Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

App Statistics

Firefox Marketplace provides you with a variety of statistics about your apps. This page describes how to access your apps' Firefox Marketplace statistics, the presentation of report data and options to examine specific information within the reports, the available reports, and using exported report data.

Accessing your app's stats

To access the stats for any of your published apps, in Firefox Marketplace open Developer Hub then My Submissions. Against each published app you'll find a (1) Statistics link.

In My Submissions, for each published app you will find a link to the app's stats page

Introduction to reports

When you open the Statistics link for your app you'll land on the Statistics Dashboard (below), a page that offers a visual summary of the statistics reports available.

The stats dashboard provides a visual summary of your app's stats and links to the 5 reports

From this page you can access the following reports:

  • Installs: The number of completed app installations
  • Visits: The number of visits made to the app's Marketplace listing page
  • Ratings: The number of ratings submitted for the app
  • Abuse Reports: The number of abuse reports submitted for the app
  • Average Rating: The lifetime average of ratings provided for the app

Each report follows the same basic structure, as shown below.

All reports follow the same basic structure with date selector, region selector (Installs report only) graph, JSON export option and daily summary.

  1. Date selection — boxes to set the start and end date for the report.
  2. Region selection (Installs report only) — select whether the report is for worldwide activity or an individual country or region.
    At the time of writing this feature has been disabled pending accumulation of data as part of bug fix  see Bug 1028448.
  3. Update button — refreshes the report content based on the current date and region criteria.
  4. Graph of activity by day.
  5. JSON export option.
  6. Alternative graph of activity by day.

Using exported data

You may wish to make use of the exported data in a spreadsheet application. None of the main spreadsheet applications (Microsoft Excel, Apple iWorks Numbers, or OpenOffice Calc) provide an import feature for JSON format data. A solution is to convert the JSON export to CSV format, a file format that can be imported into most spreadsheet applications. There are a number of online options for JSON to CSV conversion, these include:

  • Convert JSON to CSV provides for conversion from a file or pasted text with various CSV output options (for example alternative delimiters such as colons and semicolons among others) and text display and CSV file download of the converted data.
  • JSON to CSV - Online converter provides for conversion from a file or pasted text with various CSV output options (comma, tab, or semicolon) and formatted tabular display of converted data and CSV file download. A permalink can be created to the JSON data converted. Free version limited to source files of < 1Mb.
  • JSON to CSV - provides for JSON data to be pasted to the page and a table of the data displayed. The data can then be downloaded as a CSV file. You can also create a permalink to the JSON/page if you want. The source code is hosted on GitHub and the author provides some background on the project in this blog post.

In addition, the following resources provide code that you could use to create automated import for various spreadsheet applications:

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: rebloor
 Last updated by: rebloor,