Articles tagged: XPCOM
Found 787 documents
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Automated_testing/XPCShell XPCShell tests are headless tests of Gecko XPCOM APIs. You can run XPCShell tests on B2G; in ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Developing_Firefox_OS/Installing_XPCOM_Component_as_Extension_on_B2G_Des Here is how to install a hello world xpcom component as an extension on B2G Desktop, and test it.
- Archive/Mozilla/callCalendarView An object implementing calICalendarView is generally intended to serve as a way of manipulating ...
- Archive/Mozilla/callCalendarViewController A calICalendarViewController provides a way for a calICalendarView to create, modify, and delete ...
- Archive/Mozilla/Namespace/Mozilla/CondVar mozilla::CondVar is a bare wrapper around PRCondVar. Please see Introduction_to_NSPR for a ...
- Archive/Mozilla/Namespace/Mozilla/Monitor mozilla::Monitor is a bare wrapper around PRMonitor. Please see Introduction_to_NSPR for a ...
- Archive/Mozilla/Namespace/Mozilla/Mutex mozilla::Mutex is a bare wrapper around PRLock. Please see Introduction_to_NSPR for a high-level ...
- Archive/Mozilla/Standalone_XPCOM Standalone XPCOM is a tree configuration that builds a minimal set of libraries (shared mostly) ...
- Archive/Mozilla/The_new_nsString_class_implementation_(1999) This document is intended to briefly describe the new nsString class architecture, and discuss ...
- Console_service The Console Service interface supports logging runtime messages from any source. Messages can ...
- Detailed_XPCOM_hashtable_guide A hashtable is a data construct that stores a set of items. Each item has a key that identifies ...
- Interfaces/About_Frozen_Interfaces This document is to be considered of historical interest only. As of Gecko 2.0 (Firefox 4), all ...
- Interfaces/About_Scriptable_Interfaces This is just a starter document, it should not be considered complete. Most of the information ...
- Migrating_from_Internal_Linkage_to_Frozen_Linkage Extension code using internal linkage will need to migrate to use frozen linkage because ...
- Modularization_Techniques The purpose of this document is provide all the information you need to create a new Mozilla ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Code_snippets/Finding_Window_Handles When working on Windows platforms, many APIs and frameworks require a window handle (HWND type). ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Code_snippets/JS_XPCOM Here are a few useful snippets of code for dealing with XPCOM components in JavaScript.
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Creating_Custom_Firefox_Extensions_with_the_Mozilla_Build_System There is a wealth of material on creating extensions for Firefox. All of these documents ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Tutorials/Using_XPCOM_without_chrome With the low-level module sdk/platform/xpcom, it's possible to exclude chrome and XPCOMUtils in ...
- Mozilla/Choosing_the_right_memory_allocator There are a lot of different memory allocators in the Mozilla source tree. This article looks ...
- Mozilla/Creating_JavaScript_callbacks_in_components XPCOM components use IDL to create interfaces. These interfaces are used to manipulate the ...
- Mozilla/Developer_guide/Build_Instructions/Adding_XPCOM_components_to_Mozilla_build_system This document describes adding new components to Mozilla, including the build system and ...
- Mozilla/Developer_guide/Interface_development_guide XPCOM interfaces define classes that are implemented to provide key functionality in the Mozilla ...
- Mozilla/Developer_guide/Interface_development_guide/Commenting_IDL_for_better_documentation Doxygen is a system of generating documentation from source code. The documentation team has ...
- Mozilla/Developer_guide/Interface_development_guide/IDL_interface_rules For support and discussion:
- Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/3.6/Interfaces_moved These interfaces were moved to new locations in the tree in Gecko 1.9.2. This is generally only ...
- Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/4 Firefox 4, which shipped on March 22, 2011, enhances performance, adds more support for HTML5 ...
- Mozilla/Implementing_QueryInterface This document describes the right way to write QueryInterface().
- Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules JavaScript code modules let multiple privileged JavaScript scopes share code. For example, a ...
- Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/NetUtil.jsm The NetUtil.jsm JavaScript code module provides easy-to-use APIs for performing common network ...
- Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/Services.jsm The Services.jsm JavaScript code module offers a wide assortment of lazy getters that simplify ...
- Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/Using JavaScript code modules are a concept introduced in Gecko 1.9 and can be used for sharing code ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/extIApplication The extIApplication is defined in toolkit/components/exthelper/extIApplication.idl.
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/extIConsole The extIConsole interface gives simplified access to the console. extIConsole is defined in ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/extIEventItem The extEventItem interface holds information about an event. extIEventItem is defined in ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/extIEventListener The extIEventListener interface is used used as a callback for listening to events. ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/extIEvents The extIEvents interface supports custom events. extIEvents is defined in ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/extIExtension The extIExtension interface represents an extension. extIExtension is defined in ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/extIExtensions The extIExtensions interface represents a list of all installed extensions. extIExtensions is ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/extIPreference The extIPreference interface accesses a single preference. The data is not cached. All reads ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/extIPreferenceBranch The extIPreferenceBranch interface provides simplified access to preferences. The interface has ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/extISessionStorage extISessionStorage allows an extension to store data for the life time of the application (e.g. ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/FUEL FUEL is a JavaScript library designed to help developers build extensions using terminology and ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/FUEL/fuelIAnnotations The annotation service is designed to store arbitrary data about a web page in Firefox 3
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/FUEL/fuelIApplication This should be redrected to extIApplication.
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/FUEL/fuelIBookmark Removes the item from the parent folder. Used to delete a bookmark or separator
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/FUEL/fuelIBookmarkFolder Adds a new child bookmark to this folder.
