we'll find out how to add custom properties to XBL-defined elements.
986 Adding Style Sheets Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
We have hardly modified the look of the elements we have created so far. XUL uses CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to customize elements.
987 Adding more elements Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
Editorial review completed.
988 Additional Install Features Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section describes some more specifics of installers.
989 Advanced Rules Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section describes the more advanced rule syntax.
990 Anonymous Content Tutorials, XBL, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
In this section we'll look at creating content with XBL.
991 Box Model Details Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
We've seen a lot of features of the box model. Here, we'll find out some more details with some examples.
992 Box Objects Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section describes the box object, which holds display and layout related information about a XUL box as well as some details about XUL layout.
993 Broadcasters and Observers Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
There may be times when you want several elements to respond to events or changes of state easily. To do this, we can use broadcasters.
994 Commands Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
A command is an operation which may be invoked.
995 Content Panels Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
In this section, we'll look at how to add panels that can display HTML pages or other XUL files.
996 Creating Dialogs Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
A XUL application will often require dialogs to be displayed. This section describes how one might construct them.
997 Creating a Skin Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section describes how to create a simple skin. For simplicity, we'll only apply it to the find files dialog.
998 Creating a Window Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
We're going to be creating a simple find files utility throughout this tutorial.
999 Creating a Wizard Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
Many applications use wizards to help the user through complex tasks. XUL provides a way to create wizards easily.
1000 Creating an Installer Tutorials, XPInstall_API_reference, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section will describe packaging a XUL application into an installer.
1001 Creating reusable content with CSS and XBL Advanced, CSS, CSS:Getting_Started, Example, Guide, NeedsUpdate, Web, XBL
This page illustrates how you can use CSS in Mozilla to improve the structure of complex applications, making code and resources more easily reusable.
1002 Cross Package Overlays Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section describes how to apply overlays to files that don't import them.
1003 Custom Tree Views Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
The tree view holds the data to be displayed in the tree.
1004 Document Object Model DOM, Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
The Document Object Model (DOM) can be used with XUL elements to get information about them or modify them.
1005 Element Positioning Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
Here we'll look at controlling the position and size of an element.
1006 Features of a Window Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
No summary!
1007 Focus and Selection Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
The section will describe how to handle the focus and selection of elements.
1008 Grids Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
XUL has a set of elements for creating tabular grids.
1009 Groupboxes Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section describes a way to include elements into groups
1010 Input Controls Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
XUL has elements that are similar to the HTML form controls.
1011 Install Scripts Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section describes the install script.
1012 Introduction Tutorials, XUL, XUL Tutorial
This tutorial is a guide to learning XUL (XML User Interface Language) which is a cross-platform language for describing applications' user interfaces.
1013 Introduction to RDF RDF, Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
No summary!
1014 Introduction to XBL Tutorials, XBL, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
No summary!
1015 Keyboard Shortcuts Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
You could use keyboard event handlers to respond to the keyboard. However, it would be tedious to do that for every button and menu item (though it could be necessary when one's key commands are only triggered when the user is focused on a particular element).
1016 List Controls Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
XUL has a number of types of elements for creating list boxes.
1017 Localization Internationalization, Localization, Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
XUL and XML provide entities which are a convenient way of allowing localization.
1018 Manifest Files NeedsUpdate, Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
In this section, we'll see how to put chrome and XUL files into a package and create the manifest files for them.
1019 Manipulating Lists Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
The XUL listbox provides a number of specialized methods.
1020 Modifying a XUL Interface DOM, Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
The DOM provides various functions to modify the document.
1021 Modifying the Default Skin Customization, Firefox, Intermediate, Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section describes how to modify the skin of a window.
1022 More Button Features Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
In this section, we will look at some additional features of buttons.
1023 More Event Handlers Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
In this section, the event object is examined and additional events are described.
1024 More Menu Features Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
In this section, we'll look at creating submenus and checked menus
1025 More Tree Features Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
Here, we'll see more features of trees.
1026 More Wizards Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section describes some additional features of wizards.
1027 Numeric Controls Firefox 3, Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
XUL has two elements used for the entry of numeric values or ranges, and well as two elements for entering dates and times. These elements are only available in Firefox 3 and later.
1028 Open and Save Dialogs Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
A common type of dialog is one where the user can select a file to open or save.
