Історія Object Історія редакцій для: English (US) Українська 21 жовт. 2016 р., 05:35:14 Sestri4kina Translation is almost done, except for adding specific badges in the Method section. Назад 20 жовт. 2016 р., 03:03:29 Sestri4kina Назад 20 жовт. 2016 р., 02:41:28 Sestri4kina 27 вер. 2016 р., 21:34:44 Natalya_Surikova I changed nothing, but I feel that "Compares if two values are distinguishable (ie. the same)" is not correct because 1) two values can be either distinguishable or the same 2) the word "Compares" should be replaced by the word "Determines"