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/FUEL/fuelIBookmarkRoots
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/FUEL/fuelIBrowserTab The FUEL BrowserTab object describes a tab in a browser.
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/FUEL/fuelIWindow The FUEL Window object describes a browser window.
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/SMILE SMILE is a JavaScript library designed to help developers build extensions using terminology and ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/SMILE/smileIApplication The smileIApplication interface is used for managing and accessing the applications systems. ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/SMILE/smileIBookmarkRoots The smileIBookmarkRoots interface represents a container for bookmark roots. Roots are the top ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/SMILE/smileIBrowserTab The smileIBrowserTab interface represents a browser tab. smileIBrowserTab is defined in ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/SMILE/smileIWindow The smileIWindow interface represents a browser window. smileIWindow is defined in ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/STEEL STEEL is the S criptable T hunderbird E asy E xtension L ibrary. It is a FUEL -like set of ...
- Mozilla/Tech/Toolkit_API/STEEL/steelIApplication The
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM XPCOM is a cross platform component object model, similar to Microsoft COM. It has multiple ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/already_AddRefed already_AddRefed in association with nsCOMPtr allows you to assign in a pointer without AddRef ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Binary_compatibility If Mozilla decides to upgrade to a compiler that does not have the same ABI as the current ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Creating_a_Python_XPCOM_component Creating Applications with Mozilla already provides a tutorial for making a simple JavaScript or ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Fun_with_XBL_and_XPConnect This article describes an application of XBL in which a simple XPCOM interface is made ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Generating_GUIDs GUID s are used in Mozilla programming for identifying several types of entities, including ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Generic_factory Most XPCOM factories can be very simple. Rick Potts wrote a templated-based generic factory ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Glue The XPCOM Glue is a static library which component developers and embedders can link against. It ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide These articles provide tutorials and usage documentation for XPCOM, including how to use it in ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Arrays Mozilla has many array classes because each array is optimized for a particular usage pattern. ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Avoiding_leaks_in_JavaScript_components Programmers writing and reviewing JavaScript code in Mozilla should understand how code using ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Building_components_in_JavaScript If you are looking for Add-on SDK solution for XPCOM JavaScript components then check out ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Changes_in_Gecko_2.0 Several changes that affect XPCOM component compatibility are taking place in Gecko 2. This ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components This guide is about Gecko, and about creating XPCOM components for Gecko-based applications.
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components/An_Overview_of_XPCOM This is a book about XPCOM. The book is presented as a tutorial about creating XPCOM components, ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components/Building_the_WebLock_UI Up until now, we've been building a component that can be installed in any Gecko application. ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components/Component_Internals Let's start by examining how XPCOM components are written in C++. The most common type of ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components/Creating_the_Component_Code This chapter goes over the basic code required to handle the relationship between your component ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components/Finishing_the_Component At this point you have created most of the infrastructure of the component. The component will ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components/Packaging_WebLock In this final part of the tutorial, we'll put all of the pieces of the web locking component - ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components/Preface This is a book about Gecko, and about creating XPCOM components for Gecko-based applications. ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components/Resources This last section of the book provides a list of resources referred to in the tutorial and other ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components/Setting_up_the_Gecko_SDK This chapter provides basic setup information for the Gecko Software Development Kit (SDK) used ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components/Starting_WebLock In this chapter, we begin to design and implement the web locking functionality itself. We have ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components/Using_XPCOM_Components Applications like the Mozilla browser are sophisticated, modularized clients of XPCOM ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components/Using_XPCOM_Utilities_to_Make_Things_Easier This chapter goes back over the code you've already created in the first part of the tutorial ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Cross-thread_calls_using_runnables In the Mozilla platform, most activities such as layout, DOM operations, content JavaScript, and ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Inheriting_from_implementation_classes Given that IDL interfaces map to abstract classes in C++, a common problem when dealing with IDL ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Internal_strings Most of the Mozilla code uses a C++ class hierarchy to pass string data, rather than using raw ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/mozilla::services The services C++ namespace offers an easy and efficient alternative for obtaining a service as ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Receiving_startup_notifications Sometimes it's necessary for XPCOM components to receive notifications as to the progress of the ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Streams In Mozilla code, a stream is an object which represents access to a sequence of characters. It ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/How_to_build_a_binary_XPCOM_component_using_Visual_Studio This is a simple tutorial for building XPCOM objects in C++ using Visual Studio. XPCOM is ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Interfacing_with_the_XPCOM_cycle_collector This is a quick overview of the cycle collector introduced into XPCOM for Firefox 3, including a ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Language_Bindings An XPCOM Language Binding is a bridge between a particular language and XPCOM to provide access ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Language_Bindings/Components.isSuccessCode Determines whether a given XPCOM return code (that is, an nsresult value) indicates the success ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Language_Bindings/Components.utils.exportFunction This function provides a safe way to expose a function from a privileged scope to a ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Language_Bindings/Components.utils.forceGC Components.utils.forceGC lets scripts force a garbage collection cycle. The Mozilla JavaScript ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Language_Bindings/Components.utils.getWeakReference This method was introduced in Firefox 3 and is used for obtaining a weak reference for an ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Language_Bindings/Components.utils.schedulePreciseGC This method lets scripts schedule a garbage collection cycle. The garbage collection cycle will ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Language_Bindings/Components.utils.setGCZeal This method lets scripts set the zeal level for garbage collection. You can get details on what ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Language_bindings/JavaXPCOM JavaXPCOM allows for communication between Java and XPCOM, such that a Java application can ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Language_bindings/PlXPCOM plXPCOM (Perl XPCOM) provides language bindings letting you use XPCOM from Perl code. The ...