1029 Overlays Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section will describe overlays which can be used to separate common content.
1030 Persistent Data Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
No summary!
1031 Popup Menus Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
In the last section, we looked at creating a menu on a menu bar. XUL also has the capability of creating popup menus. Popup menus are typically displayed when the user presses the right mouse button.
1032 Progress Meters Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
In this section, we'll look at creating progress meters.
1033 Property Files Internationalization, Localization, Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
No summary!
1034 RDF Datasources Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
No summary!
1035 Scroll Bars
Now, let's find out to add scroll bars to a window.
1036 Scrolling Menus Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section will describe scrolling menus and how to use the mechanism with other elements.
1037 Simple Menu Bars Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
In this section, we'll see how to create a menu bar with menus on it.
1038 Splitters Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
We'll now look at how to add splitters to a window.
1039 Stack Positioning Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section will describe how to position items in a stack.
1040 Stacks and Decks Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
There may be need to display elements as a set of overlapping cards. The stack and deck elements can be used for this purpose.
1041 Styling a Tree Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
The following describes how to style a tree.
1042 Tabboxes Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
It is common in preference dialogs for tabbed pages to appear. We'll find out how to create them here.
1043 Templates Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
No summary!
1044 The Box Model Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
In this section, we'll look at how XUL handles layout.
1045 The Chrome URL Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
The following section will describe how to refer to XUL documents and other chrome files.
1046 Toolbars Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
A toolbar is usually placed along the top of a window and contains a number of buttons that perform common functions. XUL has a method to create toolbars.
1047 Tree Box Objects Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section will describe the tree box object used to handle how a tree is displayed.
1048 Tree Selection Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
No summary!
1049 Tree View Details Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section will describe some more features of tree views.
1050 Trees Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
XUL provides a way to create tabular or hierarchical lists using a tree.
1051 Trees and Templates Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
The following describes how to use a template with a tree.
1052 Updating Commands Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
In this section, we will look at how to update commands.
1053 Using Spacers Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
In this section, we will find out how to add some spacing in between the elements we have created.
1054 XBL Attribute Inheritance Tutorials, XBL, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
No summary!
1055 XBL Example Tutorials, XBL, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
No summary!
1056 XBL Inheritance Tutorials, XBL, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
No summary!
1057 XPCOM Examples Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
This section provides some examples of using XPCOM along with some additional interfaces.
1058 XPCOM Interfaces Tutorials, XPCOM:Language Bindings, XPConnect, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
No summary!
1059 XUL Structure Tutorials, XUL, XUL_Tutorial
We'll begin by looking at how the XUL is handled in Mozilla.
1060 XUL accessibility guidelines Accessibility, XUL
Welcome to the XUL Accessibility Guidelines. By following these principles and practices, you will be able to write your XUL applications in such a way that all users, including those with physical, sensory, or communicative disabilities, with be able to use and enjoy them. Accessibility is not difficult, but does require a basic understanding of the different types of disabilities, commonly used assistive technologies, and special accessibility features built into the XUL languages. Most of all, accessibility requires a conscious effort on your part, and a desire to include everyone.
1061 XUL accessibility tool Accessibility
The XUL Accessibility Tool is a Firefox extension designed by Aaron Andersen of WebAIM as part of a Mozilla Foundation accessibility minigrant in the spring of 2007. It is designed to test (insofar as automated testing is possible) the guidelines and requirement for creating accessible XUL as set forth in the XUL accessibility guidelines, and to report on any problems found in tested documents. While not meant to be a comprehensive test suite (meaning that passing all included tests does not guarantee that an application is free of accessibility bugs or issues), many of the most common accessibility mistakes will be found and reported.
1062 XUL and RDF
No summary!
1063 The Implementation of the Application Object Model Outdated_articles
Purpose - The purpose of this document is two-fold. The first section of the document describes the motivation and reasoning behind using RDF as the foundation of XUL. This section makes a technical argument both for having XUL in the first place and for using RDF as the underlying implementation of XUL's content model. The second section describes the XUL/RDF architecture itself and outlines enhancements to the XUL language in order to allow the markup language to reference local data and to indicate how and when it would like to be annotatable with local data.
