Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.


Die Links auf dieser Seite führen zu einer Vielfalt an Tutorials und Trainingsmaterialien. Egal, ob Sie gerade erst anfangen, die Grundlagen zurzeit lernen oder schon Erfahrung mit der Webentwicklung haben, hier finden Sie hilfreiche Ressourcen zum Üben. Diese Ressourcen wurden von zukunftsorientierten Firmen und Webentwicklern bereitgestellt, die offene Standards und beste Übungsmöglichkeiten für die Web-Entwicklung begrüssen und Übersetzungen auf Basis von Open Content Lizenzen wie etwa der Creative Commons Lizenz unterstützen bzw. erlauben.

HTML tutorials

Introductory level

The Basics of HTML (
Was HTML ist, was es macht, eine kurze Geschichte von HTML und wie die Struktur von HTML-Dokumenten aussieht. Die nachfolgenden Artikel behandeln Einzelaspekte von HTML sehr viel genauer.
Basic Structure of a Web Page (SitePoint)
Hier erfahren Sie, aus welchen Einzelelementen HTML zusammengesetzt ist.
Fundamental HTML Elements (SitePoint)
Hier werden die unterschiedlichen Elemente beschrieben, die Sie nutzen können, um ein HTML-Dokument zu erstellen.
HTML Beginner Tutorial (HTML Dog)
Tutorial und Übungen, die Ihnen die Basics beibringen.
HTML Challenges (Wikiversity)
Benutzen Sie diese Herausforderung, um Ihre HTML Fähigkeiten zu verfeinern (zum Beispiel, "Sollte Ich ein <h2> Element oder ein <strong> Element benutzen?").
MDN HTML Element Reference
Eine ausführliche Sammlung von HTML Elementen und wie der Firefox oder andere Browser diese unterstützen.
CodeAvengers (
Code Avengers ist eine witzige und zusätzlich effektive Möglichkeit das kodieren von Web Apps, sowie Spielen mit HTML, CSS und JavaScript zu erlernen.

Advanced level

Tips for Authoring Fast-loading HTML Pages
Optimize web pages to provide a more responsive site for visitors and reduce the load on your web server and Internet connection.
Dive into HTML5 (Mark Pilgrim)
Learn about a selection of features of HTML5, the newest version of the HTML specification.
HTML5 Tutorials (HTML5 Rocks)
Take a guided tour through code that uses HTML5 features.
Semantics in HTML5 (A List Apart)
Learn meaningful mark-up that is extensible and backwards- and forwards-compatible.
Canvas Tutorial
Learn how to draw graphics using scripting using the canvas element.
HTML5 Doctor
Articles about using HTML5 right now.
The Joy of HTML5 Audio (Elated)
Learn how to use the HTML audio element to embed sounds in your web pages easily. Lots of code examples are included in the tutorial.

Javascript tutorials

Introductory level

Codecademy (Codecademy)
Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code JavaScript. It's interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends.
Mit JavaScript loslegen
Was ist JavaScript und wie kann es Ihnen helfen?
Programmieren - Die Grundlagen (
Grundlagen der Programmierung. Die Artikel bieten eine Einführung in die Möglichkeiten von JavaScript, bewährte Methoden im Umgang damit und mehr.
JavaScript Best Practices (
Learn about some of the obvious and (not so) obvious best practices when writing JavaScript.
CodeAvengers (
Code Avengers is the fun effective way to learn to code web apps and games with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Intermediate level

A Re-introduction to JavaScript
A recap of the JavaScript programming language aimed at intermediate-level developers.
Eloquent JavaScript
A comprehensive guide to intermediate and advanced JavaScript methodologies.
Essential JavaScript Design Patterns (Addy Osmani)
An introduction to essential JavaScript design patterns.
The JavaScript Programming Language (YUI Blog)
Douglas Crockford explores the language as it is today, and how it came to be.
Introduction to Object-oriented JavaScript
Learn about the JavaScript object model.

Advanced level

Learning Advanced JavaScript (John Resig)
John Resig's guide to advanced JavaScript.
Introducing the JavaScript DOM (Elated)
What is the Document Object Model, and why is it useful? This article gives you a gentle introduction to this powerful JavaScript feature.
An Inconvenient API: The Theory of the DOM (YUI Blog)
Douglas Crockford explains the Document Object Model.
Advanced JavaScript (YUI Blog)
Douglas Crockford looks closely at code patterns from which JavaScript programmers can choose in authoring their applications.
JavaScript Garden
Documentation of the most quirky parts of JavaScript.
Non-blocking JavaScript Downloads (YUI Blog)
Tips on improving the download performance of pages containing JavaScript.
JavaScript Guide
A comprehensive, regularly updated guide to JavaScript for all levels of learning from beginner to advanced.

CSS tutorials

Introductory level

CSS Getting Started
This tutorial introduces you to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). It guides you through the basic features of CSS with practical examples that you can try for yourself on your own computer.
CSS Basics (
What CSS is, how to apply it to HTML, and what basic CSS syntax looks like.
CSS Selector Classes (Wikiversity)
What are classes in CSS?
External CSS (Wikiversity)
Using CSS from an external style sheet.
Adding a Touch of Style (W3C)
A brief beginner's guide to styling web pages with CSS.
Common CSS Questions
Common questions and answers for beginners.
CodeAvengers (
Code Avengers is the fun effective way to learn to code web apps and games with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Intermediate level

CSS Reference
Complete reference to CSS, with details on support by Firefox and other browsers.
CSS Challenges (Wikiversity)
Flex your CSS skills, and see where you need more practice.
Intermediate CSS Concepts (
Grouping, pseudo-classes, and more.
CSS Positioning 101 (A List Apart)
Using positioning for standards-compliant, table-free layout.
Progressive Enhancement with CSS (A List Apart)
Integrate progressive enhancement into your web pages with CSS.
Fluid Grids (A List Apart)
Design layouts that fluidly resize with the browser window, while still using a typographic grid.

Advanced level

CSS3 in Under 5 Minutes (Addy Osmani)
A quick introduction to some of the core features introduced in CSS3.
Using CSS Transforms
Apply rotation, skewing, scaling, and translation using CSS.
CSS Transitions
CSS transitions, part of the draft CSS3 specification, provide a way to animate changes to CSS properties, instead of having the changes take effect instantly.
Understanding CSS3 Transitions (A List Apart)
Start using CSS3 transitions by carefully choosing the situations in which to use them.
Quick Guide to Implement Web Fonts with @font-face (HTML5 Rocks)
The @font-face feature from CSS3 allows you to use custom typefaces on the web in an accessible, manipulable, and scalable way.


Schlagwörter des Dokuments und Mitwirkende

 Mitwirkende an dieser Seite: fscholz, Sweapz, loki, Changed, LarsS, ZSE
 Zuletzt aktualisiert von: fscholz,