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CSS Refernansı

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Bu CSS Referansı, bütün standart CSS özelliklerini, pseudo sınıflarını, pseudo elementlerini, @-kurallarını, birimleri* ve seçicileri alfabetik olarak sıralar. Bunların her biri için hızlı ve detaylı bilgiye ulaşabilirsiniz. Sadece CSS1 ve CSS2 özellikleri değil, aynı zamanda konsept standartlı veya stabil her CSS3 ile bağlantılı özellik için de bir referans niteliğindedir.

See also Mozilla CSS Extensions for Gecko-specific properties prefixed with -moz; and WebKit CSS Extensions for WebKit-specific properties. See Vendor-prefixed CSS Property Overview by Peter Beverloo for all prefixed properties.

  1. A
    1. :active
    2. additive-symbols
    3. ::after (:after)
    4. align-content
    5. align-items
    6. align-self
    7. all
    8. <angle>
    9. animation
    10. animation-delay
    11. animation-direction
    12. animation-duration
    13. animation-fill-mode
    14. animation-iteration-count
    15. animation-name
    16. animation-play-state
    17. animation-timing-function
    18. @annotation
    19. annotation()
    20. attr()
  2. B
    1. ::backdrop
    2. backface-visibility
    3. background
    4. background-attachment
    5. background-blend-mode
    6. background-clip
    7. background-color
    8. background-image
    9. background-origin
    10. background-position
    11. background-repeat
    12. background-size
    13. <basic-shape>
    14. ::before (:before)
    15. <blend-mode>
    16. block-size
    17. blur()
    18. border
    19. border-block-end
    20. border-block-end-color
    21. border-block-end-style
    22. border-block-end-width
    23. border-block-start
    24. border-block-start-color
    25. border-block-start-style
    26. border-block-start-width
    27. border-bottom
    28. border-bottom-color
    29. border-bottom-left-radius
    30. border-bottom-right-radius
    31. border-bottom-style
    32. border-bottom-width
    33. border-collapse
    34. border-color
    35. border-image
    36. border-image-outset
    37. border-image-repeat
    38. border-image-slice
    39. border-image-source
    40. border-image-width
    41. border-inline-end
    42. border-inline-end-color
    43. border-inline-end-style
    44. border-inline-end-width
    45. border-inline-start
    46. border-inline-start-color
    47. border-inline-start-style
    48. border-inline-start-width
    49. border-left
    50. border-left-color
    51. border-left-style
    52. border-left-width
    53. border-radius
    54. border-right
    55. border-right-color
    56. border-right-style
    57. border-right-width
    58. border-spacing
    59. border-style
    60. border-top
    61. border-top-color
    62. border-top-left-radius
    63. border-top-right-radius
    64. border-top-style
    65. border-top-width
    66. border-width
    67. bottom
    68. box-decoration-break
    69. box-shadow
    70. box-sizing
    71. break-after
    72. break-before
    73. break-inside
    74. brightness()
  3. C
    1. calc()
    2. caption-side
    3. ch
    4. @character-variant
    5. character-variant()
    6. @charset
    7. :checked
    8. circle()
    9. clear
    10. clip
    11. clip-path
    12. cm
    13. color
    14. <color>
    15. column-count
    16. column-fill
    17. column-gap
    18. column-rule
    19. column-rule-color
    20. column-rule-style
    21. column-rule-width
    22. column-span
    23. column-width
    24. columns
    25. content
    26. contrast()
    27. <counter>
    28. counter-increment
    29. counter-reset
    30. @counter-style
    31. cubic-bezier()
    32. cursor
    33. <custom-ident>
  4. D
    1. :default
    2. deg
    3. :dir()
    4. direction
    5. :disabled