1064 XUL controls NeedsUpdate, Reference, Référence, XUL
The following table lists the XUL user interface controls. For a step-by-step guide on how to use these controls, see the XUL Tutorial. For more reference information, see the XUL Reference.
1065 XUL:Property:flexGroup NeedsRelocation, Reference, Référence, XUL, XUL Reference
Technical review completed.
1066 action NeedsExample, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Used to specify the content that should be generated for each matching result from a query. The action should be contained within a query or rule element.
1067 appendChild
Node appendChild ( Node newChild )
1068 arrowscrollbox XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A box which provides scroll arrows along its edges for scrolling through the contents of the box. The user only needs to hover the mouse over the arrows to scroll the box. This element is typically used for large popup menus.
1069 assign XUL Elements, XUL Reference
For XML templates, specifies an additional variable to assign a value to.
1070 attribute.align
The align attribute specifies how child elements of the box are aligned, when the size of the box is larger than the total size of the children. For boxes that have horizontal orientation, it specifies how its children will be aligned vertically. For boxes that have vertical orientation, it is used to specify how its children are algined horizontally. The pack attribute is related to the alignment but is used to specify the position in the opposite direction. You can also specify the value of align using the style property -moz-box-align.
1071 autohide
No summary!
1072 bbox XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A horizontal box that is baseline aligned. It is equivalent to using an hbox element with an align attribute set to baseline.
1073 binding NeedsHelp, NeedsTechnicalReview, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Should be contained within a bindings element. A binding is used to bind a variable to a node. Like the triple element in syntax, it can be used to bind a particular property of a matched node to a particular variable name. That name can then be used within the action of a rule.
1074 bindings XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Used to specify a set of variable bindings for a rule. This element should be contained within a rule element and contain one or more binding elements. This element is optional in Firefox 3/Mozilla 1.9 and later; instead binding elements may be placed directly inside the rule element.
1075 box XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container element which can contain any number of child elements. If the box has an orient attribute that is set to horizontal, the child elements are laid out from left to right in the order that they appear in the box. If orient is set to vertical, the child elements are laid out from top to bottom. Child elements do not overlap. The default orientation is horizontal.
1076 broadcaster XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A broadcaster is used when you want multiple elements to share one or more attribute values, or when you want elements to respond to a state change. Any elements that are observing the broadcaster will share the attributes placed on the broadcaster. For instance, if the broadcaster has a label attribute, the observers will use that label. If the label changes, the labels of the observers will update automatically. An onbroadcast event will be sent to the observers when a change is made.
1077 broadcasterset XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container element for broadcaster elements. The broadcasterset and its descendants are not displayed.
1078 browser XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A frame which is expected to contain a view of a Web document. It is similar to an iframe except that it holds a page history and contains additional methods to manipulate the currently displayed page.
1079 button XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A button that can be pressed by the user. Event handlers can be used to trap mouse, keyboard and other events. It is typically rendered as a grey outset rectangle. You can specify the label of the button using the label attribute or by placing content inside the button.
1080 caption XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A header for a groupbox. It may contain either a text label, using the label attribute, or child elements for a more complex caption.
1081 checkbox XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An element that can be turned on and off. This is most commonly rendered as a box when the element is off and a box with a check when the element is on. The user can switch the state of the check box by selecting it with the mouse. A label, specified with the label attribute, may be added beside the check box.
1082 colorpicker XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A palette of colors from which a user may select by clicking on one of the grid cells.
1083 column XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A single column in a columns element. Each child of the column element is placed in each successive cell of the grid. The column with the most child elements determines the number of rows in each column.
1084 columns XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Defines the columns of a grid. Child column elements define the individual columns to appear in the grid. The columns element may be nested inside another columns element. Other elements placed inside a columns element occupy the full height of the grid and are placed in their corresponding positions between the columns.
1085 command XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A command element can be used to invoke an operation that can come from multiple sources. For example, a clipboard paste operation can be invoked from the Edit menu, a context menu and by pressing a keyboard shortcut. You attach the code to the command using the oncommand attribute. It will be called no matter how it is invoked by the user. In addition, disabling the command will automatically disable the menu items and keyboard shortcuts.
1086 commandset XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element is not displayed and serves as a container for command elements.
