Articles tagged: HTML
Found 337 documents
- Accessibility_AT-SPI_Support This FAQ explains how makers of Linux- or UNIX- based screen readers, voice dictation packages, ...
- Archive/Apps/Graphics_and_UX When creating Open Web Apps, you need to give a lot of consideration to the look and feel, user ...
- Archive/Case_Sensitivity_in_class_and_id_Names Summary: Although CSS is itself case-insensitive, class and ID names are defined to be ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Localization/Developing_Bidi_Apps This document lists some patterns and best practices to observe when creating BiDi ...
- Fixing_common_validation_problems If you are not careful, you risk building your web pages on assumptions of browser behavior, ...
- Games/Tutorials/2D_breakout_game_Phaser/Initialize_the_framework Before we can start writing the game's functionality, we need to create a basic structure to ...
- Games/Tutorials/2D_Breakout_game_pure_JavaScript/Create_the_Canvas_and_draw_on_it Before we can start writing the game's functionality, we need to create a basic structure to ...
- Glossary/Attribute An attribute extends a tag, changing tag behavior or providing metadata. An attribute always has ...
- Glossary/Block/CSS A block on a webpage is an HTML element that appears on a new line, i.e. underneath the ...
- Glossary/Canvas The HTML canvas element provides an empty graphic zone on which specific JavaScript APIs can ...
- Glossary/CSS_Selector A CSS selector is the part of the CSS rule that lets you target which element(s) get styled by ...
- Glossary/DHTML DHTM L (Dynamic HTML) refers to the code behind interactive webpages that need no plugins like ...
- Glossary/Doctype !DOCTYPE informs the browser which version of HTML (or XML) you used to write the document. ...
- Glossary/Element An element is a part of a webpage. In XML and HTML, an element may contain a data item or a ...
- Glossary/Entity An HTML entity is a string that begins with ' &' and ends with ' ;'. Entities can be used to ...
- Glossary/Global_attribute Global attributes are attributes that can be used on all elements (though sometimes without ...
- Glossary/Head The Head is the part of an HTML document that contains metadata about that document, such as ...
- Glossary/HTML HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a descriptive language that specifies webpage structure.
- Glossary/HTML5 The latest stable release of HTML, HTML5 takes HTML from a simple markup for structuring a ...
- Glossary/Hyperlink Hyperlinks connect webpages or data items to one another. In HTML, a elements define hyperlinks ...
- Glossary/Metadata Metadata is — in its very simplest definition — data that describes data. For example, an HTML ...
- Glossary/Semantics In programing, Semantics refers to the meaning of a piece of code — for example "what effect ...
- Glossary/Tag In HTML a tag is used for creating an element. The name of an HTML element is the name used in ...
- Glossary/UTF-8 UTF-8 (UCS Transformation Format 8) is the World Wide Web's most common character encoding. Each ...
- Glossary/WHATWG The WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) is an organization that ...
- Learn/Common_questions/Common_web_layouts There's a reason we talk about web design. You start out with a blank page, and you can take it ...
- Learn/Common_questions/HTML_features_for_accessibility The following content describes specific features of HTML that can be used to make a web page ...
- Learn/Common_questions/What_are_browser_developer_tools The devtools live inside your browser in a subwindow that looks roughly like this:
- Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web It's a lot of work to create a professional website, so if you're new to web development we ...
- Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web/Dealing_with_files When you are working on a website locally on your own computer, you should keep all the related ...
- Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web/HTML_basics HTML is not a programming language; it is a markup language, and is used to tell your browser ...
- Learn/HTML To build websites, you should know about HTML — the fundamental technology used to define the ...
- Learn/HTML/Cheatsheet While using HTML it can be very handy to have an easy way to remember how to use HTML tags ...
- Learn/HTML/Forms_and_buttons Forms and buttons are a very important part of the Web — these allow your site visitors to input ...
- Learn/HTML/Forms_and_buttons/Basics In this article we'll take you through the basics of HTML forms, including their purpose, basic ...
- Learn/HTML/Howto The following links point to solutions to common everyday problems you'll need to solve with HTML.
