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setAttributeNode() adds a new Attr node to the specified element.


var replacedAttr = element.setAttributeNode(attribute);
  • attribute is the Attr node to set on the element.
  • replacedAttr is the replaced attribute node, if any, returned by this function.


// <div id="one" align="left">one</div> 
// <div id="two">two</div> 
var d1 = document.getElementById("one"); 
var d2 = document.getElementById("two"); 
var a = d1.getAttributeNode("align"); 
// returns: `left'


If the attribute named already exists on the element, that attribute is replaced with the new one and the replaced one is returned.

This method is seldom used, with setAttribute() usually being used to change element's attributes.

DOM methods dealing with element's attributes:

Not namespace-aware, most commonly used methods Namespace-aware variants (DOM Level 2) DOM Level 1 methods for dealing with Attr nodes directly (seldom used) DOM Level 2 namespace-aware methods for dealing with Attr nodes directly (seldom used)
setAttribute (DOM 1) setAttributeNS setAttributeNode setAttributeNodeNS
getAttribute (DOM 1) getAttributeNS getAttributeNode getAttributeNodeNS
hasAttribute (DOM 2) hasAttributeNS - -
removeAttribute (DOM 1) removeAttributeNS removeAttributeNode -


DOM Level 2 Core: setAttributeNode (introduced in DOM Level 1 Core)

Tag del documento e collaboratori

 Hanno collaborato alla realizzazione di questa pagina: fscholz, teoli, kscarfone, nairakhil13, Sheppy, mattbasta, Matej Lednar, Brettz9, Mgjbot, Celelibi, Shiva, Nickolay, Ptak82, RobG, Dria, JesseW
 Ultima modifica di: fscholz,