FUEL is deprecated as of Firefox 40. Consider using the Add-ons SDK instead
The annotation service is designed to store arbitrary data about a web page in Firefox 3
Method overview
boolean has(in AString aName) |
nsIVariant get(in AString aName) |
void set(in AString aName, in nsIVariant aValue, in PRInt32 aExpiration) |
void remove(in AString aName) |
Attribute | Type | Description |
names |
readonly attribute nsIVariant |
Array of the annotation names associated with the owning item |
Determines if an annotation exists with the given name.
boolean has(in AString aName)
- aName
- The name of the annotation
Return value
true if an annotation exists with the given name, false otherwise.
Gets the value of an annotation with the given name.
nsIVariant get(in AString aName)
- aName
- The name of the annotation
Return value
A variant containing the value of the annotation. Supports string, boolean and number.
Sets the value of an annotation with the given name.
void set(in AString aName, in nsIVariant aValue, in PRInt32 aExpiration)
- aName
- The name of the annotation
- aValue
- The new value of the annotation. Supports string, boolean and number.
- aExpiration
- The expiration policy for the annotation. See nsIAnnotationService.
Return value
Removes the named annotation from the owner item.
void remove(in AString aName)
- aName
- The name of annotation.
Return value
const NEVER_EXPIRE = 0; function url(spec) { var ios = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService); return ios.newURI(spec, null, null); } var bookmark = Application.bookmarks.menu.addBookmark("Mozilla", url("https://www.mozilla.com/")); bookmark.annotations.set("mystuff/public", true, NEVER_EXPIRE); bookmark.annotations.set("mystuff/rating", 5, NEVER_EXPIRE); alert(bookmark.annotations.get("mystuff/rating")); bookmark.annotations.remove("mystuff/rating");