Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

使用 Pontoon 來在地化

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Pontoon 是一個基於web網頁的、所見即所得(WYSIWYG)的在地化(l10n即localization)工具。在Mozilla基金會,我們使用Pontoon本地化Mozilla網站和Firefox OS(火狐移動操作系統)的應用層(app)接口,就是Gaia。 Pontoon是一個非常簡單和直觀的,僅需要很少甚至沒有技術背景,就能在l10n本地化工作流程中,學會使用的工具。以下,我們將討論如何在本地化項目中使用Pontoon,從最初的註冊登錄到最終面對你的貢獻者(參與該項目的志願者或工作人員)。在這個過程中,我們將挑出Pontoon的一些貼心特性,那將使你十分有效率,並將使l10n本地化共享項目變得更容易。

你是位開發者嗎? 閱讀 在你的網站上使用 Pontoon 或學習如何在 GitHub 上使用。


Pontoon 的首頁 is very easy to use. To begin localizing the project, click on the Persona icon and sign in. Next, simply select the project you want to work on and your locale from the dropdown menus. Pontoon will automatically open that locale's project for you to get started. Note that for our purposes here, we'll be using Firefox Affiliates website to demo Pontoon's functionality and workflow. And there it is, opened inside Pontoon:

Browser app and workspace


如你所見,most of the interface is taken by the website being translated. Only the toolbar on top belongs to Pontoon, containing the following items (from left to right):

Main toolbar


Opens a sidebar with a list of all strings to localize.

Project selector (Affiliates)

Switches between projects to localize.

Resource selector (Homepage)

Switches between project resources to localize, like subpages or localization files. Hidden if no resources available for project.

Locale selector (Slovenian)

Switches between languages to localize.


Opens project-resource-locale selection.

Progress indicator

Displays your progress on the resource being localized. More details are available in the popup.


Allows for user-specific tasks, like commiting to repository, downloading files and signing out.


Gives important information, like the anticipated project timeline and a list of keyboard shortcuts.



當使用 Pontoon 來在地化時,你有多種選擇來翻譯你的字串,你可以直接修改內容、在內容外或是兩種混和。We'll start with looking at in-context translation.


Pontoon's in-context translation mode is what puts it above others. It opens a web page (or web app) and enables real-time editing of that page. Here's how you translate your first string:

In-context localization

  1. Hover over the text you want to translate with your mouse.
  2. An edit button appears over that text. Click on it to enable the translate mode.
  3. Replace the original text with its translation into your language.
  4. Click the save button to save your translation.


Some strings are impossible to translate in-context, e.g. the contents of the <title> tag in websites and strings with placeables or different plural forms. By clicking on the hamburger icon in the main toolbar, a list of all strings and available translations will open in the sidebar. You can also use the sidebar for out-of-context localization:

Out-of-context localization: list Out-of-context localization: translate

  1. 點擊你想要翻譯的字串。
  2. Translation panel with original string and its details (e.g. comments) opens.
  3. Translate the string in the translation area below.
  4. 按下儲存按鈕來儲存你的翻譯。

當你在內容外翻譯,成果將會直接在內容上呈現,if they could also be translated in-context.


如你所見,suggestions from history, translation memory, machine translation and other locales are also available in the out-of-context translation panel. We call all of these translation helpers and here's how each of them will help you as you translate strings:

Translation helpers: History Translation helpers: Machinery Translation helpers: Other locales Translation helpers: Search


Displays previously suggested translations, including from other users.


Displays matches from various services: internal translation memory, Mozilla Transvision, open source translation memory, Microsoft terminology and machine translation.


Displays matching translations from other locales.


Almost like machinery, but takes provided keyword as input parameter instead of the original string.

By clicking a suggestion, it gets copied into translation area.


Suppose you now want to publish your l10n work by committing it to a repo. Pontoon lets you do that too! Actually, it does that for you by automatically syncing with repositories on hourly basis. You can now pat yourself on the back, do a little dance, go to sleep or do something else to celebrate your work!


 此頁面的貢獻者: ALiangLiang
 最近更新: ALiangLiang,