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Send feedback about MDN

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Welcome to the Mozilla Developer Network! If you have suggestions for, or are having problems using MDN, this is the right place to be. The very fact that you're interested in offering feedback makes you even more a part of the Mozilla community, and we thank you in advance for your interest.

You have several options for offering your insight; this article will help you do so.

Update the documentation

First of all, if you've seen a problem with the documentation, you should always feel free to correct it yourself. Simply sign in using Github, then click any blue Edit button to open the editor and enter the world of contributing to MDN documentation. The documentation here is in a wiki, and is curated by a team of volunteers and paid staff, so don't be shy—your grammar doesn't have to be perfect. We'll clean it up if you make a mistake; no harm done!

For more information about contributing to MDN documentation, see:

Join the conversation

Talk to us! There are a few ways to get in touch with other people who work on MDN content.


We use Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to converse about MDN and its content. You can join in the conversation! We have several channels to choose from, depending on your specific area of interest:

MDN site content (#mdn)
This channel is for general discussion of MDN: using the site, reading content on the site, and contributing to the site's content. If you have questions or comments about article content, new articles you'd like to see or create, or just want to talk with the writing team, this is the place to be.
Documentation site development (#mdndev)
The #mdndev channel is where we talk about the development work of the platform that runs the MDN site. If you have problems with the site's functionality, or ideas for features, you can join us here to talk about it.


Longer-term discussions happen on our mailing list, [email protected]. You can post to the list without subscribing to it, but in that case, your post must be approved by a moderator, which means it will take longer for others to see it. You can view and post to dev-mdc via your choice of formats:

Report an issue

Documentation issues

If you see a problem in the documentation and can't fix it yourself for any reason, you can report the issue! You can use this form for any documentation issue at all, whether it's a simple correction or a request for an entirely new piece of content. As mentioned before, we invite you to contribute the changes yourself, but this option is available for you as well.

Site issues

If you encounter problems with the MDN web site, or have ideas for new features for the site,  you can submit a ticket to the MDN development team.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: eaboalfazl
 Last updated by: eaboalfazl,