Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 03 Nov 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

404 Not Found

이 문서는 아직 자원 봉사자들이 한국어로 번역하지 않았습니다. 함께 해서 번역을 마치도록 도와 주세요!

The HTTP 404 Not Found client error response code indicates that a server can not find the requested resource. This response code probably is most famous one due to its frequency to occur in the web. These are often called broken or dead links and lead to link rot.

A 404 status code does not indicate whether this lack is temporary or permanent. If the server knows that this condition is likely to be permanent, a 410 (Gone) should be used instead of a 404 status.


404 Not Found

Custom error pages

Many web sites customize the look of a 404 page to be more helpful to the user and to provide guidance. Apache servers can be configured using an .htaccess file and a code snippet like this one, for example.

ErrorDocument 404 /notfound.html

You can take MDN's 404 page as inspiration.

Note: 404 pages design is an endless source of inspiration, but be aware it also exists a set of best practices to make those pages useful for web site users.


Specification Title
RFC 7231, section 6.5.4: 404 Not Found Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari Servo
Basic Support(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)
Feature Android Chrome for Android Edge Mobile Firefox for Android IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic Support(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)(Yes)

See also

문서 태그 및 공헌자

 이 페이지의 공헌자: fscholz, Jeremie
 최종 변경: fscholz,