Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Enter your apps details for its Marketplace listing

With your app loaded into your Firefox Marketplace submissions, the next step is to update the details that will appear on its Marketplace page.

In this step you edit the details (URL, description, etc.) for your app's default (English) localization. If you have other localizations, or want to modify the details for other country/localization listing, you'll need to do so using the standard Edit Listing option (see step 9).

You're now on the Submit an App, Edit App Details page.

Edit app details page header

As noted on the page, much of the page's content is prefilled using the details you've provided in your app's manifest file.

App icon and URL

Your app's icon and description, as provided in its manifest file, along with the store listing page URL are displayed in the first section of the page. Marketplace generated the URL automatically from the app name and modified it if necessary to make it unique. From this section you can view the Marketplace listing page, by clicking (1) Open details page. You can also edit the icon and Marketplace URL, by clicking (2) Edit.

When the page first loads your app name and icon are displayed (based on the manifest content) along with the URL generated by Marketplace

To change the app's icon, click (1) the icon. You'll then be able to browse for a new icon image file on your computer. To change the app's listing page name, enter a new value in (2) the App URL box. Note that if you enter a page name that already exists. you'll get a warning only when you complete this page's changes and click Continue. You won't be able to leave this page until the app's listing page URL is valid.

You can (1) change the app's icon and (2) enter your own page name for the app

App description

The next section displays the app's description, also pulled from the app's manifest file. You may edit the description if you wish in the Description box. You can increase the size of the edit box, by dragging the handle in the bottom right of the box. This is a required field.

You can create a description over 1024 characters and include some HTML tags to improve formatting.

Unlike the description included in your app's manifest, the description you edit here can:

  • exceed 1024 characters. Remember, however, that a short concise description is preferable, see App listing in the Promoting your app article for advice on creating an outstanding app description.
  • include basic HTML tags to structure and format your description. A list of the HTML tags available can be viewed by clicking (1) Some HTML supported. At the time of writing the supported tags were:
    • <a href title>
    • <abbr title>
    • <acronym title>
    • <b>
    • <blockquote>
    • <code>
    • <em>
    • <i>
    • <strong>
    • <ul>, <li>, and <ol>

App categories

Marketplace provides users with app lists by category. You must pick at least one category that your app fits into, but can add a second if your app could reasonably fit in a second category as well. For example, if your app provides for capturing, editing and sharing photos you could select both Photo & Video and Social categories.

You must pick one, but can pick 2, categories that match your app'scontent

Privacy policy

You must provide a privacy policy for your app, even if it states only that no personal data is collected by your app. If your app collects users' personal details a detailed policy must be provided (either as a link or the full text). You can find more information about creating a privacy policy in the Privacy Policy Guidelines. You can use the same HTML tags as are available in Description (to be confirmed) to format your policy. You can also increase the size of the edit box, by dragging (1) the handle in the bottom right of the box.

A privacy policy must be provided, even if its only to say that no personal data is collected by the app

You can provide links to your app's home and support pages, if you have such pages. However, you must provide an email address users can contact to obtain support.

Link can be provided to any information or support pages for the app, however a support email address must be provided

The support email address is included in the public Marketplace listing for your app. It's therefore suggested that you use a dedicated support email address, rather than accepting support emails on a general email address.

Screenshots and videos

You can now add screenshots and videos to your listing. Click (1) Add a screenshot or video and your computer's file browser will open, navigate to the item you want to add and open it. Once you've added more than one item you've the option to drag the (2) order handle to change the order in which the items will display in Marketplace. In addition, to delete any unwanted items, click the (3) delete icon.

You can upload screenshots in PNG or JPG format or video in WebM format. For phone screenshots 320 x 480 px is the recommended image size. You can find more information about screenshots and videos in the Marketplace screenshot criteria article and Videos section of the Promoting your app article .

Click Add a screenshot or video to add a new item. reorder added items and delete any unwanted items

Set the publication options

You can determine whether your app is published in Firefox Marketplace as soon as it's approved by the review process (Publish my app and make it visible to everyone in the Marketplace and include it in search results.) or not (Do not publish my app. Notify me and I will adjust app visibility after it is approved.).

Selected whether your app will be added to Marketplace as soon as it's been approved or whether you will set its visibility after approval

Choosing the Do not publish my app. enables you to:

  • choose when to publish the app, which  may be useful where, for example, you want to schedule the release to coincide with publicity.
  • choose to make the app invisible or private, which may be useful where you're publishing a test version or an app for your organization.

More details on the options available if you choose Do not publish my app. are available (TBD).

You cannot edit this option once you've finished this step. If you need to amend the option, you'll need to post an update to your app.

Notes for reviewer

Finally, you can provide additional information for the person who'll review your app. In particular, if your app uses a web service that requires the user to sign-in, consider providing a temporary account for the reviewer to access the service This edit box can be expanded using the handle in the bottom right of the box.

Add comments to assist the reviewer review your app

You cannot edit the these notes once you've finished this step. If you need to amend the note you'll need to post an update to your app.

Next step

You can now click Continue to proceed to the next step: Next steps

Click Continue to proceed to the next step

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: chrisdavidmills, daliaoderaygonzalez, rebloor, Havi Hoffman
 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,