Articles tagged: Localization
Found 79 documents
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Localization This set of articles provides information for developers wishing to provide localized versions ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Localization/App_Localization_with_Transifex Mozilla's Technical Evangelism team is piloting a program that uses Transifex for managing ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Localization/Developing_Bidi_Apps This document lists some patterns and best practices to observe when creating BiDi ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Localization/Getting_started_with_app_localization Currently Firefox OS Gaia uses a modified version of the L10n.js library to localize the default ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Localization/Internationalization_helpers_IntlHelper_and_mozIntl This article looks at how Firefox OS handles localization of dates, times, numbers and collators ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Localization/L10n.js_reference This article provides a reference for the l10n.js library, and its associated date helper, ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Localization/Localization_code_best_practices The best way to write localizable code is to move as much of l10n logic to declarative HTML as ...
- Archive/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_apps/Localization/Localizing_Open_Web_Apps The purpose of this documentation is to make it as easy and clear as possible to quickly make ...
- Archive/Mozilla/XULRunner/How_to_enable_locale_switching_in_a_XULRunner_application This article is for developers who have localised their XUL application using DTD entity files ...
- Encodings_for_localization_files When creating a localization for Mozilla products, it’s important to be aware of the encoding of ...
- gettext gettext lets you define and use singular and plural forms of a string. To take advantage of this ...
- Glossary/Localization Localization (l10n) is the process of adapting a software user interface to a specific culture.
- Glossary/ltr ltr (Left To Right) is a locale property indicating that text is written from left to right. For ...
- Glossary/rtl rtl (Right To Left) is a locale property indicating that text is written from right to left. For ...
- L10n_Checks L10n Checks is a Python script and library similar to compare-locales. It allows Mozilla ...
- L10n_Style_Guide Cultural references, idioms, and slang require a full understanding of these references between ...
- L10n_Style_Guide/Mozilla_Content_Localized_in_Your_Language This section of the style guide is for you to author. The content here should be what you and ...
- MDN/Contribute/Localize MDN is used by people all over the world as a reference and guide to Web technologies, as well ...
- MDN/Contribute/Localize/Localization_projects All localization and translation work on MDN is done by an amazing community of volunteers. This ...
- MDN/Contribute/Localize/Starting_a_localization Localizations of MDN content help extend MDN’s reach to many more web developers and potential ...
- MDN/Contribute/Localize/Translating_pages This article is a basic guide to translating content on MDN, including both the mechanics of ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/Bootstrapped_extensions Traditional extensions include overlays, wherein the application can load up XUL from the ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Tutorials/l10n The SDK supports localization of strings appearing in:
- Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/i18n/Locale-Specific_Message_reference Each internationalized WebExtension has at least one file named messages.json that provides ...
- Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Internationalization The WebExtensions API has a rather handy module available for internationalizing add-ons — i18n. ...
- Mozilla/B2G_OS/Developing_Gaia/Localizing_B2G_OS In this guide, we'll show you how easy it can be to localize Firefox OS, specifically the Gaia ...
- Mozilla/Calendar/Localization This page is aimed at current and future localizers of Lightning. It covers many aspects a ...
- Mozilla/Creating_a_language_pack To create a language pack, or a localization repack, you first need to go through the initial ...
- Mozilla/Creating_a_localized_Windows_installer_of_SeaMonkey Preamble: not all of the programs listed below are necessary. Some of them are simply the ones I ...
- Mozilla/Implementing_Pontoon_in_a_Mozilla_website Pontoon is a web-based, What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG), localization (l10n) tool. At ...
- Mozilla/Localization Localization (L10n) is the process of translating software user interfaces from one language to ...
- Mozilla/Localization/FAQ This page lists tweaks and tips that may not require a complete page on its own. For more ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Index Found 30 pages:
- Mozilla/Localization/L10n_testing_with_xcode Once you have your l10n testing environment set up in Xcode, testing your Firefox on iOS ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Localization_and_Plurals You're likely here because you're localizing file and it had a link to this page. ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Localization_content_best_practices This document provides best practices for developers to create localizable code, and describes ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Localization_notes Localizers usually work on the localizable files without the context of the source files ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Localizing_an_extension This article expands upon the previous samples on extension writing by adding localization ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Localizing_extension_descriptions This article provides details on how to go about localizing the descriptions of Mozilla add-ons, ...
