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The title read-only property of the Notification interface indicates the title of the notification, as specified in the title parameter of the Notification() constructor.

Note: This feature is available in Web Workers.


var title = Notification.title;


A DOMString.


In our Emogotchi demo (see source code), we run a simple spawnNotification() function when we want to fire a notification — this is passed arguments to specify the body, icon and title we want, then it creates the necessary options object and fires the notification using the Notification() constructor.

function spawnNotification(theBody,theIcon,theTitle) {
  var options = {
      body: theBody,
      icon: theIcon
  var n = new Notification(theTitle,options);


Specification Status Comment
Notifications API
The definition of 'title' in that specification.
Living Standard Living standard

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 5webkit[1]
Not supported 25 6[3]
Available in workers ? 41.0 (41.0) ? ? ?
Feature Android Android Webview Firefox Mobile (Gecko) Firefox OS IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile Chrome for Android
Basic support ?


Not supported ? Not supported


Available in workers ? ? 41.0 (41.0) ? ? ? ? ?

[1] Before Chrome 22, the support for notification followed an old prefixed version of the specification and used the navigator.webkitNotifications object to instantiate a new notification.

Before Chrome 32, Notification.permission was not supported.

Before Chrome 42, service worker additions were not supported.

[2] Prior to Firefox 22 (Firefox OS <1.2), the instantiation of a new notification must be done with the navigator.mozNotification object through its createNotification method.

Prior to Firefox 22 (Firefox OS <1.2), the Notification was displayed when calling the show method and supported only the click and close events.

Nick Desaulniers wrote a Notification shim to cover both newer and older implementations.

One particular Firefox OS issue is that you can pass a path to an icon to use in the notification, but if the app is packaged you cannot use a relative path like /my_icon.png. You also can't use window.location.origin + "/my_icon.png" because window.location.origin is null in packaged apps. The manifest origin field fixes this, but it is only available in Firefox OS 1.1+. A potential solution for supporting Firefox OS <1.1 is to pass an absolute URL to an externally hosted version of the icon. This is less than ideal as the notification is displayed immediately without the icon, then the icon is fetched, but it works on all versions of Firefox OS.

When using notifications  in a Firefox OS app, be sure to add the desktop-notification permission in your manifest file. Notifications can be used at any permission level, hosted or above: "permissions": { "desktop-notification": {} }

[3] Safari started to support notification with Safari 6, but only on Mac OSX 10.8+ (Mountain Lion).

See also

Étiquettes et contributeurs liés au document

 Contributeurs à cette page : Sebastianz, chrisdavidmills, jpmedley
 Dernière mise à jour par : Sebastianz,