履歴: <ratio> 改訂履歴: English (US) 日本語 2016/06/28 6:13:06 Sebastianz Replaced {{xref_cssinteger}} macro by {{cssxref("<integer>")}} (bug 1242934) 前へ 2016/04/20 15:58:08 Sebastianz Revert to revision of 2015-11-17 10:57:00 by fscholz: "Last change broke the page" 前へ 2016/04/20 15:10:38 AA3219 前へ 2015/11/17 10:57:00 fscholz Removed "See also" macro, now that we have proper quicklinks 前へ 2013/05/22 19:06:21 Marsf 2013/05/22 18:59:42 Marsf 翻訳。