Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 03 Nov 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

이 문서는 아직 자원 봉사자들이 한국어로 번역하지 않았습니다. 함께 해서 번역을 마치도록 도와 주세요!

removeAttributeNS removes the specified attribute from an element.

In Firefox 3 and later, this method resets DOM values to their defaults.


  • namespace is a string that contains the namespace of the attribute.
  • attrName is a string that names the attribute to be removed from the current node.


// <div id="div1" xmlns:special=""
//      special:specialAlign="utterleft" width="200px" /> 
d = document.getElementById("div1"); 
d.removeAttributeNS("", "specialAlign"); 
// now: <div id="div1" width="200px" />


DOM methods dealing with element's attributes:

Not namespace-aware, most commonly used methods Namespace-aware variants (DOM Level 2) DOM Level 1 methods for dealing with Attr nodes directly (seldom used) DOM Level 2 namespace-aware methods for dealing with Attr nodes directly (seldom used)
setAttribute (DOM 1) setAttributeNS setAttributeNode setAttributeNodeNS
getAttribute (DOM 1) getAttributeNS getAttributeNode getAttributeNodeNS
hasAttribute (DOM 2) hasAttributeNS - -
removeAttribute (DOM 1) removeAttributeNS removeAttributeNode -


DOM Level 2 Core: removeAttributeNS

문서 태그 및 공헌자

 이 페이지의 공헌자: fscholz, teoli, kscarfone, nairakhil13, Sheppy, mattbasta, Mgjbot, Jabez, Nickolay, Dria, JesseW
 최종 변경: fscholz,