1087 conditions XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element should appear directly inside a rule element and is used to define conditions for the rule. Within the conditions can be placed content, member and triple elements. These may have attributes whose value is a variable name beginning with a question mark (?). When evaluating the rule for a particular RDF resource, the variables are replaced with values from the resource. If all variables can be replaced, the rule matched.
1088 content XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Éste elemento debería pertenecer a query ("consulta"). La pregunta en una regla debería enlazar a sólo a un elemento del contenido. Los contenidos deberían tener al atributo uri . Ésto se utiliza para vincular una variable a un nodo de contenido cuando se emparejan. Cuando use un árbol con los atributos flags ("banderas"), establezca dont-build-content, ("no almacenar contenido"), use treeitem en su lugar.
1089 datepicker XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A datepicker allows the user to enter a date. Three types are available, which can be specified using the type attribute.
1090 deck XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An element that displays only one of its children at a time. The selectedIndex attribute determines which child is displayed.
1091 description XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element is used to create a block of text. The text can be set either with the value attribute or by placing text inside the open and close description tags. The value attribute is used to set text that appears in a single line. If text appears as a child of the description, it will wrap to multiple lines. It may contain arbitrary markup, which can be styled as needed.
1092 dialog XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element should be used in place of the window element for dialog boxes. The buttons attribute may be used to set which buttons should appear in the dialog box. These buttons will be placed in the correct locations for the user's platform.
1093 dialogheader XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A heading row for a dialog box. This element should be placed inside a dialog element. The header may have a title and a description.
1094 dropmarker XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A dropmarker is a button with an arrow which will reveal more details when pressed. A dropmarker is not intended to be used as a separate element, but as part of another element. For instance the menulist and the popup type of datepicker use a dropmarker, that when pressed, will reveal a popup menu.
1095 editor XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A frame which is expected to contain an editable document. Set the value of the editortype attribute to html to create an editor document. Mozilla provides two types of editors, the HTML editor and the plaintext editor. The editor does not provide any editing user interface; you would supply that yourself. However, text editing, image resizing, and table row and cell editing capabilities are provided. If you do not set the editortype attribute on an editor, you must enable editing using the makeEditable method.
1096 elements Landing, XUL
No summary!
1097 findbar XUL, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
In Gecko 1.9, the findbar widget moved into toolkit, so it's available to any XUL application, as well as extensions.
1098 grid XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A grid is a layout type that arranges elements in rows and columns. The grid is expected to contain both a columns element as a child which defines the structure of the columns and a rows element as child to define the rows. The size and attributes defined on columns and rows will affect the size and placement of elements in each cell. Elements placed within both the columns and rows will be displayed, although usually only elements will be placed inside one of these. It is most common to place elements within the rows and use the columns only to define their flexibility and width. Whichever of the columns and rows is last in the grid is displayed on top; commonly the columns element appears in the grid first.
1099 grippy XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An element that may be used inside a splitter which can be used to collapse a sibling element of the splitter.
1100 groupbox XUL Elements, XUL Reference
The groupbox is used to group related elements together. If a caption element is placed inside the groupbox, it will be used as a caption which appears along the top of the groupbox. Typically, the groupbox will be drawn with a border around it and the caption either above or over the top border, however the actual appearance will be platform specific. On Linux, for instance, only the caption appears with no border around the group.
1101 hbox XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container element which can contain any number of child elements. This is equivalent to the box element, except it defaults to horizontal orientation.
1102 iframe Reference, Référence, XUL, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An inner frame that works much like the HTML iframe element. The src attribute can be used to specify the content of the frame. This content is a separate document. The children of the iframe are ignored.
1103 image XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An element that displays an image, much like the HTML img element. The src attribute can be used to specify the URL of the image.
1104 key Reference, XUL, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
The key element defines a window-global keyboard shortcut and must be placed inside a keyset element.
1105 keyset XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container element for key elements. The keyset and its descendants are not displayed.
1106 label XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element is used to provide a label for a control element. If the user clicks the label, it will move the focus to the associated control, specified with the control attribute.
1107 listbox XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element is used to create a list of items where one or more of the items may be selected. A listbox may contain multiple columns. There are numerous methods which allow the items in the listbox to be retrieved and modified.
1108 listcell XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A single cell of a listbox. By default it only contains text but iconic and checkbox listcells are also available.
