Articles tagged: CodingScripting
Found 291 documents
- Glossary/Abstraction Abstraction in computer programming is a way to reduce complexity and allow efficient design and ...
- Glossary/Adobe_Flash Flash is an obsolescent technology developed by Adobe that makes possible rich Web apps, vector ...
- Glossary/AJAX AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) is a programming practice of combining HTML, CSS, ...
- Glossary/Algorithm An algorithm is a self-contained series of instructions that perform a function.
- Glossary/API An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of features and rules that exist inside a ...
- Glossary/application_context An application context is a top-level browsing context that has a manifest applied to it.
- Glossary/Argument An argument is a value (primitive or object) passed as input to a function.
- Glossary/array An array is an ordered collection of data (either primitive or object depending upon the ...
- Glossary/Attribute An attribute extends a tag, changing tag behavior or providing metadata. An attribute always has ...
- Glossary/Block/CSS A block on a webpage is an HTML element that appears on a new line, i.e. underneath the ...
- Glossary/Block/Scripting In JavaScript, a block is a collection of related statements enclosed in braces ("{}"). For ...
- Glossary/Boolean In computer science, a boolean is a logical data type that can have only the values true or ...
- Glossary/bounding_box The bounding box of an element is the smallest possible rectangle (aligned with the axes of that ...
- Glossary/Browsing_context A browsing context is the environment in which a browser displays a Document (normally a tab ...
- Glossary/Call_stack A call stack is a mechanism for an interpreter (like the JavaScript interpreter in a web ...
- Glossary/Canvas The HTML canvas element provides an empty graphic zone on which specific JavaScript APIs can ...
- Glossary/Character A character is either a symbol (letters, numbers, punctuation) or non-printing "control" (e.g., ...
- Glossary/Class In object-oriented programming, a class defines an object's characteristics. Class is a template ...
- Glossary/Closure The binding which defines the scope of execution. In JavaScript, functions create a closure context.
- Glossary/Compile Compiling is the process of transforming a computer program in a given programming language into ...
- Glossary/Compile_time The compile time is the time from when the program is first loaded until the program is parsed.
- Glossary/Computer_Programming Computer programming is a bunch of instructions that tell a computer/software program what to do ...
- Glossary/Conditional A condition is a set of rules that can interrupt normal code execution or change it, depending ...
- Glossary/Constant A constant is a value that the programmer cannot change, for example numbers (1, 2, 42). With ...
- Glossary/Constructor A constructor belongs to a particular class object that is instantiated. The constructor ...
- Glossary/Control_flow The control flow is the order in which the computer executes statements in a script.
- Glossary/CSS CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a declarative language that controls how webpages look in the ...
- Glossary/CSS_Selector A CSS selector is the part of the CSS rule that lets you target which element(s) get styled by ...
- Glossary/Data_structure Data structure is a particular way of organizing data so that it can be used efficiently
- Glossary/DHTML DHTM L (Dynamic HTML) refers to the code behind interactive webpages that need no plugins like ...
- Glossary/Doctype !DOCTYPE informs the browser which version of HTML (or XML) you used to write the document. ...
- Glossary/document_environment When the JavaScript global environment is a window or an iframe, it is called a document ...
- Glossary/DOM The DOM (Document Object Model) is an API that represents and interacts with any HTML or XML ...
- Glossary/Dominator In graph theory, node A dominates node B if every path from the root node to B passes through A.
- Glossary/DTD !DOCTYPE informs the browser which version of HTML (or XML) you used to write the document. ...
- Glossary/Dynamic_programming_language A dynamic programming language is a programming language in which operations otherwise done at ...
- Glossary/Dynamic_typing Dynamically-typed languages are those (like JavaScript) where the interpreter assigns variables ...
- Glossary/Element An element is a part of a webpage. In XML and HTML, an element may contain a data item or a ...
- Glossary/Empty_element An empty element is an element from HTML, SVG, or MathML that cannot have any child nodes ...
- Glossary/Encapsulation Encapsulation is the packing of data and functions into one component (for example, a class) and ...
- Glossary/Endianness "Endian" and "endianness" (or "byte-order") describe how computers organize the bytes that make ...
- Glossary/Engine The JavaScript engine is an interpreter that parses and executes a JavaScript program.
- Glossary/Entity An HTML entity is a string that begins with ' &' and ends with ' ;'. Entities can be used to ...
- Glossary/event Events are things generated by DOM elements and can be handled by a Javascript code.
- Glossary/Exception An exception is a condition that interrupts normal code execution. In JavaScript syntax errors ...
- Glossary/Expando Expando properties are properties added to DOM nodes with JavaScript, where those properties are ...
- Glossary/Falsy A falsy value is a value that translates to false when evaluated in a Boolean context.
- Glossary/First-class_Function A programming language is said to have First-class functions when functions in that language are ...