- Mozilla/Localization/ AMO supports localized metadata for each extension. This data describes the extension, and ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Localizing_with_Mercurial In Mozilla, we use the the Mercurial version control system (Hg) to manage our source code and ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Localizing_with_Mozilla_Translator
- Mozilla/Localization/Localizing_with_Pontoon Pontoon is a web-based, What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG), localization (l10n) tool. At ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Patching_a_Localization Say you have found a problem with an existing localization. More specifically, it's a problem ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Prerequisites To work on localization, you need a subset of the Mozilla Build Prerequisites. On Mac and Linux, ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Quick_start_guide/Initial_setup As a pre-requisite to contributing to the L10n program, you need to have access to code, tools, ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Quick_start_guide/QA_phase After all of your hard work localizing we're sure that you not only want to see your work but ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Quick_start_guide/Release_phase You've made it! You've setup up your local and remote environments, you've selected your L10n ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Quick_start_guide/Translation_phase Congratulations on completing the initial setup! As a reward for your efforts, you get to move ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Sign-off_reviews This article presents an overview of why we do sign-off reviews of localizations, the details on ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Technical_reviews This guide provides details on what a localization technical review is, what criteria are used ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Uplifting Localizers who are working on l10n-central are responsible for getting their work onto the ...
- Mozilla/Localization/Writing_localizable_code This page tells you about best practices and guidelines when dealing with UI code with respect ...
- Mozilla/Productization_guide/Patches_and_pushes Now that you've made your productization selections, you may be interested in learning the ...
- Mozilla/Projects/compare-locales compare-locales is a python script that helps localizers to check their work without running ...
- Mozilla/Projects/L20n L20n lets localizers reach higher levels of free linguistic expression by sharpening the divide ...
- Mozilla/Projects/L20n_clone L20n lets localizers reach higher levels of free linguistic expression by sharpening the divide ...
- Mozilla/Projects/Thunderbird/Thunderbird_Localization This page is aimed at current and future localizers of Thunderbird, Mozilla Messaging's e-mail ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsILocale Retrieves a string with the current locale name.
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIStringBundleService Implemented by:;1. To access this service, use:
- Mozilla/Tech/XUL/Tutorial/Accesskey_display_rules Each controls of XUL can have an accesskey which is specified by accesskey attribute or ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XUL/Tutorial/Localization XUL and XML provide entities which are a convenient way of allowing localization.
- Mozilla/Tech/XUL/Tutorial/Property_Files In a script, entities cannot be used. Property files are used instead.
- Mozilla/Tech/XUL/Using_multiple_DTDs Normally you have a single DTD (D ocument T ype D efinition) to localize a specific XUL file. ...
- Web/API/L10n.get The get method is used to retrieve translations from the localization resources, optionally ...
- Web/API/L10n.language.code The language.code property returns the code of the currently active language and allows to ...
- Web/API/L10n.language.direction The language.direction property returns the direction (ltr or rtl) of the currently active language.
- Web/API/L10n.once The once method is used to register a callback that will execute exactly once. If the L10n ...
- Web/API/L10n.ready The ready method is used to register a callback that will execute at least once. The callback ...
- Web/API/L10n.readyState The readyState property returns either loading or complete — depending on the current state of ...
- Web/API/L10n.setAttributes The setAttributes method may be used to set the data-l10n-id and data-l10n-args attributes on ...
- Web/API/Navigator/mozL10n navigator.mozL10n returns an L10n object you can use to access localization resources and ...
- Web/CSS/:-moz-locale-dir(ltr) The :-moz-locale-dir(ltr) CSS pseudo-class matches an element if the user interface is being ...
- Web/CSS/:-moz-locale-dir(rtl) The :-moz-locale-dir(rtl) CSS pseudo-class matches an element if the user interface is being ...
- Web/Guide/Localizations_and_character_encodings Browsers process text as Unicode internally. However, a way of representing characters in terms ...
- Web_Localizability Localizability (or l12y for short) is a characteristic found in an application or content that ...
- Web_Localizability/Creating_localizable_web_applications An important step of developing a web application or creating web content is making sure that it ...
- Web_Localizability/Creating_localizable_web_content
- What_every_Mozilla_translator_should_know l10n stands for localization = l + another 10 letters + n