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The open Web is built using a number of technologies that require an adequate knowledge in order to use them. Below you'll find the links to our reference material for each of them.

Web technologies

It is recommended that you already got started with the web, however it isn't absolutely necessary.

HTML — structuring the Web
The HyperText Markup Language is used to define and describe semantically the content (markup) of a Web page in a well-structured format.
HTML provides a means to create structured documents, made up of blocks called HTML elements that are delineated by tags, written using angle brackets: some introduce content into the page directly, others provide information about document text and may include other tags as sub-elements. Obviously, browsers do not display them, since they are used to interpret the content of the page.

Introduction to HTML | Learn HTML | HTML5 | Developer guide | Element reference | reference
CSS — styling the Web
The Cascading Style Sheets are used to describe the appearance of Web content.

Introduction to CSS  | Getting started with CSS | Learn CSS | CSS3 | Developer guide | Common CSS questions | reference

Document Tags and Contributors

 Last updated by: andrealeone,