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This HTML reference describes all elements and attributes of HTML, including global attributes that apply to all elements.

HTML element reference
This page lists all the HTML elements.
HTML attribute reference
Elements in HTML have attributes; these are additional values that configure the elements or adjust their behavior in various ways to meet the criteria the users want.
Global attributes
Global attributes may be specified on all HTML elements, even those not specified in the standard. That means that any non-standard elements must still permit these attributes, even though using those elements means that the document is no longer HTML5-compliant. For example, HTML5-compliant browsers hide content marked as <foo hidden>...<foo>, even though <foo> is not a valid HTML element.
Link types
In HTML, the following link types indicate the relationship between two documents, in which one links to the other using an <a>, <area>, or <link> element.

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Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: jswisher, greatdevaks, stingyong, Tee37, teoli, Shahbaz53, Sheppy
 Last updated by: jswisher,