Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

This element is used to construct a step-by-step wizard found in some applications to guide users through a task. It is used for a window with several steps contained on several pages. This element provides the header and buttons along the bottom, and also handles navigation between the pages. Each page should be constructed using a wizardpage. The pages are displayed in the order that they are placed in the wizard, unless you use the next and pageid attributes on the pages to change the sequence. The wizard will rendered in a manner suitable for the user's selected theme and platform. In newer versions of Mozilla, a statusbar may be placed directly inside the wizard element which will be shared among all pages.

More information is available in the XUL tutorial.

firstpage, lastpage, onextra1, onextra2, onwizardback, onwizardcancel, onwizardfinish, onwizardnext, pagestep, title, windowtype
canAdvance, canRewind, currentPage, onFirstPage, onLastPage, pageCount, pageIndex, pageStep, title, wizardPages
advance, cancel, extra1, extra2, getButton, getPageById, goTo, rewind


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>

<wizard id="theWizard" title="Secret Code Wizard"

  function checkCode(){
    document.getElementById('theWizard').canAdvance = (document.getElementById('secretCode').value == "cabbage");

  <wizardpage onpageshow="checkCode();">
    <label value="Enter the secret code:"/>
    <textbox id="secretCode" onkeyup="checkCode();"/>

    <label value="That is the correct secret code."/>



Type: color string
Specify background color of the window's titlebar when it is active (foreground). Moreover this hides separator between titlebar and window contents. This only affects Mac OS X.
Type: boolean
true if the wizard is on the first page.
Type: color string
Specify background color of the window's titlebar when it is inactive (background). Moreover this hides separator between titlebar and window contents. This affects only on Mac OS X.
Type: boolean
True if the wizard is on the last page.
Type: script code
This should be set to code which is called when the user presses the extra1 button.
Type: script code
This should be set to code which is called when the user presses the extra2 button.
Type: script code
This should be set to code which is called when the user presses the Back button. Return true to allow the previous page to be displayed and false to disallow moving back a page. Use the canRewind property to indicate to the user (by disabling the Back button) that they cannot go back a page.
Type: script code
This should be set to code which is called when the user presses the Cancel button. Return true to allow the wizard to be canceled, and close the wizard, or return false to prevent the wizard from being canceled.Use the canCancel property to indicate to the user (by disabling the Cancel button) that they cannot cancel.
Type: script code
This should be set to code which is called when the user presses the Finish button, which would appear in place of the Next button on the last page of the wizard. Return true to allow the wizard to be closed, accepting any values entered on the pages, or return false to prevent the wizard from being closed. Use the canAdvance property to indicate to the user (by disabling the Finish button) that they cannot end the wizard.
Type: script code
This should be set to code which is called when the user presses the Next button. Return true to allow the next page to be displayed and false to disallow moving to the next page. Use the canAdvance property to indicate to the user (by disabling the Next button) that they cannot go to the next page.
Type: integer
The index of the current page.
Type: string
The text to appear in the title bar of the window.
Type: string
Set to a string which can be used to identify the type of window. This might be used, for example, to distinguish between a browser window and an editor window. Some of Mozilla's window handling functions use this attribute to group windows of the same type together.

Values for window type as found on MXR:

navigator:browser - Looks like if window has gBrowser it has this window type

devtools:scratchpad - Scratchpad windows

navigator:view-source - The view source windows



Type: boolean
This property is set to true if the user can press the Next button to go to the next page. If this property is false, the user cannot navigate to the next page. Set this property to true to indicate that the user can go to the next page. Set to false to disallow moving to the next page. This has the effect of enabling or disabling the Next button, or, on the last page of the wizard, the Finish button.
Type: boolean
This property is set to true if the user can press the Back button to go to the previous page. If this property is false, the user cannot navigate to the previous page. Set this property to true to indicate that the user can go back a page. Set to false to disallow moving to the previous page. This has the effect of enabling or disabling the Back button.
Type: wizardpage element
This property returns the wizardpage element that is currently displayed. You can modify this value to change the current page.
Type: boolean
This property is set to true if the user is on the first page, which may or may not be the first index.
Type: boolean
This property is set to true if the user is on the last page of the wizard.
Type: integer
This property holds the number of pages in the wizard.
Type: integer
This property returns the index of the currently selected page. You can change the selected page by modifying this property.
Type: integer
This property returns the number of pages that the user has navigated through so far, meaning that the user would press the Back button this many times to go back to the beginning. This property is different than pageIndex, because pages are not necessarily navigated in order.
Type: string
The title that appears at the top of the wizard. This is overridden by the label attribute on the individual pages.
Type: DOM NodeList of wizardpage elements
This property holds the list of wizardpage elements in the wizard.


Inherited Methods
addEventListener(), appendChild(), blur, click, cloneNode(), compareDocumentPosition, dispatchEvent(), doCommand, focus, getAttribute(), getAttributeNode(), getAttributeNodeNS(), getAttributeNS(), getBoundingClientRect(), getClientRects(), getElementsByAttribute, getElementsByAttributeNS, getElementsByClassName(), getElementsByTagName(), getElementsByTagNameNS(), getFeature(), getUserData, hasAttribute(), hasAttributeNS(), hasAttributes(), hasChildNodes(), insertBefore(), isDefaultNamespace(), isEqualNode, isSameNode, isSupported(), lookupNamespaceURI, lookupPrefix, normalize(), querySelector(), querySelectorAll(), removeAttribute(), removeAttributeNode(), removeAttributeNS(), removeChild(), removeEventListener(), replaceChild(), setAttribute(), setAttributeNode(), setAttributeNodeNS(), setAttributeNS(), setUserData

advance( pageID )
Return type: no return value
Call this method to go to the next page. This is equivalent to pressing the Next button. The canAdvance property must be set to true for the page to be changed. The code in the onwizardnext attribute is called before the page is changed. The pageID argument allows you to specify the index of the page to which to jump. Supply null as the argument to go to the next page in the sequence.
Return type: no return value
Call this method to cancel and close the wizard. The code in the onwizardcancel attribute is called before the wizard is cancelled.
Return type: no return value
Call this method to simulate clicking the extra1 button. The code in the onextra1 attribute is called.
Return type: no return value
Call this method to simulate clicking the extra2 button. The code in the onextra2 attribute is called.
getButton( type )
Return type: button element
Returns the button element in the dialog corresponding to the given type.
getPageById( pageID )
Return type: wizardpage element
Returns the wizardpage element corresponding to the specified <var>pageID</var>.
goTo( pageID )
Return type: no return value
This method is used to change which page is currently displayed, specified by the <var>pageID</var> argument. The page will be changed regardless of the value of canAdvance or canRewind. The onwizardback and onwizardnext code is not called when using this function.
Return type: no return value
Call this method to go back a page. It is equivalent to pressing the Back button. The canRewind property must be set to true for the page to be changed. The code in the onwizardback attribute is called before the page is changed.


Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sheppy, pippijn, Enn, Yanmorin, MykMelez, Piro, Mgjbot, Potappo, Cori, Ptak82, Dria, Pmash
 Last updated by: Sheppy,