Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.


Pontoon是一个基于web网页的、所见即所得(WYSIWYG)的本地化(l10n即localization)工具。在Mozilla基金会,我们使用Pontoon本地化Mozilla网站和Firefox OS(火狐移动操作系统)的应用层(app)接口,就是Gaia。Pontoon是一个非常简单和直观的,仅需要很少甚至没有技术背景,就能在l10n本 地化工作流程中,学会使用的工具。以下,我们将讨论如何在本地化项目中使用Pontoon,从最初的注册登录到最终面对你的贡献者(参与该项目的志愿者或 工作人员)。在这个过程中,我们将挑出Pontoon的一些贴心特性,那将使你十分有效率,并将使l10n本地化共享项目变得更容易。

你是个程序员吗? 阅读在你的网站实现Pontoon或者在GitHub上学习如何参与


Pontoon的主页十 分易于使用。简单的从下拉选单中,挑中你想要的工作项目和你的区域设定。Pontoon系统将自动为你打开所选的本地化项目,从而启动它。要开始一个本地 化项目,点击右下角的Persona图标并登录。注意因为这里我们的目标(是教学啦),我们将特意使用Gaia的浏览器应用来演示Pontoon的功能和 工作流程。说到Gaia,下面就是Gaia浏览器应用的样子!

Browser app and workspace




Edit string button




  1. 将鼠标移动到你想翻译的文本上。
  2. 文本上会出现一个编辑按钮。点击它启动编辑模式。
  3. 用你译好的语言替代其中的英语(en-US)文本。
  4. 点击保存图标来存储你的译文。
  5. 看看屏幕上随即的变化,这多简单!






Workspace alone




  1. 点击想翻译的原文右侧的文本编辑框。
  2. 输入你的翻译。
  3. 点击文本编辑框右边的保存按钮。
  4. 可以看一下,浏览器应用加上译文后现在是什么样子了。
  5. 看这多容易!






String l10n features

copy active  直接将原文复制到翻译目标
The copy button in the middle of the workspace's two columns. This helper copies the source string into your text box for you to save. The copy button also copies and pastes any suggestions from the source column into the target text box.
original string active  原文字符
The original string icon displays the source string in en-US for you to translate.
other users active  其他人的建议
This helper displays translations suggested by other users for this source string. NOTE: this feature is still in development.
Other locales active  其它项目的机器翻译建议
This helper displays matching translations from other locales.
translation memory active  翻译记事本的建议
This helper displays matches from your translation memory file.
Machine translation active  机器翻译
This helper offers translation suggestions generated from a machine translation engine.


Pontoon offers a few other translation helpers outside of those found on each segment row. These are found in the black bar at the bottom of Pontoon's workspace.

black bar

Info  信息
The info helper gives you important, project-specific information. For example, it can profile the project's target audience or give you the anticipated project timeline.
This helper opens a menu with all of your Pontoon projects. It allows you to switch between project's to localize from within the workspace.
The locale selector allows you to switch from locale to locale from within the workspace.
This helper opens a menu with all of the project's sub pages, allowing you to navigate through every page and localize them all.
This helper displays your progress on the page you're actively localizing. It is measured in number of strings translated.



commit export

  1. Click on your Persona ID in the bottom right corner.
  2. Based on the repository your project is connected to, select any of the options:
    • SVN: click "Commit to SVN" and enter your SVN credentials.
    • Transifex: click "Save to Transifex" and enter your Transifex credentials.
    • Other: select which file format you would like to export your work in and save it to a directory on your computer.
  3. Pat yourself on the back, do a little dance, go to sleep, do something to celebrate your work!





 此页面的贡献者: Meteormatt, iwo
 最后编辑者: Meteormatt,