- Learn/HTML/Howto/Add_a_hit_map_on_top_of_an_image When you nest an image inside a, the entire image links to one webpage. An image map, on the ...
- Learn/HTML/Howto/Define_terms_with_HTML When you need a term defined, you probably go straight to a dictionary or glossary. Dictionaries ...
- Learn/HTML/Howto/Use_JavaScript_within_a_webpage JavaScript is a programming language mostly used client-side to make webpages interactive. You ...
- Learn/HTML/Introduction_to_HTML At its heart, HTML is a fairly simple language made up of elements, which can be applied to ...
- Learn/HTML/Introduction_to_HTML/Advanced_text_formatting That marks the end of our study of HTML text semantics. Bear in mind that what you have seen ...
- Learn/HTML/Introduction_to_HTML/Creating_hyperlinks That's it for links, for now anyway! You'll return to links later on in the course when you ...
- Learn/HTML/Introduction_to_HTML/Debugging_HTML So there we have it, an introduction to debugging your HTML, which should give you some useful ...
- Learn/HTML/Introduction_to_HTML/Document_and_website_structure At this point you should have a better idea about how to structure a web page/site. In the last ...
- Learn/HTML/Introduction_to_HTML/Getting_started You've reached the end of the article — hope you enjoyed your tour of the very basics of HTML. ...
- Learn/HTML/Introduction_to_HTML/HTML_text_fundamentals That's it for now! This article should have given you a good idea of how to start marking up ...
- Learn/HTML/Introduction_to_HTML/Marking_up_a_letter We all learn to write a letter sooner or later; it is also a useful example to test out our text ...
- Learn/HTML/Introduction_to_HTML/Structuring_a_page_of_content Structuring a page of content ready for laying it out using CSS is a very important skill to ...
- Learn/HTML/Introduction_to_HTML/The_head_metadata_in_HTML That marks the end of our quickfire tour of the HTML head — there's a lot more you can do in ...
- Learn/HTML/Multimedia_and_embedding We've looked at a lot of text so far in this course. A. lot. of. text. But the web would be ...
- Learn/HTML/Multimedia_and_embedding/Adding_vector_graphics_to_the_Web This article has provided you with a quick tour of what vector graphics and SVG are, why they ...
- Learn/HTML/Multimedia_and_embedding/Images_in_HTML That's all for now — we have covered images and captions in detail. In the next article we'll ...
- Learn/HTML/Multimedia_and_embedding/Mozilla_splash_page In this assessment, we'll test your knowledge of some of the techniques discussed in this ...
- Learn/HTML/Multimedia_and_embedding/Other_embedding_technologies The topic of embedding other content in web documents can quickly become very complex, so in ...
- Learn/HTML/Multimedia_and_embedding/Responsive_images That's a wrap for responsive images — we hope you enjoyed playing with these new techniques. As ...
- Learn/HTML/Multimedia_and_embedding/Video_and_audio_content And that's a wrap; we hope you had fun playing with video and audio in web pages! In the next ...
- Learn/Tools_and_testing Once you've started to become comfortable programming with core web technologies (like HTML, ...
- Learn/Tools_and_testing/Cross_browser_testing This module looks specifically at the area of testing web projects across different browsers. ...
- Learn/Tools_and_testing/Cross_browser_testing/Accessibility Hopefully this article has given you a good grounding in the main accessibility problems you ...
- Learn/Tools_and_testing/Cross_browser_testing/HTML_and_CSS Now you should be familiar with the main types of cross browser HTML and CSS problems that ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Code_snippets/HTML_in_XUL_for_rich_tooltips This example demonstrates the dynamic injection of HTML into a XUL element. Specifically, we ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Code_snippets/HTML_to_DOM Although you can now natively parse HTML using DOMParser and XMLHttpRequest, this is a new ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Code_snippets/Rosetta By default, the only possible standardized scripting language for HTML is ECMAScript. Hence, if ...
- Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/1.5 Based on the Gecko 1.8 engine, Firefox 1.5 improved its already best in class standards support, ...
- Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/1.5/Using_Firefox_1.5_caching Firefox 1.5 uses in-memory caching for entire Web pages, including their JavaScript states, for ...
- Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.5 Firefox 3.5 introduces a number of new features, as well as additional and improved support for ...
- Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.6 Firefox 3.6 offers support for new and developing web standards, increased performance, and an ...
- Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/4 Firefox 4, which shipped on March 22, 2011, enhances performance, adds more support for HTML5 ...
- Mozilla/Projects/L20n L20n lets localizers reach higher levels of free linguistic expression by sharpening the divide ...
- Mozilla/Projects/L20n_clone L20n lets localizers reach higher levels of free linguistic expression by sharpening the divide ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIDOMHTMLSourceElement The nsIDOMHTMLSourceElement interface is the DOM interface to the source child of the audio and ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsITXTToHTMLConv Prior versions of the interface named the methods using the InitialCaps style instead of the ...
- Property_compatibility_table_for_form_widgets The following compatibility tables try to summarize the state of CSS support for HTML forms. Due ...
- Quirks_Mode_and_Standards_Mode In the old days of the web, pages were typically written in two versions: One for Netscape ...
- Tools/3D_View When you click on the 3D view button, the page goes into 3D view mode; in this mode, you can see ...
- Tools/Page_Inspector Use the Page Inspector to examine and modify the HTML and CSS of a page.
- Using_the_Right_Markup_to_Invoke_Plugins This article is about how to invoke a plugin with the correct use of HTML. It discusses the ...
- Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Techniques/Using_the_alertdialog_role The alertdialog role is used to notify the user of urgent information that demands the user's ...
- Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Techniques/Using_the_alert_role The alert role is used to communicate an important and usually time-sensitive message to the ...
- Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Techniques/Using_the_aria-invalid_attribute The aria-invalid attribute is used to indicate that the value entered into an input field does ...
- Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Techniques/Using_the_aria-label_attribute The aria-label attribute is used to define a string that labels the current element. Use it in ...
- Web/API/Canvas_API/A_basic_ray-caster Open in new window
- Web/API/Canvas_API/Drawing_DOM_objects_into_a_canvas Although it's not trivial (for security reasons), it's possible to draw DOM content—such as HTML ...
- Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial This tutorial describes how to use the canvas element to draw 2D graphics, starting with the ...
- Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Applying_styles_and_colors Up until now we have only seen methods of the drawing context. If we want to apply colors to a ...
- Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Basic_animations Probably the biggest limitation is, that once a shape gets drawn, it stays that way. If we need ...
- Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Basic_usage At first sight a canvas looks like the img element, with the only clear difference being that it ...
- Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Compositing We can not only draw new shapes behind existing shapes but we can also use it to mask off ...
- Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Compositing/Example This sample program demonstrates a number of compositing operations. The output looks like this:
- Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Drawing_shapes Before we can start drawing, we need to talk about the canvas grid or coordinate space. Our HTML ...
- Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Optimizing_canvas This article aims to provide suggestions for optimizing your use of the canvas element, to ...
- Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Transformations Before we look at the transformation methods, let's look at two other methods which are ...
- Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Using_images Importing images into a canvas is basically a two step process:
- Web/API/Document/getElementsByName Returns a nodelist collection with a given name in the (X)HTML document.
- Web/API/Document_Object_Model/Traversing_an_HTML_table_with_JavaScript_and_DOM_Interfaces This article is an overview of some powerful, fundamental DOM level 1 methods and how to use ...
- Web/API/DOMParser DOMParser can parse XML or HTML source stored in a string into a DOM Document. DOMParser is ...
- Web/API/History/length The History.length read-only property returns an Integer representing the number of elements in ...
- Web/API/HTMLFormElement The HTMLFormElement interface provides methods to create and modify form elements. ...
- Web/API/HTMLFormElement/reportValidity The HTMLFormElement.reportValidity() method returns true if the element's child controls satisfy ...
- Web/API/HTMLMediaElement The HTMLMediaElement interface adds to HTMLElement the properties and methods needed to support ...