1109 listcol XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A column in a listbox. You can make some columns flexible and other columns non-flexible.
1110 listcols XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container for the columns of a listbox, each of which are created with the listcol element. There should be only one listcols element in a list box. If there is no listcols element, the list box has a single column.
1111 listhead XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A header row of a listbox. It is usual to place listheader elements inside the listhead, one for each column.
1112 listheader XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A header for a single column in a listbox.
1113 listitem XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A single row in a listbox. The text of the listitem is specified either using listcell elements, or by placing a label attribute directly on the listitem element. By default it contains a single listcell element of type and class appropriate to that of the listitem.
1114 member XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Used within a rule's conditions element to match elements that are containers or are contained within another element. Both the container and child attributes may use variables.
1115 menu XUL, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An element, much like a button, that is placed on a menubar. When the user clicks the menu element, the child menupopup of the menu will be displayed. This element is also used to create submenus.
1116 menubar NeedsUpdate, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container that usually contains menu elements. On the Macintosh, the menubar is displayed along the top of the screen, and all non-menu related elements inside the menubar will be ignored. To look native (at least on Windows), the menubar element needs to be placed inside a toolbox element.
1117 menuitem XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A single choice in a menupopup element. It acts much like a button but it is rendered on a menu.
1118 menulist XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An element that can be used for drop-down choice lists. The user may select one of the elements displayed in the menulist. The currently selected choice is displayed on the menulist element. To create the drop-down, put a menupopup inside the menulist containing the choices as menuitem elements. The command event may be used to execute code when the menulist selection changes.
1119 menupopup XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container used to display the contents of a popup menu. When a menupopup is open, it floats above the window and may extend outside the window border. There are several ways in which a menupopup may be used:
1120 menuseparator XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Used to create a separator between menu items. Typically drawn as a thin line.
1121 notification XUL Elements, XUL Reference
The notification is used to display an informative message. It will normally be used as part of a notificationbox. The box includes a button which the user can use to close the box.
1122 notificationbox NeedsMarkupWork, XUL, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
The notificationbox element is used to display notifications above an element. Typically the element will be a browser, but any element may be used. The notification element is used for each notification, and will be created automatically for each item. Each notification will slide in and out as needed. This element is used, for example, to implement the yellow information bar in various Firefox windows.
1123 observes XUL Elements, XUL Reference
The observes element can be used to listen to a broadcaster and receive events and attributes from it. The observes element should be placed inside the element that wants to observe the broadcaster. When an observed attribute is modified on the broadcaster, the attribute's value will be forwarded and set on the parent element of the observer.
1124 overlay XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An overlay is used when it is desirable for a block of content to be shared between several different windows. It can also be used to append or alter content in an existing window. An overlay is defined in a separate XUL file. Overlays are applied while the XUL is being loaded.
1125 page XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Similar to a window, except it should be used for XUL files that are to be loaded into an iframe.
1126 panel XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A panel is a used as a temporary floating popup window that may contain any type of content. It does not have any window decorations. When open, it floats above the window and may extend outside the border of the main window. Typically, it will be attached to a button using the button's type attribute so that when the button is pressed, the panel will be displayed. A panel may also be opened via a script using the openPopup method.
1127 param XUL Elements, XUL Reference
For SQL templates, used to bind values to parameters specified within an SQL statement. The value to bind should be text as a child of the param element.
1128 popup Deprecated, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
The popup element is equivalent to the menupopup element which should be used instead. See the documentation on the menupopup element for more information.
1129 popupset XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container for menupopup, panel and tooltip elements. This element is optional; the given elements need not appear in a popupset container.
1130 preference Preferences system, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Declares a preference that may be adjusted in a prefpane. This element must be placed inside a preferences element. Each preference element corresponds to a preference which is stored in the user's preferences file. You can connect a user interface element such as a checkbox to a preference element using the user interface element's preference attribute.
1131 preferences Preferences system, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
<preferences> is a container for <preference> elements. It's supposed to be a child of <prefpane> element.
1132 prefpane Preferences system, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A single preference panel in a prefwindow. A prefpane is made up of two parts, the preferences descriptions, which specify the set of preferences that will be modified, and the user interface for adjusting those preferences. The former is specified using a preferences element while the latter may be specified using other XUL elements.
