Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

DuncanMacWeb (Duncan MacKenzie)

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Revise description to clarify that works on elements which are not missing, i.e. have been set and not deleted. It does work on elements set to `undefined`. See


Minor grammar correction (it's → its)


3rd attempt: “`border-box` h & w props include c, p & b but not m. `content-box` h & w props include c but not p, b or m. `margin-box` h & w props include c, p, b & m. `padding-box` h & w props include c & p but not b or m.”


Corrected meaning of `margin-box` description (it was the same as `content-box`) and re-ordered content, padding, border and margin to be in that order in descriptions for better readability.


Revert to revision of 2015-02-26 11:27:07 by teoli: "My changes weren’t saved, so reverting to previous revision."