Articles tagged: NeedsMarkupWork
Found 198 documents
- Archive/Mozilla/Namespace/Mozilla Stuff about the Mozilla namespace. We need real content added here.
- Mozilla/Developer_guide/Build_Instructions/Configuring_Build_Options Note: Do not make substantive changes to this document without consulting Benjamin Smedberg ...
- Mozilla/Developer_guide/Build_Instructions/Windows_Prerequisites This page covers the steps needed to prepare your machine to build a bleeding-edge, development ...
- Mozilla/Firefox_for_Android For more and more people mobile devices are the primary way, or even the only way, to access the ...
- Mozilla/Gecko/Gecko_embedding_API_reference Base Component Object Model interface. This interface provides runtime interface discovery and a ...
- Mozilla/Performance/Profiling_with_Xperf Xperf is part of the Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit, and has functionality similar to ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Arrays Mozilla has many array classes because each array is optimized for a particular usage pattern. ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Guide/Creating_components This guide is about Gecko, and about creating XPCOM components for Gecko-based applications.
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Language_Bindings/Components.utils.Sandbox Components.utils.Sandbox is used to create a sandbox object for use with evalInSandbox().
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIAccessible The nsIAccessible interface is a cross-platform interface that supports platform-specific ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIContentPolicy You can observe content that is being loaded into your browser by implementing nsIContentPolicy. ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIEditorSpellCheck Implemented by:;1. To create an instance, use:
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIMsgDBView The nsIMsgDBView interface handles the display of mail in the threadpane and preview pane of ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIMsgMessageService Objects that implements nsIMsgMessageService give the user top level routines related to ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIPrintingPrompt This interface is identical to nsIPintingPromptService but without the parent nsIDOMWindow ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIWebProgressListener nsIWebProgress describes the parent-child relationship of nsIWebProgress instances.
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIXFormsNSInstanceElement nsIXFormsNSInstanceElement is implemented by all XForms instance/ elements, defining Mozilla ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Reference/Interface/nsIXFormsNSModelElement nsIXFormsNSModelElement is implemented by all XForms model/ elements. It defines Mozilla ...
- Mozilla/Tech/XUL/notificationbox The notificationbox element is used to display notifications above an element. Typically the ...
- Rich-Text_Editing_in_Mozilla Mozilla 1.3 introduces an implementation of Microsoft ® Internet Explorer's designMode feature. ...
- Transforming_XML_with_XSLT/An_Overview The eXtensible Stylesheet Language/Transform is a very powerful language, and a complete ...
- Web/Accessibility/AT-APIs/AT-SPI_HTML_Examples
- Web/Accessibility/AT-APIs/Gecko/Attrs You can obtain object attributes by nsIAccessible.getAttributes() method. Object attributes are ...
- Web/Accessibility/AT-APIs/Gecko/Events This page offers a list of Accessibility-related events supported by Gecko. Event constants are ...
- Web/API/BatteryManager/charging A Boolean value indicating whether or not the device's battery is currently being charged.
- Web/API/BatteryManager/chargingTime Indicates the amount of time, in seconds, that remain until the battery is fully charged.
- Web/API/BatteryManager/dischargingTime Indicates the amount of time, in seconds, that remains until the battery is fully discharged.
- Web/API/BatteryManager/level Indicates the current battery charge level as a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
- Web/API/BatteryManager/onchargingchange Specifies an event listener to receive chargingchange events. These events occur when the ...
- Web/API/BatteryManager/onchargingtimechange Specifies an event listener to receive chargingtimechange events. These events occur when the ...
- Web/API/BatteryManager/ondischargingtimechange Specifies an event listener to receive dischargingtimechange events. These events occur when the ...
- Web/API/BatteryManager/onlevelchange Specifies an event listener to receive levelchange events. These events occur when the battery ...
- Web/API/BeforeUnloadEvent The beforeunload event is fired when the window, the document and its resources are about to be ...
- Web/API/CSSRule/parentStyleSheet parentStyleSheet returns the stylesheet object in which the current rule is defined.
- Web/API/CSSStyleDeclaration CSSStyleDeclaration represents a collection of CSS property-value pairs. It is used in a few APIs:
- Web/API/CSSStyleRule/selectorText The CSSRule.selectorText property gets the textual representation of the selector for the rule ...
- Web/API/CSSStyleRule/style The property is the CSSStyleDeclaration interface for the declaration block of the ...
- Web/API/CSSStyleSheet/insertRule CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() method inserts a new CSS rule into the current style sheet. (with ...
- Web/API/DataTransfer The DataTransfer object is used to hold the data that is being dragged during a drag and drop ...
- Web/API/DeviceLightEvent The DeviceLightEvent provides web developers with information from photo sensors or similiar ...
- Web/API/DeviceLightEvent/value The value property provides the current level of the ambient light.
- Web/API/DeviceOrientationEvent/absolute Indicates whether or not the device is providing orientation data absolutely (that is, in ...
- Web/API/DeviceOrientationEvent/alpha Returns the rotation of the device around the Z axis; that is, the number of degrees by which ...
- Web/API/DeviceOrientationEvent/beta Returns the rotation of the device around the X axis; that is, the number of degrees, ranged ...
- Web/API/DeviceOrientationEvent/gamma Returns the rotation of the device around the Y axis; that is, the number of degrees, ranged ...
- Web/API/DeviceProximityEvent/max The max property provides the maximum sensing distance the sensor is able to report, in centimeters.
- Web/API/DeviceProximityEvent/min The min property provides the minimum distance the sensor can report, in centimeters.