1133 prefwindow Preferences system, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A specialized window used for preference dialogs. This element should be used in place of the window tag and should contain one or more prefpane elements. A row of buttons appears across the preference dialog, one for each prefpane. Each pane will usually group together a set of related preferences. If there is only one prefpane, the navigation area will be hidden.
1134 progressmeter XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A meter which can be used to display the progress of a lengthy operation. It is drawn as a bar that is filled as the operation completes. In addition, an indeterminate progressmeter may be created by setting the mode attribute to undetermined. This is used when the length of time to complete an operation is not known beforehand.
1135 progressmeter.max
No summary!
1136 promptBox XUL
The promptBox object represents the tab-modal prompts (or alerts) on a given tab. It's returned by the tabbrowser method getTabModalPromptBox method.
1137 query XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Used to specify the query for a template. The attributes and content of the query are dependent on the type of datasource being used.
1138 queryset XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container for query elements when more than one query is used.
1139 radio XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An element that can be turned on and off. Radio buttons are almost always listed together in groups. Only one radio button within the same radiogroup may be selected at a time. The user can switch which radio button is turned on by selecting it with the mouse or keyboard. Other radio buttons in the same group are turned off. A label, specified with the label attribute may be added beside the radio button.
1140 radiogroup XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A group of radio buttons. Only one radio button inside the group can be selected at a time. The radio buttons may either direct children of the radiogroup or descendants. Place the radiogroup inside a groupbox if you would like a border or caption for the group. The radiogroup defaults to vertical orientation.
1141 resizer XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An element used for window resizing. If you place a custom resizing button inside the resizer, the user will be able to resize the window by dragging it. The resizer will send a command event after the resize is complete.
1142 richlistbox XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element is used to create a list of listitems (richlistitems), similar to a listbox, but is designed to be used when the items do not contain simple text content.
1143 richlistitem NeedsExample, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An individual item in a richlistbox.
1144 row XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A single row in a rows element. Each child of the row element is placed in each successive cell of the grid. The row with the most child elements determines the number of columns in each row, which may be smaller or larger than the number of column elements defined in the grid.
1145 rows XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Defines the rows of a grid. Child row elements define the individual rows to appear in the grid. Each child of a rows element should be a row element.
1146 rule XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A rule is used in a template. The children of the rule are used to declare the conditions in which the rule matches and the content that is generated. A rule may contain where, binding and/or action elements. A condition is defined used a where element. For each result that matches all of the conditions, content within the rule's action body is generated. The bindings element is optional and may specify additional variable bindings to be used.
1147 scale XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A scale (sometimes referred to as a "slider") allows the user to select a value from a range. A bar displayed either horizontally or vertically allows the user to select a value by dragging a thumb on the bar.
1148 script XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Much like the HTML script element, this is used to declare a script to be used by the XUL window. You should usually put scripts in a separate file pointed to by the src attribute, but you may also place the script inline inside the opening and closing script tags.
1149 scrollbar XUL Elements, XUL Reference
When a container's contents which are larger that the size of the container, scroll bars may be placed at the side of the container to allow the user to scroll around in the container. The scroll bar may also be used independently when a numeric value or percentage needs to be selected by the user. The user can adjust the position of the scroll bar by clicking arrows on either end of the scroll bar or by dragging the scroll bar thumb around.
1150 scrollbox NeedsContent, Reference, Référence, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A box that has additional functions that can be used to scroll the content. Note that a scrollbox doesn't cause scrollbars to be displayed. It is intended to be used when an application wants to be able to adjust the scroll position itself. If you just want scrollbars to appear, add style='overflow: auto;'. This may also be used with any other container element.
1151 scrollcorner XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element is used for the small box where the horizontal and vertical scrollbars meet.
1152 separator XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Creates a small separating gap between elements. This type of separator should be used to separate parts of a dialog. It doesn't draw a bar visually, but is just a small space. It is functionally equivalent to a spacer except it defaults to a small size (usually 1.5 ems).
1153 spacer XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An element that takes up space but does not display anything. It is usually used to place spacing within a container. If you don't specify that the spacer has a size or is flexible, the spacer does not occupy any space. If you want a small gap, consider using a separator instead.
