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This is an experimental technology
Because this technology's specification has not stabilized, check the compatibility table for usage in various browsers. Also note that the syntax and behavior of an experimental technology is subject to change in future versions of browsers as the specification changes.


The CaretPosition interface represents the caret postion, an indicator for the text insertion point. You can get a CaretPosition using the document.caretPositionFromPoint method.


This interface doesn't inherit any property.

CaretPosition.offsetNode Read only
Returns a Node containing the found node at the caret's position.
CaretPosition.offset Read only
Returns a long representing the character offset in the caret position node.




Specification Status Comment
CSS Object Model (CSSOM) View Module
The definition of 'CaretPosition' in that specification.
Working Draft  

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support No support 20.0 (20.0) No support No support No support
Feature Android Firefox Mobile IE Phone Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support No support 20.0 (20.0) No support No support No support

See also

Etiquetas y colaboradores del documento

 Colaboradores en esta página: cvrebert, fscholz, teoli, Sheppy
 Última actualización por: cvrebert,