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Firefox only

The item is a palette of available toolbar items. It is not displayed, but is used by the toolbar customization dialog to display the list of items. The children of the toolbarpalette should be the complete list of toolbarbuttons and toolbaritems that can be added to the toolbar. Do not add the various spacing items, as those are added automatically.

You can add your own custom buttons to the Firefox browser by using an overlay that overlays the toolbarpalette with the idBrowserToolbarPalette.


<toolbarpalette id="BrowserToolbarPalette">
  <toolbarbutton id="toolbarpalette-button" 


Inherited from XUL element
align, allowevents, allownegativeassertions, class, coalesceduplicatearcs, collapsed, container, containment, context, contextmenu, datasources, dir, empty, equalsize, flags, flex, height, hidden, id, insertafter, insertbefore, left, maxheight, maxwidth, menu, minheight, minwidth, mousethrough, observes, ordinal, orient, pack, persist, popup, position, preference-editable, querytype, ref, removeelement, sortDirection, sortResource, sortResource2, statustext, style, template, tooltip, tooltiptext, top, uri, wait-cursor, width


Inherited Properties
align, attributes, allowEvents, baseURI, boxObject, builder, childElementCount, childNodes, children, className, clientHeight, clientLeft, clientTop, clientWidth, collapsed, contextMenu, controllers, database, datasources, dir, firstChild, firstElementChild, flex, height, hidden, id, lastChild, lastElementChild, left, localName, maxHeight, maxWidth, menu, minHeight, minWidth, namespaceURI, nextElementSibling, nextSibling, nodeName, nodeType, nodeValue, observes, ordinal, orient, ownerDocument, pack, parentNode, persist, prefix, previousElementSibling, previousSibling, ref, resource, scrollHeight, scrollLeft, scrollTop, scrollWidth, statusText, style, tagName,textContent, tooltip, tooltipText, top, width


Inherited Methods
addEventListener(), appendChild(), blur, click, cloneNode(), compareDocumentPosition, dispatchEvent(), doCommand, focus, getAttribute(), getAttributeNode(), getAttributeNodeNS(), getAttributeNS(), getBoundingClientRect(), getClientRects(), getElementsByAttribute, getElementsByAttributeNS, getElementsByClassName(), getElementsByTagName(), getElementsByTagNameNS(), getFeature, getUserData, hasAttribute(), hasAttributeNS(), hasAttributes(), hasChildNodes(), insertBefore(), isDefaultNamespace(), isEqualNode, isSameNode, isSupported(), lookupNamespaceURI, lookupPrefix, normalize(), querySelector(), querySelectorAll(), removeAttribute(), removeAttributeNode(), removeAttributeNS(), removeChild(), removeEventListener(), replaceChild(), setAttribute(), setAttributeNode(), setAttributeNodeNS(), setAttributeNS(), setUserData

toolbar, toolbarbutton, toolbargrippy, toolbaritem, toolbarseparator, toolbarset, toolbarspacer, toolbarspring, toolbox

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sheppy, jswisher, pippijn, Mgjbot, Duckuu, Ptak82, Dria, Pmash
 Last updated by: Sheppy,