1154 spinbuttons XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Spin buttons are two arrows, one to increase a value and one to decrease a value. Spin buttons are not used as separate elements, but are used in combination with other elements to create a control that can be increased and decreased.
1155 splitter XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An element which should appear before or after an element inside a container. When the splitter is dragged, the sibling elements of the splitter are resized. If a grippy is placed inside the splitter, one sibling element of the splitter is collapsed when the grippy is clicked.
1156 stack XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An element that renders its children on top of each other. The first element is placed on the bottom and each successive child is placed above the previous. All elements are displayed at once. Child elements may also be placed at absolute positions within the stack.
1157 statusbar Deprecated, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An element used to create a status bar, usually placed along the bottom of a window. It is virtually equivalent to a standard box, but may be rendered differently. Contains statusbarpanels.
1158 statusbarpanel Deprecated, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An individual element of a statusbar. This is a special type of button which is drawn differently. Unlike normal buttons, a statusbarpanel can only have a label or an image but not both. This element is often used with a short label or icon to indicate status, for instance whether the user is online or whether there are new messages.
1159 stringbundle XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An element which can be used to load localized resources from property files. Stringbundles should be placed inside a stringbundleset element.
1160 stringbundleset XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container for stringbundle elements.
1161 tab NeedsExample, XUL, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A single tab which should be placed inside a tabs element. The user may click a tab to bring the associated page of the tabbox to the front.
1162 tabbox XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container used to display a set of tabbed pages of elements. A row of tabs is displayed at the top of tabbox which may be used to switch between each page. The tabbox should contain two children, the first a tabs element which contains the tabs and the second a tabpanels element which contains the contents of the pages.
1163 tabbrowser Mozilla, Reference, Référence, XUL, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element is used for holding a set of read-only views of Web documents. It is similar to the browser element, except that multiple documents can be displayed, each in a separate tab.
1164 tabpanel XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A individual panel in a tabpanels element. This element is optional and you may just use any other container in place of it.
1165 tabpanels XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container to hold the set of pages in a tabbox. The tabpanels element should be placed in a tabbox although it does not have to be a direct child. The children of the tabpanels element become the panels of the tabbox. In most cases you would use a vbox, but they can be any element, although some people like to use tabpanel elements. By clicking the first tab, the first panel will be displayed. By clicking the second tab, the second panel will be displayed and so on. There should be the same number of panels as there are tabs. Panels should never be hidden; hiding the tab suffices to make the panel inaccessible.
1166 tabs XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A row of tabs. A tabs element should be placed inside a tabbox and should contain tab elements.
1167 template NeedsExample, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Used to declare a template for rule-based construction of elements. Elements are constructed from a datasource. For more information see the rule element.
1168 textbox XUL Elements, XUL Reference
An input field where the user can enter text. It is similar to the HTML input element. Only one line of text is displayed by default. The multiline attribute can be specified to display a field with multiple rows.
1169 textbox (Toolkit autocomplete) XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element is created by setting the type attribute of the textbox to autocomplete. It is used to create a textbox with a popup containing a list of possible completions for what the user has started to type.
1170 textnode XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Normally when substituting RDF resources in template rules, you place the RDF property name inside an attribute value preceded with rdf:. In the case of the textnode element, the entire node is replaced with text corresponding to the result of the value attribute.
1171 timepicker XUL Elements, XUL Reference
The timepicker is used to allow the user to enter a time. It contains three fields to enter the hour, minute and second. Arrow buttons next to the fields allow the values to be adjusted with the mouse. A fourth textbox appears for 12 hour clocks which allows selection of AM or PM.
1172 titlebar XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Boxes created with the titlebar element behave just like a normal window titlebar: when the element is clicked and dragged, the window moves with it. This element can't be used to change the platform-native titlebar of normal windows; instead, it's used to create custom titlebars for chromeless windows. If the titlebar is in a panel element, dragging it will move the panel.
1173 toolbar NeedsHelp, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container which typically contains a row of buttons. It is a type of box that defaults to horizontal orientation. It can be collapsed with a grippy when the toolbar is placed inside a toolbox. The toolbar should always have an id attribute.
