Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from November 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

MDN inbox: Contribute to MDN!

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Hi! If you're here, you're probably thinking about contributing a new article to MDN, but you're not sure where to put it or how to proceed. Look no further!

Just click the big "Contribute a page to MDN" button below and start writing. Don't worry! in the top right corner of the editor, you'll find a couple of links to help you out with our editing tools. If you need further assistance, check out the Join the MDN community box at the bottom of this page.

Once you've made your contribution, a happy, helpful documentation gnome will come along, review (and if necessary tidy up) your article to ensure that it meets our style guide, and move it to the right place in our documentation structure. Then you'll have the thanks of a grateful developer community!

MDN inbox contents

The following articles are in our inbox, and are awaiting review and integration into MDN content as appropriate.

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Tag Dokumen dan Kontributor

 Kontributor untuk laman ini: parlente
 Terakhir diperbarui oleh: parlente,