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A Szerszamoslada osszegyujtotte a legfontosabb eszkozoket Fejlesztoknek, amik bele vannak epitve a Firefoxba. Ki tudod nyitni ha valasztod a "Toggle Tools"-t a Web Developer-en keresztul (ha LInuxod vagy OS X-ed van megtalalod a " Tools" cimke alatt, vagy ha Windowsod van, a"Firefox" alatt), vagy aktivalhatod barmelyik eszkozt (peldaul a JavaScript Debuggert or the Page Inspectort). Tovabba valaszthatod a rovidebb utat ha megnyomod a Ctrl + Shift + I gombokat Windowson vagy Linuxon, vagy Cmd + Opt + I gombokat OS X-en.
Eredetileg az ablak a Firefox ablak aljan nyilik meg, de levalaszthatod ha akarod.Igy nez ki mikor ossze van kapcsolva a Firefox ablakkal:
Az ablak maga 2 reszre van osztva: a Toolbar folul es a fomezo alatta:
The toolbar contains controls to activate a particular tool, to dock/float the window, and to close the window.
Node picker
On the far left there's a button to activate the node picker. This lets you select a page element for inspection. See "Selecting elements".
Toolbox-hosted tools
Then there is an array of labeled buttons which enables you to switch between the different tools hosted by the Toolbox. The array may include the following tools:
Note that not all the hosted tools are always listed here: only the tools actually available in this context are shown (for example, not all tools support remote debugging yet, so if the debugging target is not the Firefox instance that launched the window, not all the hosted tools will be shown).
Extra tools
Next there's an array of buttons that can be added or removed in the developer tool settings. By default this array includes:
The following tools are not included in the toolbar by default, but you can add them in the settings:
- Highlight painted area
- 3D view
- Scratchpad
- Grab a color from the page
- Take a full-page screenshot: this is new in Firefox 32. It takes a screenshot of the complete web page and saves it in your Downloads directory
- Select a frame as the currently targeted document: this is new in Firefox 34.
Toolbox controls
Finally there's a row of buttons to:
- close the window
- toggle the window between attached to the bottom of the browser window, and attached to the side of the browser window
- toggle the window between standalone and attached to the browser window
- access developer tool settings
Clicking the "Settings" button () gives you access to settings for the Toolbox itself and for the tools it hosts:
Default Firefox Developer Tools
This group of checkboxes determines which tools are enabled in the toolbox. New tools are often included in Firefox but not enabled by default.
Available Toolbox Buttons
This group of checkboxes determines which "standalone tools" get buttons in the toolbar. This defaults to the node picker, the split console, and responsive design mode.
Firefox 32 adds a button to take a screenshot of the complete web page, which is unchecked by default.
Choose DevTools theme
This enables you to switch between a light and a dark theme:
Common preferences
Settings that apply to more than one tool. There's just one of these:
- Enable persistent logs: a setting to control whether or not the Web Console and Network Monitor clear their output when you navigate to a new page.
- Show browser styles: a setting to control whether styles applied by the browser (user-agent styles) should be displayed in the Inspector's Rules view. This setting is new in Firefox 32. Note that this setting is independent of the "Browser styles" checkbox in the Inspector's Computed view.
- Default color unit: a setting to control how colors are represented in the inspector:
- Hex
- HSL(A)
- RGB(A)
- name.
Web Console
- Enable timestamps: controls whether the Web Console displays timestamps. From Firefox 28 the Web Console defaults to hiding timestamps.
Style Editor
- Show original sources: when a CSS preprocessor supporting source maps is used, this enables the Style Editor to display the original, preprocessor, sources rather than the generated CSS. Learn more about Style Editor support for CSS source maps. With this setting checked, the Page Inspector Rules view will also provide links to the original sources.
- Autocomplete CSS: enable the Style Editor to offer autocomplete suggestions.
JavaScript Profiler
- Show Gecko platform data: a setting to control whether or not profiles should include Gecko platform symbols.
Editor Preferences
Preferences for the CodeMirror source editor, which is included in Firefox and used by several developer tools, including Scratchpad and the Style Editor.
- Detect indentation: auto-indent new lines based on the current indentation
- Autoclose brackets
- Indent using spaces
- Tab size
- Keybindings: choose the default CodeMirror keybindings, or keybindings from one of several popular editors:
- Vim
- Emacs
- Sublime Text
Advanced settings
- Disable cache: disable the browser cache to simulate first-load performance. From Firefox 33 onwards this setting persists, meaning that if it is set, caching will be disabled whenever you reopen the devtools. Caching is re-enabled when the devtools are closed.
- Disable JavaScript: reload the current tab with JavaScript disabled
- Enable chrome debugging: enable you to use developer tools in the context of the browser itself, and not only web content
- Enable remote debugging: enable the developer tools to debug remote Firefox instances
Main Pane
The content of the main pane in the window is entirely controlled by, and specific to, the hosted tool currently selected.