1174 toolbarbutton XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A button that appears on a toolbar. It is equivalent to a regular button except that it may be rendered differently. Typically, it is expected to have an image.
1175 toolbargrippy XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Not in Firefox
1176 toolbaritem NeedsHelp, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Firefox only
1177 toolbarpalette NeedsHelp, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Firefox only
1178 toolbarseparator NeedsHelp, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Creates a separator between groups of toolbar items. It is functionally equivalent to a normal separator but some themes may apply a different appearance.
1179 toolbarset NeedsExample, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Firefox only
1180 toolbarspacer XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Firefox only
1181 toolbarspring XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Firefox only
1182 toolbox Toolbars, XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container for toolbars. It is a type of box but defaults to vertical orientation. If a toolbar is placed inside a toolbox, a grippy is displayed on its left or upper edge. The user may click the grippy to collapse the toolbar. If multiple toolbars are placed in the same toolbox, they will all collapse into the same row. The Firefox browser does not have grippies so toolbars cannot be collapsed and expanded.
1183 tooltip XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element is used for the tooltip popups. For text-only tooltips, this element doesn't need to be used; instead you may just add a tooltiptext attribute to an element.
1184 tree XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container which can be used to hold a tabular or hierarchical set of rows of elements. The tree may contain any number of rows and any number of columns. Each row of the tree may contain child rows which are displayed indented from the parent. Unlike other elements, the data to display inside the tree is not specified using tags, but is determined from a view object. The view object implements the nsITreeView interface. The view is queried for the data to appear in the tree. There are several ways in which trees are used, as listed below. The second column lists the interfaces available via the tree's view property. The third column indicates whether treeitem element are used.
1185 treecell XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A single cell in a tree. This element should be placed inside a treerow. You can set the text for the cell using the label attribute.
1186 treechildren XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element is the body of the tree. For content trees, the content will be placed inside this element. This element is also used to define container rows in the tree.
1187 treecol XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A column of a tree. It displays the column header and holds the size and other information about the column. You can also place splitter elements between the columns to allow column resizing. You should always place an id attribute on a treecol element to ensure that the column positioning is handled properly.
1188 treecols XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A group of treecol elements. There should one and only one treecols element in a tree.
1189 treeitem XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A treeitem should be placed inside a treechildren element and should contain treerow elements. The treeitem can be clicked by the user to select the row of the tree. The treeitem contains a single row and all of what appear to the user as that row's descendants.
1190 treerow XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A single row in a tree. It should be placed inside a treeitem element. Children of the treerow should be treecell elements. If child rows are necessary, they should be placed in a treechildren element inside the parent treeitem.
1191 treeseparator XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Used to place a separator row in a tree.
1192 triple XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A triple can be included inside a rule's conditions element. It is used to check for an assertion within a graph. If such an assertion exists, the rule may match, assuming that all the conditions match. If the assertion does not exist, the rule will not match. Both the subject and object attributes may be variables.
1193 vbox XUL Elements, XUL Reference
A container element which can contain any number of child elements. This is equivalent to the box element, except it defaults to vertical orientation.
1194 where XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Indicate a condition that must match for a template result to be used. If the condition is true, the corresponding action body is generated; otherwise the result is ignored and no content is generated.
1195 window XUL Elements, XUL Reference
Describes the structure of a top-level window. It is the root node of a XUL document. It is by default a horizontally oriented box. As it is a box, all box attributes can be used. By default, the window will have a platform-specific frame around it.
1196 wizard XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element is used to construct a step-by-step wizard found in some applications to guide users through a task. It is used for a window with several steps contained on several pages. This element provides the header and buttons along the bottom, and also handles navigation between the pages. Each page should be constructed using a wizardpage. The pages are displayed in the order that they are placed in the wizard, unless you use the next and pageid attributes on the pages to change the sequence. The wizard will rendered in a manner suitable for the user's selected theme and platform. In newer versions of Mozilla, a statusbar may be placed directly inside the wizard element which will be shared among all pages.
1197 wizardpage XUL Elements, XUL Reference
This element defines a page in a wizard. The content in the pages should be placed inside the wizardpage element.

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 Contributors to this page: fscholz
 Last updated by: fscholz,