- Web/API/DeviceProximityEvent/value The value property of DeviceProximityEvent objects provides the current distance between the ...
- Web/API/Document/activeElement Returns the currently focused element, that is, the element that will get keystroke events if ...
- Web/API/Document/alinkColor Returns or sets the color of an active link in the document body. A link is active during the ...
- Web/API/Document/anchors anchors returns a list of all of the anchors in the document.
- Web/API/Document/applets applets returns an ordered list of the applets within a document.
- Web/API/Document/bgColor The deprecated bgColor property gets or sets the background color of the current document.
- Web/API/Document/body Returns the body or frameset node of the current document, or null if no such element exists.
- Web/API/Document/clear This method used to clear the whole specified document in early (pre-1.0) versions of Mozilla.
- Web/API/Document/close The document.close() method finishes writing to a document, opened with
- Web/API/Document/cookie Get and set the cookies associated with the current document. For a general library see this ...
- Web/API/Document/domain Gets/sets the domain portion of the origin of the current document, as used by the same origin ...
- Web/API/Document/elementFromPoint The elementFromPoint() method of the Document interface returns the topmost element at the ...
- Web/API/Document/embeds embeds returns a list of the embedded OBJECTS within the current document.
- Web/API/Document/enableStyleSheetsForSet Enables the style sheets matching the specified name in the current style sheet set, and ...
- Web/API/Document/fgColor fgColor gets/sets the foreground color, or text color, of the current document.
- Web/API/Document/forms forms returns a collection (an HTMLCollection) of the form elements within the current document.
- Web/API/Document/getElementsByName Returns a nodelist collection with a given name in the (X)HTML document.
- Web/API/Document/head Returns the head element of the current document. If there are more than one head elements, the ...
- Web/API/Document/height Returns the height of the document object. In most cases, this is equal to the body element of ...
- Web/API/Document/images document.images returns a collection of the images in the current HTML document.
- Web/API/Document/lastModified Returns a string containing the date and time on which the current document was last modified.
- Web/API/Document/linkColor linkColor gets/sets the color of links within the document.
- Web/API/Document/plugins Returns an HTMLCollection object containing one or more HTMLEmbedElement s or null which ...
- Web/API/Document/referrer Returns the URI of the page that linked to this page.
- Web/API/Document/scripts Returns a list of the script elements in the document. The returned object is an HTMLCollection.
- Web/API/Document/title Gets or sets the title of the document.
- Web/API/Document/vlinkColor Gets/sets the color of links that the user has visited in the document.
- Web/API/DOMStringMap Used by the dataset HTML attribute to represent data for custom attributes added to elements.
- Web/API/Element/clientHeight The Element.clientHeight read-only property is zero for elements with no CSS or inline layout ...
- Web/API/Element/clientLeft The width of the left border of an element in pixels. It includes the width of the vertical ...
- Web/API/Element/clientTop The width of the top border of an element in pixels. It does not include the top margin or ...
- Web/API/Element/clientWidth The Element.clientWidth property is zero for elements with no CSS or inline layout boxes, ...
- Web/API/Element/getClientRects The Element.getClientRects() method returns a collection of rectangles that indicate the ...
- Web/API/Element/scrollLeft The Element.scrollLeft property gets or sets the number of pixels that an element's content is ...
- Web/API/Element/scrollTop The Element.scrollTop property gets or sets the number of pixels that the content of an element ...
- Web/API/Element/scrollWidth The Element.scrollWidth read–only property returns either the width in pixels of the content of ...
- Web/API/EventListener This method is called whenever an event occurs of the type for which the EventListener interface ...
- Web/API/FileReaderSync The FileReaderSync interface allows to read File or Blob objects in a synchronous way.
- Web/API/FileSystemDirectoryEntry The FileSystemDirectoryEntry interface of the File and Directory Entries API represents a ...
- Web/API/Gamepad/axes The Gamepad.axes property of the Gamepad interface returns an array representing the controls ...
- Web/API/Gamepad/buttons The Gamepad.buttons property of the Gamepad interface returns an array of gamepadButton objects ...
- Web/API/Gamepad/connected The Gamepad.connected property of the Gamepad interface returns a boolean indicating whether the ...
- Web/API/Gamepad/id The property of the Gamepad interface returns a string containing some information ...
- Web/API/Gamepad/index The Gamepad.index property of the Gamepad interface returns an integer that is auto-incremented ...
- Web/API/Gamepad/mapping The Gamepad.mapping property of the Gamepad interface returns a string indicating whether the ...
- Web/API/Gamepad/timestamp The Gamepad.timestamp property of the Gamepad interface returns a DOMHighResTimeStamp ...
- Web/API/GamepadButton The GamepadButton interface defines an individual button of a gamepad or other controller, ...
- Web/API/GamepadButton/pressed The GamepadButton.pressed property of the GamepadButton interface returns a boolean indicating ...
- Web/API/GamepadButton/value The GamepadButton.value property of the GamepadButton interface returns a double value used to ...
- Web/API/GlobalEventHandlers/onblur The onblur property returns the onBlur event handler code, if any, that exists on the current ...
- Web/API/GlobalEventHandlers/onkeypress The onkeypress property sets and returns the onKeyPress event handler code for the current element.
- Web/API/HashChangeEvent The hashchange event is fired when the fragment identifier of the URL has changed (the part of ...
- Web/API/HTMLDocument HTMLDocument is an abstract interface of the DOM which provides access to special properties and ...