    6. display
    7. @document
    8. dpcm
    9. dpi
    10. dppx
    11. drop-shadow()
  5. E
    1. element()
    2. ellipse()
    3. em
    4. :empty
    5. empty-cells
    6. :enabled
    7. ex
  6. F
    1. fallback
    2. filter
    3. :first
    4. :first-child
    5. ::first-letter (:first-letter)
    6. ::first-line (:first-line)
    7. :first-of-type
    8. flex
    9. flex-basis
    10. flex-direction
    11. flex-flow
    12. flex-grow
    13. flex-shrink
    14. flex-wrap
    15. float
    16. :focus
    17. font
    18. @font-face
    19. font-family (property)
    20. font-family (descriptor)
    21. font-feature-settings (property)
    22. font-feature-settings (descriptor)
    23. @font-feature-values
    24. font-kerning
    25. font-language-override
    26. font-size
    27. font-size-adjust
    28. font-stretch (property)
    29. font-stretch (descriptor)
    30. font-style (property)
    31. font-style (descriptor)
    32. font-synthesis
    33. font-variant (property)
    34. font-variant (descriptor)
    35. font-variant-alternates
    36. font-variant-caps
    37. font-variant-east-asian
    38. font-variant-ligatures
    39. font-variant-numeric
    40. font-variant-position
    41. font-weight (property)
    42. font-weight (descriptor)
    43. <frequency>
    44. :fullscreen
  7. G
    1. grad
    2. <gradient>
    3. grayscale()
    4. grid
    5. grid-area
    6. grid-auto-columns
    7. grid-auto-flow
    8. grid-auto-rows
    9. grid-column
    10. grid-column-end
    11. grid-column-gap
    12. grid-column-start
    13. grid-gap
    14. grid-row
    15. grid-row-end
    16. grid-row-gap
    17. grid-row-start
    18. grid-template
    19. grid-template-areas
    20. grid-template-columns
    21. grid-template-rows
  8. H
    1. height
    2. height
    3. :hover
    4. hsl()
    5. hsla()
    6. hue-rotate()
    7. hyphens
    8. hz
  9. I
    1. <image>
    2. image()
    3. image-orientation
    4. image-rendering
    5. image-resolution
    6. ime-mode
    7. @import
    8. in
    9. :in-range
    10. :indeterminate
    11. inherit
    12. initial
    13. inline-size
    14. inset()
    15. <integer>
    16. :invalid
    17. invert()
    18. isolation
  10. J
    1. justify-content
  11. K
    1. @keyframes
    2. khz
  12. L
    1. :lang()
    2. :last-child
    3. :last-of-type
    4. left
    5. :left
    6. <length>
    7. letter-spacing
    8. line-break
    9. line-height
    10. linear-gradient()
    11. :link
    12. list-style
    13. list-style-image
    14. list-style-position
    15. list-style-type
  13. M
    1. margin
    2. margin-block-end
    3. margin-block-start
    4. margin-bottom
    5. margin-inline-end
    6. margin-inline-start
    7. margin-left
    8. margin-right
    9. margin-top
    10. marks
    11. mask
    12. mask-clip
    13. mask-composite
    14. mask-image
    15. mask-mode
    16. mask-origin
    17. mask-position
    18. mask-repeat
    19. mask-size
    20. mask-type
    21. matrix()
    22. matrix3d()
    23. max-block-size
    24. max-height
    25. max-height
    26. max-inline-size
    27. max-width
    28. max-width
    29. max-zoom
    30. @media
    31. min-block-size
    32. min-height
    33. min-height
    34. min-inline-size
    35. min-width
    36. min-width
    37. min-zoom
    38. minmax()
    39. mix-blend-mode
    40. mm
    41. ms
  14. N
    1. @namespace
    2. negative
    3. :not()
    4. :nth-child()
    5. :nth-last-child()
    6. :nth-last-of-type()
    7. :nth-of-type()
    8. <number>
  15. O
    1. object-fit
    2. object-position
    3. offset-block-end
    4. offset-block-start
    5. offset-inline-end
    6. offset-inline-start
    7. :only-child
    8. :only-of-type
    9. opacity
    10. opacity()
    11. :optional
    12. order
