History of JavaScript Revision history for: English (US) Română 4 mai 2016, 01:52:52 Sergo_junior Anterior 6 sept. 2015, 01:19:03 kosson Approaching the finalised version of this page in Romanian. it still needs the titles to be translated as log as the linked article will be stubbed. Anterior 30 iun. 2015, 01:10:40 kosson Anterior 30 iun. 2015, 01:07:40 kosson Anterior 30 iun. 2015, 01:06:03 kosson Anterior 30 iun. 2015, 00:54:08 kosson Anterior 30 iun. 2015, 00:33:32 kosson This is a start for the Romanian translation of the MDN JavaScript. Anterior 28 apr. 2015, 06:18:57 teoli Replaced completely outdated page. 3 sept. 2013, 14:59:40 jkachel (manual) revert to 461967, since this has actual information in it and not just a poor attempt to pop an alert dialog