Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.


この翻訳は不完全です。英語から この記事を翻訳 してください。



それはどんな種類のドキュメントですか? これはリファレンスですか? チュートリアル? ランディングページ? こうしたタグは検索のフィルタに使われる事があり、よって本当に重要です!
記事がどのトピックを網羅しているか? APIについて? DOM? グラフィックス? これらのタグもまた重要です、なぜなら検索のフィルタに使われるためです。
技術のステータスは? 非標準か? 廃止予定か廃止済みか? 実験的か?






この記事はあるトピックについての入門的な物を提供します。理想的には、それぞれの技術エリアには1つだけの "Intro" があるべきです。
この記事は重要であり、ランディングページで目立たせて表示されます。このタグは慎重に使って下さい (決して各ドキュメンテーションエリアで3つを超えることのないよう)。
この記事はAPIや、 要素や、属性や、プロパティ、などのリファレンスの資料を含んでいます。
この記事はコードサンプルのページや、コードサンプルを含むページです (つまり、一行の "文法例" ではなく、実際に便利なコード断片です)。


記事のトピックを指定する事で、より良い検索結果 (とランディングページとナビゲーションも同様) の生成の助けになります。


一般的に、トピック指定のタグは、関連ページの数を伴ったインターフェイス名 (多くのページをプロパティやメソッドに持つNode のように)、あるいは全体のテクノロジー種類です。WebGL に関するページを、たとえば、GraphicsWebGL とにタグ付けしたくなるかもしれませんし、<canvas> に関するページは HTML、ElementCanvas、Graphicsになるでしょう。


読者にとって、テクノロジがどれくらい実行可能かを理解するのを手助けするため、私たちはテクノロジの仕様の状態に応じてページをラベルづけします。これは実際の仕様の説明や、テクノロジが仕様化プロセスのどこまで進んでいるかを詳しく説明するものではありません (それは仕様化テーブルの役割です) が、読者が記事で述べられるテクノロジを使うことが良い考えなのかを、一見して判断することを手助けします。


このページ で述べられるテクノロジやAPIは、 仕様の中で deprecated とマークされ、最終的に削除される可能性があるが、現在のブラウザバージョンではまだ利用できます。
このテクノロジやAPIは、 obsolete とみなされ、全部、または大半の最新ブラウザから削除されて (または削除されて) います。
このテクノロジは標準化されておらず、標準の一部になったりならない実験的なテクノロジやAPIです。これは実装するブラウザエンジン (ふつうはただ一つ) の変更に依存します。
この API は、コードが実行される端末へのアクセス権限を要求します。
この API は認定コードのみで動作します。



The skill level tag type is only used for guides and tutorials (that is, pages tagged Guide). It's used to help users whittle down tutorials based on their familiarity level with a technology, for example. There are three values for this:

Articles designed to introduce the reader to a technology they've never used or have only a passing familiarity with.
Articles for users that have gotten started with the technology but aren't experts.
Articles about stretching the capabilities of a technology and of the reader.


The writing community uses tags to label articles as requiring specific types of work. Here's a list of the ones we use most:

The article needs to be deleted.
The article is a stub, or is otherwise lacking information. This tag means that someone should review the content and add more details and/or finish writing the article.
The article needs one or more examples created to help illustrate the article's point. These examples should use the live sample system.
The article has one or more examples that need to be updated to use the live sample system.
The content is out of date and needs to be updated.
The content is not really worth localizing and will not appear on localization status pages.
The content is important and should be marked as a priority for MDN translators. Shows up in an extra priority table on localization status pages.

Web Literacy Map

The WebMaker project, through the Web Literacy Map, has defined skills needed to optimally read, write, and participate on the Web. We use Web literacy skills as tags on MDN to help our users find the resources that best suit their needs:

The article includes information about how to browse the Web.
The content has information about how the Web is organized and how it works.
The article explains how to find information, people, and resources on the Web.
The information in the article helps the reader understand how to critically evaluate information they find on the Web
The article provides information about how to keep systems, identities, and content safe.
The document explains how to create and curate content for the Web.
The article teaches how to modify existing Web resources to create something new.
Documentation explaining how to enhance visual aesthetics and user experience.
Documents which describe how to communicate in a universally-recognizable way.
How to write code and/or to create interactive experiences on the Web.
The document explains how the Internet's technical stack works.
The article's content covers ways to create resources with others.
The document provides information about how to work with other people.
The article details how to get involved in Web communities and to understand how they work.
The material helps to examine the consequences of sharing data online.
The article provid=deshow to help keep the Web accessible to everybody


So to each page you assign tags from several tag types, for example

A tutorial about WebGL for beginners
WebGL, Graphics, Guide, Beginner
Reference page for <canvas>
Canvas, HTML, Element, Graphics, Reference
A landing page for Firefox OS developer tools
Tools, Firefox OS, Landing


Search filters won't work properly unless we tag MDN pages properly. Here's a table of search filters and which tags they look for.

Note: If multiple tags are listed under "Tag name," that means any one or more of those tags need to be present for the article to match.

Filter group Search filter name Tag name
Topic Open Web Apps
  APIs and DOM
  Firefox for Android
  Firefox for Desktop
  Firefox OS
  Web Development
  Add-ons & Extensions || || ||
Skill level I'm an Expert
  I'm Learning
Document type Docs This will restrict the search to docs content, leaving out Hacks and other MDN content.
  Demos This will include Demo Studio content in the search results.
  Code Samples
  How-To & Tutorial
  Developer Profiles This will include developer profiles from the MDN site in the search results.
  External Resources The dev team is still figuring this out...



Generally articles should have at least a "category" tag and a "topic" tag. Usually other tags are appropriate as well, but if you can help us ensure that the minimum tags are present, you'll be a documentation hero!
Please fix any documents whose tags don't follow the standards on this page.
Note that due to a bug in Kuma, some localized tags (such as Référence) may show up on some English pages. These tags are likely to reappear even if you delete them; don't bother trying to fix them until the Kuma bug is fixed.
If you're looking at an article about HTML and it's tagged "JavaScript", that's probably wrong! Likewise, if an article discusses Mozilla internals but has a "Web" tag, that's probably wrong too. Remove these tags and add the right tags if they aren't already there. Please also correct misspelled tags (e.g., "Javascript" will still match, since tags are case-insensitive, but let's not be sloppy!).
If an article has some but not all of the tags it needs, feel free to add more. For example, if a page in JavaScript reference is (correctly) tagged "JavaScript" but nothing else, you're invited to tag the page "Reference" as well!
This insidious beast is the most revolting tag problem of all: some Web vermin has deposited its droppings in the page tags (like "Free warez!" or "Hey I was browsing your site and wanted to ask you if you could help me solve this problem I'm having with Flash crashing all the time"). We've got to delete these right away! They're ugly, they're hard to manage if they're allowed to linger too long, and they're terrible for SEO.


 このページの貢献者: Uemmra3, taiyaki32p
 最終更新者: Uemmra3,