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Global Objeler

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This chapter documents all of JavaScript's standard, built-in objects, including their methods and properties.

The term "global objects" (or standard built-in objects) here is not to be confused with the global object. Here, global objects refer to objects in the global scope (but only if ECMAScript 5 strict mode is not used; in that case it returns undefined). The global object itself can be accessed using the this operator in the global scope. In fact, the global scope consists of the properties of the global object, including inherited properties, if any.

Other objects in the global scope are either created by the user script or provided by the host application. The host objects available in browser contexts are documented in the API reference. For more information about the distinction between the DOM and core JavaScript, see JavaScript technologies overview.

Standard objects (by category)

Value properties

These global properties return a simple value; they have no properties or methods.

Function properties

These global functions—functions which are called globally rather than on an object—directly return their results to the caller.

Fundamental objects

These are the fundamental, basic objects upon which all other objects are based. This includes objects that represent general objects, functions, and errors.

Numbers and dates

These are the base objects representing numbers, dates, and mathematical calculations.

Text processing

These objects represent strings and support manipulating them.

Indexed collections

These objects represent collections of data which are ordered by an index value. This includes (typed) arrays and array-like constructs.

Keyed collections

These objects represent collections which use keys; these contain elements which are iterable in the order of insertion.

Vector collections

SIMD vector data types are objects where data is arranged into lanes.

Structured data

These objects represent and interact with structured data buffers and data coded using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

Control abstraction objects



Additions to the ECMAScript core for language-sensitive functionalities.

Non-standard objects



Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: teoli, ramesaliyev, Sheppy
 Last updated by: teoli,