Artículos etiquetados con: NeedsTranslation
Se han encontrado 91 documentos.
- Archive Here at MDN, we try to avoid outright deleting content that might be useful to people targeting ...
- Archive/Meta_docs Here you'll find archived "meta-documentation"; that is, documentation about how to write ...
- Archive/Mozilla These articles are archived, obsolete documents about Mozilla, Gecko, and the process of ...
- Archive/Web The documentation listed below is archived, obsolete material about open Web topics.
- Developer_Guide/Source_Code The articles below will help you get your hands on the Mozilla source code, learn to navigate ...
- DragDrop See
- Games/Herramients En esta pagina puedes encontrar enlaces a nuestros articulos de desarrollo de juegos, que ...
- Games/Workflows This page will contain links to different article series covering different workflows for ...
- Glossary/Node The term node can have several meanings depending on the context. It may refer to:
- Learn/CSS/CSS_layout At this point we've already looked at CSS fundamentals, how to style text, and how to style and ...
- Learn/CSS/Introduction_to_CSS CSS is used to style and lay out webpages — for example to alter the font, color, size and ...
- Learn/HTML/Multimedia_and_embedding We've looked at a lot of text so far in this course. A. lot. of. text. But the web would be ...
- MDN/Contribute/Howto These articles provide step-by-step guides to accomplishing specific goals when contributing to MDN.
- MDN/Contribute/Structures Throughout MDN, there are various document structures that are used repeatedly, to provide ...
- MDN/Doc_status El MDN contiene miles de documentos. Con el fin de mantenerlos, los clasificamos en distintos ...
- MDN/Doc_status/API
- MDN/User_guide The Mozilla Developer Network site is an advanced system for finding, reading, and contributing ...
- Midas Midas is the code name for Gecko's built-in rich text editor. Midas can be enabled via ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Tutorials Esta página lista prácticos artículos funcionales sobre como lograr realizar tareas específicas ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Themes/Obsolete This page collects theme docs that we don't expect will ever be updated, but which we're keeping ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API This page lists all Firefox OS-specific APIs.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/API/CameraManager The CameraManager interface provides access to any cameras available on the device being used.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/Porting_Firefox_OS This page lists the available resources for porting Firefox OS.
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/Releases This section provides articles covering each new release of Gaia and Gecko for Firefox OS, ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/Security The following articles cover security-related topics about Firefox OS. This includes overall ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/UX Una parte muy importante del éxito de tu aplicación es conseguir una buena experiencia de ...
- Mozilla/Bugzilla (often abbreviated b.m.o) is's bug-tracking system, a database ...
- Mozilla/Firefox/Privacy
- Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/9 Firefox 9 was released for Windows on December 20, 2011. Mac and Linux version 9.0.1, which ...
- Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules JavaScript code modules let multiple privileged JavaScript scopes share code. For example, a ...
- Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/Promise.jsm The Promise.jsm JavaScript code module implements the Promises/A+ proposal as known in April ...
- Mozilla/Localization Localizacíon (L10n) es el proceso por el cual se traduce la interfaz de usuario de un software ...
- Mozilla/Marketplace Mozilla está trayendo sus valores fundamentales — la apertura, la libertad, la elección del ...
- Mozilla/Marketplace/Publishing Marketplace publishing
- Mozilla/Marketplace/Publishing/Submit This section describes the process for submitting an app to Firefox Marketplace
- Mozilla/Marketplace/Submission Marketplace submission
- Mozilla/MathML_Project El proyecto Mozilla MathML es un proyecto de Mozilla para crear y mejorar el soporte de MathML ...
- Mozilla/Preferences The preference system makes it possible to store data for Mozilla applications using a key/value ...
- Mozilla/Projects This page needs to become a pretty index to Mozilla projects whose documentation is located ...
- Mozilla/Tech Mozilla has several technologies used as components of its projects. These are documented here. ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide These articles provide tutorials and usage documentation for XPCOM, including how to use it in ...
- Server-sent_events Traditionally, a web page has to send a request to the server to receive new data; that is, the ...
- Tools/Debugger/How_to These articles describe how to use the debugger.
- Tools/Page_Inspector/How_to Links for various HOW TO's can be found here. These links describe in depth the HOW TO techniques.
- Tools/Web_Console La Consola Web:
- Trash This is a trash can. All subpages of this are intended to be deleted; this makes a convenient ...
- Web/Accessibility/ARIA Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) define cómo realizar contenido Web y aplicaciones ...
- Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Techniques The techniques below describes each composite role as well as their required and optional child ...
- Web/API/Console El objeto Console provee acceso a la consola de depuración de los navegadores (e.j., la Consola ...
- Web/API/IDBCursor The IDBCursor interface of the IndexedDB API represents a cursor for traversing or iterating ...
- Web/API/MediaDevices The MediaDevices interface provides access to connected media input devices like cameras and ...
- Web/API/NavigatorLanguage NavigatorLanguage contains methods and properties related to the language of the navigator.
- Web/API/NonDocumentTypeChildNode The NonDocumentTypeChildNode interface contains methods that are particular to Node objects that ...
- Web/API/ParentNode The ParentNode interface contains methods that are particular to Node objects that can have ...
- Web/API/PushManager The PushManager interface of the Push API provides a way to receive notifications from ...
- Web/API/RandomSource RandomSource represents a source of cryptographically secure random numbers. It is available via ...
- Web/API/Storage The Storage interface of the Web Storage API provides access to the session storage or local ...
- Web/API/WindowBase64 The WindowBase64 helper contains utility methods to convert data to and from base64, a ...
- Web/API/Worker The Worker interface of the Web Workers API represents a background task that can be easily ...
- Web/Aplicaciones/Build
- Web/Aplicaciones/Design
- Web/Aplicaciones/Design_Guidelines Some suggestions to help you build an app that’s attractive and easy to use.
- Web/Aplicaciones/FAQs
- Web/Aplicaciones/Quickstart/Build
- Web/Aplicaciones/Quickstart/Design
- Web/Aplicaciones/Tutorials The various app development tracks below will provide you a cohesive tutorial filled with ...
- Web/Apps/app_layout Creating an effective layout for a modern web site or app is a challenge. In some ways, your job ...
- Web/Apps/Tools_and_frameworks
- Web/Apps/Tutorials/Games
- Web/CSS/@counter-style The @counter-style CSS at-rule lets authors define specific counter styles that are not part of ...
- Web/CSS/@viewport The @viewport CSS at-rule contains a set of nested descriptors in a CSS block that is delimited ...
- Web/CSS/CSS_Background_and_Borders CSS Background and Borders is a module of CSS that defines how background and borders of ...
- Web/CSS/CSS_Positioning Posicionamiento CSS es un módulo de CSS que define cómo posicionar elementos absoluta y ...
- Web/Guide Estos artículos proveen información de "¿Cómo hacér?", para ayudarte a hacer uso de tecnologías ...
- Web/Guide/API/Telephony WebTelephony is an API that makes it possible for web content to handle voice phone calls from ...
- Web/Guide/DOM The Document Object Model is an API for HTML and XML documents. It provides a structural ...
- Web/Guide/DOM/Events Everything you need to know about events will go under here. We're working on cleanup here now.
- Web/Guide/HTML/Forms Esta guía está constituida por una serie de artículos que te ayudarán a dominar los formularios ...
- Web/HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) o Protocolo de Transferencia de Hipertexto (HTTP) es un ...
- Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP HTTP is a pretty extensible protocol. It relies on a few basics concepts like the notion of ...
- Web/JavaScript/Referencia/Classes Las clases de javascript están introducidas en ECMAScript 6 y son azúcar sintáctica sobre la ...
- Web/JavaScript/Referencia/Objetos_globales/JSON El objeto JSON contiene métodos para analizar JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) y convertir ...
- Web/MathML Lenguaje de Marcado Matemático (MathML por su sigla en inglés) es un lenguaje de marcado XML ...
- Web/MathML/Examples Below you'll find some examples you can look at to help you to understand how to use MathML to ...
- Web/Security Ensuring that your website or open web application is secure is critical. Even simple bugs in ...
- Web/SVG/Element animate , animateColor , animateMotion , animateTransform , mpath , set
- Web/SVG/Tutorial Scalable Vector Graphics, SVG , es un dialecto de marcado XML W3C para la generación de ...
- WebAPI WebAPI es un termino usado para referirse al conjunto de APIs compatibles y de acceso a los ...
- Web_Development/Mobile Developing web sites to be viewed on mobile devices requires approaches that ensure a web site ...
- XPCOM_Interface_Reference This is a reference to the XPCOM interfaces provided by the Mozilla platform.
- XPCOM_Interface_Reference/nsILoginManager Replaces nsIPasswordManager which was used in older versions of Gecko.