- Glossary/FTP FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the standard network protocol for transferring files from one ...
- Glossary/Function A function is a code snippet that can be called by other code or by itself, or a variable that ...
- Glossary/Garbage_collection Garbage collection is a term used in computer programming to describe the process of finding and ...
- Glossary/GIJ Gaia integration Testing. Marionette- and JavaScript- based. See GIJ.
- Glossary/Global_attribute Global attributes are attributes that can be used on all elements (though sometimes without ...
- Glossary/Global_object A global object is an object that always exists in the global scope.
- Glossary/Global_scope In a programming environment, the global scope is the scope that contains, and is visible in, ...
- Glossary/Global_variable A global variable is a variable that is declared in the global scope in other words, a variable ...
- Glossary/Guard Guard is a feature of Headers objects (as defined in the Fetch spec, which affects whether ...
- Glossary/hash The hash function takes a variable length message input and produces a fixed-length hash output. ...
- Glossary/Head The Head is the part of an HTML document that contains metadata about that document, such as ...
- Glossary/High-level_programming_language A high-level programming language has a significant abstraction from the details of computer ...
- Glossary/Hoisting Hoisting is a term you will not find in the JavaScript docs. Hoisting was thought up as a ...
- Glossary/HTML HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a descriptive language that specifies webpage structure.
- Glossary/HTML5 The latest stable release of HTML, HTML5 takes HTML from a simple markup for structuring a ...
- Glossary/Hyperlink Hyperlinks connect webpages or data items to one another. In HTML, a elements define hyperlinks ...
- Glossary/ICE ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment) is a framework used by WebRTC (among other ...
- Glossary/IDE An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or Interactive Development environment is a software ...
- Glossary/IDL An IDL (Interface Description Language) is a generic language used to specified objects' ...
- Glossary/IIFE IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) is a JavaScript function that runs as soon as it ...
- Glossary/Immutable An immutable object is one whose content cannot be changed. An object can be immutable for ...
- Glossary/IndexedDB IndexedDB is a Web API for storing large data structures within browsers and indexing them for ...
- Glossary/Inheritance Inheritance is a major feature of object-oriented programming. Data abstraction can be carried ...
- Glossary/Instance An object created by a constructor is an instance of that constructor.
- Glossary/Jank Jank refers to sluggishness in a user interface, usually caused by executing long tasks on the ...
- Glossary/Java Java is an object-oriented, class -based, portable computer programming language designed for ...
- Glossary/JavaScript JavaScript (JS) is a programming language mostly used client-side to dynamically script ...
- Glossary/JSON The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a data-interchange format. Although not a strict ...
- Glossary/Local_scope Local scope is a characteristic of variables that makes them local (i.e., the variable name is ...
- Glossary/Local_variable A variable whose name is bound to its value only within a local scope.
- Glossary/loop A loop is a sequence of instructions that is continually repeated until a certain condition is ...
- Glossary/MathML MathML (an XML application) is an open standard for representing mathematical expressions in ...
- Glossary/Metadata Metadata is — in its very simplest definition — data that describes data. For example, an HTML ...
- Glossary/Method A method is a function which is a property of an object. It exist two kind of methods: Instance ...
- Glossary/Middleware Middleware is a (loosly defined) term for any software or service that enables the parts of a ...
- Glossary/Mixin A mixin is a coherent set of methods and properties implemented by other interfaces and classes. ...
- Glossary/modularity The term Modularity refers to the degree to which a system's components may be separated and ...
- Glossary/Mutable Mutable is a type of variable that can be changed. In JavaScript, only objects and arrays are ...
- Glossary/Namespace Namespace is a context for identifiers, a logical grouping of names used in a program. Within ...
- Glossary/NaN NaN (Not a Number) is a numeric data type that means an undefined value or value that cannot be ...
- Glossary/Native A native application has been compiled to run on the hardware/software environment that ...
- Glossary/Node/DOM In the context of the DOM, a node is a single point in the node tree. Various things that are ...
- Glossary/Null In computer science, a null value represents a reference that points, generally intentionally, ...
- Glossary/Number In JavaScript, Number is a numeric data type in the double-precision 64-bit floating point ...
- Glossary/Object Object refers to a data structure containing data and instructions for working with the data. ...
- Glossary/Object_reference A link to an object. Object references can be used exactly like the linked objects.
- Glossary/OOP OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) is an approach in programming in which data is encapsulated ...
- Glossary/OpenGL OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a cross-language, multi-platform application programming ...
- Glossary/Operand An operand is the part of an instruction representing the data manipulated by the operator. For ...
- Glossary/Operator Reserved syntax consisting of punctuation or alphanumeric characters that carrying out built-in ...
- Glossary/PAC A Proxy Auto-Configuration file (PAC file) is a file which contains a function, ...
- Glossary/Parameter A parameter is a named variable passed into a function. Parameter variables are used to import ...