Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 03 Nov 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

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The HTMLFormElement.elements property returns an HTMLFormControlsCollection (HTML 4 HTMLCollection) of all the form controls contained in the FORM element, with the exception of input elements which have a type attribute of image.

You can access a particular element by using either an index or the element name or id.


nodeList = HTMLFormElement.elements


var inputs = document.getElementById("form1").elements;
var inputByIndex = inputs[2];
var inputByName = inputs["login"];


Specification Status Comment
WHATWG HTML Living Standard
The definition of 'HTMLFormElement.elements' in that specification.
Living Standard  
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 HTML Specification
The definition of 'HTMLFormElement.elements' in that specification.
Recommendation Initial definition

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 Última actualización por: cvrebert,