    13. orientation
    14. @ornaments
    15. ornaments()
    16. orphans
    17. :out-of-range
    18. outline
    19. outline-color
    20. outline-offset
    21. outline-style
    22. outline-width
    23. overflow
    24. overflow-wrap
    25. overflow-x
    26. overflow-y
  16. P
    1. pad
    2. padding
    3. padding-block-end
    4. padding-block-start
    5. padding-bottom
    6. padding-inline-end
    7. padding-inline-start
    8. padding-left
    9. padding-right
    10. padding-top
    11. @page
    12. page-break-after
    13. page-break-before
    14. page-break-inside
    15. pc
    16. <percentage>
    17. perspective
    18. perspective()
    19. perspective-origin
    20. pointer-events
    21. polygon()
    22. position
    23. <position>
    24. prefix
    25. pt
    26. px
  17. Q
  18. R
    1. rad
    2. radial-gradient()
    3. range
    4. <ratio>
    5. :read-only
    6. :read-write
    7. rect()
    8. rem
    9. repeat()
    10. ::repeat-index
    11. ::repeat-item
    12. repeating-linear-gradient()
    13. repeating-radial-gradient()
    14. :required
    15. resize
    16. <resolution>
    17. revert
    18. rgb()
    19. rgba()
    20. :right
    21. right
    22. :root
    23. rotate()
    24. rotate3d()
    25. rotatex()
    26. rotatey()
    27. rotatez()
    28. ruby-align
    29. ruby-merge
    30. ruby-position
  19. S
    1. s
    2. saturate()
    3. scale()
    4. scale3d()
    5. scalex()
    6. scaley()
    7. scalez()
    8. :scope
    9. scroll-behavior
    10. scroll-snap-coordinate
    11. scroll-snap-destination
    12. scroll-snap-type
    13. ::selection
    14. sepia()
    15. <shape>
    16. shape-image-threshold
    17. shape-margin
    18. shape-outside
    19. skew()
    20. skewx()
    21. skewy()
    22. speak-as
    23. src
    24. steps()
    25. <string>
    26. @styleset
    27. styleset()
    28. @stylistic
    29. stylistic()
    30. suffix
    31. @supports
    32. @swash
    33. swash()
    34. symbols
    35. symbols()
    36. system
    1. tab-size
    2. table-layout
    3. :target
    4. text-align
    5. text-align-last
    6. text-combine-upright
    7. text-decoration
    8. text-decoration-color
    9. text-decoration-line
    10. text-decoration-style
    11. text-emphasis
    12. text-emphasis-color
    13. text-emphasis-position
    14. text-emphasis-style
    15. text-indent
    16. text-orientation
    17. text-overflow
    18. text-rendering
    19. text-shadow
    20. text-transform
    21. text-underline-position
    22. <time>
    23. <timing-function>
    24. top
    25. touch-action
    26. transform
    27. transform-box
    28. <transform-function>
    29. transform-origin
    30. transform-style
    31. transition
    32. transition-delay
    33. transition-duration
    34. transition-property
    35. transition-timing-function
    36. translate()
    37. translate3d()
    38. translatex()
    39. translatey()
    40. translatez()
    41. turn
  20. U
    1. unicode-bidi
    2. unicode-range
    3. :unresolved
    4. unset
    5. <url>
    6. url()
    7. user-zoom
  21. V
    1. :valid
    2. var()
    3. vertical-align
    4. vh
    5. @viewport
    6. visibility
    7. :visited
    8. vmax
    9. vmin
    10. vw
  22. W
    1. white-space
    2. widows
    3. width
    4. width
    5. will-change
    6. word-break
    7. word-spacing
    8. word-wrap
    9. writing-mode
  23. X Y Z
    1. z-index
    2. zoom
  24. Others
    1. --*


CSS3 özelleştirmeleri için tüm seçicilerin listesi.

CSS3 Kullanımı

Küçük boyutlu sayfalar oluşturmak için yeni bir teknoloji ortaya çıktı CSS3, ancak yakın zamana kadar düşük destekli olan CCS2.1 kullanılıyordu.


Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: pasalog, MOSD, emredemircan
 Last updated by: pasalog,