Element | Notes |
Structure Module |
svg | - Zaimplementowano.
currentScale andcurrentTranslate DOM attributes are implemented, but there is no pan and zoom user interface. - SVGSVGElement
- Unimplemented attributes: contentScriptType, contentStyleType, viewport, useCurrentView, currentView
- Unimplemented bindings: pauseAnimations, unpauseAnimations, animationsPaused, getCurrentTime, setCurrentTime, getIntersectionList, getEnclosureList, checkIntersection, checkEnclosure, deselectAll,
<del>createSVGAngle</del>(zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 2), getElementById |
g | |
defs | |
desc | - Zaimplementowano.
- Only stored in the DOM, no user interface.
title | |
metadata | - Zaimplementowano.
- Only stored in the DOM, no user interface.
symbol | |
use | - Zaimplementowano.
- Only works for internal document references (błąd 269482).
- Doesn't completely follow <svg:use> cascading rules (błąd 265894).
- Doesn't deliver events to a SVGElementInstance tree (błąd 265895).
Conditional Processing Module |
switch | |
Image Module |
image | - Zaimplementowano.
- Only works for raster images (błąd 272288).
Style Module |
style | |
Shape Module |
path | - Zaimplementowano.
- SVGPathElement Interface
- Unimplemented attributes: pathLength, normalizedPathSegList, animatedPathSegList, animatedNormalizedPathSegList
- Unimplemented bindings: getTotalLength,
<del>getPointAtLength</del>(zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 2), getPathSegAtLength |
rect | |
circle | |
line | |
ellipse | |
polyline | |
polygon | |
Text Module |
text | - Zaimplementowano.
- SVGTextElement
- Unimplemented attributes: rotate, textLength, lengthAdjust
- Unimplemented bindings: getNumberOfChars, getSubStringLength, getStartPositionOfChar, getEndPositionOfChar, getRotationOfChar, getCharNumAtPosition, selectSubString
- Bindings not functional at
onload time: getExtentOfChar |
tspan | - Zaimplementowano.
- SVGTSpanElement
- Unimplemented attributes: rotate, textLength, lengthAdjust
- Unimplemented unit identifier: em (for use in attributes dx, dy) (błąd 305859)
- Unimplemented bindings: getNumberOfChars,
<del>getComputedTextLength</del>(zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 2),
getSubStringLength, getStartPositionOfChar, getEndPositionOfChar,
getExtentOfChar, getRotationOfChar, getCharNumAtPosition, selectSubString |
tref | |
textPath | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 2.
- Unimplemented attributes: method, spacing, textLength, lengthAdjust
altGlyph | |
altGlyphDef | |
altGlyphItem | |
glyphRef | |
Marker Module |
marker | |
Color Profile Module |
color-profile | |
Gradient Module |
linearGradient | |
radialGradient | |
stop | |
Pattern Module |
pattern | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
Clip Module |
clipPath | - Zaimplementowano.
- Won't handle clip paths with have elements with different clip-rule properties or that reference other clipPaths. błąd 267224).
Mask Module |
mask | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
Filter Module |
filter | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
feBlend | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
feColorMatrix | |
feComponentTransfer | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
feComposite | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
feConvolveMatrix | |
feDiffuseLighting | |
feDisplacementMap | |
feFlood | |
feGaussianBlur | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
feImage | |
feMerge | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
feMergeNode | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
feMorphology | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
feOffset | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
feSpecularLighting | |
feTile | |
feTurbulence | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
feDistantLight | |
fePointLight | |
feSpotLight | |
feFuncR | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
feFuncG | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
feFuncB | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
feFuncA | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.
Cursor Module |
cursor | |
Hyperlinking Module |
a | - Zaimplementowano jako wiazanie XBL - object is not of type
SVGAElement . - Only
xlink:href , xlink:show , and xlink:target (od Firefoksa 2)attributes implemented. |
View Module |
view | |
Scripting Module |
script | |
Animation Module |
animate | |
set | |
animateMotion | |
animateTransform | |
animateColor | |
mpath | |
Font Module |
font | |
font-face | |
glyph | |
missing-glyph | |
hkern | |
vkern | |
font-face-src | |
font-face-uri | |
font-face-format | |
font-face-name | |
definition-src | |
Extensibility Module |
foreignObject | - Zaimplementowano w Firefoksie 3.